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84 Charing Cross Road
84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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#AboutABook #YouGifted I used to grab copies when I found them I gave it so much. If people say they love books , it‘s hard to go wrong. It‘s not too long , has a fun & breezy style , yet it‘s sometimes serious. Great Britain struggled after WWII. Hanff starts a correspondence with a British bookstore owner to find books for her collection. Better prices than the USA. They probably didn‘t imagine it would become a wonderful friendship!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙💛❤️ 2w
Eggs Stacked! 2w
Leftcoastzen @Eggs I think you will really enjoy it.😊 2w
Eggs @Leftcoastzen Thx! It was free on Audible, and there‘s a film with Anthony Hopkins and Anne Bancroft! 2w
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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What a charming little book!


Jas16 I really loved this one too. 4mo
Librarybelle I love this one so much! 4mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 4mo
CarolynM ❤️ 4mo
Leftcoastzen A favorite of mine ! 4mo
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After hearing about this book for years, I finally bought a copy and read it yesterday. I enjoyed the epistolary format. It was a different and fun way to get to know the characters. I‘m glad I finally read it. 5/5 ⭐️

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I needed something sweet, non-cloying, and warm this evening. I‘d read this years ago, liked it, and thought it would fit the bill. It did. I decided to listen to it. This version has several narrators, and they do an excellent job of catching the spirit of the book.

Ruthiella I love this book. ❤️ 4mo
KathyWheeler @Ruthiella I do too. I also liked The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street where she finally gets to go to England. 4mo
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Leftcoastzen Such a wonderful book! 1y
Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 1y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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Just lovely. Hanff is charming, witty, touchingly generous, and enthusiastic about books, her correspondents are grateful, skillful at their trade, friendly and welcoming, and offer tiny windows into 20th century British history (i.e. post-WW 2 rationing, screaming Beatles fans).

Robotswithpersonality How can an ending so sad, seem so perfectly ordained as the bittersweet stuff of literary fiction, somehow manifest in the non-fiction sphere of real life epistolary?! 😭 1y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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Hard agree.

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“If you happen to pass by 84 Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me? I owe it so much.”
This book was charming and bought back fond memories of writing physical letters to people. The difference between the British (stuffy and formal) and the American (playful and brash) was entertaining. Thanks again @CarolynM for gifting me this book.
I also enjoyed the second book The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street.

CarolynM 😘 I can‘t believe anyone who loves books and reading would not love this book. I heartily recommend Helene Hanff‘s other books too🙂 1y
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The last 4 weeks have been rough. My brother passed peacefully 10 days after having his first stroke. He was the oldest left of my siblings and had been more of a father to me than a brother since our parents died 40 years ago. His death has left a big hole in my family. I turned to this gem of a book, which always brings me comfort. The process of dying and of grieving is something....

Tamra I‘m so sorry - take care. 💜 1y
Soubhiville My condolences. 💔 1y
Susanita I‘m so sorry. 😢 1y
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xicanti I‘m so sorry about your brother. 1y
Clwojick I‘m so sorry. 💙 1y
Deblovestoread I‘m so sorry for your loss. 💜 1y
Magpiegem Sending love and strength. Im really sorry to hear about your loss x 1y
Bookzombie I‘m so sorry for your loss. 1y
Librarybelle I‘m sorry for your loss 1y
Leftcoastzen So sorry for your loss , condolences. 1y
Dragon So very sorry for your loss. One of my all time favourite books - I can understand your choice. 💚🙏 1y
gossamerchild oh, I am so sorry for your loss. 1y
batsy I'm so sorry ❤️ 1y
CarolynM I‘m so sorry for your loss💜 {hugs} 1y
Rissreads I‘m sorry to hear about your loss 😞 1y
DivineDiana I am just seeing your post. My condolences for your loss. Hoping you are given some solace from your books. ❤️ 1y
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Very cute. I could have read more

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An annual re-read for me. It's a perfect book, in my opinion.

CaitZ Welcome to Litsy! And I agree it is a perfect tale. I read it often too. 2y
Elemar71 @CaitZ Thank you so much! I'm glad you agree 😊 2y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff, Frank Doel, Marks & Co
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I‘ve had this one on my radar for years now, but this month‘s #TBRtarot pick (choose a book…whose title starts with a number) brought it right to the top of my TBR! It was a very cute read, letters going back and forth between a writer/book lover in America and a bookseller in England. I‘ve loved epistolary stories in the past for their ability to allow the reader into the heads and hearts of the people in the letters. This one didn‘t really ⬇️

candc320 Cont‘d: do that…it was just a sweet and sometimes funny correspondence. Not too much depth to it but an interesting look into a particular time and place nonetheless. And definitely a treat for book lovers! 🌟🌟🌟 2y
CBee Yay! 😊😊 2y
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Well, it‘s back to work day. This books aren‘t going to buy themselves, apparently! My pace will obviously slow down this month, but this is what my reading flow for the week looks like-
Finished 84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff en français for my annual New Year‘s Day reread with lovely people all over the globe. It‘s always a highlight of my year.
I hope your reading is going well to kick off the new year!

Bklover I love that book! 2y
HardcoverHearts @Bklover It never fails to reveal something new, make me laugh and sob. 2y
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Book two from my #aussiesecretsanta package finished ✅. Thanks @Lizpixie . Thought I‘d never heard of this book, but then as I started reading, realised I had either read it or seen the movie years ago…🤔. Beautiful 🥰🙏

Lizpixie Glad you enjoyed it lovely!❤️ 2y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff, Frank Doel, Marks & Co
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For the last several years, I‘ve started the new year with this book. It is such a celebration of friendship, filled with humor and just a bit of real life situations (rationing, for example). And, inevitably, I‘m always crying by the end. A wonderful book that shows books can connect people, even across oceans. So much like Litsy!! #192025 #1970

charl08 Love this book. 2y
Librariana I love that this is your January 1st tradition 2y
suvata Great book 💖 2y
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Librarybelle It has been so wonderful to start the new year with this book…a good way to set the tone for the year! @charl08 @Librariana @suvata 2y
MrsMalaprop Oh how lovely. @Lizpixie got me this in our #aussiesecretsanta I look forward to reading it. 2y
LeahBergen One of my all-time favourites 🥰 2y
Librarybelle I hope you enjoy it, @MrsMalaprop ! 2y
Librarybelle @LeahBergen It is such a special read ❤️ 2y
Aimeesue I love this book so much ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
AnnR Wonderful book to start of the year with! I actually bought the audio on sale in 2022 so I could experience a reread in a different way. 2y
kspenmoll I agree, a marvelous book. I love that you start the year with it! 2y
HardcoverHearts 🎉Happy New Year!!🎉 2y
Librarybelle It has been such a joy to start each new year with this one…so glad to see similar sentiments about this book! Happy New Year! @Aimeesue @Ann_Reads @kspenmoll @HardcoverHearts 2y
MaGoose I've watched the movie (with Anne Bancroft and Anthony Hopkins) a few times (I love it). But I've never read the book. I'll pick up the movie again from the library and put the book on my wish list. 2y
Librarybelle @MaGoose I really need to see the movie! 2y
MaGoose @Librarybelle Yes! Watch it. You'll like it, I think. 2y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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Finally! I saw the play almost 40 years ago at Tacoma Actor's Guild, back when my parents made me usher for season tickets. It was my favorite of many. I ordered this copy from Powell's and relished it today. Do I need to read Qs Legacy? How easy is it to find? I've been visiting England on Google maps street view this holiday. Almost as anti-social as Helene. Beezus tucked her head in while I was trying to get a picture. 🤔 🌧? #dogsoflitsy

Ruthiella The Duchess of Bloomsbury and Q‘s Legacy don‘t have the same magic IMO. They aren‘t bad, but are only about her visits (finally) to England. They don‘t have the charm of the letters, which of course, were written with no intention of publishing. 2y
mandarchy @Ruthiella thank you! Her letters are hysterical 🤣. I laughed outloud when she said she couldn't do bilingual arithmatic, among other things. I got the same feeling from the book as from the play, very nostalgic. I wonder how a13 year old would relate to it today? 2y
Aimeesue @mandarchy Agree with @Ruthiella - the magic doesn't carry through to the sequels. Enjoyable, sure, but not magical. 2y
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mandarchy @Aimeesue good to know. Maybe someday I'll get another book by her, but with such a big TBR list and a mood reader to boot, chances are it could be 40 more years. 2y
Aimeesue It's disappointing, but honestly, 84 CCR was so absolutely perfect it must've been a hard act to follow. 2y
mandarchy @Aimeesue it makes sense. I thought it was fiction, but I guess they are her real letters. Maybe she I've edited herself when she thought she was writing for pay vs. for a purpose. 2y
Aimeesue @mandarchy Good point! 2y
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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If Litsy was a book, it would be this book. ❤️📖❤️

Ruthiella Totally. ❤️ 📚 (edited) 2y
Trashcanman 🤗🤗 2y
BarbaraBB Such a wonderful read indeed 🤍 2y
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LeahBergen So true! One of my favourites. ❤️❤️ 2y
jlhammar Yes!! Love it. 2y
CarolynM Yes, indeed! 2y
batsy Such a lovely way to put it! 2y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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I've just finished reading "84 Charing Cross Road" ???
Onto "The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street".

The photo is allegedly of Frank Doel, though I find it in only one place so can't be certain of its authenticity.

Leftcoastzen I love this book , I generally don‘t reread , this is one of the exceptions.I have given away many copies to people who “deserve” to read it.😁 2y
Bookwomble @Leftcoastzen I love it, too. An instant favourite. I think some phrases get lost in their passage over the Atlantic: what does "Give away books" mean? ? 2y
Leftcoastzen @Bookwomble 😂I have no idea! 🤔 2y
Aimeesue 84 CCR is SO wonderful ❤️ 2y
Bookwomble @Aimeesue Word! 👍🏻 2y
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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I'm rather ashamed to say that I've never read 84 Charing Cross Road, even though Mrs Bookwomble had a copy of it in the '80s and recommended it to me (I was too busy reading Arthurian romances to take her good advice 😏). Belatedly, I've got myself a copy, and am pleasantly surprised to find this edition includes the sequel, The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street. I hope to squeeze it in this year 📖

Bookwomble Chronicles of Cairo Bookseller is a similarly bookish memoir which caught my eye, and the two look good together. Even the paper bag they were wrapped in is colour matched 😊 2y
jlhammar You're in for such a treat! 84 Charing Cross Road is wonderful (also enjoyed the sequel) and perfect for December reading. I also quite enjoyed the movie starring Anne Bancroft and Anthony Hopkins. The Wassef book sounds great. Looks like here in the US it is titled Shelf Life: Chronicles of a Cairo Bookseller. Might have to check that one out! 2y
UwannaPublishme I still need to read these! Been on my TBR forever. 2y
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Ruthiella You can read 84 Charing Cross Road in a couple of hours. It‘s really wonderful. Mrs. Bookwomble is 100% right! 2y
Bookwomble @jlhammar I have seen the film, and adored it. Not having read the book is a glaring omission 😏 2y
Bookwomble @UwannaPublishme We can do it, Donna!! 😁 2y
Bookwomble @Ruthiella Mrs Bookwomble is invariably right! 😆 2y
emz711 It's been on my TBR list for so long! 2y
CarolynM Read it, then go find all Helene Hanff‘s other books. You won‘t regret it. 2y
Bookwomble @emz711 I'm enjoying it so far 😊 2y
Bookwomble @CarolynM I'm going to have to live to 157 to get through my tbr mountain as it is but, hey! let's make it 160 years! 😁 2y
CarolynM Only 160? I‘m banking on at least 310🤣 2y
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A quick 2-hour listen. A collection of letters between employees of the title British bookshop location and the author, an American screenplay writer with a penchant for well-bound secondhand books. Sad that the author never got over to London to meet Frank. The author is almost overly quirky in her letters to the point of rude but they all took it humorously. She was certainly kind in sending over food that was rationed in London at the time.

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Picked up this short read, a series of letters between an American in NY and a Brit in London. The letters describe a friendship between the two and their love of books.

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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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📚💗 short read and definitely ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ loved it.

Leftcoastzen 👏👍 2y
bookandbedandtea This is a wonderful book! 💜 2y
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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July stats! I didn‘t find any 5-star reads last month, but 84, CHARING CROSS ROAD was a stellar 4.5er (even though it‘s FULL of comma splices and I cringed at every single one).

This was also my least nonfictiony month since 2022 began, for which we may blame the operatic history text I‘m still plugging along through. Since I‘ve now read more nonfiction in 2022 than I did in all of 2021, I‘m cool with it.

84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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Pain day outdoor reading. One of the people who read this ahead of me did so with a very fluffy black cat on their lap and Casey is INTERESTED. Little dude loves cats.

So far, I find the book charming but also weirdly rude? Like, I‘m not sure why these booksellers befriended Helene Hanff instead of getting mortally offended at her complaints. The notes she included in the care packages, which didn‘t make it into the book, must‘ve been something.

mandarchy Adorable! 2y
xicanti @mandarchy he‘s gotta sniff everything. 2y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff, Frank Doel, Marks & Co
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I wasn‘t gonna go to the library this week, but their opening hours matched with my bike ride so 🤷‍♀️. My haul features Guy Gavriel Kay‘s latest, more HEARTSTOPPER (finally!), a seminal epistolary work I‘ve never read, Maureen Johnson‘s second boarding school mystery, and some cinematic Spider-Man. Good times.

Kammbia1 Glad to Guy Gavriel Kay‘s latest in this picture. I‘m curious to see what you think of it. 2y
xicanti @Kammbia1 I‘m excited to have it in hand. He‘s one of my favourite authors. (edited) 2y
Kammbia1 He is one of my favorite authors too. His brand of historical fantasy is unique and top-notch for the genre. 2y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff, Frank Doel, Marks & Co
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This is a charming read for book lovers, as it celebrates the joy of finding the right book, the right edition, the right author, and bookish friends across the miles. This was the inaugural book in a #readoutloud project I‘ve started with my mother. I read to her every day, and we are enjoying this “live” version of audiobooks.

paulfrankspencer There is something so wholesome and intimate about reading to someone. I love this idea. 2y
KathyWheeler I just finished The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street which is about her trip to England for the UK publication of this book. I really enjoyed both. 2y
Louise @paulfrankspencer Yes, I agree. It‘s been such a beautiful experience thus far. 2y
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Louise @KathyWheeler Oh, that sounds like a great companion book to this one. Will add it to my list! Thanks! 2y
Crazeedi I so enjoyed this book 2y
KathyWheeler @Louise You‘re welcome. I hope you like it. 2y
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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New issue of Oh Reader! I am especially excited to read the article “In Search of Helene Hanff: The Decline of the Charing Cross Road?”

AnneCecilie That cover though 😍 2y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff, Frank Doel, Marks & Co

As good as advertised! What a sweet, yet heart-wrenching, book! I love epistolary novels.

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A quick flight = a short book! Been looking forward to this one for a while, & this was my #jolobokaflodswap present from @BookNAround !

Soubhiville Such a sweet little book. 2y
Aims42 Loved this sweet read! Definitely recommend the sequel 😍 2y
mom2bugnbee @aims42 Thank you! Didn't know that existed! 2y
Aims42 @mom2bugnbee You‘re welcome!! I wish there was a whole series, I‘d read them all 😍😍😍😍 2y
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#SavvySettings @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

One of my top ten favorite reads ever and it's set in a #Bookstore. Plus, the movie has Anthony Hopkins. 😁

vivastory I love this book so much. Have yet to watch the movie. 2y
Addison_Reads @vivastory The movie is charming, but nothing will ever compare to the book. I already want to read it again and I just read it for the first time last year. 😁 2y
vivastory I know some people read it every yr on New Year's, which seems like it would be delightful. 2y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love Anthony Hopkins! 📚❤️ 2y
jlhammar Yay! I was hoping someone would go with this one today. Love the book so much and liked the movie. 2y
Leftcoastzen Such a great read! 2y
Eggs Perfect 🖤👏🏻🕵🏻‍♀️ 2y
Cathythoughts Anthony Hopkins is so young there ❤️ 2y
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Beautiful little novella of letters passing between Helen hanff and Frank doel starting in the late 1940s. A wonderful pen pal friendship arises , Helen hanff was a wonderful correspond her letters are witty and warm showing she had a great career as a writer . I‘m now going to watch the film with Anthony Hopkins and next time I‘m in London at the end of the month I‘m going to go and have a look at 84 Charing Cross road.

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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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Just as lovely as everyone claims. I'm looking forward to Q's Legacy now.

Leftcoastzen Just love it ! 3y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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#weekendreading in the hairdressers, am I the only person to just discover this little gem when it‘s world famous ! The film 🎥 will be next ; it makes me want a pen 🖊 friend 😆it‘s like dipping a thick chocolate 🍫 biscuit 🍪 into a cuppa ☕️ 🥰

Bookbuyingaddict Next time I‘m in London I‘m going to go and check out 84 Charing Cross road , if it‘s now a McDonalds I will sit down on the pavement and weep 😪 3y
Mrs_B Errrrr…. I hate to break it to you… 3y
Bookbuyingaddict I know 😭😭🤯heart breaking burgers 🍔 over books 📖 😢 3y
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My husband is in London today and just sent me this. So fricking jealous.

He‘s now in Daunts. Not fair.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Jealous too! 3y
squirrelbrain How dare he go to Daunts without you?! 3y
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mrp27 Oh how neat! 3y
Mrs_B @squirrelbrain I KNOW!!! 😂 3y
Mrs_B He better bring me back books. 3y
squirrelbrain Grounds for divorce otherwise, I‘d say! 🤣 3y
ShelleyBooksie Cool!! 3y
Aims42 So neat!!! 😍 3y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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This slim book made me feel warm & fuzzy about people, & our ability to form generous friendships. It feels redemptive.

However, I held some mistaken assumptions about the nature of the story. I thought the letters exchanged would end in romance. It‘s quite alright that they didn‘t; platonic relationships are beautiful, too! But due to my expectations, the ending took me by complete surprise & was so much sadder than I knew to prepare myself for.

monalyisha Thank you, @BookNAround, for this copy, which was a true, sensory delight to hold in my hands. 3y
squirrelbrain I loved this book! ❤️ 3y
DivineDiana If you get a chance to see the movie, I recommend it. In the movie,the bookseller‘s wife was jealous of the relationship. 3y
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shanaqui I loved this one. It felt like so much the plot of a romance story that I could hardly believe it had really happened! 3y
monalyisha @DivineDiana She mentions as much in her letters, as well, but outwardly expresses nothing but graciousness and friendliness. I liked her, too. 💞 3y
BookNAround I‘m so glad you enjoyed it. It‘s such a prettier copy than mine. Luckily the story is equally charming in both. 😁 3y
CarolynM Did your copy include The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street? If not, you need to read it, the story isn't over 3y
CarolynM All Helene Hanff's books are wonderful 3y
monalyisha @CarolynM It did not! Thanks for the tip! I‘ll look it up right now. 3y
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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This was a great way to kick off my reading in the new year. A book about books and helping others.

3rd book finished for #NewYearSpecial #20in4

Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
StellaB I really enjoyed this too, I thought it was very moving. 3y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff, Frank Doel, Marks & Co
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My yearly tradition of beginning the new year by reading 84, Charing Cross Road. I laugh, I cry, and I fully immerse myself in the epistolary banter about books and friendship. ❤️

First book of 2022 complete!

readordierachel A lovely tradition with a lovely book 💕 3y
Librarybelle @readordierachel Indeed! ❤️ 3y
kspenmoll What a nice tradition- inspiring me. Read this so ling ago! 3y
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Librarybelle @kspenmoll Thanks! It sets a nice tone for the year, I think! 3y
CarolynM 3y
monalyisha Oh, I like this tradition, too! 3y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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What a delight for my last book of 2021!

Short and quick, it‘s a charming collection of real-life letters sent between an American writer and the British bookseller who tracked down old, out-of-print tomes for her over their 20-year friendship, which was sustained solely through letters and a shared love of books.

Leftcoastzen ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
suvata Wonderful book ♥️ 3y
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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I want to go to Charing Cross Road so much now! This was a lovely book, what a fantastic story.

Leftcoastzen A favorite of mine ! So fun! 3y
annahenke I adore this book. 3y
Mrs_B It‘s a favourite of mine now too for sure! @Leftcoastzen 3y
Mrs_B @annahenke I can see why! 3y
Oblomov26 Have done the pilgrimage- shop is gone but I bought another book on Charing Cross Road 3y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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1. Well I read 64 books. My greatest challenge was (is) recovering from pneumonia and covid at the moment.

2. Tagged book along with Something Is Killing the Children and I Hate Fairyland.

3. A lot more reading - making the time to sit and read. Work on a reading journal. Creativity.

ElizaMarie Ooo i loved I hate Fairyland!!! I still need to try the other one again. Also… speedy recovery to you! 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie it took me a bit to get into the other one but I‘m glad I stuck to it. 3y
marleed I hope you feel better soon. 3y
jb72 @marleed Thanks! 😊 3y
Eggs Thanks for playing 👏🏻📚🎈 3y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff, Frank Doel, Marks & Co
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@BookNAround I *adore* my #JolabokaflodSwap gift! Thank you so much!

The Penguin edition of 84, Charing Cross Road is so lovely! The milk chocolate covered Gingerbread Tree is CALLING MY NAME & the S‘more‘s Bar is perfect (the amount of love I hold in my heart for graham crackers is probably unhealthy). I‘m sure the Potato Chip bar will be great, too — if my husband doesn‘t steal it under the cover of night. 😅 And you had no way of knowing this…

monalyisha …but your card, with the James Joyce passage, quotes from one of my favorite story endings in all of Literature. We studied it in Critical Theory in undergrad & I became *immediately* enamored. Thank you so much for everything (including the bonus romance — straight from your shelf & taken from my TBR list). Happy Holidays, @BookNAround!!! ✨🎄❄️ (edited) 3y
MittenGirlPeach Ahhhh, love that book so much. 3y
monalyisha @MaleficentBookDragon Thank you, thank you for organizing! Spreading warmth & cheer is so essential this time of year! You‘re doing real good in the Litsyverse (& beyond). ✨❄️✨ 3y
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monalyisha @MittenGirlPeach I‘ve been meaning to read it for so long — & this whole time, I didn‘t realize that it was such a bite-sized book! There‘s something about a short read that I love so much. I think it has to be so exquisitely-crafted. Even more excited now that it‘s in my hands! (edited) 3y
Soubhiville It‘s such a sweet book. What a beautiful edition! Enjoy it! (edited) 3y
BookNAround I‘m so glad you like it all. When I saw 84 Charing Cross Rd. on your list, I knew you needed it. All book lovers interested in reading it should have a copy. 😁 And as for the potato chip candy bar, my grown children swear it has the perfect salt, fat, sugar ratio although I‘ve always given them away so I have yet to taste one myself. 3y
monalyisha @BookNAround I‘ll report back. 😋 I‘m sure it‘ll be tasty! Hope you have an excellent weekend! I wonder how much of this chocolate will be gone by Monday morning… 3y
JamieArc I received that edition a year or two ago from the Jolabokaflod Swap and yet to read it - but will one day (soonish, maybe?). 3y
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An absolutely delightful book sharing the correspondence between the author and a used book dealer in London. What begins as simple requests for books soon evolves and for the next two decades, the two share an unlikely friendship that soon comes to include all the store employees. Books, post-war life (think rationing) in Britain, families and more feature prominently in the letters which are demanding, funny, friendly & more. A wonderful book.

84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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#wintergames #Mistletoemaniacs @Clwojick

Some of my planned #tbr for December!

mom2bugnbee I just listened to Tim Curry read A Christmas Carol, & now you tell me that Patrick Stewart has a version?!? What to do? 😂 3y
jenniferw88 @mom2bugnbee haha! I plan to listen to Patrick & then read Mr Dickens and his Carol. 3y
candc320 I really enjoyed Mr. Dickens and His Carol! 3y
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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It's a rainy year day here. Getting caught up with my mail. So much fun getting letters.
#litsylove #oldschool #letters

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Mine looks like it had a rough journey!! 3y
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff

A charming book 4.5/5 Read for #Heyreaderathon and #spoopathon

BookDadGirlDad This is one I'm looking to read as soon as I see it at one of my usual used book haunts 3y
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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#wondrouswednesdays @Eggs 😊 @DarkMina
My favorite fruit is lemon and lime, I put them in so many things. I'm re reading the Outlander series in anticipation of the next book. I'm grateful that my family is enjoying food health.

Eggs 💛🍋💚 3y
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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I've always loved stories told though letters, so this memoir of letters between a book lover and an antiques book dealer was right in my wheelhouse. Also, writing snarky letters to a British bookstore owner in an attempt to get antique books for cheap prices is 100% something I would do.

Leftcoastzen This book is an all time favorite of mine. 3y
BarbaraJean Love love love this one!! I was delighted to discover there‘s a sequel of sorts: 3y
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