I FINALLY finished it! And it was so worth the ride. I cannot recommend this one enough. Just be patient with the intro... the author has to set some things up, but it's so worth it, again.
I FINALLY finished it! And it was so worth the ride. I cannot recommend this one enough. Just be patient with the intro... the author has to set some things up, but it's so worth it, again.
So, I'm supposed to be participating in #SkakespeareReadAlong but then this little one happened, and she's a pretty great excuse. =]
Ok, I haven't started re-reading this, yet, but I saw this online and it made me think of you all! ::laughs:: #ShakespeareReadAlong
My coworkers must think I'm on something with how much I've been snickering back here. #LunchtimeInLibraryLand
At my English honors society's international convention by myself... bonus of it being a solo trip is I get some quality reading time. =]
Treating myself to an easy fantasy audiobook... I've enjoyed Holly Black in the past, and reading/listening to her books makes me feel like I'm staying in touch with my bookseller past (I used to read some of the Teen Fiction on my breaks at work). A welcome break from homework this week. =]
Already hating this book. Only a few pages in, and the main character has killed a dog, one that trusts her?! Yuck, completely unnecessary.
Oh boy... finished this book for class, and while it was VERY well written, the female-specific assaults made me really squeemish. =/
The book is funny so far, but this had me guffawing. =]
An extremely approachable book on recent African history. I had to read it for a class, but I feel like I have an improved understanding of the differences between African countries. Clear, concise writing, without being dumbed-down.
A good, quick read that I want to pass around like a secret that shouldn't be secret.
A little light reading before a reunion concert of my favorite local band from high school.
To read more of the books on my "someday" pile, they've been neglected for far too long, already.
To stay more on top of book releases... it was so much easier when I was working in a bookstore, can't be lazy, now!
To investigate into my school library's Percy Shelley collection... they have a 20-something volume set that was making me drool.
Finally getting around to starting this series. It's been a few years in the making, but the end of the semester seems like a good time to start! So far, it's REALLY good! =] #formerbookseller
I know this book is supposed to be a big deal, but so far, I'm not feeling it. Have to finish it for class, though, so we'll see if it gets better!