Totally loving my new Loch Ness Monster bookmark my oldest gave me for Christmas. 💓📚
Totally loving my new Loch Ness Monster bookmark my oldest gave me for Christmas. 💓📚
Stopped by the library to pick up a book my daughter had on hold, and ended up being distracted by the NEW ARRIVALS shelf. Ended up grabbing these two to dive into. I'd be lying if I didn't say I picked the Ovid purely because of this stupid, amazing, beautiful Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition cover! (And the blurb for the other one sounded way too trippy to pass up.)
Pippin‘s looking at me like I‘m Actaeon. #pippin #dogsoflitsy
I'm still obsessed with the trojan war. I'm slowly making my way through this to get to there! Metamorphoses is pretty good though and some of these myths are new to me!
For some reason I've also decided to lowkey crush on Antilochus; would any happen to know of any media or books that feature him?
I was surprised how approachable this narrative poem was and I loved it! My copy was translated closer to Ovid‘s dactylic hexameter instead of iambic pent. I was around 10 when I was first introduced to myths and I remember being on a big mythology kick. A lot of these stories were revived from my memory as I read them and others were new and surprising. Happy I‘ve finally read this classic that carries over to other lit and contemporary films.
Finally getting a chance to reread one of my favorite classics 🖤
There were more than 6 metamorphoses in this classic, but they fell into broad groups. People turned into: water, trees, flowers, rocks, gods/stars, mammals (usually cattle.) Women being chased by would-be rapists leaned towards the tree and water; men towards flowers and gods. Ovid has a different take on characters than Homer & some other sources, and continues through Augustus. Knowing both the Greek & Roman names would help you 👇🏻
“Now he is ash, and little if anything remains of Achilles, once so mighty, now hardly enough to fill an urn.”
The last several dozen pages have been nothing but killing. I‘m kind of glad to see the end of at least one warrior.
“Then two brothers fell at the hands of Phineus. They were Broteas and Ammon, the famous boxers, who would have been able to overcome anything, if boxing gloves were able to overcome swords.”
One of the major works oboists learn is Benjamin Britten‘s Six Metamorphoses After Ovid. The movements are Pan, Phaeton, Niobe, Bacchus, Narcissus, & Arethusa. Since learning it in the mid 80s I‘ve thought I should read the book, but never got around to it. Until now. So far none of the 6 have appeared. Here‘s a link if you want to hear the piece. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ywSnArfKxmk
Ovid and I are finally finished with each other - between this and Silence of the Girls I feel like I‘ve been vacationing in Ancient Greece 😍 (and a little bit of Rome, yes Ovid, we see you sucking up to Augustus there at the end 😂)
If you like Greek mythology this is actually not a hard read. Although it‘s an epic poem, it was easy to follow and the adventures and tragedies had recognisable beginnings, middles and ends. ⬇️
Halfway through this chunkster - although as it‘s an epic poem the book size is deceiving - there‘s not as many words per page as a novel. You‘ve done me a favour Ovid, I appreciate how quickly and simply you tell each myth, but my lord there is a lot of rape and violence in Greek mythology. 😬 Still I‘m hoping I‘ll remember more of my minor gods and goddesses after this 🤞
The Metamorphoses of Ovid are all about #transformation as the quote on the cover attests. #catchingup #150PnPCoverParty @CrowCAH @LeahBergen
Thought I would share my battered copy of Ovid's Metamorphoses, it has colour coded tabs in it for easy access to the bits I need for my masters thesis. 📖 I am only kind of okay with breaking the spines and writing in etc. in school/uni books, is that odd?? #Ovid #Classics #Masters #Metamorphoses #Chaos #Rome
3.5/5 star I really loved it! But I feel like it's not entirely as amazing as others. The whole book is just full of Magic and charm and mischievous gods and some parts I loved much more than others. Overall, I think way more people should read this! #ovid #epicreads #booklover #bookblogger #bibliophile #bookstagram #classicist #classics #metamorphoses #met_createchange
Bedtime reading consists of Ovid and The Secret History. 🌻 What're you reading right now? #ovid #donnatartt #classicist #epicreads #booklover #bookblogger #bibliophile #books #metamorphoses
1 ⭐. I would have bailed on this one if it hadn't been letter O for #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia
I'm reading and studying Ovid's Metamorphoses alongside reading The Clocks with @BookishBrooklyn 💁🏼 I'm three books in and it's pretty incredible. I'm going to have ALOT of fun studying this next year 🖤#Ovid #classicist #classics #booklover #epicreads #bibliophile
"Iris, in her thousand hues enrobed traced through the sky her arching bow . . . Iris entered, and the bright sudden radiance of her robe lit up the hallowed place . . . Iris departed, and fled away back o'er the arching rainbow as she came."
?I had no idea this color iris was in my garden! I love when Mother Nature surprises this erstwhile gardener... ?
#Iris #GreenThumbWannabe #MotherNature #MyBackyard #Surprise
#AprilBookShowers Day 3 - Mythology
Although my reading of them has waned in recent years, I do enjoy reading ancient myths. It's fascinating to see what parts of them have influenced modern cultures.
This made me chuckle more than it ought to have the other day: someone clearly didn't like the bard's songs 😅😨😨😨
I read this 4 years ago and I'm clearly going to have to re-read it. Maybe find a better translation. It was such a slog to read that I retained almost nothing. I'll have to try again. Unfortunately, I have had a few like this on the 1,001 List. 2/1,001 #1001Books
It's very rare that I #dnf a book as I'm too stubborn to give up. But I lost this book whilst in the middle of reading it so never finished! Luckily, I found it the other week so can finally get around to finishing it. #readjanuary
Long, long ago in a school far, far away.... For some reason #orangecovers appear to be beloved by many publishers of classical texts, but I chose the Reclam series because I love their fit-in-your-palm-or-pocket size. #photoadaynov16
"Omnia mutantur, nihil interit." (Everything changes, nothing perishes)
As wave is driven by wave
And each, pursued, pursues the wave ahead,
So time flies on and follows, flies, and follows,
Always, for ever and new. What was before
Is left behind; what never was is now;
And every passing moment is renewed.
"Contented with food that grew without cultivation, they collected mountain strawberries and the fruit of the strawberry tree, wild cherries, blackberries clinging to the tough brambles, and acorns fallen from Jupiter‘s spreading oak-tree."
#somethingforsept #septphotochallenge #faveclassics
My English major soul rejoices-- but also not. Dead white men are typical of the classics, but one thing I love about these classics is the way that everyone else has had their shot to tell and retell them.
I love busting out some Greek Mythology knowledge at bars and first dates, or really anywhere you can fit it in. People knees to know that Clash Of The Titans is not accurate according to Ovid!!! Metamorphoses is a good stepping stone, a little dry, but not horrible.