haven't read these books in years, but decided to give it a go this week.
haven't read these books in years, but decided to give it a go this week.
Been a minute since I posted here lmao oops. Grad school will do that to ya, I guess... Current reads for class are The Call of Cthulhu and the Alchemist.
Time to start hunting some of these books down 💚
Finished my GoodReads goal this morning 🙂 I usually read far more than this, but it's been an... interesting year, so I'm happy with this.
Been trying to finish my Goodreads goal while also studying for classes.
My local library has finally opened back up 🖤 So I finally got a chance to pick up this novel, that I've been trying to read for forever.
Unwinding with some Joy Harjo tonight 💚
Finally getting a chance to reread one of my favorite classics 🖤
It's a snow day in Colorado, today. So coffee and reading is DEFINITELY on the schedule this morning.
Dresden Files reread until Peace Talks comes out
Halfway through the year, I wasn't sure if I was gonna reach my goal - thankfully I more than crushed it. I'm happy with this (though I do want to reach 100,000 pages one of these years 🙂).
Getting ready for the 2020 #readingwomenchallenge - time to find a book about food!