Really interesting but I think there could have been a bit more depth.
Really interesting but I think there could have been a bit more depth.
Loving this guide to personality frameworks. And it will get me a bingo on my #BookSpinBingo
If you're interested in seeing how I set up my reading journal for the year... There's now a YouTube video for that: https://youtu.be/SJU01qtTp0A
Woo-hoo! 2 bingos on the board. I *could* go for a third diagonally, but I‘m going to get a jump on The Shining for October. Thank you for hosting #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks Can‘t wait to participate in October!
Wrapping up my #doublespin at Marin‘s swim practice. Very interesting to learn my son is a Highly Sensitive Person...it explains SO much! Enjoying this book! @TheAromaofBooks #bookspinbingo
Starting my #doublespin
Anne Bogel is my favorite book blogger and podcaster...this on has been on my bedside table for ages. I‘m excited to crack it open! #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks
I did it! I finished ModernMrsDarcy.com‘s 2020 42-book Summer Reading Guide. Rumor has it she‘s complying a 41-book Fall Reading Guide too. I always try to read them all and I have been very pleased with most of her picks.
I've long been a fan of personality types and this book made me want to dive into them even more.
I am a voracious, nocturnal, reclusive reader. How about y‘all?
My #bookspinbonanza #doublebookspin pick. I enjoyed this book which delves into personalities. It gives a great overview of several popular personality frameworks, giving a brief description of each. It was just enough information to get me interested in figuring out what mine is and how knowing it could change the way I deal with those around me. I have already requested several of her recommended resources from my library to learn more.
What type of reader are you? I am all of them! 😅
How exciting! I just realized I missed last week's episode of What Should I Read Next?, which means I get 2 episodes today 🤓
#QuotsyJan20 #Motivation
As a trainer & organizational development person, I love learning about different personality & behavioral styles & what motivates people. This one has been on my Kindle for awhile but I was sure it would have a “motivation” quote.😉
I don‘t think I fully understood what this book was before I read it. Personality types are interesting, but not something I do much digging into myself. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
A book that explores and explains the various types of personality classifications. Not read.
#ayupaugust #everykindapeople
(Image from modernmrsdarcy.com)
Not for me. This is a memoirish overview of personality typing. And it‘s not done very well.
I thought this would be fun for all you #santagoespostalstalkers out there: book picks, What Should I Read Next style. Three books you love, one book you don‘t. I‘ll leave mine & my reasons in the comments, along with some other picks that, in my mind, have the same vibe to them, cause a book nerd can‘t stick to just one pick. 🤓 Play along if you‘d like.
This was interesting but I couldn‘t quite love it. It discusses most of the more prominent personality frameworks; the tests, the ideas behind them, and how to work within them to be your best self. I had read most of the books she explores so it was really repetitive for me. But, if the idea of personality and its affect of behavior is new to you, this may be a great book to check out!
Dinner and a book! Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Soup is perfect on a cold night 😄 #dinnerandabook
In Houston for a volleyball tournament, getting a few pages in before my daughter starts playing.
I have always enjoyed learning about how people tick. This introduced me to some new resources. This is the kind of book to refer back to over time. Glad I bought it.
⭐️⭐️⭐️: I love Anne Bogel so picked this one up. I‘m not quite as obsessed with personality typing as Anne proclaims to be but this made for an interesting high level overview. #NonFiction
I love the way this author breaks down personality typing. She presents a few different styles, like Myers Briggs and explains how they work and how they can help you. She encourages people to use personality typing to learn their strengths and weaknesses and name changes.
I really enjoy following Anne Bogel on social media, so I figured I would like this book, but I didn‘t realize that it would help me to understand myself. That alone makes it worth five stars in my book. Turned out I‘m a highly sensitive person, not just an easily annoyed one. Who knew?! Any book that helps me learn more about myself and others in a way that will make our lives better is worth the read.
I love when I learn something new about myself from a book. This book did that for me. ❤️
One of my favorite @unabridgedpod episodes EVER dropped yesterday—we talk about these two great books by #annebogel of #whatshouldireadnext and #modernmrsdarcy fame. We had SO much fun exploring our personality quirks and thinking about the impact of reading and books on our lives (not that we don‘t do that a lot anyway!).
Yes, this about says it all! Totally agree! 💓
This book was fascinating! It had a bit more of a Christian bent than I expected but otherwise, I really enjoyed it!
#24b4Monday These are the three I will concentrating on during the readathon this weekend. If I manage these, I‘ll start an ARC that needs read. Hosting the readathon is @TheReadingMermaid
Later on I saw another person reading and that time I could read the title. 😍😊💖📚🔡
I looked up from my book and saw this... Someone else reading... 😍😍 I always ask myself, what the other person is reading. ☺️ #readingpeople
I‘m so happy to have discovered the amazing Anne Bogel. (Thank you@BookaholicNatty!). Her podcast is now my favorite and this book was an insightful, intelligent read.
A good introduction to personality testing.
Anne Bogel of Modern Mrs. Darcy & What Should I Read Next shared this great video of ways to maximize your Library use: https://members.modernmrsdarcy.com/library-class-free/
My new tagline ... it encompasses how I feel about reading AND how I feel about my Litsy family!!! 📚💚🤓
I‘m not reading during my lunch today because @thereadingwomen is on this week‘s episode of What Should I Read Next and I have my TBR list out and pen ready to go! I‘m so excited!😁👍📚 #readingwomen #reclaiminghalfthebookshelf 📚📚📚🦖❤️
I didn‘t think I was interested in learning about personality — or reading this book — despite being a fan of Anne‘s podcast. I don‘t really know what changed my mind, but I‘m glad I did! The audiobook is great, but I‘m glad I also have the print book to refer to. Lots of footnotes and recommended resources listed — and the MBTI chapter was a bit too complex for just listening. I have lots more to explore now I‘ve had this introduction. #readathon
Day 7: Bookish Podcast
This one is my favorite.
Haven‘t read her book yet, though.
Pleasantly informative.
Hi all, in a reading slump where my mind feels out to lunch. Looking for a meaty deep fiction that is low on tropes written in the last five years, Any recommendations?
Within the past 6 months I've gotten into podcasts and Anne's podcast "What Should I Read Next" is one of my faves. When I heard she was writing a book on personality frameworks I knew I'd have to read it, definitely not disappointed. She outlines several frameworks and how she's included them in her life.