Such a wonderful book! I‘ve loved it since childhood, when I walked around with a stick over my shoulder with a bandanna tied to it just like Dominic. This time, I read it aloud to my mom, and she loved it too. ❤️ #readoutloud
Such a wonderful book! I‘ve loved it since childhood, when I walked around with a stick over my shoulder with a bandanna tied to it just like Dominic. This time, I read it aloud to my mom, and she loved it too. ❤️ #readoutloud
I find it interesting when I read to my students that when you ask about feelings, they can only name 3: happy, sad, or mad. This book forced us to talk about very complex feelings like jealousy and guilt, which are really combinations of shame and worry. #WCCPBA 2023 nominee #underthedustcover #readoutloud
What a delightful celebration of storytelling! This book contains stories within stories within stories and is filled with charm and quirky characters. It is told in the tradition of Syrian storytelling and gives a few nods to Scheherazade. Book 3 in my #readoutloud project, in which I read aloud to my mother. We both enjoyed it very much, and the story gained something through being “spoken”. #readaroundtheworld #Syria
My mom and I love this book, so we chose it as book #2 in our #readoutloud project. Everyday, we sit together; and I read aloud for us. It was fun to revisit Eleanor and her journey toward freedom from a traumatic past. Her way of seeing the world is quirky and humorous, even in a story filled with sadness. Eleanor is a survivor who learns to thrive.
This is a charming read for book lovers, as it celebrates the joy of finding the right book, the right edition, the right author, and bookish friends across the miles. This was the inaugural book in a #readoutloud project I‘ve started with my mother. I read to her every day, and we are enjoying this “live” version of audiobooks.
Nominated for the 2022 Washington Children's Choice award, my students loved this book. I actually heard students say, I'm voting for this. After reading, students got a graphic organizer to map out a story of their own, using the basic elements: narrator, main character, supporting characters, conflict, conflict resolution and setting. Students said the panda was sassy, smart (@$$), and that it roasted the narrator. #WCCPBA NOMINEE #READOUTLOUD
Detail from this week's #readoutloud Every Night is Pizza Night a Washington state children's choice award nominee.
Emergency pizza? 🍕 life tip for a Happy #nationalpizzaday 🇺🇸 who is carrying around an emergency slice?
I just finished reading this to all my students and they had the FEELS. All of them could relate to missing a friend. The last page wowed us. We talked about flashback as a literary device. I shared some letter writing techniques for our activity that may be lost in the digital age. They were inspired to write. #WCCPBA nominee 2022 #readoutloud ☆☆☆☆☆
I love when the publisher includes a printable that you can present to any age level (including example). The kids can draw, or draw and write to the best of their ability. Don't even get me started on how great this book is. 3X the characters work together to get what they need. At one point you get the Charlotte Web level of intensity of 'where's papa going with the ax?' when Barnabus finds out he'll be recycled. #gazingbooks #readoutloud ☆☆☆☆☆