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Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark | William Shakespeare
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Decided to reread a classic and I must say, Hamlet is probably my favourite from Shakespeare 👌🏾Some bits that stood out to me were: “A man may fish with the word that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm” by Hamlet to the King and “Tis in my memory lock‘d, and you yourself shall keep the key of it” by Ophelia to Laertes.

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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3✨One of my high school reads I wanted to try again. I understand so much more reading it this time around. While it might be remembering discussions with my high school peers. I want to say it‘s my maturity in reading. Read for #Roll100 @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Cute puppers! ❤️❤️ 3mo
dabbe #myeyes! 🖤🐾🐾🖤 3mo
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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I‘m just putting this aside for a while. I have a few new books I‘ve been waiting for. I‘ll come back to this later.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
deeannloso @dabbe I love that! #hailthebail 😊 4mo
dabbe @deeannloso It's my way of saying #toomanybooksolittletime 😂 4mo
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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TheSpineView Great quote! Shakespeare sure knows how to say it! 6mo
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Eggs Nicely done 👌🏼👌🏼 8mo
dabbe @Eggs 🖤🩶🖤 8mo
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Summary of Act 2 scene 1:
Ophelia: Dad, Hamlet is acting crazy.
Polonium: oh no, I must have given you some bad advice. Good thing I just finished giving parenting advice to Reynaldo so I can devote some time to telling the king what to do about Hamlet. Man, but i can be a blow-hard sometimes!
"By heaven, it is as proper to our age
To cast beyond ourselves in our opinions
As it is common for the younger sort
To lack discretion."


vivastory 🤣🤣 8mo
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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After reading O‘Farrell‘s Hamnet last year I decided it was time to try re-reading Shakespeare, & Hamlet seemed the obv choice bc of 1) O‘s book, and 2) I've read it and enjoyed it in the past.
In any case, some of these more... throwaway? passages are resonating more with me this time, such as above. Maybe it's O‘s fault, but maybe there's some conflicted anguish-S railing against fate, telling himself to get over grief-that I didn't feel before?

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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My goodness but Hamlet sounds like a self-righteous prig. All. The. Time. 😂

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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KathyWheeler And a good antidepressant. 1y
dabbe Every year we read this in sophomore Pre-AP English, at least one kid would eventually say “Hamlet needs to get out of his head!“ 🤣🤩🤗 1y
Eggs But it‘s such a good experience for adolescents!! Shakespeare is so clever 1y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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This is a book I had to read for class and personally I think there are better works out there, I‘m more of a midsummer nights dream girlie.

Hamlet | William Shakespeare

I had to read this for my Shakespeare class this semester. I honestly thought I would hate this class and everything I have to read for it, but i love my professor and honestly this play didn‘t suck too bad. It was a pretty fast and painless read. I will say hamlet was kinda funny but he was also a piss baby who needed to shut up at times. Also the lumineers hyped Ophelia up way too much.

Hamlet | William Shakespeare

A knavish speech sleeps in a foolish ear!

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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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#Scarathlon #TeamSlaughter #DailyPhotoPrompt #Day20 #Murder

“Murder most foul, as in the best it is / But this most foul, strange and unnatural.”

vivastory This has become one of my favorite Shakespeare plays over the past year or so 2y
Kimberlone @vivastory it‘s definitely his most intellectual play and the deepest to examine. I also love Macbeth as a counterpoint to Hamlet…more focus on action and murder, but still a lot of big questions to ponder! 2y
vivastory I think Macbeth might still be my all time favorite, but I agree with you. It almost feels inexhaustible in terms of the interpretations. Have you watched the David Tennant version? 2y
Kimberlone @vivastory yes, it‘s been many years but I have seen that version. I also quite liked the more recent Benedict Cumberbatch version! 2y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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On the first day of the year, my 11th-grade English teacher (who was from Budapest) told us the story about how she escaped the country during the Hungarian revolution in 1956 with nothing in her backpack but a change of clothes and a copy of “Hamlet.” That woman was brilliant and terrifying and I didn‘t fully appreciate her until many years later. She is gone now, but I would feel obligated to have Shakespeare on the table in her honor.

Susanita I love this story! 2y
BookmarkTavern What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing! 🧡 2y
Amiable @ozma.of.oz @susanita After hearing her tell that story, it was impossible for any of us to look her in the eye and admit it if we didn't love Shakespeare as much as she did, though! :) (edited) 2y
Singout Wow, amazing. I felt very privileged to have my Canadian history class in grade 9 taught by a teacher I had a strong bond with who was a Francophone who had lived through the Quiet Revolution. Not remotely comparable to what happened in Hungary, but still a piece of history that a lot of us only learn a snippet about. (edited) 2y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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I read this for class and I loved it. This play was so much more interesting than the last one I read. I also watched the play and wow! The acting was incredible. There were so many scenes that, when I had read it, did not think they would be acted like that. The actors really brought the play to life. Reading/watching “Hamlet” made me want to read another one of Shakespeare‘s plays so I could have a more in-depth knowledge when I watch it.

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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After reading the wonderful Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell, I decided to reread Shakespeare's Hamlet. What struck me is the incredible number of common English phrases that had come from this work.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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4⭐ I thought that hamlet would be my all time favourite shakesperean play, but it isn't. I don't know if it's because I had really high hopes for it or what, but I didn't like it as much as his other plays. It was good and kept me interested, but it have any effect one by the end. I liked some quotes and some parts, but it wasn't how I expected it you know?

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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1. For school( A Portrait of the artist - Hamlet - Little women ) for fun( Luna and the lie - Harry potter and the Goblet of fire ) I'm working on all of these together, so I didn't finish them during the weekend, but Hamlet is close to done.
2.I use Goodreads and storyGraph
3. The Maze runner
@rachelsbrittain #weekendreads

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So cool ☠️🖤☠️ 3y
Eggs Brilliant 💀💀💀 3y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Hamlet: Oh God! God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world. Fie on ‘t! Ah fie! ‘tis an unweeded garden, That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature Possess it merely.

GingerAntics My favourite Shakes play. 3y
Seeking_Serenity @GingerAntics this is the first time I'm reading it but I like it a lot till now 3y
GingerAntics @MehoLovesReading if you can get your hands on a copy of the RSC production of this play with David Tennant as Hamlet, you with laugh until the sad bits. 3y
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GingerAntics @MehoLovesReading what part are you at now? 3y
Seeking_Serenity @GingerAntics I'm at act 3 scene 1. Just finished this scene an hour ago. 3y
Seeking_Serenity @GingerAntics I'll see if I can find it. But I'll have to finish reading it first because I'm reading it for university. 3y
GingerAntics @MehoLovesReading that makes sense. So you‘ve made it to the most famous speech/soliloquy in the English language. That really takes on so much meaning when you dig into its many layers. Has your prof talked about feigned vs real insanity for Hamlet yet? That always an interesting conversation, and of course there are scholars that land hard on both sides of that argument. 3y
Seeking_Serenity @GingerAntics no we didn't discuss this scene yet. I think next class we will discuss this speech. I'm trying to stay on top of my reading so I'm reading faster than what she is discussing with us so far. 3y
GingerAntics @MehoLovesReading that‘s always a good plan! 3y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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I don‘t know why I‘m so determined to try and get through all of Shakespeare‘s works. I really don‘t like reading them, and when it comes to doing a post, they‘re the most low effort ones ever. I really feel like I should make an effort to find the plays on YouTube or something.

How do you feel about Hamlet?

wanderinglynn I personally don‘t like his tragedies. I only enjoy the comedies like As You Like It, Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, and Midsummer‘s Night Dream. 3y
KathyWheeler They are plays — they are really meant to be watched. When I took Shakespeare in grad school a million years ago, we read them while also watching the BBC productions. It was the best experience I ever had with Shakespeare. 3y
Rehesina @KathyWheeler That‘s what I‘ve been told by everyone! Are the BBC productions on YouTube? 3y
KathyWheeler @Rehesina I don‘t see them there. The places I see them are Ambrose video (usually libraries subscribe to this) and BritBox. Your local library may be able to get the dvds through interlibrary loan if they don‘t have them. (edited) 3y
Rehesina @KathyWheeler Thank you! I‘ll check out Britabox and Ambrose video! We don‘t really have a local library I can visit! 3y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Made me chuckle 💀

SamAnne LOL 3y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Day 21 - #Castle

Krongborn Castle in Denmark, the house of Hamlet ❤

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful ❤️ 3y
Eggs Love these pics💕🏰🥰 3y
MayJasper Love it 3y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare

4 stars

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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After reading the wonderful book #Hamnet, My son Adam & I thought we‘d read some Shakespeare!!
I bought these as a way to introduce myself and my grandkids to Shakespeare.
We‘ve had fun reading aloud together, alternating pages!
📚😂🥳 🎭 📚

Shakespeare 16 Books Childrens Story Collection Set By Tony Ross https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1408313057/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_X2ZAHGVBM6V53...

AmyG How lovely! 💕 4y
tpixie @AmyG it‘s been a fun 🤩 easy intro! Shakespeare 16 Books Childrens Story Collection Set By Tony Ross https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1408313057/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_X2ZAHGVBM6V53... (edited) 4y
BookwormM Cute photo have fun 4y
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tpixie @BookwormM thanks! 😊 4y
LeahBergen Aww! This is wonderful! 💗💗 4y
tpixie @LeahBergen we have had fun! He‘s been home since early December since LA is in lockdown and there‘s no dancing. It‘s been great! He may end up taking a road trip from Kansas to Atlanta, Georgia because supposedly they are open for dancing classes/auditions/acting classes and auditions. It‘s been a treat having him home! 4y
Jas16 I love this! 4y
tpixie @Jas16 thanks! We enjoy being goofy together! 4y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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This American Life has been highlighting their best episodes for their 25th anniversary. I was happy to see they included one of my very favorite listening experiences ever, Act V. It‘s about a group of prisoners performing Hamlet. I‘m listening to it again tonight for #NonFictionNovember


Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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So true! 😅 #LitsyHumor

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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#ThoughtfulThursday is a bit late today. Sorry, Littens!

🍭Milky Way & Candy Corn
🎞 HUSH 😳😳😳
🕯 “By the prickling of my thumbs, Something Wicked this way comes...” from Hamlet.

⭐️Everyone welcome to play! Tagging some to get it started: @TheSpineView @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Sace @FantasyChick @BayouGirl85 @ElizaMarie @Andrew65 @TheBookHippie @katy4peas @SamAnne @Klou @Librarybelle @NeedsMoreBooks

Andrew65 Thanks for the tag 😊👍 4y
TheBookHippie 🎃🎃🎃 4y
Librarybelle Thanks for the tag! 4y
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Eggs Thanks for the tag 😍 4y
TheSpineView Thanks for the tag💜🏷 4y
MoonWitch94 @Andrew65 @TheBookHippie @Librarybelle @Eggs @TheSpineView You‘re all very welcome! 🖤🧡⭐️🕸🌙🕯 4y
ElizaMarie I guess I would say the Exorcist? Or the original It movie that scared the ba-geebus out of me as a kiddo! Hereditary didn't scare me so much as made me feel so weird and not well. 4y
MoonWitch94 @ElizaMarie Exorcist was so scary as a kid! 4y
Klou Thanks for tagging me!! I'll do this soon, even if it is a bit late 🙈 4y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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DAB 😂 😂 4y
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Hamlet (Revised) | William Shakespeare

What can I say... Not a fan.

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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OriginalCyn620 🙌🏼📚😢 4y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Engaging in #WilliamShakespeare is definitely more fun when David Tennant is involved! I also love Midsummer night‘s dream and The Tempest. #augustauthors

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👍🏻📚 4y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😂 4y
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Hamlet (Revised) | William Shakespeare
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OriginalCyn620 Awesome double play! 4y
Eggs Thank you 😊 @OriginalCyn620 4y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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🎥🎭 I‘ve read the play, seen the play, worked on the play and watched a few film adaptations—so you would I would be a rather jaded critic. TBH, even though this BBC production stars David Tennet (as Hamlet) and Patrick Strewart (as Claudius), I was having a few misgivings with the 20th c. setting, a few missing lines, and the fight choreography BUT in the end I was fully engaged... And not gonna lie, for first time ever (re Hamlet), crying 😭

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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My junior high school teacher, Mrs. Z. valiantly tried to lead us through Hamlet but we were all defeated... And yet this was the first play of Shakespeare‘s that I read and, it would become the one I‘ve seen and studied must often. For many years, I held the hypothesis that your first Shakespeare would be your favorite Shakespeare because you would know it best!

I won‘t be reading this copy from the ‘70s though, but rather the 2012 Folger ed. 🎭

MrsMalaprop I love Hamlet. Think I might‘ve studied it in Year 11 (which I think equates to Junior) too. I became a little obsessed with it at the time. Have you seen the #Shakespearereadalong here on Litsy? 4y
Dogearedcopy @MrsMalaprop Yes! I'm actually (sorta) doing the #Shakespeare2020Project hosted by Ian Doescher and, I see the “other“ read-a-long as I'm scrolling through each play as I read each. I say “sorta“ because I got terribly off-schedule fairly early on-- so now I'm just reading the Tragedies until I catch up with the group (August?) (edited) 4y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Doubt thou the stars are fire;

Doubt that the sun doth move;

Cathythoughts ❤️ 4y
Cathythoughts ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Hamlet (Revised) | William Shakespeare

I always like to see this many words all together. Clearly, William Shakespeare mastered the art of thinking whatever you want, putting it to paper with dreamy consistency. It is the art of saying as much as possible, which makes him the ultimate philosopher. He just gets in the flow of his discourse and the words take on a life of their own. The art of abstract discourse is partly the secret behind all this, but there is much more going on.

Hamlet | William Shakespeare

Must Read

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Alas poor Yorick, I knew him well...

batsy 😆 4y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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#7days7books that had an impact on me - day 7
This should shock no one!!!
#Shakespeare #Hamlet #shakespearereadalong

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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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“Here‘s your diploma, congratulations, by the way, you can now speak to ghosts, good luck in life!” #shakespearelogic

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Not only did I finish a book during #readathon (I'm usually way too distracted seeing what everyone else is reading and being a general procrastinator) but I also found a new favourite insult. "Go pray on some garbage". Perfect.

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Alright #readathon, let's do this! First up, Hamlet. Got my coffee, got my cat, got a comfy chair and the birbs outside doing their thing. Yes, good.

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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#7days7books Day Three 🎭

We present here seven books that will remain in our minds, because they touched us so much, changed us. No further comments!

Thanks for the tag, @Eyelit !

@zezeki , would you like to get on this train? 🚂

Eyelit I 💜 Hamlet. What piece of work is man? 4y
thestarlesscasea @Eyelit 🖤🖤🖤 4y
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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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