A strong case against marrying g a man with multiple wives.
Nice and spooky. But nothing gross. I loved Ruth Ware‘s first book (In a Dark, Dark Wood) but haven‘t liked ones that came after as well... until this one. Hard to put down. Not to say it‘s without flaws. But it was fun reading for sure!
This book was so great but the VERY end felt like they wanted it to be a suspense/thriller and so they did what they do. It was otherwise a great book about heartbreak and loss and the things we believe to get us thru. I could totally sympathize with Alison for everything she did. And how one little step led to the next. A few things were never fleshed out- like: when CPS got involved. The husband, Sindre- what ended up happening with him?
Parts of this were great- but it was a lengthy 500+ page book so slightly draggy in parts. Good family drama with several interesting stories going on, spanning over a few decades.
Loved this- I dont typically read essays, but I‘m not sure why. I related to this author and liked it more and more with each essay.
This was NOT a romance, as my library had marked on the spine. Which I knew going into it, but still...
Why this label?
I liked what the narrator finally got around to at the end of the book and the over all message. None of it felt ”slow”, and I don‘t feel like a certain part shoulda been cut out, but yet... it felt too long at 466 pages. Still, I enjoyed and would recommend it.
Good summer read, Altho the hardback format is a little heavy...
It got very diabolical towards the end- like one of those high octane scary movies where ur on the edge of ur seat, biting ur nails and covering ur eyes a lot of the time. I shouldn‘t read crap like this. It can‘t be good for me.
Good. And as a bonus short enough to read the whole thing on a rainy day.
Good. And as a bonus short enough to read the whole thing on a rainy day.
Jist finished this one- I‘d love to see someone do a good version of it on Netflix and it seems like they will...could be a little cheesy.
I loved and needed this. Because in a long term relationship, I value these kinds of stories.
And because it was light reading. Every now and then that feels very refreshing.
Good. But heavy. And I‘m ready now to move on to something lighter.
I liked this a lot... but got totally confused with the ending and now have to get online to figure what the hell just happened. Very confusing, but I should ha e paid closer attention. I need to screw my head back on straight after this...
Holy shit. I was into it. Right up until THE LETTER. that ending just left me pissed however 80% of it I liked- Even tho it was pretty ridiculous
And.. the end. I was into it- but felt a little “meh” with it at the end. I think it was overhyped. And/or I read too many books in this genre. How did the side story of his wife resolve- I missed that and just don‘t feel like flipping around on a kindle to see if I missed something.
Good one- current topic of real estate fraud- and then some! I wish someone I knew had also just finished this so we could talk about the ending and what a f up this will be... I need a few more chapters to find out!
A perfect book. A tragic story. An incredible man. Who somehow, still has so much love in his heart. I, for one, am banging on the bars.
I started this yesterday but am already more than half thru it because I cannot put it down! And I can‘t figure out wtf is going on exactly. Love it. So glad I abandoned my last book I WASNT Into. So little time, so many books.
Only read the ones you like I say!!
I was about 1/2 way thru the book when I decided I was done. I didn‘t like how it was told backwards, hour by hour. It only made the confusion I have at the beginning of a book, trying to keep the (too many, all at once) characters straight- also, I know how I feel about abortion, and I understand the complexities of both sides so I wasn‘t feeling like I was gaining some new insight. I love Jodi Picoult books usually, but this one was not for me.
Great book- not necessarily easy to read due to the topic. Based on a real kidnapping back in the late 1940s- and not just kidnapping but a couple years of child molestation. And while all of this is all so disturbing and sad, it‘s the ending and aftermath that left me devastated. Well done. I‘ll read more from this author!
Loved it. Because I love a good cry. So, prepare yourself. She smartly ended it without really having to wrap up all the details. I‘d like to know about the aftermath... 💙
Heavy. But beautiful. And heartbreaking. And heartwarming. And everything.... I loved this. So much emotion that I just feel spent after reading it.
Today‘s library haul. About to start on the rules of magic while I warm the other one up in the microwave.
Loved this book- greed is a dangerous thing. Started off super strong- I don‘t think the ending lived up to the rest but I very much enjoyed reading and would definitely recommend it!
Thank god my children are nothing like the one in this book. Glad that we just stuck with dogs. Anyway...I did like this book. Kept my attention. I can‘t imagine fearing ur own child. All the guilt that would come with it. And then, if u felt like ur husband didnt believe you?!!!
Holy shit. Maybe my ritual of reading before bedtime is what‘s causing me sleepless nights! This book is so disturbing. Nightmare child.
“We Need to Talk About Kevin” meets “Gone Girl” meets “The Omen”- says Entertainment Weekly-
Sounds deeply disturbing. I keep saying Im gonna stop reading shit like this, but yet- I can‘t resist...
Just crackin‘ this one open- only a few chapters in, but so far, I think it‘s gonna be a good one.🤞🏻
It‘s hard to bail once I‘ve made it to page 391- hrs ve never gone this far and then given up. I really liked the mystery going on in the first 150 pages or so. But as it‘s gotten weirder and more obviously science fiction-y I‘m just sick of it and don‘t care.
I love some Stephen King books- love the way he writes. But I just can‘t do unrealistic/sci-fi scary stuff.
I liked reading it- especially the chapters that were Isabelle‘s. I only had a few probs: it seemed she would have been a better mother to her son, and altho at the end she said she “was a good mother”- she seemed pretty disconnected. Also, I didn‘t love the final chapter.
I can only read one book at a time- unless one is non-fiction and the other is fiction. As soon as I finish the great one I‘m nearly done with, I‘ll start these two I just picked up at the library today. Some girl posted her crying face and this title “Calling me home”- I‘m a sucker for a good cry... hope this does the trick!
I so loved Ruth Ware‘s first book- In a Dark, Dark wood. Then, bc my expectations were so high, i was a little disappointed with The Woman in Cabin 10. But this book had me at its cover! However, it was a slow build. But a good, old fashioned mystery. Not my favorite but good enough.
About 3/4 through and wishing it would pick a bit- or is it me? How much I like a book is often so dependent on my outside circumstances. It‘s been a tough week family- wise and maybe I‘m just having trouble focusing. Alzheimer‘s/aging parents is so hard to watch....
I‘ve read some not so great reviews in this- I‘m only half way thru it.. and so far, I like it. I think maybe people were expecting a suspense like “the wife between us” but it‘s not that genre. This is not a thriller at all- it‘s a book about the breakdown of a marriage. So if you go into knowing that, it‘s not disappointing. I think the publisher made a mistake saying it‘s for fans of “big little lies”-
Felt like it moved slow- or for some reason, it just dragged on. And then at the end I thought “what the f”. I read too many books in this genre. I need to stop.eventually.
Different enough from others in this crowded genre that is sorta stood out-
I loved this book. A tear jerker for sure. If you don‘t mind a good cry, and want a reminder of what is important READ THIS. Beautifully written.
I thought this was a good,
Sweet book- but surprised that‘s it‘s not categorized as YA!!
Similar to The Happiness Project, the author takes on one wellness topic a month to lead her to a healthier life.
It was funny, fun to read and I learned a few things!
Like the porn was to Mrs Fletcher, this book was pretty addictive! and the snowy cold day was the perfect excuse to finish it today!
About 100 pages in and having a VERY hard time putting this down. So far SO good.
Really liked the premise- and even more reason to not support the death penalty.
It was sort of a “breakfast club” where one of them dies- was it murder? And who did it? They all have reasons for being mad at the guy who died. Killing him tho- seemed like a stretch. I liked learning about each character as their stories unfolded- and of course, no one is really who they seem.
This was so good. Highly recommend. Can u imagine being the daughter of a serial killer? And being the one that tells on her? And having to testify against your serial killer mother in court? And worrying that that kind of shit is in ur DNA?