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I Will Find You
I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
"This is it. My rape. I knew it was coming. Every woman knows. And now here it is. My turn. When Joanna Connors was thirty years old on assignment for theCleveland Plain Dealer to review a play at a college theater, she was held at knife point and raped by a stranger who had grown up five miles away from her. Once her assailant was caught and sentenced, Joanna never spoke of the trauma again, until 21 years later when her daughter was about to go to college. She resolved then to tell her children about her own rape so they could learn and protect themselves, and she began to realize that the man who assaulted her was one of the formative people in her life. Setting out to uncover the story of her attacker, Connors embarked on a journey to find out who he was, where he came from, who his friends were and what his life was like. What she discovers stretches beyond one violent mans story and back into her own, interweaving a narrative about strength and survival with one about rape culture and violence in America. I Will Find You is a brave, timely consideration of race, class, education and the families that shape who we become, by a reporter and a survivor.
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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This! Omg. Joanna Connors is so brave to tell her story in a way that is both viscerally honest and personally raw. She reveals all the emotion and PTSD of her experience in a way that is very relatable. I can‘t even explain how horrifying and yet necessary this book is for all women to read. It really is amazing.

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Very moving, emotional book. While a horrible subject, Connors provided a lot of interesting research. I commend her for using this research as a way to finally start to heal. Highly recommend.

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Started reading this book a couple nights ago, wasn't sure what to expect...now, I just want to call in sick to work so I can keep reading and reading... It's not easy to make a difficult subject readable, but Connors has done an excellent job with her story.

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Oh wow. Today's #bookmail is stunning on a number of levels.

CarolynOliver I remember reading her original story about this in my hometown paper. Unforgettable. 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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Very good read. I can't say enjoyable, since it's a disturbing topic, but I'm glad I read it and even found the ending a bit hopeful. Now onto my next read - I'd like to see that final number get to at least 80.

LauraBeth Nice! 😀🎉👏⭐ 8y
Tanner @LauraBeth Thanks! I deliberately set my goal low because my real goal is to make sure I read a book a week, since real life sometimes interferes and there are other things to do. I set it for 100 one year and made it, but it really stressed me out. 8y
britt_brooke 🙌🏻🙌🏻 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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Balancing out the cozy mysteries with something serious.

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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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Joanna Connors was raped in 1984 and her rapist was sent to prison. Many years later she decided to investigate his life. This book was partially about the effects of the rape on her life and partially about the investigation into her rapist's life. It was just an excellent, moving read.

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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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Nonfiction November book #3

I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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A difficult but important read. TW: sexual assault. Connors was raped by a stranger when she was 30 & led a life of trauma recovery until she wanted to tell her children about it. She takes an unconventional but eye-opening path to come to terms with her rape by investigating her rapist's history. After discovering he died in prison, she seeks out his family. Thorough, accurate account of what it's like to be a survivor while also providing...👇🏼

BookishFeminist an empathetic look at the surrounding circumstances of her attacker, his family, and his socio-economic background. Connors tells not only her own brave story but also the stories of those who are marginalized on the edges of society. She deconstructs racial issues, health, and crime in a way I haven't seen before. She also takes an in-depth look at sexual violence laws & the impact of the criminal justice system on victims & perpetrators. 👇🏼 8y
BookishFeminist I am in awe of Connors' bravery. I am a survivor of sexual assault, and it is not an easy topic to discuss, let alone in this depth. Her depictions of trauma, guilt, and shame mirror many of my own even though our situations are different, so I while it was a difficult read, it was also therapeutic and helped me come to terms with my own emotions. It is very validating. 👇🏼 8y
BookishFeminist For those interested, I kept tabs on the pages where Connors gives graphic detail of her assault. The whole book can be triggering, obviously, and I may not have caught everything triggering for folks. But, I have put in a spoiler below the hardest graphic content for me to read in case you want to read it and skip these parts. 👇🏼 8y
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BookishFeminist Hardcover: Pgs 3-5, 39-51, 57-58, 100, 200 8y
NovelGirl82 I have wanted to read this, but was a bit afraid of the triggers. Thank you for braving it, & getting through it. I appreciate the tabs, as well. That will be very helpful! 8y
LeahBergen Wow. So, so important. Thank you for sharing this review and your own story along with it. 😘 8y
LauraBrook Excellent review, and kudos to you for both reading this and leaving tabs for everyone else. 😘 8y
charl08 Great review. Good to read that the book was helpful as well. I'll add it to the list. 8y
Ilana An incredible book - I reviewed it for Rewire News. So powerful. 8y
Suet624 When I selected the book from the library I couldn't imagine why I wanted to read it. You're right, though. The author did a great job of examining a variety of aspects involved in sexual assault. 8y
TrishB Thanks for good, honest review. 8y
Notafraidofwords This review is so helpful. Thank you for being so brave😄 8y
Gleefulreader This is a fantastic review. I love how you've provided page numbers for those who may still want to read the book but have worries about the content. So thoughtful! 8y
Cortg Fantastic, detailed review. I'm sure many Litsy peeps appreciate the pages you have included in your review. Thanks! 8y
mrsh62010 Thank you for the way you wrote this review, @BookishFeminist . I like you even more now. 8y
[DELETED] 3323341091 thank you! you did something incredibly brave, thoughtful, and kind here. 8y
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Both uplifting and heartbreaking. I dare any of you to read this and not be effected by it. ❤️

SarahK I just picked this up at the library! 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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Current #tbr pile, not counting the two audiobooks I have downloaded 😍

BekahB Nice! I've been picking up some of my favorite Goosebumps and I'm really enjoying re-reading them 😄 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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It's a rambunctious Friday night over here. #Bookanddinner and not even coffee! ? (Yet. ?) I've been in beast mode all day trying to finish as many of my "in progress" books as possible so I can start fresh for my October #creepathon. ??????

Still working my way through this amazing book about a woman's true story and investigation of her rape. Heartbreaking and essential. It's been a tough read but I'm very glad I'm working through it.

read_diverse_books That reminds me that I should probably eat dinner! 😬 Enjoy your meal! 8y
BookishFeminist @read_diverse_books Yes, eat! Necessary for reading! 😀 I devoured mine- chorizo never lasts long. Enjoy yours too! 8y
CarolynOliver I'm from Cleveland and remember her initial newspaper story about this. Wrenching. 8y
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Theresa I'm with you on scrambling to finish out September for a clean start on October. There's just 1 that I won't be able to finish. But on the bright side I was unexpectedly able to cram 1 more audiobook in on my commute today, so that makes up for the unfinished one. 8y
Shortstack I'm so burnt out on school I'm giving up on doing anything other than gaming tonight 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack Gaming and wine I hope! 🎮🍷 you deserve the break. I could never read after finals either. Are you done with finals!? 8y
BookishFeminist @Theresa I have 11 in progress books 😩 this month has been a clusterf*** for me! Lol. I will likely table them until November. Great job cramming in all that reading though! Love how much audiobooks add to my reading! 8y
BookishFeminist @CarolynOliver 💔 it is. You'd probably enjoy this book. (well, enjoy is the wrong word to use here but for lack of something better) it's incredible. Her honesty and the way she investigates this is incredible. Lots of different ways to look at this case and she explores all of them. 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist I'm done with everything I have to do for my final paper. I only have a few discussion responses to post and my final test left. Both due Sunday. And yes. Gaming and wine. 😍 I think I may start Bird Box after all this weekend as I need something extra fun! 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack Bird Box is sooooo gooood! You'd like it I think- perfect amount of spook to get you in the October mood. 😀 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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New pile of books from the library. Quite a few are recommendations from Litsy so looking forward to reading them #tbrtuesday

Cinfhen Like your flowers 💕they are so joyful 8y
Meg11726 Cannot wait for "I See You" to be released here! 8y
callunakeep Night Circus is a FABULOUS read!! 8y
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Dragon Second that, hope you enjoy Night Circus 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 I See You - very good!!! 8y
OriginalCyn620 Love this photo! 😍 8y
Cortg My audio of Night Circus just came in. Anxious to start it later this week. 8y
Amelie Jealous that you get to read Night Circus for the first time; that's how much I love it! 8y
BillKathyWms I really enjoyed Night Circus as well!! 📚💗💗 8y
ScorpioBookDreams @callunakeep @Dragon @Amelie @BillKathyWms I think I might move Night Circus to the top of my TBR after reading how much you all loved it! 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors

New pile of books from the library. Quite a few are recommendations from Litsy so looking forward to reading them #tbrtuesday

I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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Done with my work for the evening, so I'm relaxing with some wine and books. 🍷📖

I'm loving both of these but for entirely different reasons. I Will Find You has been a difficult read, but not in the triggering ways I expected. Neil Gaiman is there to make me feel better when I can't keep trucking with the other book for the night. ❤️✨

Laalaleighh Is that his memoir? How is it? I love him!! 8y
BookishFeminist @Laalaleighh It's a collection of his nonfiction works. Essays, articles & stuff. It's AMAZING. It's so quotable. He's a magic man. ✨✨ 8y
Laalaleighh He is magic ✨✨✨I can't wait to read it! 8y
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BookishFeminist @Laalaleighh You could do the Full Neil Gaiman Experience like I am & read along while you listen on audio so you can catch all those 🔥🔥 quotes of his. It's better than going to therapy every week. 😂 (just as long as I can pick myself off the floor from melting at the end of it) 8y
Zelma @BookishFeminist better than therapy. 😂 are you saying I need to get the audio and just leave it ready at all times? use in case of emergency! 8y
Laalaleighh That's a fantastic plan! 8y
BookishFeminist @Zelma Absolutely! You need the Full Neil Gaiman Immersive Experience for those times when you just don't give a damn about anything. Neil will not only make you care. Neil will make you fall on the floor swooning and then make you get up and work on the goals you've had set aside for years. 😂😂 8y
DivineDiana I need to read some Neil Gaiman. Where to begin? 8y
BookishFeminist @DivineDiana American Gods is my favorite & probably his most classic book. But these are shorter & maybe better starting points: Stardust, Neverwhere, or this one 8y
DivineDiana @BookishFeminist Thank you! American Gods has been on my TBR list for some time but I am going to take your suggestion and start with a shorter one! 8y
BookishFeminist @DivineDiana I hope you enjoy them! They're all so lovely. 😊 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors

Done with my work for the evening, so I'm relaxing with some wine and books. 🍷📖

I'm loving both of these but for entirely different reasons. I Will Find You has been a difficult read, but not in the triggering ways I expected. Neil Gaiman is there to make me feel better when I can't keep trucking with the other book for the night. ❤️✨

I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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The way the justice system often treats rape victims infuriates me. I have no words and only unabashed anger at this Ohio court system in the 80s.

She was required by law to go to an in-lockup parole hearing for her rapist & sit ACROSS THE TABLE from him to give detailed testimony of her rape. Due diligence, sure. But this is an absurd abuse of judicial power to require a victim's physical presence for this. We need more women in law.

brendanmleonard Reading the summary makes me realize I probably know all the places she talks about (I grew up in that part of Ohio). It seems like such a necessary book - I'll make sure to prioritize it in my next trip. 8y
Shortstack Holy fucking shit that's messed up! Excuse my cursing, but seriously!!! 8y
Shortstack Also, so not liking this because that is so messed up and I can't even. I need the FB angry icon for it!!!! 😡😡😡😤😤😤🖕 (finger to the system) 8y
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AlexandraGriffin Yeah, I read Missoula and was absolutely livid the entire time. 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack No need to excuse the cursing- no ones home right now and I cursed up a storm when I read this! I'm absolutely LIVID. 😡😡🖕🏼 8y
BookishFeminist @GriffinAndHerBooks I haven't been able to get through that one yet since it hits a bit closer to home for me, but i suspect I will be livid as well. 8y
BookishFeminist @brendanmleonard You might! Did you grow up in Cuyahoga County? Boy that would make this book even more difficult to read if I knew the locations where it happened. 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist I think I'm going to have to wait to read this one for a time when I can go through every emotion available 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack Yes, I definitely recommend that. It's been taxing so far and not in the ways I expected. 8y
brendanmleonard @BookishFeminist I grew up in summit county in OH but that whole region of northeastern Ohio is familiar - all the suburban towns are familiar with each other and play each other in sports. Or if you went to prep school like I did, everyone was from somewhere different. 8y
BookishFeminist @brendanmleonard That makes sense- it's the same way here in the DC area, though I went to a public school. 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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The way the justice system often treats rape victims infuriates me. I have no words and only unabashed anger at this Ohio court system in the 80s.

She was required by law to go to an in-lockup parole hearing for her rapist and sit ACROSS THE TABLE from him to give detailed testimony of her rape. Due diligence, sure. But this is an absurd abuse of judicial power & law to require a victim's physical presence. We need more women in law.

I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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It was not your fault. 💔

Victims often find a way to minimize their assault to themselves and to other people. It's rare for victims of sexual assault to play victim. This stigma that women are lying, that we make stories up, that we overplay our experiences, needs to stop.

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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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How victims of rape feel pressured into erasing or minimizing their pain and trauma, from the moment it happens until years later.

It's heartbreaking that women who are assaulted in this way often feel invalidated until they have confirmation from a man, often one in a position of authority.

Shortstack This book sounds heartbreaking and yet I want to read it so badly! 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack I'm finding it heartbreaking and empowering at the same time. It's nice to know other women have minimized or erased their assault, but heartbreaking that it happened and that our society and psyche is such that she and others feel it necessary to do. 😔 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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My #CurrentlyReading selection for #AugustPhotoChallenge. ☕️

This is incredible so far, and I highly recommend it. I'm trying to take my time with it because it's a heavy topic but I'm finding it hard to pace myself because it's so powerful.

I've been posting some powerful quotes of this- they aren't too triggering or descriptive in my opinion, but I've hidden them behind spoilers regardless just in case. I found them therapeutic in a sense.

Rebeccak I really want to read this but don't know if I can handle it. 8y
BookishFeminist @Rebeccak I'm surprised by how well I'm handling it, so it might be worth giving a try with some precaution. But you're the best judge of your own threshold, obviously. I'm taking careful notes on page numbers of where the incident is described in detail for some folks that don't want the re-experiencing trigger. I'm finding it very empowering as a survivor myself. If there's anything specific you want me to keep my eye out for let me know. 8y
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Notafraidofwords @Rebeccak you're so kind to be so open about trigger warnings. Thank you. I appreciate it so much. 8y
BookishFeminist @Notafraidofwords ❤️ it's important. Even if you can handle reading it, forewarning & having the choice to read it helps so much. I can't stand when someone puts up a potentially triggering or gruesome picture up on a feed without a spoiler or warning. I've sadly had to unfollow a few repeat offenders. 8y
Rebeccak @BookishFeminist that is amazing of you to keep note of page numbers. You've inspired me to put this on my library hold list. When a survivor is brave enough to tell their story, I want to try my best to bear witness. 8y
BookishFeminist @Rebeccak I hope you enjoy it & that it doesn't trigger you too much- I'll be posting the triggers in my review when I'm done. Just be careful & take care of yourself. 😊 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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"I blurt out, 'I was just raped.'

It's the first time I say the words, and it sounds wrong. Too flat. Too direct. I feel like a fake, a feeling that will return again and again in the days and weeks to come. Why am I not crying or wailing like a real victim? Why do I sound so emotionless? After stating just the fact, I am unable to say anything else."

We often feel we're "faking it" bc we dissociate & bc shame is placed on victims of rape. ?

Shortstack So much truth to this. So much truth. 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack Yep, sadly. I think it goes to the heart of why so many victims don't come forward. I think sometimes people (myself included) go to great lengths to convince themselves it wasn't rape to justify what happened so they can try to cover the overwhelming shame involved. 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist Especially when it happens by someone you really trusted. Someone you were close to. 💔 I know that's why I never came forward. 8y
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Notafraidofwords Heartbreaking truth. 8y
TheNextBook This is heartbreaking... 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack ❤️💔 I feel you there. You never know the repercussions either or whether you'll be tainted or classified as a liar, which is sadly the default for a lot of women who experience this. Even worse if you know the person and thought you could trust them. It only adds to the shame and taints how you normalize love and relationships. 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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Behind a spoiler for those who might find this triggering.

I'm astounded by this woman's honesty. I found this quote to be particularly powerful and true. You never know if or when it will happen to you until it does, and it's a surreal feeling. 💔

Notafraidofwords Yet, you know it's coming. I will often get off an elevator or rush through a specific street as if I'm expecting it to happen to me. 8y
BookishFeminist @Notafraidofwords Yep 💯💯 that. It's such an odd feeling to be conflicted like that- to be in such paranoia of danger in your everyday life yet hoping it will never happen to you. 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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Epigraph on the opening page. 🔥🔥🔥

#EpicEpigraphs #Epigraphs #BookQuotes

OSChamberlain Droppin' that truth knowledge yo. 8y
BookishFeminist @OSChamberlain All day, every day 💁🏻 8y
Megabooks Whoa! That's a good one. Hopefully you've got a great book ahead. 8y
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Megabooks And BTW, I don't think I could read this book! 8y
BookishFeminist @Ebooksandcooks It's great so far! I'm pleasantly surprised by how non-triggering it is actually- it's obviously a difficult topic but she doesn't dwell on the details, she talks about the present and future more & she maintains distance the way she talks about her experience 8y
Megabooks @bookishfeminist Interesting. I have a pretty low threshold right now as far as triggering. But that's good to know. 8y
BookishFeminist @Ebooksandcooks Oh that's not meant to pressure you at all! I'm testing my own thresholds at the moment bc my therapist wants me to so 💁🏻 why not go all in and see how far I get lol 8y
Shortstack That sounds really interesting. The after is so challenging to deal with that it can easily fill a book! 8y
OSChamberlain Geez I feel like you've all been through so much :( @BookishFeminist @Ebooksandcooks 8y
Megabooks @bookishfeminist That's good! I'm glad you're working through it with your therapist. @OSChamberlain unfortunately... 8y
MrBook Awesome! 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack Completely agree! She's doing a great job with his so far. It's hard to talk about and I admire her strength. 8y
BookishFeminist @OSChamberlain @Ebooksandcooks Sadly, yes, among many others that also have. Day by day, though. Thanks for your support. ✊🏼 8y
OSChamberlain @BookishFeminist @Ebooksandcooks y'all are an inspiration 💪🏻 8y
Megabooks @OSChamberlain Thank you 💙 8y
BookishFeminist @MrBook Yes! James Baldwin has some incredible things to say. 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist I may have to pick this one up. This is a subject I may one day write about. For me the hardest part was feeling like I was worth less. Not because of what happened but that it only happened because I hadn't had worth to begin with. Does that make sense? #rapeculture #amiright 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack Makes perfect sense to me. It's so true of a lot of abuse and sexual trauma: shame is always at the root of it, whether you felt you could have prevented your situation or not. It still matters though & it's not your fault. ❤️ Rape culture indeed 🖕🏼😑 8y
OSChamberlain @Shortstack ugh. Humanity is utter garbage. I'm sorry for your pain 😤 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist @OSChamberlain I'd be lying if I said I didn't still have complex feelings on the subject but it's all far enough in the past where it doesn't haunt me frequently. It's crazy how almost all women experience some form of abuse or sexual trauma in their lives though. And often on multiple occasions. 💔💔💔 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist Is the book helping at all? I know sometimes it's easier to see other people's pain more clearly than your own. It's hard to see yourself as blameless. 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack Hahahaha nope! Not helping, but interesting. I have PTSD so it's rare that this kind of stuff helps, but some has- reading about mental illness helps me a lot. If you give me a fiction book with a realistic portrayal of sexual and emotional trauma I'm all over that stuff 💯💯. And so true. I've had multiple/repeated encounters so it's hard to grapple with why people do this. It's baffling how many people are affected by it. 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist I am so sorry to hear that. I hope find your way through all that darkness. I hear you on trying to understand why people do what they do. And trying to find your sense of self again after can be such a challenge. I just felt like I was getting there in the last couple of years. If you ever need an ear to listen, you can count mine among them. In the meantime know that you are amazing. And not all the world is dark. ❤️ 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack ❤️❤️ thank you. I'm always here if you need an ear as well. It's such a long journey that's easier to face together. I'm mostly stable now, thankfully. It's nice to have other supportive ladies to lean on- you're amazing too for getting there & being so open to talking about it. ❤️ Despite all of this I'm an optimist, so there is always hope. 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist I have a tendency to be too open sometimes! 😂😬 Glad you're appreciative. I'm glad to hear you're still an optimist and it sounds like overall your life is in a really great place which makes me happy to hear! ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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Relaxing in my happy place. 📖🍹

I'll probably have to take my time with this book because of the heavy & personal subject matter, but I'm looking forward to reading a journalistic take on this. (Major trigger warning for rape & sexual assault if you can't tell from the subtitle.) Also this will have to count as #whitespines before I get home! 🔍

brendanmleonard Sounds like a very tough but important and worthwhile topic. Please let us know what you think. 👍🏻 8y
BookishFeminist @brendanmleonard I definitely will. 👍🏼 8y
Godmotherx5 I don't know if I can read it. Rape is one topic that's really hard for me. Thanks for tackling the book. 8y
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BookishFeminist @Godmotherx5 Yea, that's completely understandable. It's a very hard topic for me too so I am loading up on Klonopin to tackle it. 8y
Godmotherx5 @BookishFeminist Now that's an idea. 8y
BookishFeminist @Godmotherx5 Haha right! I'll let you know if I have any success with it. 8y
BibliOphelia If you recommend it, I just may be willing to struggle through it. 8y
Notafraidofwords Good luck ! I heard this one is good. 8y
BookishFeminist @BibliOphelia I will definitely let you know & keep my eyes posted for specific triggers too! 8y
BookishFeminist @Notafraidofwords Thank you! Armed with anti-anxiety meds I'm doing okay so far 💪🏼 8y
EnidBiteEm I'm not sure I'll read it, but will certainly consider it. What a courageous woman to face her trauma in this way. 8y
BibliOphelia Thanks! I try to be really picky about what I expose myself to, but don't want to avoid wholesale - it's important to challenge oneself with the right material! 8y
BookishFeminist @EnidBiteEm She really is incredible. I can understand her temptation to do this, too. It can be so powerful to confront your past in a way that emphasizes your agency. I'm making careful note of the particular scenes/page numbers for folks that want to read it but will have triggers if you wind up deciding to read it. 8y
BookishFeminist @BibliOphelia Yes of course! TBH I wouldn't be reading this myself if I didn't have a kickass therapist to help me test my limits. But I agree- I enjoy and think it's important to challenge oneself while reading. I'm making careful notes of scenes with assault in them for folks who want to skip over the specifically triggering flashbacks! 8y
BibliOphelia You rock! 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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Not the Saturday I had planned but not terrible either. Not pictured: giant bowl of popcorn.

BookishFeminist Oh no! Feel better! I hope you enjoy the book. This one is up next in my stack I think. 8y
quirkyreader Give that foot some TLC. 8y
Megabooks I'm sorry! Get better soon, and enjoy your book! 8y
megt I hope your foot starts feeling better soon! 8y
Tav I love popcorn! I make it in a pan and eat it by the fistful! 8y
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What a great book! Read it in two days because it was a hard story, so wonderfully told. Thank u, Joanna Conners.

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"Whatever one's journey is, one's got to accept the fact that disaster is one of the conditions u see which you will make it."

I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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I've been struggling with anger after hearing about the Stanford rape case. I picked up this book in an effort to "understand" but instead found an amazing woman, similar to Emily Doe from the Stanford case, who looked into her own rape and discovered so much more than her own pain. Phenomenal.

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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors

It was not your fault, even if you were drunk, even if you were wearing a low-cut minidress, even if you were out walking alone at night, even if you were on a date with the rapist and kind of liked him but didn't want to have sex with him.

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"Fear grows out of ignorance, then I needed to confront the ignorance to get at the fear."

I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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Ripped through this one in 3 hours. Riveting. What begins as an exploration of the author's rape and rapist becomes so much bigger. A true investigation into the origin of violence and its consequences over time, how it ripples outward like waves from a stone thrown into a pond.

I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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This morning's library haul... Gotta have a selection ready for jury duty next week!

I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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Listening to my favorite bookish podcast, All the books, and adding to my to-read shelf 😃

LisaMakeWords One of my favs too! 8y
Zenira3 I'm obsessed with "all the books" and "get booked"! 8y
Julsmarshall I adore get booked too! 8y
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BooksForEmpathy Agreed!! Such great ones out today!! 8y
Anita I look forward to every episode! 8y
LastPaigeFirst Man, between All the Books and Get Booked, I will seriously never make it through my TBR list. 8y
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I Will Find You | Joanna Connors
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This is a harrowing, remarkable book that reveals both the depth of human pain and trauma and the height of resilience. The rare memoir thaT is actually unflinching. (Trigger warning: rape and sexual violence.)

DoodlesDistractions This looks like such an important book, but also seems so tough to read. What was your experience? 8y
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