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Joined March 2016

writer of nonfiction, reader of nearly everything. purple heads will not be denied. PVD, RI ⚓️, USA
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The Nothing Girl by Jodi Taylor
Another Brooklyn: A Novel | Jacqueline Woodson
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My January 2018 reading wrap-up! I reread (most of) Harry Potter, borrowed quite a few audiobooks through Libby, and made a pretty damn good start on my main bookish resolutions for the year (125 books, completion of the @bookriot Read Harder challenge). I think 2018 is going to be a great year in my reading life. 🤞 Happy February!

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I love listening to memoirs narrated by their authors. I'm a writer at work on a memoir manuscript and I often read aloud to myself as I write to test the sound of passages, so there's something extra satisfying about hearing an author telling her own story in a similar way! Gotta say, I struggled with picking this one up just because I'm terrified of butterflies—this cover truly makes me twitch. 🙅🏻 But the book and narration are great so far!

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The Red Parts: A Memoir | Maggie Nelson
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I'm going on a 3.5 day trip during which I will be near but not actually AT the beach, and will have little to no free time. And of course I'm struggling to decide which 2 books to bring along. (My Kindle and Audible libraries are coming along too, of course!) Ah yes, here is the dangerous intersection between "voracious reader" and "overpacker."

CAGirlReading Great stack but tough to pick! I've only read The Secret Place, but I loved it! 7y
LeahBergen Take Penance and The Red Parts (both on my TBR and both are supposed to be good - they're small and you have others on your reader 😄) 7y
emilyhaldi Priestdaddy is amazing and you can read in bits and pieces if you want to mix it up with a second book! 7y
Megabooks Girls on Fire!! 7y
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Tana French 🙌 Such a good line!

Jessicav She's just SO good. I need to read another in this series soon. 7y
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I might be a liiiiitle obsessed with the Dublin Murder Squad books—I'm on my third within ten days. Tana French is brilliant. Planning to force my dad (he's the son of an Irish immigrant AND he's a longtime murder mystery fan, so I'm sure he'll adore them!) and my husband to read them so I have people to discuss the characters with. 😂 📚 #bookevangelism

E-book I love them too! Putting off reading the newest bc I don't want to wait over a year for another! 7y
JoeStalksBeck I just got this book a couple of days ago! 7y
LitHousewife This was my favorite of the series - and I liked them all A LOT! 7y
bookwrm526 I've only read the first three, but this one is my favorite so far - I have the fourth ready to go as soon as I finish The Girl With All the Gifts and 7y
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The Cutaway: A Novel | Christina Kovac
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This book has a promising premise, but it was super slow (I certainly wouldn't call it a thriller) and required far too much suspension of disbelief for me. Compelling enough (in a few key moments of action and intrigue) that I finished listening, but I had a tough time staying focused on it. I did appreciate the subtle recurring theme of women's experiences of fear (felt accurate to my own experiences), but on the whole this was a disappointment.

Cinfhen Thanks for sharing! 7y
Bakingbookworm I'm struggling with it too. It's just not grabbing me at all and has little suspense. 7y
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I just came across this memoir, which will be released tomorrow, while browsing on PW. I currently live in Providence, RI, so the title caught my eye. A combination of memoir and reportage, this book investigates the deaths of the authors' parents. If you've been listening to Crimetown (a great podcast exploring organized crime in PVD), this might be of interest. Here's hoping my local bookstore will have this on the shelves tomorrow!

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The Hate U Give | Angie Thomas
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This is a brilliant novel. It's obviously relevant and essential, but that description doesn't do the book justice. It's also so insightful, funny (obviously not the whole book, but in exactly the right moments), emotional, and gorgeously written. I am so glad that this book exists. A must-read. ❤📚

Suzze Mine will be here tomorrow! 7y
ErikasMindfulShelf Just started reading. 7y
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The Possessions | Sara Flannery Murphy
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A well-written, well-plotted combo of psychological suspense & sci-fi, along with a bit of a love story. Edie is a Body at the Elysian Society, taking pills that allow her to channel clients' dead loved ones. I won't say much more (prob. one of those books that's better when read without knowing too much in advance!), but I will note that the novel also raises interesting questions about bodily autonomy and even reproductive rights, and I ❤ that!

Suelizbeth What app or website is that with which you are tracking your books? 7y
catieohjoy @Suelizbeth It's called Bookout. I just started using it this week after seeing another Litsy user post a pic like this one. It gives you a cool little infographic when you finish a book, and has a timer to track your reading pace. The only downside is that the free version is very limited—I think it only allows you to track reading stats for 10 books—and the in-app upgrade cost about $4.99. 7y
Suelizbeth Thanks, @catieohjoy I'll have to check it out. 7y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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My #BOTM package arrived a couple days ago—I'm so excited to read both of these! ❤📚

LiteraryinLawrence Awesome!! Both are high on my TBR list! 7y
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Finished this earlier today! Really lovely writing, and Wilson does a great job managing a large cast of complex characters. My only quibble is with the ending, which felt a bit too quick and tidy. (Not a bad ending at all, imo, the writing just seemed a little rushed!) This is definitely one I can see myself re-reading, which is rare for me. Trigger warning for self-harm. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

L_auren Reading this now ☺️ 7y
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The Animators: A Novel | Kayla Rae Whitaker
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I listened to this on audio and loved it so much that I ordered a physical copy immediately after finishing! So good! Definitely my favorite read so far this year. (I know, I know, it's only February! 😂 But it's so amazing that I'm sure it will be in my top 5 of 2017!) ❤️📚

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled So happy to hear this! I just got my copy today! 7y
Suzze I loved it! 7y
kspenmoll Just got it recently. I need a year off to just read! 📚 7y
AEBowenPhD This is my Feb #BotM pick and I am so excited to read it 7y
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The Animators: A Novel | Kayla Rae Whitaker
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My little January #TBR! #feistyfeb

Reviewsbylola I'm looking forward to Perfect Little Word. 7y
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Notes of a Native Son | James Baldwin
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Notes of a Native Son is only $1.95 today on Audible! I reread essays from this book regularly. An absolutely essential read!

Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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My January #LitsyAtoZ progress! Books tagged below! 📚

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I'm 2/3 through this, and holy shit. I personally already know most of what Harding is writing about, but DAMN this book is galvanizing! She is a brilliant and unexpectedly funny writer. Whether you already understand "rape culture" or the term makes you roll your eyes, this is an essential read. I've had the physical book since it was released, but never got around to it—so glad to be listening now! [TW for intense discussion of rape.]

catieohjoy BONUS: Erin Bennett, the audiobook narrator, sounds a bit like Tracy Grandstaff, the voice actress who played Daria Morgendorffer. And she has excellent, Daria-esque deadpan delivery that works so well for this book. 7y
Alisnazzy I've been recommending it to everyone on every social media I have. 7y
catiewithac This is on my TBR pile 7y
Kalalalatja This book gave me all the feels! 7y
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My 2 for 1 sale choices! Both terribly relevant at the moment, I think. I'm particularly interested in Eichmann in Jerusalem, the revised and expanded version of Hannah Arendt's controversial New Yorker reporting on Adolf Eichmann's trial. I somehow managed to graduate from The New School, which took in Arendt and other scholars fleeing fascism during & after WWII (the University in Exile), without reading any of her work. Time to remedy that!

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Coming of the Third Reich | Richard J Evans

So right now I'm super into Nazis getting sucker punched. (Thanks, masked hero who punched Richard Spencer! This and the Women's March are honestly the main things keeping me going right now.) My husband has recommended that I read Evans's trilogy of histories about the Third Reich, which I will definitely start soon. But I would also love to read shorter tales of resistance against fascism. Fiction or nonfiction! Any recs, good people of Litsy?

Notafraidofwords City of Women is one I read that sort of highlights small resistances we make against evil. However, it's not super outright about it. Check it out ! 7y
mklong Check out Code Name Verity! It is wonderful, but be prepared to cry your face off. 7y
catieohjoy @Notafraidofwords Ooh thanks! That one sounds good! 7y
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catieohjoy @mklong Thank you! I bought that in an Audible sale a while ago and haven't listened to it yet, so I'll have to move it up in my queue. :) 7y
Weaponxgirl Think of the most tense thriller about a amazing woman spy and then realise it's all true! 7y
Weaponxgirl Another lady spy for you 😀 no I'm not obsessed with reading about women who did amazing things! 7y
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I really tried. I tried for a mother-daughter book club in the eighth grade. I tried the summer before my senior year of high school. I tried in college. I tried last year when my husband listened to the audiobook. And...I'm just not that into it. (😱) #DNF

night_shift 😱 I loved it when I read it as a kid. Though I admit I'm scared to re-read it in case I hate it! Go Set a Watchman was awful, awful business :/ 7y
ScrappyMags Sacrilege!!! Heathen!! Shame!!! Lol 😆 totally kidding. That was me with Gone with the Wind the first time I tried . 7y
Godmotherx5 I loved it. One of the few books I've read more than once. My mom HATED it. As with any book, can't please everyone. 7y
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It took me a while to get into this, and reading it was certainly not always an easy or fun experience (there are so many instances of rape throughout the novel, and some of the repeated themes and phrases got a bit tiresome by the end of nearly 500 pages). BUT this really is an incredible novel, chronicling several generations of a family closely connected to politics and social movements. I'm so glad I finally read it!

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I might've gone back to the sale for a second round. 🙊📚💸

HardcoverHearts No shame. Those were amazing deals. 7y
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Difficult Women | Roxane Gay
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Snowy day reads. (This book is very, very good.)

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That Kindle book sale got me...at least my total was only about $10! 📚

BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
Suetara I'm deciding what to pick up in the sale now. So many great books! 7y
Theresa I missed this one when I looked earlier. Thanks for posting because it's been in my wish list for a while. Snagged! 7y
PurpleyPumpkin Well done!👍🏽 7y
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The Female of the Species | Mindy McGinnis
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A sampling from my #januarytbr! I don't really like to commit to what I'll be reading in advance (the number one way to guarantee that I won't do something is to tell myself/be told that I have to...😅), but these titles are striking my fancy at the moment—a couple that I neglected to finish in 2016, plus a few I've recently picked up or received as gifts. #readjanuary

Lacythebookworm Great selection to choose from! 👍 7y
Reviewsbylola Just finished Pull Me Under. It is fantastic! 7y
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My 2017 reading resolutions:
•read at least 125 books (this year I read 75, but before graduate school I was consistently reading 100+, so I'd like to get back into tip-top reading shape)
•at least 75% by authors who are LGBTQ+, POC, and/or women
•finish #LitsyAtoZ
•finish the 2017 #ReadHarder Challenge
•HAVE FUN! 💜📚🎉
#bookishresolutions #readjanuary

jpmcwisemorgan Graduate school dampened my reading for a long time, even in the years following my degree completion. I'm making up for lost time. 7y
ephemeralwaltz Impressive! 7y
MMFinck You are my hero! 7y
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Just a few favorite reads of 2016! Happy New Year, everyone!

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This was so charming, especially on audio & in Clancy's own voice. (I loved learning that she's a fellow New School alum!) The timeline was occasionally a little difficult to follow (it's mostly chronological, but does skip around in chapters/sections that are focused on particular themes or characters), but Clancy is very good at giving specific, compelling descriptions that make characters easy to recall. So good! Definitely one to listen to.

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Thank you so much, @Karkar ! I'm super excited to read both of these! The cassette bookmarks are brilliant, and the pin is going on my tote bag immediately! ❤📚 #secretsantagoespostal

Godmotherx5 What a cool bookmark! 7y
Karkar @catieohjoy I am so glad you like them! 7y
Reviewsbylola Those bookmarks are so cool! 🎅🏼🎁 7y
LeahBergen Love the bookmarks! 7y
Tanner I stayed up one night reading The Art Of Racing In The Rain and didn't sleep. On a weeknight. When I had to work the next day. It was worth it! (edited) 7y
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Arcadia | Tom Stoppard
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Initial picks for #LitsyAtoZ! Mostly by title, but a few by the author's last name (Doyle, Joyce, Vonnegut, Zelitch). Nearly all of these are books I already own (I haven't read any of them except for Great Expectations, which I only kinda-sorta read in college, so it deserves a focused re-read!), and several are books that I have been meaning to read for years and years (and years). A perfect way to make a dent in that TBR! ❤️📚 #abecedarianTBR

Donna_sBookMinute Great post. Good way for me to identify books that are on my list as well. "X" by Ilyasah Shabazz and "The Underground Railroad" seem to be the only ones. But I'm not sure I can wait 'til January for "X." 7y
KarenUK Nice list! 💕👍 7y
Cinfhen I love these book collages 😍📚💗and awesome choices 7y
BookishMarginalia 🙌🏼 7y
kspenmoll 👏some great choices! 7y
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This month's picks are so amazing, and this would have been an impossible choice if I hadn't already read two of the amazing books (Pull Me Under and You Will Know Me). I'm super excited to get these two in the mail, and I'm so impressed that my box has already shipped! ❤️📚📦 #botm

itsbrb I picked Swimming Lessons, too! I'm excited! 8y
Julsmarshall Don't you love the ship it now option? 8y
8little_paws I got those two as well! 8y
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catieohjoy @itsbrb It sounds so good! 8y
catieohjoy @Julsmarshall I really do! I'm mighty impatient, so it's probably my favorite BOTM feature, haha! 8y
catieohjoy @8little_paws They both sound wonderful! The selections this month were super impressive. 8y
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Abandon Me | Melissa Febos
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I could not possibly be happier that I was approved for this on NetGalley! I've been looking forward to it since AWP 2015, when I saw Melissa Febos give the most rousing talk on a craft panel about woman writers innovating new/nontraditional forms of creative nonfiction. So yep, I'll be starting to read this immediately. 📖

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Today I am so thankful for my awesome progressive parents, for my cute/smart/funny husband, for buttermilk biscuits and lumpy mashed potatoes and my mom's cinnamon-honey carrots, for wine and mulled cider, and for books and wonderful bookish communities like this one! (This photo is actually from last year—this year everyone was too hungry to let me take a good picture. 😄)

Afterparty | Daryl Gregory
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My husband has been raving about this since 2015 & finally succeeded in convincing me to read it. It's sometime in the near future and designer smart drugs are everywhere. One drug, developed by the narrator, Lyda, and her defunct pharmaceutical company, makes people believe they have VERY close personal relationships with the divine. Lyda is accompanied by an angel/doctor, the result of an overdose of this drug. Tone is a bit Veronica Mars-esque!

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I'm really liking Pull Me Under so far, but I've had a busy couple of weeks and haven't read as much of it as I'd like. (A bath and a glass of wine might just fix that!)

RealLifeReading That looks perfect!! 8y
kspenmoll Love your colorful suds!📚🍷🛀🏻 8y
Marchpane Just as long as you don't pull the book under 😱 8y
Reviewsbylola Luxury Lush Pud for the win! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 8y
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Don't I Know You? | Marni Jackson
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Surprise book happy mail—very well-timed, since my birthday is tomorrow! I won this in a Goodreads giveaway that I'd totally forgotten I entered. I don't know much about this, but the premise sounds interesting, it features an effusive blurb by Katherine Heiny, and the cover is gorgeous!

Books_Wine_Repeat Woot! Congrats and happy birthday!🎉🎈 8y
LeahBergen Happy birthday! 🎉🎉🎉 8y
Suzze Happy Birthday, Catie! Hope it's a great day full of fun and reading. 8y
catieohjoy @Books_Wine_Repeat @LeahBergen @Suzze Thank you, thank you, thank you! 😊 8y
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Huge trigger warning for rape, sexual assault, victim blaming, and heinous behavior on the part of several police officers and attorneys. I have tried to read my physical copy of this book several times and only made it about 1/5 of the way through. I am now a little over halfway through the audiobook—I'm not sure why it's easier to handle the material this way, but it is. A really tough read, but a worthwhile one. Written very sensitively, IMO.

Jenshootsweddings I find non-fiction MUCH easier to get through when I listen to it on audio! 8y
catieohjoy I also appreciate how clear Krakauer is about the fact that this is not a Missoula-specific problem. This is a widespread problem virtually everywhere in the United States. (I am a graduate of both The New School and Emerson College, both recognized as progressive institutions with progressive students, faculty, and administration, and both schools were investigated under Title IX for similar mishandlings during my time as a student.) 8y
Yamich49 This was a really hard one to read but really well-written. I wish more people who refuse to believe victims would read books like this one. 8y
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This is somewhere between so-so and a pick for me. I found it super creepy (sometimes in a fun way, other times not so much), and the writing is engaging. But the ending was fairly predictable—this isn't always a deal-breaker for me, but since it wrapped up so swiftly I didn't feel like it really paid off, and there were no secondary twists that made things more interesting. Great characters, though!

Notafraidofwords Want to tell me who did behind the spoiler tag. I bailed on this one. 8y
Coleen I loved this one. The writing mostly. The story was decent, but it was the writing that grabbed me. 8y
catieohjoy @Notafraidofwords The doctor! And Lydia (the best friend) was sleeping with him, got pregnant, found out that he was the killer, and then murdered him on a boat. 🙄 It was just a liiiitle too much, haha. Also, the doctor didn't really have a daughter. 8y
Notafraidofwords @catieohjoy omg this is too much. 8y
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Next up in my audio queue!

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Untitled | Anonymous
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I couldn't read today. I went for a long walk and spoke on the phone with my (totally devastated) dad for hours. And tonight I went to the Rhode Island State House with HUNDREDS (maybe thousands?) of other people. I'm tired. I'm confused and angry and sad. I'll be back to posting about books tomorrow. But damn, today was hard.

DebinHawaii Hang in there. Hugs ❤️ 8y
Tanner 😞 8y
becausetrains Be safe and know you have lots of love here, @catieohjoy. ❤️ 8y
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kspenmoll Glad you got to the Capital. Today was excruciating for so many. Rest. 💚💚💚 8y
BookishFeminist 💖💖💖 today I mourn, tomorrow I raise hell. You're not alone. 8y
Devlindusty We will make it through this. Oh wow Providence got a big rally. 8y
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Untitled | Anonymous

So. I sobbed myself to sleep at 3. I woke up this morning at 6:30—heartbroken, furious, and ashamed at my own naïveté in thinking this was an impossible outcome. (Also hungover, to be honest. ?) I don't know how we go on. I don't know how we—women, people of color, religious minorities, people with disabilities, LGBTQ people—keep living in a nation that has shown such disregard for our wellbeing. ? I really don't know. But I am ready to fight.

Devlindusty Those are fighting words sister stay strong we will prevail. Love trumps Hate and light triumphs over darkness. 8y
mauveandrosysky I feel you on all of this 100%. 8y
moranadatter I'm with you. I wish we could all meet and talk. 8y
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kspenmoll This is a post from my beautiful niece: To all of our communities--women, POC, Muslims, LGBTQ, immigrants, refugees, native populations, the incarcerated, those with disabilities, the underserved, the elderly, all minorities, all of our children--I stand with you. I will listen. And I will keep fighting for and with you. #staynasty 8y
Notafraidofwords I feel like I cant go on. 8y
Notafraidofwords This is terrible and horrible and freighting 8y
Ambrosia I was in the same boat too. #imwithyou I think we'll grow and improve and come back stronger 8y
catieohjoy @Notafraidofwords @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Ambrosia I'm really grateful for Litsy right now—it's amazing to find such a peaceful, respectful community on the internet. Especially important today. ❤️ It will be difficult work, but we will make it through this. 8y
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I voted! Now back to reading.

Eyelit 👍 8y
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Before He Finds Her | Michael Kardos
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A really good psychological mystery. I did figure out what was going to happen, but I don't think it was glaringly obvious, so the journey to the ending was still a delight to read. Not too scary, but there's a lot of great tension/suspense built through the switching perspectives (some chapters are in the present, mostly through Melanie's perspective; others are in the past and mostly from her father's perspective). Oh, and Happy Halloween! 🎃

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Before He Finds Her | Michael Kardos
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I picked this up a few months ago during a sale on Audible, mostly because Julia Whelan is among my favorite audiobook narrators. I wasn't expecting all that much (other than a bit of mystery/triller candy), but it is SO good so far! If you're looking for a Halloween-appropriate read, this is definitely worth checking out.

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Blue Nights | Joan Didion
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Yippee! My little library sale haul! If you happen to be in Providence, RI, the sale at Rochambeau Library is still going on until tomorrow! (Saturday, Oct. 29) 📚😍📚

manifestsanity I used to live in Providence. Rochambeau and Fox Point libraries were my local branches. Miss the East Side. 8y
rachellayown Ooh good haul! 8y
catieohjoy @manifestsanity 😃 I'm a fairly recent transplant to the area—between those libraries and Books on the Square, the East Side is heavenly for a bibliophile! 8y
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The Art Forger: A Novel | B. A. Shapiro
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I really enjoyed this novel! Nice writing, and certainly compelling subject matter. This is a fun fictional twist on the art scene, the Gardner heist, and the life of Isabella Stewart Gardner. You might find yourself screaming "No!" as you read about Claire's increasingly foolish choices, but the story and its twists are worth that frustration. (And Xe Sands is a great narrator for the audiobook!)

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The best St. Mary's book yet! These are just so much fun—highly recommended! I've already got the seventh novel in my audiobook library, but since the eighth isn't out yet I'm going to try to hold off for a little while. (That'll be hard though—I only finished this one today, and I'm already desperate to start the next!)

The Mothers: A Novel | Brit Bennett
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My BOTM has arrived! 😍📚 Can't wait to dig into these two beautiful books! #botm

BooksTeasAndBookishThings Eeek!! Mine should be here tomorrow! ❤️ 8y
jessberk13 I'm sad to say mine went straight to the bookshelf. I have so many ebooks out from the library I need to get those finished before I start reading things I own!! #bookwormproblems 8y
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No Time Like The Past | Jodi Taylor
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Another fun St. Mary's novel, and perfect for today's #booktober prompt! #fullofadventure

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Love and Fury: A Memoir | Richard Hoffman
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A selection of bookmarks and "bookmarks" (including a strip of holographic origami paper, a sample of eyeshadow primer, an Ecuadorian bank receipt, and a Red Sox ticket) from books around the house. ?? #bookmarks #booktober

LauraBrook Love this!!! 8y
catieohjoy @LauraBrook Thanks! It was fun to wander around my house collecting these! haha 8y
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Flings: Stories | Justin Taylor
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Just a tiny selection of books with #textonlycovers for #booktober (in autumn-appropriate hues!)!