I finished this awhile ago... it was ok. All of the characters, and especially Roar, were fairly unforgettable to me. I doubt I will continue the series.
I finished this awhile ago... it was ok. All of the characters, and especially Roar, were fairly unforgettable to me. I doubt I will continue the series.
Yup, can't put it down! This one's a real page turner, as those literary folk say.
Not my typical genre, but I heard such good things about this book. And guess what... I'm loving it so far!! It pays to expand your horizons, I suppose!
Thank you, @FantasyChick !!! I love it all, and the book looks so fun!!! And I've never had a shawl scarf!!! #letsgetcozy
Ok so since it hadn't even cleared customs yet 😡 @TheKidUpstairs you were my match!!! I'm sorry in my delay in shipping and the slow service of the postal system. I doubt it will make it there by the 22nd, as it apparently spent a few days in Anchorage and San Francisco, so it's getting a little vacation on the way 😐
This pneumonia is really kicking my butt. This has basically been my life for two weeks (not pictured: tissues, Vicks vaporub, essential oils, breathing machine)
I live in a region where teen suicide is an epidemic. I've known so many people who have committed suicide, and we are always left with the question, "WHY?" This book was an interesting take from the perspective of the surviving best friend, and Cody's anger really resonated. A tough read, it dredged up a lot of feelings, but I'm glad that I powered through.
So I'm a horrible person and I'm just sending out my #letsgetcozy box today.... and it's going to canada 😐 I really hope it makes it there by the 22nd! I've had the items for a month, just totally forgot to box it up... I still haven't received one, so I totally spaced that the time to open was coming up so quickly!!! 😫😔 @cobwebmoth
This book just slayed me. Read it in a day. A school shooting written from 4 perspectives, all with a different connection to the shooter.
Started the last book today! And drinking some lavender honey tea rather than my usual coffee, since I think this month is finally catching up to me and I'm feeling a bit peakish. Almost wish I got this on audio instead! 💜✌🏽
Finally finished! It took me awhile, not from disinterest, but from being extremely busy and not having nearly as much time as I would like to read. Excited to start the fourth book though!
I should have known simply from the title that this was not going to be the book for me. But, with all the stellar reviews on Goodreads and bokstagram, I picked it up as an impulse buy on a trip down to Anchorage a few years back. It was a fluffy read, but TOO fluffy. The characters had no depth. Every single one of them had some "fatal flaw" and the protagonist, Belly (yes, her name is Belly) was utterly unrelatable. Sad to give one star.
Ugh. I've had this book on my shelf for ages, and after a bunch of heavy reads about suicide and mental health, I figured a fluffy YA summer romance would be perf! Unfortunately, I can't stand ANY of these characters. If I wasn't 180 pages in, I'd bail.
Ugh. I can't pick or pan this. I respect Megyn Kelly for the work she has done to get to where she is. But I wish she didn't treat the word "feminist" like a curse, and everytime she does something vaguely impressive and/or progressive, feel the need to back pedal and throw in a fake sounding "it's thanks to God and my family" line. No. You are a hard working, intelligent, successful woman AND THATS OK!
I don't know much about schizophrenia, but since the narrator was always questioning of what she was seeing was real, I honestly didn't know up until the last page what was real and what wasn't. Sounds like it could be annoying, but really, it made for an intriguing read that I couldn't put down!
Almost 6 hours in, and she only just now uttered the phrase "mainstream media" ?Megyn Kelly... you are an intelligent, strong woman. Stop back-pedaling every time you do something progressive or vaguely *gasp* feminist! Own it!
My friends and family have always just said I "wasn't good at peopling." As in, I don't understand people and social situations well. Turns out it's a real thing. Go me!
Hey littens! So, I ended up with one AWESOME #litsypenpal @litmuggle but my other never came through. And letter writing is my favoritest thing, other than reading, in the world! So, if you didn't get a #penpal and might want one, or want to correspond with another, let me know! My email is erinstephens83@gmail.com:-)
Reading a book about schizophrenia, to feel less crazy myself? Who does that? Also. Beautiful cover. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthday
I really enjoyed this, and devoured it in a day. It combines all of my favorite genres: post-apocalyptic, dystopian YA loooove.
I'm loving this book so far, and I'm eating my waffle with my hand because I'm a SAVAGE.
Interesting take on PTSD and community involvement. He relied heavily on statistics from varied sources, which I appreciate. Also, the chapters about how wealth and happiness actually have a negative correlation were really eye opening. I recommend this a short, factual read.
Didn't quite make it to 24 hours, because I had a delightful lie-in this morning, which I totally didn't anticipate, but apparently, my body needed. Even though I didn't get to 24, I still read lots of great books this weekend, and had a blast! Can't wait til the next one :-) @24in48 #24in48 #readathon #agreatwaytospendaweekend
This is my new favorite book. No joke. It has been a long time since I've read a book with s protagonist that I so closely related to. Harper's drive to the extreme? I get you. I felt lost and moved to the Arctic. She went to Antarctica. Ballet crushing your soul because the genetic gods were cruel? I'm there. Harper Scott... you are me. I am you. Please don't put on 70 lbs though when you're done with dancing though. Learn from this gal.
I know I live in a remote village above the Arctic circle BUT.... I want to go to Antarctica SO BADLY!!!!
Switching up with a new audiobook for #24in48. It will apparently delve into PTSD in soldier returning from war zones, however, his insights on mental illness and material wealth are really interesting and truly eye-opening this far. #PTSD #Suicide #moneydoesntequalhappiness
This quote really resonated today, and not only because 15 years ago I learned that ballet didn't love me nearly as much as I loved it 😂😝
9.5 hours into #24in48 and I'm loving this read about two of my favorite things: Ballet and Antarctica! Also, I never drink soda, but the one time I want to splurge, our 3 little stores in my village are almost completely out. Chicka-cherry cola it is! Happy reading to all!
YAYYYYY! A letter from my awesome #Litsypenpal, the wonderful @litmuggle !!! What a wonderful surprise during my #24in48 break! And those bookmarks! Swoon!!!! ❤️
SO GOOD. And so bummed I am now at the mercy of the weather and airplanes and the postal service for the third book to arrive. Hopefully this week. RONAN!
#24in48 selfie! Got my Pride and Prejudice "obstinate, headstrong girl" shirt on :-)
Had to air up my tire, but I'm doing ok with the #24in48 so far! Alternating between reading The Dream Thieves and listening to Roar. The dogs are being super lazy, so I think I'll be going to bed earlier than I planned. Oh well!
Kicking off #24in48 #readathon! Whooooo!!! (Listening to "Anatomy of a Misfit" while I make some noodles and update this feed ?) Good luck to all!!!
My stack of potentials for the #24in48 #readathon! Current reads in front, candles at the ready! Let's do this.
Reading books, writing letters, burning candles. Add in some knitting, coffee and doggo cuddles and you've got my BEST NIGHT EVER! 😁🌈🦄
I KNOW to most of you this isn't going to be a huge revelation but... borrowing audiobooks from the library! OH MAH GAAAAH. Yes, I'm using my mom's library card from New Hampshire since we don't have an actual library where I live... but this is the most exciting thing to happen since ACOWAR came out :-)
Another slayer. But a really realistic portrait of recovering from the suicide of a love one. I can't write anymore right now.
Just started this today on audio. I reaaaaaally hope it gets better. I'm on the second chapter, and so far, it reminds me of a harlequin romance. Which, not judging, but is not my cup of tea. This was my last audible credit, so I have no choice but to power through... but puh-leeeeease get better!
I listened to this book, and it made me both laugh out loud and sob violently, with extreme sadness at points, and sheer pride at others. It is a rare book that can achieve this, especially a memoir. I've read some reviews that said this book was basically a laundry list of Jones' sexual history, but I didn't interpret it like that. He was trying to express the liberation he felt in the gay community, before the AIDS pandemic.
I should totally be working right now... but I am incapable of putting this book down for longer than 20 minutes!!!
Saturday morning activities: woke up with a flat tire (thanks village hooligans!) but it's all going to be ok because I have my books, friends to write to, candlelight, Harry Potter, my mutts and I am still breathing. Hope all you littens have a delightful weekend also! (Mug and bookmark by the wonderfully talented @DrawnToThePages check out her Etsy shop! It's my favorite!!! 😁)
So excited for this!!! Cozy could be my middle name, I'm obsessed with hygge and coziness! So this swap should be fun!! #letsgetcozy @cobwebmoth
Starting this one tonight. Hope it's not too depressing.
It was offensive and hilarious and held nothing back. This was written in 2000 though, I would be interested in reading an updated version of her world view, for sure.
Back to work today, and reading two books that are really quite different. I can't imagine reading two books more different simultaneously, unless I was reading Lea DeLaria's book and "The Art of the Deal," possibly. Ick. But I am enjoying both so far, Lea is hilariously frank, and "Belzhar" feels like I'm reading on eggshells so far. Tantalizingly, interesting eggshells.
It's times like this that I regret living 536 miles by air away from the nearest book store. Finished this, and now I must wait for the postal service to deliver me the rest of the series. BUT I WANT IT NOW!
Halfway through this wonderful audiobook. I think I'm going to watch the movie Milk today, because the homosexual revolution in San Francisco of the 70s and 80s is now at the forefront of my brain. Sorry, Harry Potter, you'll be back on my recuperation marathoning schedule as soon as I finish :-)
#asidefrombooks Favorite hobby: writing letters, knitting, dog walks
Favorite drink: Cucumber soda
Favorite food: dill pickles
Favorite color: Turquoise
Favorite city: London
Where my dream house would be: I already have it, my little cottage in Kotzebue, Alaska!
Favorite accessory: headbands
Favorite show: Parks and Rec/ Gilmore Girls
Last movie watched in theaters: Beauty and the Beast
Currently reading: The Raven Boys and When We Rise