I have had this book forever, but finally decided to read it because #hashtagbrigade is reading it. I will probably go back and forth between audio and print. Today it was audio on my #audiowalk. I really like it so far.
I have had this book forever, but finally decided to read it because #hashtagbrigade is reading it. I will probably go back and forth between audio and print. Today it was audio on my #audiowalk. I really like it so far.
Epoch 1, ch 1-5: y‘all. What a start! #waltersavespesca #pescaissofun #iwanttokeephiminmypocket #pescagetswalterajob #waltisnttoosure #thefampressureshim #offhegoes #takingthelongroadhome #thewomaninwhiteisdeliciouslycreepy #sheknowsthefamhewillworkfor #butsaystheyredead ☠️ #wut #hehelpshergetacab #overhearsthatshescapedfromanasylum #sosocreepy #arrivesathisnewjobafterbedtime #becauseofcoursehedoes #staytuned #hashtahbrigade #whew
Wilkie Freakin Collins. God forbid he uses actual chapters to make our lives easy 🙄 #thisfreakingguy #anyway take a look at how I divided it up and let me know if this doesn‘t work. I can always spread out some of the longer sections an extra day. For the multiple day chapters… they are divided into sections, so the numbers at the end are how many sections each day. Hope this makes sense. Drop your thought below #hashtagbrigade we start Saturday
I finally finished it! I started it on my trip to visit family five weeks ago, paused to work on other things, and now it‘s finally done! This was such a good read. The original English “sensational” novel, it has some mystery and some thrills, with a neatly tied-up ending, but it was so very well done. Highly recommend. Chunkster, clocking in around 650 pages, but easy to devour in doses.
“…and my buttered toast waits for nobody.”
I might have to add this to my vocabulary. 😆
My pumpkin pie has evil eyes…but the custard from leftover filling tasted great! Today I‘m thankful for running water (nearby neighborhood lost water on Tuesday), working appliances, a delicious feast, family, friends, Litsy! and finding time to read the tagged in bursts between cooking!
Love to you all, and Happy Thanksgiving (or Thursday)!
Thanks for the tag @julesG #Two4Tuesday
1 - I don‘t usually set reading goals other than just read what I can and enjoy it, but this year I decided to see if I can read 300 books. So far I‘m at 277, so it‘s still close.
2 - I want to finish the tagged. I‘m halfway and reading other stuff for a bit, but it‘s really good.
Who hasn‘t played yet? @Endowarrior21 @Alfrazier21 @kspenmoll @tenar
My easy flight and three-hour layover, followed by a longer flight has turned into a hellish day of delays and cancellations and reroutes. Now I‘ve been at DFW for over 3 hours and have a little more than 3 to go. I finally got some food and found a quiet place to sit, charge my phone, and read.
And now I‘m nodding over my book. I don‘t usually drink caffeine, but I think it‘s time for a Coke.
If I had been reading the Moonstone, I would be done with this book by now. Also, I updated my iPhone last night and it wiped all the data from my Litsy account. Thanks a lot Mac.😠
Thanks for another fabulous read, #hashtagbrigade and our wittiest leader, @BarkingMadRead! 🤩🙌🏻🤩 5d