There is a marked discrepancy between what I currently have to read and what I actually want to be reading.... 🙄
There is a marked discrepancy between what I currently have to read and what I actually want to be reading.... 🙄
MiniMe and I cozied up in bed last night to do our assigned reading together 🧡💛🧡
3 weeks into uni and I have never read so much in my life! But I definitely need to find more time to read for pleasure...and for Litsy. I've been missing this wonderful community!!
MiniMe has just busted out this classic for a re-read this evening.
I loved it when I was his age. I loved it when we read it last year. And I love that he loves it just as much, so that we get to love it all over again together 😊🧡😊
Day 2 of uni complete, laundry done, tomorrow's lunches made, MiniMe asleep in bed ✅
Cat and book on lap ✅✅
Let the relaxation commence! 😊
#7days7covers #covercrush A very late day 7
Post a cover you love every day for a week, no explanation required.
It's been so much fun - perfect excuse to go digging through allll the books (as if we need an excuse!) And I've absolutely loved seeing everyone else's selections, and I would very much like MORE please! So if you haven't joined yet, please do!
Arriving home after an overwhelming first day at uni to find my first ever #litsylove post was just the BEST. Such a warm fuzzy feeling! 💛💛💛 Thank you so so much @laurenslibrary and @lovesbooks87 for your welcome. I'm very excited to write back!
But first...some much needed quiet and introverted reading to recover from all today's human interaction!! 🤓📖📚
#7days7covers #covercrush Day 6
Play along! Post a cover you love every day for a week, no explanation. Tag another Litten inviting them to join...if you can keep track of who is/isn't already playing then I seriously commend you!
This is MiniMe's Year 5 class read and it's bringing up some emotional stuff for him.
Bought my own copy this afternoon, sat in the park in glorious sunshine and had a thoroughly good time reading the first few chapters. Many laugh out loud moments!
I can see why he's struggling with the plotline of the MC's Mum, but I think it will be a cathartic process for him and I'm so grateful he has a great teacher and this brilliant book to help him.
On my way out the door and bumped into the postman delivering this #bookmail for uni.
When he joked about the amount of books he's been delivering to me lately, I definitely didn't mention that I was on my way to the bookshop...again! 🙈😆📚
Obviously the most exciting of all my uni induction events next week...LIBRARY TOUR!!! 🎉📖📚
#7days7covers #covercrush Day 5
Join in, everyone! Post a cover you love, every day for a week, no explanation required...
Having said that, MiniMe picked again today and his explanation was "because you love yellow, Mum" ???
When edges and endpapers are approximately 30% responsible for my purchasing decisions, is that a sign that I have a problem...?
(Leaving dentist) Brain: "don't do the bad thing, don't go to the bookshop."
(Walking into bookshop) Brain: "don't do the bad thing, don't buy the books."
Brain (resigned): "fine, but if you're going to do the bad thing, at least don't buy more th- ...oh screw it, I quit."
#bookhaul #bookspree #oops #sorrynotsorry
#7days7covers #covercrush Day 4
I hereby nominate ALL Littens to join in. Loving seeing everyone's stunning covers and I want more please!
This was my first Tana French and I loved it. After frying my brain with some heavy-duty non fiction, I was pretty much just looking for an engaging plot, but it delivered on so much more as well! It's a slow burn with more focus on character development than action, and deals with themes of memory, identity, and white male privilege...all while maintaining the suspense. Can see that wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but I was hooked.
MiniMe's selection process for the #7days7covers challenge was rigorous and (to the detriment of some of my personal faves) ruthless.
We're talking group stages, knock-out rounds, the whole shebang 🤣
#7days7covers #covercrush Day 3
My 9yo wanted to pick today and I'm surprised by how fully I support his choice!
I have completely lost track of who is playing, so if you're not and you want to join in...consider yourself nominated!
It's been a whole week and three books since I've read any fiction. Time to snuggle up and return to my reading comfort zone of pure escapism 💛
#7days7covers #covercrush Day 2
@mom2bugnbee do you want to join? Just post a cover you love each day for a week, no explanation needed.
Third Spain-themed non-fiction book in a row. Because obviously the time to realise I know precisely nothing about modern Spanish history is a mere two weeks before I start my MLang in Spanish and Linguistics...
My mum found this in a plant pot in her new neighbourhood and it's just the cutest idea!! #lookforabook
#7days7covers #covercrush Day 1
Thanks for the tag @MamaGina
@Zach1Risling do you want to play along? Just post a photo of a cover you love every day for 7 days, no explanation needed. Might be a fun way to commence your Litsy career? No pressure though!!
Arrived home to my monthly #bookmail from #heywoodhill. I've had this subscription for 3 years and they've never failed to pick beautiful books that perfectly align to my tastes while simultaneously keeping me on the edge of my literary comfort zone.
I have especially high hopes for this one and I suspect there's going to be a lot of personal identification. #mentalhealth #recovery
Missed our train home and 45min wait til the next one. Problem? I think not! With 5 books between us, we're sorted!
"I don't care if you want to do some preparatory reading before uni starts. This book is now my armrest and you shan't have it back." #catsoflitsy
Blankets, Ben and Jerry's and a big, beautiful book.
Mother and son reading time 💜
Should have known better than to interrupt his reading for this selfie though. That unimpressed expression on his face is exactly how I imagine mine looks when someone does it to me....OOPS!
I have become far too accustomed to living in squalor, and even my poor bookshelves have fallen victim to my laziness. So spent yesterday afternoon tidying them up and now I can't stop staring at them 👀📚👀
So Tara's been housebound for a couple of days due to a sprain, so there's been no mouse-hunting for her and she's clearly missing it. I had all the sympathy in the world for her....UNTIL she discovered the ribbon bookmark in my beautiful Clothbound Classic edition of Villette.
Don't let these innocent eyes deceive you...she's definitely in full destruction mode and there shall be no peaceful reading for me tonight! 😼😼😼 #catsoflitsy
This was totally her way of volunteering to clean my house, do the laundry, feed the cat and look after MiniMe tomorrow so that I can stroke, sniff and snuggle with all the books....right?
I am a fully grown adult and am aware that in the historical context, "knobstick" merely means a strike-breaker. However that absolutely does not stop me from finding this interchange doubly hilarious, given the more modern connotations to this gem of a word!! Please excuse me while I giggle like a 12 year old ???
Fallen head over heels with this cover 😍 #BlackAndWhiteCovers with patterns like this speak to my very soul ❤️
As sad as I was to come home from my holiday 😭..... At least I came home to all this #bookmail 😆😍 . Very very excited to read Pongwiffy with MiniMe. It was one of my faves as a kid and I hope it's as good as I remember!
This morning I went to Lexicon, the bookshop I used to visit as a child. I can't believe how ignorant I am about Manx culture and history, and it's time to rectify it! #IsleOfMan #Homecoming
Fairy Bridge on the Isle of Man. Every single morning on the way to school, my brother and I would say "Hello, faeries!"
Without. Fail.
It's so magical to be back on the Island reading this book and to be reconnecting with the Celtic wildness I felt in my bones as a kid. #IsleOfMan #Homecoming
As much as I'm enjoying this book, I can't help but be distracted by the Rugby 7s match that my dad has just put on. Sexy men in short shorts on a massive screen take precedence over discussions of Works vs. Grace 🏉👀😜
A journey from hell has been made totally worth it after a lady approached us to tell us how lovely it was to see us reading together. I'm so chuffed!! ❤️❤️❤️ #KindnessOfStrangers
Also, this book is FAB!
Airport delays and missed flight connections are great motivators for impulsive buying of books you've been trying to save for... Even when you've already got 3 books in your hand luggage 🙈
Today was a good day for #bookmail. Especially excited to be reunited with one of my all-time faves, The Prince Of Tides - after waiting a year for a friend to return my copy, I had to just relent and buy a new one
For the last week or so, Tara's new favourite place to chill out seems to be on whatever book that MiniMe has left lying around. Too cute 💛 #catsoflitsy
Not my usual kind of read, and has taken a while to get into (partially due to being distracted by my more typical historical fiction, and partially due to getting confused between all the minor players in the various crews) but I am starting to become addicted to the constant drama of the Gambino Cosa Nostra, and fascinated by a topic I knew very little about.
#BookMail just in time for my trip to Dad's in the Isle of Man. Thanks to @booksandsympathy for posting about it and inspiring this purchase! I love a good #blameitonlitsy buy 💜💜💜
Scrolling through my Apple News feed and find a Guardian article channelling Rhett Butler...who did his very best to present a very BAD image in society's eyes. Somewhat ironic?
I admit it, I'm a book snob. I like my books brand new and immaculate and I try to keep them that way and I tend to pass up on second hand books. But having unexpectedly received this battered, coffee-stained, well loved book from an unlikely friend who wanted to keep my spirits up, I have to say this is possibly my favourite gift ever and will be forever treasured 💜