1. Artemis (love how she protected young girls up until how they were married) I also love the story of Medusa (not a God but a Gorgon)
2. Tagged. A great Middle grade series.
1. Artemis (love how she protected young girls up until how they were married) I also love the story of Medusa (not a God but a Gorgon)
2. Tagged. A great Middle grade series.
This is MiniMe's Year 5 class read and it's bringing up some emotional stuff for him.
Bought my own copy this afternoon, sat in the park in glorious sunshine and had a thoroughly good time reading the first few chapters. Many laugh out loud moments!
I can see why he's struggling with the plotline of the MC's Mum, but I think it will be a cathartic process for him and I'm so grateful he has a great teacher and this brilliant book to help him.
Current read for work... very excited to recommend this book to Year 5 for next year. Absolutely love the humour Maz Evans feeds into her writing - makes it enjoyable for adults as well as children!
Still need your Rick Riordan fix? Try the new book that parodies mythical gods and a loveable character who represents the everyman...er kid that saves the day!
My son and I both absolutely loved this book. The gods are hilarious (Hermes was our favoutite and I'm not even joking!) and Elliot was an extremely likeable and easy to root for hero. Highly recommended.
#middlegrade #greatreads #greekgods #laughoutloud
Absolutely loving this middle grade book. It's full of great lines like "We needed a place where a group of eccentric individual with strange personal habits could fit right in," explained Zeus. "England seemed like a natural choice." #mg #middlegrade
Super-happy to receive this from Chicken House; the first chapter is hilarious - looking forward to reading more!