I was lucky enough to get an early copy and AGH it was so good! I did not know whodunnit. Crossing my fingers for the movie 🙏
I was lucky enough to get an early copy and AGH it was so good! I did not know whodunnit. Crossing my fingers for the movie 🙏
Ugh I couldn‘t not. It‘s ridiculous and inexplicably entertaining
This one was a lot of fun. Very atmospheric, some memorable characters, an intriguing premise. The comps are pretty spot-on, though it‘s not as epic as the Raven Boys and the characters could all do with some more development. I also wanted more sexual tension, but I guess that‘s being saved for book 2, which I will definitely read at some point. 7/10 ⭐️
This started out great then kind of fizzled. I loved the main character, her family, the breakdancing, & Ocean. The racism throughout the story was far too believable. But then the story slowed, and at the same time, big events were glossed over, told in summary rather than in scene. The insta-love was a little TOO insta, I didn‘t totally buy the chemistry between them. It felt like it could have done with a few more drafts, maybe. 6/10 ⭐️
SO GREAT. I was expecting cute escapist romance and I got that but SO MUCH MORE. I want to live in this world. I want to be friends with these people. I love the characters and the prose and gah this is so lovely I just 😭😭😭
10/10 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Eh. This was all right. It just felt a little ... surface-level? None of the characters were deep enough, I wasn‘t a huge fan of the world (what is with the occasional random gruesome gore?) and the monster was not scary. I really want to love a Holly Black book as so many people do but I felt about this the way I did about Coldtown: just ok. 3/10 ⭐️
This was AMAZING. Believe the hype. ALL THE STARS ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
These books are so good. I don‘t understand how Schwab creates characters who are so despicable, and yet you‘re on all their sides, even the worst ones. I‘m so sad to be leaving this world behind (unless there‘s another book? someday?) Allll the stars 😍
I‘m a big fan of epically poor decision-making, love triangles, and childhood friends to lovers, so this book was tailor-made for me. I flew through it and immediately ordered the sequel. I love the addressing of double standards when it comes to slut-shaming, I love how the ending doesn‘t tie up neatly in a bow. I wish we‘d gotten more resolution to the protagonist‘s horrible mother storyline but that‘s really the only complaint I have. 8/10⭐️
THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN SPECIFICALLY FOR ME. I loved Eliza, I loved her insecurity and her anxiety, I loved her art, I loved her family, I loved what this book has to say about fandoms and creators and self-worth. It took an unexpected dark turn toward the end I didn‘t feel was wholly earned, but it could not hamper my love for this beautiful book. 9/10⭐️
I feel like this book was written specifically for me 😭
This is soooo good so far!
This was lovely. The main character was super sympathetic, I loved the real and heartbreaking family dynamics, I loved her friendships, in particularly Axel. The art interest was well done though the color descriptions got a little conspicuous after a while. The descriptions of Taiwan were beautiful. The magical realism was a bit too much, and the middle lacked tension, which is why it took me so long to read. But overall a beautiful story. 7/10⭐️
Also this book is lovely
Beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, made me laugh, made me cry. I love this author so much 😭
This book is SO GOOD that is all
I really liked this book. I love Oliver‘s writing, as always, so lyrical and evocative. I love outcasts, though I wish their voices had been a little more different from one another. The small town setting is perfectly drawn. The ending I did not see coming at all, though it was a bit anticlimactic. And I definitely could have done without the animal abuse ☹️ 8/10 ⭐️
I feel like this book is a puzzle that I‘m failing to put together as I go along because I‘m too dense or sleep-deprived or something. But I have no idea what‘s going on, which is fun
So good! This author is a master at creating stories that suck you right in. The characters were all realistic and easy to get along with, the dual POV was perfect for the story, the twists and turns kept coming, and even though I actually guessed the ending about halfway through the book it was still surprising the way it all went down. So much fun, I only wish it were longer! 8/10⭐️
I WAS RIGHT about the killer and about THAT OTHER THING I feel SO SO SMART just call me Sherlock 🕵️♀️
Super cute ending to the series. These books are so compelling, I read this one, as I did the others, in a day. I enjoyed the epically poor decisions these characters made, so realistic for college-age teenagers. I wasn't super thrilled with how one of the relationships we see a lot of, while the other happens so much off the page, making it hard to know why she picked one over the other. And the ending was too neatly tied in a bow. 7/10 ⭐️
The writing was lovely, but I can‘t actually say I *liked* this book. I couldn‘t get a handle on any of the characters, including the protagonist, the mystery seemed obvious and at the same time the ending was very confusing, and there was just an overall lack of tension. It left me confused and sad and weirded out. So I won‘t say it was *bad*, it was just definitely not for me. On to something more substantial. 3/10 ⭐️
The fact that it‘s taking me over a week to read a short novel is not good. The writing is lovely but I don‘t like any of the characters and don‘t really know what‘s going on and don‘t actually care that much. I‘ll finish it because pretty writing and I‘m halfway through, but really looking forward to this one being over so I can read something more enjoyable.
These books are so cute and the angst is so real. I feel 16 again when I read them.
I may be done with these books. This was 900 pages long—and could have been done (and done better!) in 300. The first 350 pages were boring conversations—THEN there was some awesome and it got real good!—then the last 300 pages were more boring conversations. WAY too many POV characters, not enough tension, so much irrelevant detail. I wish someone would start editing these books again. 4/10 ⭐️
Page 756: OH SHIT didn‘t see that coming! 😱
Edit: Oh. Cop-out 😐
Page: 499: Ok HERE is the book I wanted! SO GOOD
This story should have started around page 350. So much unnecessary slog in the beginning, why?!
Circa page 400, this book is finally picking up!
Bit of a slow start but then yes, here we go, the faerie threesome I never knew I needed 😍
All stories instantly get better when Jem shows up. I love him so 😍
Me: I‘m behind on my reading challenge 😩
Also me: For my next book I will choose this 900-page fantasy 🙃
So good! It did feel like a lot of setup for the following book, where I expect things are really going to go insane, and I wasn‘t super invested in Nina‘s storyline, as much as it pains me to say it. But Nikolai and Zoya were just perfect, and though partway through I guessed the book might end the way it does, it was thrilling nonetheless. I want the next book now! 8/10 ⭐️
Yesssss I‘ve been looking forward to this one and it‘s SO PRETTY
Way too many details, no story structure or plot, just one thing happening after another. And yet...I still love these characters and this setting. The epicness of this series has me hooked. I will read the next one but I need a loooong break first with some shorter reads in between. 8/10 ⭐️