1984 vs. The Circle. I like those little discoveries
I'm usually not crazy about love stories but this one's definitely worth reading because there's so much more to this than romance!
Just finished. This book killed me. I will take a bath now and stare at the ceiling in silence for at least two hours.
This one makes you think about your own heroines as much as the ones described by Ellis. A really fun and revealing read!
I really loved those books. I think the thing I liked the most is that they prove that queer love stories do not have to dominate the plot to be valid and important. Need more of those!
I did it! This one was quite a challenge (mostly because of the theater style), but still. Brought back lots of great memories!
Found my next reading at a friend's place
Returning to my reading corner after a way too long break
Rather short, but still. Carefully selected objects described with really well-chosen words. Great to take out of the book shelf from time to time just to have a look at it again.
Prepping for a day at the lake
Leafing through the book and already looking forward to reading it!
The last third was a little too heterocentric for my taste, but I still enjoyed the whole thing. Especially interesting connections to classic novels. Definitely worth the time!