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i just really like books y'all.
Geekerella | Ashley Poston
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Last night I discovered that my dog who has never chewed anything in a year decided to eat my library book (I suspect on the cat's behest). Whhhhyyyy?? Also, this book is making all my fangirl parts nostalgic. Such a precious.


Oh my gosh, this a good one. One of the best historical romances I've read so far that actually seems to fully embrace the term historical. Yes, there is some fantastical elements. This is a romance, but this book is obviously well researched and is a fully realized concept by the author. I have read another book by Alyssa Cole, and this book is a huge leap into 'must buy this author' land for me. Civil War, spies, badass heroine, charming hero!


I've listened to Sleeping Giants and Waking Gods on audiobook, and I highly recommend that experience if you want something different. The full cast recording brings this to life. I don't know what I was expecting but Waking Gods went off into some weird, awesome, and dark directions. I didn't love everything but I loved the majority and I'm looking forward to a continuation as there is a major cliffhanger at the end.

Lonesome Dove: A Novel | Larry McMurtry

Crossing a river has always been a fear of mine, usually just daydreams of driving my car in headfirst. But maybe I just knew instinctively what this book described to me: there could be a nest of water moccasin waiting for me. Thank you for giving me my new worst fear.

readswellwithothers Reading this book now, and loving it so much! That said, there are many a cringe-worthy scene. I can't remember the last time a book made me make so many horrible noises! 🐄 8y
LisaMakeWords @readswellwithothers I totally agree. The snake scene makes my skin crawl even if snake nests might not be a thing. Just the image. Also some of the details especially for the ladies is very hard to read. But it is soooo good. I am just over halfway done now. 8y
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Lonesome Dove: A Novel | Larry McMurtry

Why choose a 34 hr listen for your first Audiobook of the year. No clue, but I have a feeling I am going to love every second. First hour was hard but now I am getting to know the characters and I'm in. Also, this is part of my 2017 backlist reading challenge. I am doing both that and Read Harder 2017.

Bookzombie I love Lonesome Dove! I haven't listened to it though. I would say it took me about a 100 pages to be hooked. I hope you enjoy it!! 🙂 8y
LisaMakeWords @Bookzombie I listened to Matterhorn last year which is another very long listened and I loved it. It was so immersive and entertaining so I have been wanting another long enjoyable listen. I think this is scratching that itch. 8y
Bookzombie @LisaMakeWords I have Matterhorn on my shelf to read! 8y
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Today at book club everyone brought a cookbook and made a dish from their book for our Christmas potluck. Very fun idea! Someone made the most yummy wassail. I made the apple crisp from The Skinnytaste Cookbook.

Reviewsbylola Great idea! 8y
DebinHawaii Very fun idea! 😀 8y
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It's a chilly rainy Sunday, snuggling in a blanket with book and dog to keep me company.

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Not the best month for reading, and even though I planned to read during my Thanksgiving break, I read zero books. Too much going on and too much turkey. However, I am already in the saddle again. Here's hoping Christmas Break is better. I am so close to 100 books for the year.

DebinHawaii Good job with November and with your yearly count! 🎉📚👍😀 8y
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Delightful morning read, this is my second Sarah MacLean and I'm loving it so far.

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Well, this was awesome. Joshua wasn't perfect and I could nitpick but he may also be my favorite hero of the year.

Notafraidofwords I finished and loved it. Any similar read that you can recommend? 8y
LisaMakeWords Wasn't it brilliant? I can't think of any contemporary romances ughh. I want more myself. The only one that truly is pretty comparable is Carry On by Rainbow Rowell which is a YA fantasy read with two protags that hate each though not really. It's hilarious and one of them is always thinking the other is trying to kill him. I would love more like The Hating Game though. 8y
Notafraidofwords @LisaMakeWords totally. She has another book coming out so we can take comfort in that. 8y
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This book needs a spot on reading lists for Black Lives Matter. Detailed & unflinching on the rise of gangsta rap in the era of crack, Rodney King, & crumbling cities, this book gives context to issues alive today. A chronicle of how N.W.A. voiced the anger, spirit & frustration of black youth and stuck it in politicians, the FBI and white america's living rooms. Equally fascinating is the close look at how music pioneers, though flawed, operated.

LisaMakeWords I read this book over the weekend which I didn't expect. Should say since it was released in August it does work up all the way through 2015's Straight Outta Compton. It's got hundreds of firsthand interviews by the author. That's part of why it's so good. It's not glorifying. It gives facts, even the terrible abuse of women and violence. 8y
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I started this book yesterday, and OH MY GOD I couldn't put it down. It's a fascinating and engrossing story. It's not just fluff though. It has researched facts and first person accounts. Very readable for nonfiction. #nonfictionnovember

Nimona | Noelle Stevenson

Confession, I wasn't a huge fan of the first LumberJanes volume. I wasn't expecting much from Nimona, but it is recommended so often (and The Reading Women just did a show on it) that I gave it a try anyway. And ohemgee, it's so good. I had so many feelings about this. So many feelings. Read it!!!!

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Phoebe and Her Unicorn | Dana Simpson
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YES! All the yes'es. This laugh out loud funny. I want to buy this series for every young child I know (and me too) to read forever and ever.

thegirlwiththelibrarybag Good plan :) 8y
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The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood

I honestly didn't expect to read this book so fast, but the narrative is quite readable despite its complexity. This is a strange, thought-provoking dystopia aimed at religion and patriarchy that is unsettling. My one gripe is there is no discussion of intersectionality here. What happened to the women of color in this world? I assume they had it worse but it was hard to parcel out and the narrator never mentions it.

Reviewsbylola I read this for a college course and it has stuck with me ever since. 8y
LisaMakeWords @Reviewsbylola I'm glad I read it. Parts of it will definitely stay with me. 8y
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The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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This week I made two trips to the library to retrieve some holds, and I picked up a couple other things while there. Whoops. I plan to only read from this stack for the month so I'll see how far I can get. I'm half way through The Handmaid's Tale. It's strange and unsettling but I can't wait to see the ending.

Alfoster Hope you love it! 8y
RiotMom Handmaid's Tale is one of my favorites! 8y
Reviewsbylola Behold the Dreamers was excellent. Enjoy! 8y
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I tweeted that I'm not sure if I'm loving this or confused or if I hate it, but I can't stop thinking about it. I'm a 100 pages into Book 1 and I already bought the other two. I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

Along Came Love | Tracey Livesay

I loved this book so freaking much. I've read a number of romances this year but this is high on my list of favs for the year. India is the best!!!! Her emotional turmoil feels very true and believable based on her backstory. I enjoyed the surprise pregnancy trope much more than I expected. Also Mike is a fab hero, and I liked the relationship here. Just a great entertaining read. Can't wait for Jonathan's story next.

Mixed Signals | Alyssa Cole

Original concept from other post-apocalyptic narratives I've read. This story is set years after the major events of a nationwide blackout and society has decayed but is getting back on its feet enough that our heroine is moving to one of the new colleges training workers and engineers. She is joined by her crush Edwin who is like a big brother to her. That relationship is tense as is one with an old ex. Enjoyable quick romance.

Batgirl Vol. 2: Family Business | Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart
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Just started this series after a recommendation on Get Booked, and what a delightful read. Babs is amazing and her friends even more awesome. Very inclusive and modern. I'm new to the character so I can't speak on faith to origin but this is a fantastic reboot for a new reader. I love that it isn't dark or gritty. It's fun!

Along Came Love | Tracey Livesay
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Wooo! I've been not so patiently waiting for the next book in this series to drop. AND IT'S FINALLY OUT TODAY!! I loved Love On My Mind. It has a WOC heroine and a hero with Asperger's, a very different kind hero than I've read. Plus, bi-racial couple woo. Tracey teased this new story at the end if Book 1 and I've been intrigued to see where it goes.

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1Q84 | Haruki Murakami

I finished Book 1. On one hand I'm totally loving this book and on the other I have no idea what the hell is going on. Little People, what?

The Mothers: A Novel | Brit Bennett
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Finally went and retrieved my #botm pick. It's so gorgeous.

Reviewsbylola Can't wait to read this one! 8y
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1Q84 | Haruki Murakami
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Currently reading this for my book club pick. It's long so not certain I'll finish but it's a very engaging and easy to read prose.


On audiobook, this book is painful and hard to stomach in moments, but there was this underlying current to the plot that kept me completely engaged as the characters made their way off the plantation and through the south on the railroad. There were chilling moments of suspense and action, but beautiful thoughtful prose that connect to situations of black lives in modern america. Highly recommend everyone read.

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I'm just going to spend a few days staring at this one.

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Love On My Mind | Tracey Livesay

I finished this two weeks ago, and it's nagged at me ever since so I know I loved it. This is a romance with a black heroine written by a black author, and it's a mixed race couple with a hero that has Asperger's. It's also a book about two people falling in love, not about race which I enjoyed. Mostly I liked how the author dealt with Adam's relationships with Chelsea & his friends due to his Asperger's. Can't wait to read the next in the series.

Wallbanger | Alice Clayton

Checked this out from my library's Overdrive collection and it was an entertaining way to spend a Sunday morning as I consumed this entire thing in one sitting. Absolutely loved the hero, Simon, in this one. Some minor irritations (ridiculous nicknames blergh) but the book is funny and there is the most hilarious cat. The heroine, Caroline, loves Ina Garten, and I feel that on a deep spiritual level.

Bookzombie I enjoyed this one too! 8y
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The Gunslinger | Stephen King
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I have listened to a considerable portion of this book, enough that I should know if I like it or not. Mainly I am confused beyond all reason. Do I continue for Idris Elba? There are six more books and I don't know if I can get through this one. Also I didn't know much about this series but it was recommended to me by a couple of friends. Plus Idris.

Ubergeekygirl I was super confused too when I listened to the first book but I was certain I would at least listen to the second. I have heard that some skip the first book and start at the second in the series. I enjoyed the story, the narration and the questions I was left with. 8y
LisaMakeWords @Ubergeekygirl I'm trying to tough it out, but the majority of the time I've felt very lost. I do like the narration and I feel like something awesome is happening if only I could figure out what lol. 8y
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The Gunslinger | Stephen King

I have listened to a considerable portion of this book, enough that I should know if I like it or not. Mainly I am confused beyond all reason. Do I continue for Idris Elba? There are six more books and I don't know if I can get through this one. Also I didn't know much about this series but it was recommended to me by a couple of friends. Plus Idris.

Dark Matter | Blake Crouch

An interesting action packed sci-fi thriller that has elements of multi-verse theory. I did have some qualms with the book (females characters in this book don't have much to do) but I think most people will enjoy this one. Think Sliding Doors plus Time Traveler's Wife but with a buttload of science: you get this book.

Dark Matter | Blake Crouch

An interesting action packed sci-fi thriller that has elements of multi-verse theories. I did have some qualms with the book (females characters in this book don't have much to do) but I think most people will enjoy this one. Think Sliding Doors but with much more science and a Time Traveler's Wife-like romance.

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I finished up #24in48 yesterday by starting this audiobook. Still loving everything Brene Brown has to say. The way she speaks about courage and vulnerability is something worth trying to bring into my life. So glad I found her work. Aside from that had a great time reading this weekend, ended up about 16 hrs and 4 books finished. Then I spent Sunday afternoon at a production of Wicked, and it was a total blast.

BookishFeminist So much love for her ❤️ 8y
LauraBeth ❤️ her 8y
AmyWrites I absolutely love this book. I always learn so much from her! 8y
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LisaMakeWords @AmyWrites @LauraBeth @BookishFeminist I just discovered her last month, and I've been trying to read all her stuff. Love her so much. 8y
LauraBeth @LisaMakeWords setting aside my feelings for Elizabeth GIlbert (bc I'd like my money back from Eat Pray Love), she did an excellent and insightful interview on her podcast (Magic Lessons) with Brene. It's episode 12 8y
LisaMakeWords @LauraBeth Oooh thanks for the tip! i will check it out. I did read Big Magic by Gilbert which I liked and gifted to a friend. I think Brene Brown is more my cup of tea though. 8y
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The Shadow Hour | Melissa Grey

Day 1 ended at 14.5 hrs read. I can chalk up some of my wandering mind to fatigue but I do think this book comes at a slower pace compared to The Girl at Midnight. Much quieter, the plot drifts in places, and there's a rather tedious love triangle. Yet, I still love this world, the lore, and the characters. Once the plot gets moving the story takes you on a wild ride setting up what's sure to be an exciting conclusion to the series. #24in48


Finished up this audiobook today. Another notch in my quest to consume all of Brene Brown's work. Some of the ideas here were in the first course I listened to called The Power of Vulnerability but I still loved this. I'm constantly thinking about how to adapt her ideas into my daily life. #24in48

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The Shadow Hour | Melissa Grey
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#24in48 Next up, the sequel to The Girl at Midnight. Been excited to read it. I will probably sleep soon and wake up to this one. 5 hours 40 mins down.

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I finished my second book for #24in48 making whale noises. It ends on a cliffhanger. But before that this is a cute contemporary YA romance with fake relationships and awesome siblings. Features a biracial Korean-American family.

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For #24in48 I finished up the last 150 pages of this one, and oh my god what an exciting finish. Lots of intrigue and sword fights and burly warriors to contend with while the hero and heroine fell in love. I just loved Mairin's take no prisoners attitude. She's a well drawn tough but caring character that was easy to root for. Can't wait to look up the other two books in the series to get the rest of the McCabe story.

Lauren_reading Maya Banks historicals are so good, I love most of her books. I'm reading one of her KGI books now- great suspense! 8y
TeR Sounds interesting.... 8y
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Funny, entertaining historical romance about a plainjane wallflower named Callie and the man she's admired from a far, Gabriel, a dude with a notorious rep with the ladies. Add in an entertaining surrounding cast. Plus an easy to follow plot that doesn't feel needlessly drawn out.

Old Man's War | John Scalzi
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An action-packed scifi romp. Simple premise: elderly humans are made young again to fight intergalactic wars. The twists and conspiracies of that process are fun as you find out how this all occurs. Beneath it all there's thoughtfulness about humanity and colonization that give the book great depth.

Ubergeekygirl I enjoyed it, though I felt a bit disappointed at the end. I'm not sure what I expected. Will you read the next one? 8y
LisaMakeWords @Ubergeekygirl I defs understand how the ending could've felt lackluster. I'm interested in continuing because I had some theories about the other alien races that I want to know if I'm right. That and the first book is rated lower than the sequels on GR so I've assumed the series gets even better. How about you? 8y
Ubergeekygirl @LisaMakeWords I haven't read any of them but they are on my huge tbr list. Someday... *sighs* 8y
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Okay, I'm going to be sad when this book is over. As someone just getting into reading lots of different romance novels, I feel like this is ringing more of my bells than other historicals I've tried previously. I just love Gabriel and Callie, I can't even explain.

RebeccaSpeas Sarah MacLean is WONDERFUL 8y
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Old Man's War | John Scalzi
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As I was adding updates on Goodreads this morning (loving Old Man's War btw), I decided I needed more book friends to stalk, erm, follow. So it's now Follow Friday. If you operate a Goodreads account or a Twitter I'd love to follow you. I am at goodreads.com/lisamakewords and the same on Twitter. 😘

Merethebookgal Love this idea...and I may steal it, um I mean borrow it! 😉 You can find me at Merethebookgal on Twitter and GoodReads and my podcast has a GoodReads Group if you want to join and talk to bookish people! (That's under Eclectic Readers) 😃 8y
Chessa Just sent you a request! I'm at: https://www.goodreads.com/Chessakat if any one else wants to friend! :) 8y
MeganMarieWrites Meg_mcuzz on the Twitter. 8y
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LisaMakeWords @Merethebookgal Please steal away. You are welcome to use the image too if you'd like. Maybe you can screenshot and crop. I will follow you and check out your podcast!!! Fun fun! 8y
QueenAnne I added you, would love to have more goodreads friends! My username is: Anne Hulleman 8y
CaitlinSiem I'm CaitlinSiem on both goodreads and Twitter. Looks like I have some people I need to go follow. Great idea! 8y
BookishFeminist I'm /thebookfeminist on Goodreads, Instagram & Twitter. 😊 8y
alisonrose I'm at goodreads.com/alisonrose711 8y
Melkyl I am Melwilk on Goodreads. I would love to get more book recommendations there too 😊 8y
BookishShelly I'm bookishshelly everywhere. 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I'm BodyworksPA on Goodreads. 8y
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The Countess Conspiracy | Courtney Milan
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My first Courtney Milan novel, and I'm enjoying it. Some shocking revelations and there was this one scene where the heroine catches the hero in a rather indisposed position and I wasn't expecting that. I'm kind of a romance newbie though.

MrBook Now that's a flowing gown. 8y
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Rising Strong | Bren Brown

Just finished her course on Audible called The Power of Vulnerability. Now I want to consume all of her work, so I bought this book and others. I find her information to be applicable to real life, and completely inspiring.

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The Broken Kingdoms | N. K. Jemisin
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Hanging out with my best friends and a pile of books at the beach. Can't decide what to read first.

The Girl at Midnight | Melissa Grey
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I also kind of loved the library scenes in this book. A million book friends!

The Girl at Midnight | Melissa Grey
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Great YA fantasy novel with a funny & spirited female protagonist set in an interesting world of birds and dragons, where people have feathers for hair and scales. Well-paced plot as the heroine finds herself in the middle of a war along side a merry band of misfits. Also has a LGTBQ side pairing.

LisaMakeWords Perfect for lovers of The Mortal Instrument series or Six of Crows. 8y
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The Girl at Midnight | Melissa Grey
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Nabbed this one off Amazon a couple weeks ago when it was rec'd on twitter. Spent the morning reading a big chunk. People don't have hair, they have feathers and dragon scales. That's awesome enough right?

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Homegoing: A novel | Yaa Gyasi
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Yaa Gyasi's writing is amazing at capturing such honesty. Her words blow you back for a second.

AmandaL I just started the audio book yesterday. So far, I'm loving it and the narration. 8y
LisaMakeWords @AmandaL It's an amazing book. Do they do different narrators for each chapter? 8y
AmandaL No, it's read by Dominic Hoffman. He has a great voice. 8y
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Homegoing: A novel | Yaa Gyasi

Powerful. Interconnected stories weaving a family history from Ghana to the deep south to Harlem that is painful and sad in very honest ways. I highlighted more than a few sections. Wow.

litsybookclub This is our book pick of the month! We would love to see you at our discussions :) 8y
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