I finished this today, it's definitely a fun dark series. I'll get the next one from the library as well! I was in a book hangover for a while, so I was happy to break through!
I finished this today, it's definitely a fun dark series. I'll get the next one from the library as well! I was in a book hangover for a while, so I was happy to break through!
Ok so @ApoptyGina69 absolutely knocked this #summersantagoespostal out of the park! So thoughtful and fun! I haven't read any of the books yet, and I'm so excited to dig in!!! #summersanta Thank you Georgia!!!!
Whoa. First page and I might be hooked. 😍
I'm obviously late to the party but I've done my stats every month and I don't want to miss one! May was fairly dismal for reading - I had a wretched 2 week reading slump!! But I'm happy it's June now, 2 of my favorite #romantsy authors have new releases this month and I'm pretty pumped about it!!! #readingstats #meghanreadsromantsy
Got my #summersantagoespostal gifts all wrapped and boxed up, heading to the PO in the morning!
I have an insatiable urge to read about California in the springtime. This hit the spot. I find Didion cannot be read in long stretches, only in bite size chunks. I enjoyed it, but it is very rough, clearly notes, without a cohesive thought process.
From the foreword to South and West. I feel like so many of the books I read now have this as an undercurrent. #belletrist #belletristbookclub
Saw this on #carinapress Facebook and could not resist the repost! I literally got in trouble in school for reading all the time lol!
I call this photo "books I saw in Barnes and Noble tonight that I think @mrsmarch should know about and potentially add to her library holds". #thatswhatfriendsarefor #theymovedallthebooksaroundinburlington
Dear Fellow Littens, help! I can't decide what book I want to read next! All of these are on my tbr, but nothing sounds better than anything else. I've read some of the Steinbeck and the Ferrante but have not been able to finish them (other stuff gets in the way!) The Dessen would be a re-read, but I've been on a Dessen kick lately. And I've been saving the final Pink Carnation book - could it be time? Vote below!
My all-time favorite Sarah Dessen book, the one that came out my senior year, I read it before I left for college 800 miles away from home. It still holds up on re-reads, because some things are universal. And the original cover is 💯🎯😻 #hatespinnerbait
A bit of a light month for me, but enjoyable nonetheless! The highlight was probably The Finishing School, and the low of the month was Hillbilly Elegy. (Still glad I read it, still think it's full of 💩).
Behold the origin of the classic Dessen-ism - "Hate Spinnerbait"! ????? #hatespinnerbait
And this is why this is my favorite Sarah Dessen book... 💜🎯💖
I ended up really enjoying this book, despite the egregious typo I found in it! 😂. This is the kind of book I buy, intend to read, but never do, so I'm glad I made the time now. I was really engaged with the mystery, and did not see some of the twists coming!
It's once again so new it's not on Litsy yet, but I finished the latest in the #hadeshangmen series today. I re-read the entire series to prepare for it, and I loved seeing the epic scope of Tillie Cole's work! I really liked this one, although I would have liked to have seen some more with the main couple. She writes really emotional dark romances though so the angst was 🎯🔥💯🚨👍👌
Two library holds came in last week, after I finish up my #tilliecole #hadeshangmen reading session, these are next up on my list! #libraryenthusiast
As many of you know, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool #romantsy fan, and in honor of the self-publishing dynamo that is Tillie Cole releasing the latest in her Hangmen series, I'm starting from the beginning again and will read Damnable Grace last. I had bought some of her books before, but wasn't feeling them until I read It Ain't Me, Babe. This one started it all for me, I'm loving the re-read! #meghanreadsromantsy
Got this today at Costco for half off list price! Can't wait to shake things up in the kitchen a bit! #weightwatchers
I did not enjoy this book, but I'm glad I read it. JD Vance is going to run for office one day, and I will be glad I read this. I don't think this offers particular insight into the Rust Belt or Trump voters, but it did hammer home some truths to me about those areas.
This *finally* came in from the library, but I've procrastinated on it, and it's due back tomorrow! Guess I'd better get reading this morning, because I'm halfway through now! #leafyandliberal #thatswhyittook3monthsforthebooktocomein #massachusettsmap
I won a #Goodreads arc of Sarah Dessen's new book! My full review is on #Goodreads, but I wanted to do a shorter one here. Here's the deal - SD had a few books that I did not enjoy, but she's back to form now, so definitely check this one out. I would say it's in my Top 5 of her books, it's probably #5, but that's still pretty darn good! Sarah Dessen = summer for me, now and forever!
Wow, the folks at Penguin are On Top Of Things! I got an email from #Goodreads that I won an #arc on Saturday, the ARC hit my doorstep Tuesday morning (during a video call naturally, which made my dog go nuts and she had to join me on the call to make her stop barking 🙄) I've been looking for my next read on this gray dreary day, maybe this is what I need to inject a little summer into my cold spring! 💜
I'm catching up on my #marchreads reviewing, and picking up where I left off finds us beginning my foray through Mariana Zapata's backlist. I was fascinated, reading her books from newest to oldest, to see her develop into such a strong emotional writer. Her first books all have the seeds of what she develops later, and I really enjoyed them. Under Locke is one of her middle books, and it's a solid slow burn. 👍#romantsy #slowburn
How embarrassing! I got my own March stats WRONG! (I blame Goodreads organizing my add date not read date 😂) But in any event, here it is corrected! #statsgeek
Holy cow guys! I was bored the other day and entered a bunch of #Goodreads giveaways and I won one! Not only that, but I won an AWESOME one, the new book by one of my all-time fave authors! #sarahdessen #onceandforall #cantwait
Well it only took how many months, but Hillbilly Elegy is finally waiting for me at the library! #2018midterms
Waiting outside the theater for Beauty and The Beast got me like...
That moment when #goodreads realizes you're obsessed with a new book. I do love the ability to track my highlights, I'm now actually using that feature more often! #28highlights #newrecord
The perils of working from home ? of the time - almost everyone else is in a different time zone (and thus a different weather system) so you don't really get a "snow day" it's just another day. That happens to have snow in it. Oh well, it's in exchange for all the lunches I can take during the summer when I go swim in my in-laws pool.
Doing some last minute storm prep tonight, making sure the house heat is turned up higher than normal (i.e. 70° lol) and making sure everything (including the Kindle!) is charged because we're getting a last gasp of Winter, a nor'eastah! I hate big storms, and it's never a good sign when your weatherhound bff texts you that your band on the map is going to get walloped. @mrsmarch May we all keep power!!! ?? Stay safe Northeastern Littens!
Omg. This book. So first of all, I did not think this was going to be my kind of book - I don't like soccer, and I generally don't like "older man" books. I do however very much enjoy "slow burn" romances, and this one absolutely fits the bill. I have a total #bookhangover from this, and I'm not even mad about it. Now time to plow through Zapata's backlist #romantsy
That moment when you discover one of your new favorite authors has a backlist!!!!!!!!! 🛒🛍🎁🎀😍🔥💯💃👑
I really enjoyed this! I felt like it's a total reset button for KA! Her most recent books in her ongoing series have felt a little repetitive, like she's been burning out. She told us all that she absolutely had to write this book, the story demanded to be told, and I can see that. I can feel it in her writing. I didn't love the female MC, but I got caught up in the story. I cannot wait for book 2 now!
Ok fellow KA Littens, I pulled the trigger and one-clicked this (even though I'm not finished with my stalker-spreadsheet of her backlist ?) and I'm 25% into it. I want to know your thoughts so far!! Here are mine - Amélie is absolutely not the typical KA female lead, I'm not connecting with her well so far, but Olivier is ? so I'm going to see where we end up. She spent a TON of time world building at the beginning so hopefully it'll pay off!
YOU GUYS!!!! Thank goodness Caraval is such a popular book! It looks like the next person on the hold list checking it out automatically took it off of my account!!! No fines for me! 👏💃👑🎉🎊🎈
Yes. Yes, I should. 😂
I got Caraval from my library network, then decided to just buy my own copy (re-reading before book 2, etc). So I returned the library copy yesterday, only to discover today that they never checked it back in, and just sent it on. So now the system is going to assume I still have it (and assess fines once it's overdue) and I have to wait in limbo for it to get to its home library. This is the second time this year! Frustrated!!!
It took me forever to actually read this - no library had it available! So the first half of the book d-r-a-g-g-e-d but once Willow was united with her sisters it perked up. I'm glad I didn't return it unread to the library like I almost did yesterday. 😂
My February 2017 stats! I had a great #februaryisforromantsy month thanks to snow and being sick! 😂
I persevered and finished, and I'm calling it a pick because it's her last book 😭 so it's worth reading regardless. Carrie Fisher was a fascinating, complicated, clever woman and the world is a lesser place without her in it. I do find her affaire with Harrison a bit sad (it seemed like he didn't really even like her, and how is that even possible?!) and I think that the incident at the party was not 💯 innocent. But #thankyougeneralorgana 💔
My hold for this finally came in today, so obviously I started it! I feel like this is not going to be a popular opinion, but so far I'm not loving it. Real talk: I adore Carrie, and I adore her other non-fic I've read so far. This one feels a bit squicky to me. The "Carrison" affair is literally the entire book, and let's just say the liaison does not start on a high note for me. I'm going to continue on, so I'll let you know.
Re-reading some of Book 7 for some courage. Neville never disappoints. 😍
I remember absolutely adoring Eloise as a little girl, so I was delighted when I had a chance to reread it this weekend to the sweet 3-year-old who made me an auntie. I've literally been waiting for this for the entire 3 years she's been on this planet! And I was super grateful she doesn't know how to read yet, since I had to make major edits! (Apparently this really was written for "precocious grownups" ?) @mrsmarch
Wait, whut? Is that a real thing? Oh Lord Gooooogle...?