Considering trump demeanor it might be true but Mary does not get along with him so the book might be exaggerated
Considering trump demeanor it might be true but Mary does not get along with him so the book might be exaggerated
😱 5🌟
Bloody hell!!! I listened to this amazing piece of analysis from Trump's only niece. She has the perfect ringsize seat to unpick all the damaging seams of this incredibly dysfunctional family. Not only as a direct witness but also a clinical psychologist, gives her the insight to provide a clarifying portrayal of Donald Trump.
What a family!!!
Split between my disgust of this man and curiosity. Election is in 8 days, so figured this was the best time to dig in…it‘s been on my TBR shelf for quite some time.
Mary L. Trump leaves no doubt that Fred Trump Sr. was a cruel sociopath, more than capable of creating a monster. One thing I hadn‘t been aware of (or remembered?) was just how incredibly much money he was funneling to his favorite son. 🤯
Quick read that provides an in-depth analysis of the emotional damage that was inflicted upon the Trump siblings by their father, Fred—as told by Mary Trump, who is a psychologist. While I‘m still revolted by Donald Trump, it‘s interesting to see how and why he became a sociopathic narcissistic git capable of manipulating his followers. Does that knowledge make any of the past 8 years easier to swallow? No. No, it does not. 🤬
This was a bit of a blind side for me, didn't really know what to expect.
Definitely interesting, although I can't say for certain at this time if I enjoyed the book or not.
It was interesting, but still debating if I like it or not.
Very soothing to finally have words to put my stress into context.
This was a very interesting book. It goes a long way toward explaining why Donald Trump behaves as he does. Written by his niece Mary, it‘s an inside look at the dysfunctional family of Fred and Mary Trump. Donald learned from watching his father tear down oldest son Freddy because Freddy wanted his own life and career. After Freddy failed to please his father, Donald became the golden child. Very well-written, a fast read. Five stars.
I‘m just barely able to deal with hearing anything about this horrible man, but I decided I could try this book out now. Donald is a chip off the old block of his horrible father, Fred. Two despicable individuals with absolutely no feelings for anyone inside or outside of their family. About halfway through and it‘s difficult to hear how Mary‘s father was treated by his own father and brother. They broke him.
I would recommend people to read this book.Its not just about a man with a deluded sense of grandiose,"the best deal maker".Its about how he came to be this person,who were his enablers and who actually benefitted from him.
Reading it will infuriate you,anger you for obvious reasons but it is an engaging read,a first hand account from someone in the inner circle so to speak.Most harrowing is the story of the writers father,it will break your heart
If Mary Trump is speaking the truth in this book 📖, I have to say Donald Trump is a product of his environment and came from a very dysfunctional family. The author at times come across very angry on how her parents were treated by the whole Trump family and for her Aunts and Uncles money was all they cared about and what people can do for them without them having to do a thing
This book is sooooo infuriating!!! I am only halfway through and had to stop the audio book several times to give a sigh of exasperation. I wonder how difficult it was for the writer to write it!!!
It is no surprise that Trump came from a highly dysfunctional family and doesn‘t know anything other than dysfunction...
This isn't about Trump; I'm 43% through it and Mary has been speaking mostly about her father and her grandfather. I think it's about holding her family to task for what happened to Freddy more than anything, and Donald, this disgusting little man is just a means through which her fathers story is told. It's about ending the myth that her grandfather wanted to create and ensuring her father wouldn't be remembered badly. #scribd #audiobook
This is a fairly ordinary biography spanning 3-generations but written under extraordinary circumstances. Since the author has degrees in pyschology and trauma, I was expecting more psycho-analysis. Still interesting, not as clinical as I had anticipated.
Of the many Trump tell-alls, this is a good choice if you're reading only one. It avoids political cattiness and goes deeper into history - familial and regional. (continued...) #dw2020reads
Day 3 of #12booksof2020 I probably wasn‘t going to read this because of its content but I‘m glad it did as it made me even more aware of his character
The Trump family in this book seem to rival Ancient Rome when it comes to ruthlessness within ones own family. It was an interesting read, but I didn‘t feel as if I knew any more about DT than before I read it. 3⭐️
@Clwojick #TBRReads #MerryReaders
@TheSpineView #ReadYourWay
36 points (book, post, & 2 hours of reading)
This was really fascinating. I wasn‘t entirely sure what to expect, having seen some interviews with Mary and hearing some of the anecdotes. I personally found learning about the dynamics of his parents and how that influenced the family as a whole, including his deeply irrational behavior, very interesting. It‘s especially interesting in the current context of his inability to accept reality.
“Through his growing experience with building many houses“ I could say that I did imagen some someone growing up while helping build different house that could of done helping develop a skill.
So.... I am not a fan of outgoing US President Trump, never have been, never will be. Considering this is written by a family member I thought it might provide some insight. I only read the first three chapters but so far it is just his niece (the author) trying to diagnose him with all manner of psychological issues - dont get me wrong I agree with some but so far this reads like a disgruntled family member airing dirty laundry - not for me.
This was a good read. I had to finish this, I started a while back. Still staying away from election news for now. This was my current events reading for the day.
Good read. Understand now what makes POTUS #45 tick. Author goes into siblings' childhood and parental influence.
non fiction: the information that was already familiar to me was probably that i assumed that the trump family would have big family meetings from time to time.
A three star, interesting read. I admire Mary. I finished it on a Sunday that my hometown newspaper, the Spokane Spokesman-Review started an editorial endorsing Trump with the words “He is a bully and a bigot.“ But, vote for him anyway. My ex-husband was a reporter at this paper. One of the offices was bombed by white supremacists. It's a conservative paper, but I'm still stunned they would endorse Trump.
I mean this is a lot. The author clearly has her own agenda and axe to grind and it needs to be read through that Lens but that said it‘s still a fascinating and somewhat terrifying look at the inner workings of the family of the 45th President of the United States.
For the Trump family, it was always about money and power. It‘s easy to see how quickly Trump became the monster that we see today.💰
I think if I were Mary, I‘d get my name changed. Also when I was reading this, whenever I laid the book down I turned it over because I can‘t stand the sight of him🤢🤮
Donald requires devision. It is the only way he knows how to survive—my grandfather ensured that decades ago when he turned his children against each other. He withdraws to his comfort zones—Twitter, Fox News—casting blame from afar, protected by a figurative or literal bunker. He rants about the weakness of others even as he demonstrates his own. But he can never escape the fact that he is and always will be a terrified little boy.
The simple fact is that Donald is fundamentally incapable of acknowledging the suffering of others. For him, there is no value in empathy, no tangible upside to caring for other people.
Look at his face. His body language. See anything missing?
Donald takes any rebuke as a challenge and doubles down on the behavior that drew fire in the first place, as if the criticism is permission to do worse.#
We the peoplx have more power than he does when we stand up and fight back.
For Donald, the cruelty is the point. For Fred, that was entirely true. One of the few pleasures my grandfather had, aside from making money, was humiliating others.
Although more powerful people put Donald into the institutions that have shielded him since the very beginning, it‘s people weaker than he is who are keeping him there.
Donald today is much as he was at 3 years old: incapable of growing, learning, or evolving, unable to regulate his emotions, moderate his responses, or take in and synthesize information. His need for affirmation is so great, he doesn‘t seem to notice the largest group of his supporters are people he wouldn‘t condescend to be seen with outside of a rally. Nothing is ever enough.
If your only currency is money, that‘s the only lens through which you determine worth.
We the peoplx are worth nothing to him. We are mere collateral damage and if we stand up to him, we must be silenced by whatever ends. WE DISSENT.
“Hi, Grandpa. How are you?” He looked at me and reached for his wallet, so thick with bills I was constantly surprised that it fit in his pocket. He carried a walket-sized photograph of a half-naked woman in his billfold, and for a second I was worried that he planned to show it to me, as he had when I was twelve.
Twelve! What a fucking predator. Hey QAnon, guess who the real pedofile is? I‘ll wait.
As formal as Mar-a-Lago was in some ways, it was also much more casual than our usual family gathering places, so I felt comfortable wearing a bathing suit and a pair of shorts to lunch. Donald, wearing golf clothes, looked up at me as I approached as if he‘d never seen me before. “Holy shit, Mary. You‘re stacked.” I was 29; not easily embarrassed, but my face reddened, I suddenly felt self-conscious and pulled my towel around my shoulders.
Sociopathy is not rare, afflicting as much as 3% of the population. 75% of those diagnosed are men. Symptoms of sociopathy include a lack of empathy, a facility for lying, an indifference to right and wrong, abusive behavior, and a lack of interest in the rights of others.
⬆️Trump. And the anti-choice crowd that claims they‘re about ‘life‘.
Brace yourselves, I‘m going in...
non- fiction - How is the book/text you read today structured? Why do you think the author choose to do it that way?
this book has a way to structure things up by spitting facts about why the problem was made. I think that the author choose to to write this book like this so you would know exactly how the problem was made
Finished this one today. 6pts Also fulfilled a prompt for #anunfortunatereadathon- time read: 5hrs =50 pts. Total pts. 56pts. #teamslaughter #scarathlon @Clwojick 🎃📚
I think that the person i connected with was the family since they have large meetings because when i was in my country, with my family, we would always have dinner together and almost everyone was there. The second thing I connect to is, that there is this one character that is always motivated and I think that, he connects to my uncle a lot since he is very active and motivated.
Read this all day yesterday then watched that horrendous debate. ??
Just whyyyy ?
I don't normally listen to these "Trump is terrible" books because ummm ? I definitely already know that by now. But I chose to do this one because it was written by his niece, who happens to have a degree in psychology. His upbringing and family background did explain some of the behaviors we've witnessed. Now I'm ready to think about a new leader.??