A perfect evening
A perfect evening
I just started this book. I mean, page 8 started. And the language is so rich I am addicted. This is the first one of hers I have picked up but I know it won‘t be my last
I have been working on this book for a little while now, since I typically tend to read 4-5 books at a time. But I am loving this story of a couple in Vermont who went off grid and made a life for themselves.
I just finished this last night and it was so good. We are in the process of growing our small homestead and growing our own food and every time I sat down and read a chapter, I was more and more inspired to keep at it. We love what we do and why we do it.
“This wasn‘t New Age thinking. It wasn‘t fringe or alternative. It wasn‘t left wing or right wing, and it certainly wasn‘t a temporary fad. It was the way we were, on our terms, successfully growing food. Lots of food.”
Loving every minute of this book. Sums up why we do what we do here
I have been off the grid around here for months. Been so busy it‘s hard to keep up. Started this tonight and my groggy, sluggish brain is already rebelling. It has been way too long since I dove into something non-fiction that wasn‘t about homesteading.
At over 600 pages, it took me a while to finish this but it was so good. As the wrap up novel in the trilogy, it still feels like there is so much story there. It wasn't incomplete, I just wanted to keep reading about these characters and this world.
It was a little slow to start for me, but once I got into it, I had a hard time putting this book down. Another good murder mystery from Huber.
I think this one is the best Sebastian St Cyr novel yet. I have enjoyed them all but this bad boy gave me chills. Creepy bad guys, quick pace, surprises galore and a bad a** hero. Love these books!
Oh my goodness. As I was nearing the end all I could think was how happy I was to have the next one ordered and here. She is so good. If you haven't started this series, start it. You won't regret it.
Oh wow. This was a long one to cut my teeth on but damn it was worth every page, every sentence, every word. I just wish I had discovered Gaiman earlier.
When you can use fuck and perspicacity in the same page, you are a true master of the language. Now I'm just trying to figure out how it took me so long to read Gaiman.
As strange as it may sound I am a big fan of gardening history, but most particularly of the history of Victory Gardens, from wartime when the governments of the US and England, among others encouraged their citizens to grow food and raise backyard chickens in an effort to help the boys abroad. My husband got me this cute little book for Christmas and I can't wait to dig in.
I feel like this took me forever to read and by the end I was skipping stuff. I enjoyed it but it's not my favorite of his. A good read but a slow one for me.
Damn. Bardugo never fails to impress and this book is no exception. She is a master at suspense and cliff hangers; there were multiple times I gasped out loud. And I finished this tonight at work, so now my coworkers are concerned because I'm teary-eyed. I just hope she does more in this world. I want to know where everybody is and what they're up to.
Two days and it was done. Good sci fi thriller, if that's a genre. I'm pretty excited to read the next one in the series.
I should be asleep since I have so much to do but.....
While I love my modern creature comforts too much to be a working class woman in the Victorian time period, it is my favorite for detective novels. The beginnings of forensics and dedicated detectives, the speed with which science and technology advanced, and polite society all mix together in Finch's novels to draw the reader in. Once there, you won't want to leave, even when Lenox solves the mystery and the book draws to a close.
Even if everyone only grew cilantro and rosemary in their windows, it would reduce the oil use of food consumption.
Since well before we started growing our own food, waste has been front and center as an issue we care deeply about. I'm in the very first pages of this book which is the section on "holy crap!! Seriously?"
I loved the Grisha trilogy and it took me way too long to read this. I devoured it and all I can say is I am so happy I know how she does things and ordered Crooked Kingdom before I ever got close to finishing this. I love these books. I love this world. And I love these characters, flaws and all.
The only break I've taken from this book tonight was to watch our very first chick hatch on our farm. Meet Olive.
I definitely am an enabler- instead of working, I encouraged my hubby to play his new video game so I can read guilt free. 😈
My BookShout app has a ton of Neil Gaiman for free. I may have just downloaded all of the books on my TBR by him. 😶
Not bad. I really didn't like Frida. But as far as end of the world as we know it books go, this was a decent one. The flow was good.
I have been seriously bummed that I can't read more lately. I have had extra classes at work and we are building a duck yard and trying to fix up the chicken coop. The fall garden needs some love too. And by the time I sit down to read, I just fall asleep with a cup of coffee in hand and a book in the other. Soon. Winter will be here.
I just stumbled across the BookShout app and downloaded this book for free. Anyone have any experience with the app? Good/bad?
I waited forever (it felt like) to get my paperback copy of this. For a long time I didn't think it would be anything but an e-book. The first one in the trilogy was. And I don't mind an e-book, but I am an old soul. I like the other sensations that go along with a physical book- the feel of the pages, the smell of the paper, cover art. So I waited for this to come out in paperback. End of days dystopia. My cup of tea.
I love food. I love to cook. I love to eat. I love that we raise and grow so much of our own food. And I loooooove Hannibal. The visual sensuality of the show, but especially the cooking scenes, make you not even care that the exquisite looking dishes were people. The original recipes that use beef, pork and duck so beautifully make your mouth water. And of course I had to preorder the cookbook. Now they moved back the release date. 😞
I think I took on too much at once because it took me a minute to get into this one. But when I did I couldn't put it down. This was another recommend from you amazing folks at #Litsy and you never disappoint. The way Morgenstern brought all the threads together for the finish was so well executed. The characters were complex and the imagery was rich. What more you could ask for really?
When you hit that part of the book where you don't want to stop reading, even when you're falling asleep sitting up. #bookwormproblems
I got some amazing book mail today. Chelsea Green publishers was having a huge sale a couple weeks ago and I couldn't help myself. So I got $183 worth of books for around $18 plus shipping. I will be spending some serious time in the kitchen this week.
Guess what's coming in the mail tomorrow?? I'm so excited!!
I have trusted you folks on Litsy for some new picks outside my norm, and you have never failed me. This is the first of hers that I have read and I loved it. Good story line, great characters and a fast pace. I really enjoyed this book and I'm even going to let a friend borrow it, which is also outside my norm.
Battling a wicked headache while trying to finish this up. I'm at the final (probably) fight scene and I really want to put this on my read shelf tonight. Maybe another cup of coffee will help.
After a really, really (really) rough weekend at work, coming home to book mail is the best! I haven't read any Schwab yet (for shame, I know). But I'm excited to start this.
We are trying to turn our lawn back into something that requires less mowing.
Gardening with chickens, while sounding like a good idea, will inevitably deliver a similar frustration when they eat an almost ripe tomato and snap off a bean plant chasing bugs.
Wow. Just wow. This is the first of his that I have read and again, wow. The language is beautiful. And the creepy factor is very real. Lindqvist is an artist. This book made me so uncomfortable frequently. But it was so worth it. I'm having a hard time typing real sentences.
The murderous teenager teaches us all a little something about life.
137 pages in and I don't like anybody. Is it wrong to be hoping for a fictional characters death? Maybe a fiery one? 🤔. Let me clarify- I am really enjoying the book.
Having a decent idea how this is going to go for the man who found the baby in the woods, I have to say it couldn't happen to a more deserving person. And I'm only 19 pages in.
I really liked the multiple view points for the story telling. It added to the suspense and the flow. Just when you thought a major conflict was about to be resolved, another place, another character and another situation. If not done well, it could lead to frustration in the reader, but Johnston handled it amazingly. The pace was fast and before I knew it I had read 100 pages. Chilling and truly suspenseful.
Just a little bit more to go and my eyes keep closing. Stupid job that I keep having to go to. Makes me too tired to read. 😒
Just a little bit more to go and my eyes keep closing. Stupid job that I keep having to go to. Makes me too tired to read. 😒 #workisforthebirds