Ace book.
Really great writing, felt very real. Plus an abundance of female characters and authors.
Ace book.
Really great writing, felt very real. Plus an abundance of female characters and authors.
Borrowed from my 78 year old neighbour who us absolutely wonderful!
It's making me want to re read books...
Part biography, part self help, part love letter to books
Busy month, but I finished my #LMPBC just in time! @suvata it was fun being in your group and thank you for hosting. Your book will be on its way home!
Sock Sunday!
Why so many purple books you ask? To support and raise awareness to eating disorders! In Canada, Feb 1-7 is eating disorder week and they are raising awareness by asking for purple posts- the color of the cause. #EDAwareness
Hello, fellow #24in48 readathoners! I‘m going to casually do this readathon this weekend, so I doubt I‘ll hit 24 hours (I‘m not even going to track it), but I do hope to get some good reading time in before my next masters class starts on Monday. I‘m currently about a fourth of the way through this gem, so finishing this is my first goal of the ‘thon. Merry reading!
Wow! Look what I got in the mail today! My #LMPBC #Round4 buddies are amazing! I‘ll going to put mine in the mail tomorrow! @Kappadeemom Thanks- it got here safely! 😉
Just finished this up for #lmpbc and I just found it okay. I enjoyed the concept of an autobiography told through book heroines but it didn‘t come together for me. I had to force myself to finish it. I also haven‘t read many of the novels discussed in this book and now I feel no desire to because the author spoiled everything about the novels in her summaries of them. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Read for Litsy Markup Postal Book Club (#LMPBC) Round 4 - Group M.
This was a great book about books. Upon reading it my TBR has grown exponentially.
#LMPBC Round 004 - Group M
@RavenLovelyReads @suvata @Collegecatlady @Kappadeemom
I‘m hoping you will bear with me for a week or so. In the last three weeks I have sold my house in South Florida, packed everything in Pods, bought a house in Tallahassee. We are closing on that house today. Then have half to have the Pods unpacked. Needless say, I‘m a bit overwhelmed. I suspect I can mail the book out within a week. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Hey, fellow Group M readers. I‘ve been thinking of reading this for Round 4.
#LMPBC Round 004 - Group M
@RavenLovelyReads @suvata @Collegecatlady @Kappadeemom
@kspenmoll has been a real heroine in my world. 😁 Over the last few months she‘s sent me books to read, toys for the little ones I spend my days with, and long letters to dive into. She offers such kindness and caring to a Litsy friend. 💕💕
#MakeMeReadIt #rainnyday #coffeeandbooks #groundedcoffeeco
Back in Willimantic in Grounded Coffee Co. -wish it were closer. Flat White, Raisin bagel &!cream cheese.
About to dive into this book‘s next chapter titled “Esther Greenwood” Happy I reread The Bell Jar this spring with #thebelljarinas hosted by @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks & @Nuwanda
#evening #birdsong #porchlife #MakeMeReadIt
One beautiful day, less hot, blue sky-rain rain rain ☔️ predicted for the next two weeks- so I am savoring tonight on my porch.Trying to be hopeful for a sudden weather change, splash of sun- even its its HOT!!!
Ellis continues to reflect on female characters in novels that provided models along the way as she grew & changed & struggled against the confines of her refugee Iraqi Jewish family & culture.
#MakeMeReadIt #AnneJoLizzyJuliet
So thoroughly enjoying this book & the author‘s perspective.Her adult take on Little Women,& contrast between Louisa May Alcott‘s life and Jo March‘s,rings true.Not having read the book since childhood, my pleasure in it for sure would be different if I reread it after reading Ellis‘s perspectives.So much to process, review & reflect in as I read. Pic taken while at son‘s nutritionist. Wanted that portrait in pic!
#MakeMeReadIt #AnneandGilbert #Anneof GreenGables
Being transported back to Anne‘s world right now as I read about her through this author‘s eyes.
1 am reading 2 #MakeMeReadIt books at same time as I seem to need more brain power & attention when reading non fiction. Also reading Less.
Only 21 pages in, but loving this author already. Her mother, an Iraqi Jew, fled Bagdad because of her persecution, and imprisonment. Successful at her second escape attempt, she got to London where she met and married her husband, another displaced Iraqi Jew at the age of 21. “ She was my first heroine.” States the author.
#riotgrams Day 3 - favorite title! After perusing my bookshelves (and laying on the floor of my office to ponder while my dinner digested), I have come to the conclusion that I don‘t have a favorite title? Eh? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So I decided to pick a book I loved but haven‘t talked about in a while. A lovely memoir told through the books she read growing up in an Iraqi Jewish family in London. #books @bookriot
1. Print. I always have an ebook going, and sometimes an audiobook, but nothing beats that feel of a real book in my hands.
2. The blue cushy chair I‘ve had for 10 years, where my cat likes to sit with me. 3. Hot black tea.
4. Multiple. Never know what mood I‘ll be in. Trying to keep it to four at the moment. 5. Day. I read a little at night but get sleepy too fast. Early Saturday afternoon is the best.
@slategreyskies @DarcysMom @Beckys_Books These have all been on my tbr forever. Have you read any of them? #lmpbc
How to be a Heroine by Samantha Ellis.
The title and the content seems promising. A book about books. And one that summarizes and talks about the feminist roles in some of Ellis' favorite books and stories. Unfortunately, this read as a series of ramblings about stories such as Little Women or Wuthering Heights and how they loosely relate to Ellis' own journey in life.
#litsyatoz #letterh
I added this book to TBR months ago but decided I had some homework to do first. I had only read a few of the classics mentioned (looked at chapter headings) so this book feels a little more important than usual. No pressure.
Photo credit: https://www.google.com.au/amp/bookriot.com/2014/01/01/illustrated-guide-buying-c...
My library holds came in today!#bookhaul
Finally finished this after months of dipping in and out! Loved the concept (and the subtitle) - revisiting favorite childhood literary heroines with an adult's perspective - but so it was disappointing that I didn't relate to the author and realized that I haven't read enough of the classics to be familiar with the heroines. Check to see if you've read enough of the books - I got much more out of those chapters. #booksaboutbooks
If any UK Littens are free this weekend there is this event at the British Library taking place. It's about unusual libraries and I know #LitsylovesLibraries. Unfortunately I can't make it but it looks interesting.
5 ⭐
I did warn you that I would complete this book in a day! 😂
#LitsyAtoZ E ✅
#ReadHarder2017 About Books ✅
@bookriot @BookishMarginalia
That moment when your favourite actress is mentioned in your book! 💕💞
At the rate I'm reading this book, I expect I'll have finished it by tonight!
This one makes you think about your own heroines as much as the ones described by Ellis. A really fun and revealing read!
https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/jan/30/baileys-drops-womens-prize-for-fic... just found this article on the guardian about how baileys is dropping their sponsorship for the women's prize for fiction. I personally love this prize but there's been a lot of talk about whether it's still needed or not. I'm wondering what other littens think on the subject?
I'd give this 4 stars. Ellis takes us through her journey rereading books that shaped her formative years. She is quite critical about many childhood favorites, so my gut reaction was to disagree with her quite a bit. But I also realized that I haven't reread most of those books since childhood and maybe I should see how I approach them as an adult - and isn't that kind of revisiting, fundamentally, what we want from literary criticism?
I've decided to try something new this year and do a reading challenge. I'm doing the Read Harder 2017 challenge plus, well, if I get close to doing the #LitsyAtoZ reading challenge, I'll do that one too! So for my first #readharder #readharder2017 challenge task of reading a book about a book, I read How to Be a Heroine. Review coming shortly!
Finally home on a #FunPhotoFriday! Since most of my books are still in the book tree, my only the #TBRs are in decent-enough shape to share! Not pictured is a mountain of ARCs for this year 📚😍📚
I keep a list of what books I read each year but I don't make resolutions or goals. Reading is essential for me and it happens in some form every day. To read or not to read is never a question. I'm #currentlyreading something in one of those pictures. #bookishresolutions #readingislife #librarylove
We've all been there... Wasn't there an Internet article a bit ago about how ladies that read a lot of romance have unrealistic goals for personal romance? 🙄 pish. Nice to see something for the other side! Plus, it was a holiday gift last year from my MIL, who totally gets it #seasonsreadings2016. And look at those #coversilhouettes 😉
#booktober #memorablememoirs #howtobeaheroine
The perfect read for book lovers everwhere! I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I really wanted to love this one! I enjoyed the commentary on the classics but some of the critiques were a little too off-putting for me.
I did really like this, and I learned a lot about different books I haven't read yet. But I know I won't be picking it up again.
Be Zoe Washburne.
But anyway, this book makes me want to pick up all my favorites as an adult to see if they still hold up!