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Coming Out | Tracie Puckett
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Happy #nationalcomingoutday!! Remember, if and when you decide to come out: You are valid. You are important. You are loved. You are beautiful. You have a purpose. If you feel like no one else is, I‘m here for you. #loveislove #imanally #istandwithyou

Glitter | Aprilynne Pike
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I couldn't take the day off from work but nonetheless I support all women, from all over...#internationalwomensday #istandwithher #istandwithyou

398.2 This sounds like an interesting book. What do you think of it? 7y
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Hard Choices: A Memoir | Hillary Rodham Clinton
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From her speech today. Still powerful and moving words to me, and to many of us. #ImWithYou #IStandWithYou and we will all be #StrongerTogether. Support each other today, and every day going forward. 💜

DGRachel I wanted to hug her so hard when I watched her speech. 8y
Jenshootsweddings ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
eastbaykate Love this!❤️👏🏻✨ 8y
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Bklover @DGRachel ME TOO! And Ilit made me cry! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Bklover Me too, tears for sure. 8y
sprainedbrain 😢❤️ 8y
kspenmoll Great speech; can't imagine what it cost her emotionally. #IStandWithYou 8y
PenguinInFlight ❤️❤️❤️ I definitely cried. 8y
EloisaJames I'm broken hearted 8y
Kimzey I have the urge to write Hillary an old-fashioned, snail-mail, thank-you note. Who has a good mailing address for her? 💌📬 8y
Megabooks 🙌🏻🙌🏻😢 Great woman!! 8y
Bookworm83 She is such a class act 💗 8y
UwannaPublishme 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😢 8y
BookishFeminist I love her. 😢 8y
BookishFeminist @Kimzey I think I saw one earlier on Twitter. I will try to find it again and give it to you. 8y
Kimzey @BookishFeminist Thanks, that would be great! 8y
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The next book on my list is... *sigh* books help bring me peace. After last night I need some peace. I'm not ok. I don't know when I will be ok. But I have my book. So I'll read my book.

MicheleinPhilly ❤️ 8y
Godmotherx5 We will get through this. Keep swimming 🏊🏻‍♀️🏊🏼🏊🏻‍♀️🏊🏼 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa #ImWithYou #IStandWithYou because we are always #StrongerTogether. One day at a time, lots of self care, and then we pick up and keep going forward 8y
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TheNextBook @MicheleinPhilly ❤️ @Godmotherx5 I'm trying. I really am. It's hard right now. @Riveted_Reader_Melissa thank you. This just sucks so much. I've been in my emotions all day. Now is the time to fight! I feel my gryffindor qualities coming out 8y
Foxyfictionista @TheNextBook I've been super emotional too. I was able to work from home yesterday and the tears just kept coming. I'm emotionally exhausted. I hope I don't burst into tears during my client meeting today. But it will get better. It has to. We have to fight. But take care of yourself first. That's the most important thing. Sending you hugs. 💙 8y
BookishFeminist 💖💖💖 you always have my number & support. It's been rough. 8y
TheNextBook @Foxyfictionista I realized yesterday how imporatant it will be in the next 4 years to take a stand and to fight. And as terrified as I may be, I am ready for the fight ahead. Like @Riveted_Reader_Melissa we are #strongertogether! 8y
TheNextBook @BookishFeminist It has been rough. Thank you for being there and for being a friend. I didnt realize I would form friendships like this on Litsy but I'm happy for it. The comraderie I've seen from everyone here is one of the few sectors of humanity I've found anywhere. 8y
BookishFeminist it has been rough and it's bound to get rougher, but we all have each other. I never expected these friendships from Litsy either but I am so goddamn grateful for them. Thank you for being there for me too. I hope for the best for everyone and am nervous of the reports I hear but I am ready to fight. Love you. 😘 8y
TheNextBook ❤️😘(invisible hugs) 8y
Karkar They need a hug emoji. Hugs to you! 8y
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Hard Choices: A Memoir | Hillary Rodham Clinton
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From Hillary's speech today. I cried like a baby, but it made me realize that even though we lost and hatred won, we can't stop going. We've got another important election in 2018 and then an even more important one in 2020 to correct this mess, so there's still work to do. We've got this, guys. #lovetrumpshate

thec0zy I cried like a baby too! Im still in a state of shock 😭 8y
sprainedbrain The email from her (all covered in the speech as well) made me cry like a baby... I couldn't make it through the speech. ❤️️ 8y
SoniaC Yes the work continues. 8y
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PenguinInFlight ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
Gleefulreader I could only read the snippets of her speech on various news sites because watching her speech would have undone me completely. 8y
BookishFeminist @Gleefulreader It killed me when I watched but hope you do eventually. It was so moving. I love her. 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess Me too! She is a classy lady!! We need to take care of each other more each day! Love trumps hate!❤️ 8y
lynneamch SO need to hear this. Thank you. Love trumps hate group in Knoxville showing great love this week to Syrian refugee who owns local restaurant. What amazing people. 💜 8y
geodynamical_nonfiction I'm guessing this quote is taken out of context, because, taken literally, this kind of talk starts wars. If everyone fought for what they thought was right, we'll all be fighting all the time because no one can agree on what is right. Dividing into us vs them and right vs wrong doesn't serve to connect anyone. This is the same mantra that terrorists use. It's tragic and isolating speech. Surely we can come together based on our needs and not this 8y
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I'm creating a list of books to build empathy & learn about social justice & other issues affecting our political climate. @lemonlime799 is helping me but I also want your help. Drop us recs to put on the list.

I love you all & am here to support you & fight for you, esp. POC, LGBTQIA folks, folks w/disabilities, women, & other marginalized groups. Be kind to yourself & protect the vulnerable ppl in your lives. 💖✊🏼

#OverThis #ImWithYou 👇🏼

BookishFeminist I'm a safe space if you want to talk. DM me on Twitter or Instagram if you feel more comfortable that way. Contact info in my profile. Stay safe. Post-Brexit saw an increase in hate crime. Be vigilant. Stay together. Report things. 👇🏼 8y
BookishFeminist Fellow white folks, I urge you to examine your biases. None of us are perfect & last night was a resounding indicator of the racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, & xenophobia we have in this county. I urge you to challenge your family and friends where you see hate, ignorance, and most importantly, blindness to issues that affect others' health and safety. It isn't easy but it's essential. Be an ally & stick up for the vulnerable. It's on us. 8y
GeekGrl82 I am barely functional today. I have felt this hopeless before 8y
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KVanRead ❤️❤️❤️Once my eyes stop leaking, I will get to work on a list! 8y
KVanRead Diary of Anne Frank does come to mind though. 8y
BookishFeminist @GeekGrl82 💖 I am right there with you. I've been physically ill since last night. Be good to yourself. It's okay to need/take time to process. I want to feel hopeless but know deep down I have reasons to be thankful & people to lean on and stand up with. Time to fight. 8y
becausetrains Consider me an ally as well. No matter who you are and where, if you've been affected by this event, know that I'm sending love. 8y
BookishFeminist @KVanRead Definitely Anne Frank. And I understand, take all the time you need. I won't be able to get much done until after the weekend anyway. 8y
BookishFeminist @becausetrains 💖💖 You're a good one I think I'll keep you. 😘 8y
DeeLew Carl Sagan was a proponent of critical thinking and social awareness. One of my favorite nonfiction books of all time is 8y
queerbookreader "We Are the Youth" by Laurel Golio & Diana Scholl, "an ongoing photographic journalism project chronicling the individual stories of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth in the United States". Make this extremely vulnerable group of people more visible. Help queer youth get their voices heard. 8y
LeahBergen #ImWithYou 💗💗💗 8y
BookishFeminist @DeeLew @lemonlime799 💖💖 on the list thy go. Thank you both. 8y
Imbookenit Here are some I read that I think everyone should read. The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzales and 8y
KarenUK #Imwithyou too... such a great post 💗💗 8y
DeeLew #ImWithYou too. 💕💕 8y
queerbookreader "March" vol. 1-3, a series of graphic novels by Congressman John Lewis, a major figure in the civil rights movement, chronicling his stories "from an Alabama sharecropper's farm to the halls of Congress, from a segregated schoolroom to the 1963 March on Washington, and from receiving beatings from state troopers to receiving the Medal of Freedom". 8y
BookishFeminist @Imbookenit The New Jim Crow is excellent. Thank you. I am adding them all. I hadn't heard of the other two! 8y
Julsmarshall Thank you, I'm in great need of this now-we all are. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa And remember, he won because people did not vote. He won with less votes than McCain and Romney lost with. People didn't get out and vote, and even with his Electoral Vote Win, he lost the popular vote of those who did get out and vote. We are not as alone as we feel. We lost an election, but that doesn't mean we are in the minority. We need to read well, and get more active, organize, and vote. 8y
queerbookreader How about "Girls & Sex"? About rape culture in the US. @Riveted_Reader_Melissa you read this, a good addition to the list? 8y
queerbookreader I've heard good talk about "The Other Slavery", of the historical maltreatment of native peoples in the states 8y
BookishFeminist @Riveted_Reader_Melissa He also won because of white people. Young and old. There are closet supremacists in your lives folks. Even if that's not why they voted that way, they didn't see the vulnerability and safety of others on the ticket or chose to prioritize other things over rights and safety. That's benefiting from white privilege in a very harmful way. White Blindness hurts. Sometimes more than overt racism, etc. 8y
BookishFeminist @lemonlime799 Girls & Sex is a really good read. I'm adding her other book on the list too. 8y
BookishFeminist @lemonlime799 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa since I know y'all are just gonna keep dropping recs, here's my blanket statement to say I see them & am adding them all, lol. Keep it up! 8y
queerbookreader @Riveted_Reader_Melissa YES RE: THE SIXTH EXTINCTION. Don't forget that trump is a climate denier and supports further drilling and fracking in the country, which touches on environmental, class, and race issues, and animal rights issues as well. 8y
BookishFeminist @GeekGrl82 Just Mercy is an amazing book as is Bryan Stevenson. Thanks for the addition. Added. 8y
BookishFeminist @lemonlime799 YEP. I am terrified for the #NoDAPL folks. It disgusts me. And it's important to remember that the pipeline is also going to show an increase in violence against women and sexual violence because of intrusion on Native land. It's all connected. 😔 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BookishFeminist I completely agree with all of that, but as people feel very marginalized this morning, I want them to remember that he might have won, but they are not alone or even in the minority in this country. Just in the minority of who voted, in the right pattern of states to equal an Electoral College win. I think it's important to remember in this dark time of some very open and virulent racism, that more people still voted for.... 8y
jpmcwisemorgan Sixth Extinction is good. I liked Green Collar Economy because it explains some of the things that can be done to build our economy and be green at the same time. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ... overall. It's a tiny silver lining, but it's all I got this morning. 8y
queerbookreader ***Not a book, but a very good documentary*** Check out "Food Chains" about Hispanic migrant farm workers who harvest all our produce, most often for horrible pay, working conditions, and treatment from overhead bosses. Real life modern day slavery in America, perpetuated by racism and xenophobia 8y
Amandajoy Thanks for making this list! Prior to the election I was thinking about reading goals for next year & I wanted to do more feminist reading. I'm expanding that list to include other works to make me a more informed & empathetic human. 8y
BookishFeminist @KarenUK @DeeLew @Julsmarshall @celtichik Thank you. 💖💖💖 love you all. 8y
BookishFeminist @Bianca @jpmcwisemorgan Thanks for the recs. Adding. 💖 8y
BookishFeminist @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yep, my statement was not intended to negate yours at all but add to it. I agree there is still that silver lining especially since she won the popular vote. Staying grounded though bc that also keeps me going. 8y
BookishFeminist @Notafraidofwords adding them 💖😘 thank you. 8y
Godmotherx5 Ghettoside is one suggestion. Thank you for this. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BookishFeminist I completely understand that too! I think we are all holding on to what works for us this morning, even if it's little things. 8y
Godmotherx5 Here is another suggestion 8y
BookishFeminist @Godmotherx5 Anytime. Trying to find any silver lining and empowerment I can. Adding your suggestion I agree it's a great book. 8y
BookishFeminist @Sparkpuppypup Thanks. 💖 Adding. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I read this one years ago, but I think it applies and I'm definitely due for a re-read in the very near future. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I've added for next year this Obama and Litsy's recommendation to read 8y
juliannebenford I'm reading this at the moment and it's fab. 8y
DivineDiana @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Behind the Beautiful Forevers is a book that has stayed with me and to appreciate how fortunate I am. 8y
BookishFeminist @juliannebenford I've been wanting to get my hands on it and grab it from Book Depository since it's not out yet in the US. But I am adding to their list. Thank you. 💖 8y
Beachesnbooks This is a really wonderful idea. 8y
Beachesnbooks This is a really wonderful idea 8y
Moray_Reads This one is such a present, honest and insightful response to Brexit and the refugee crisis 8y
[DELETED] 1409720085 Thanks for taking action. I can't wait to see the completed list. ❤️ 8y
HollyB3 I read this one earlier in the year and I loved it. 8y
Moray_Reads The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin (in fact anything by Baldwin) and The Lonely Londoners by Sam Selvon - sorry, I don't know how to link books in my comments! 8y
jpmcwisemorgan Has anyone mentioned The Rise of the Rocket Girls? It's not social justice but it is about the role women played in getting us into space. 8y
Nonaroo The graphic novel series by Congressman John Lewis, March (books 1-3). 8y
Amandajoy I haven't read this one yet, but women in the military have a new boss who thinks rape is what happens when you serve with the men. 8y
queerbookreader Tough subject matter, but it's important to learn about the infamous white supremacist group that openly endorsed trump 8y
prowlix And thank you for making this list! 🙌 8y
Simona I'm currently reading and is even better than Sapiens 8y
Simona Nonfiction 👆 8y
Foxyfictionista I'll be interested to see this list. I feel like I need to learn more. Thank you for compiling it. 8y
Moray_Reads The Beauty Myth, The Left Hand of Darkness, The Panopticon by Jenni Fagan 8y
moranadatter This might be controversial, but it's badly needed. 8y
DeborahSmall We plan to move to America in 2018 but now I feel lost. My brother is gay and also one of my sisters. My brother asked me this morning if he would be safe visiting me in America?! Would he be able to walk hand in hand with his partner? Made me feel sad and very angry. I really have no idea what to do. I think possibly waiting 4 years and hope for the best! Sending love to all my American littens. A sad day for America and the world 💙💖💙 8y
juliannebenford @BookishFeminist It's definitely worth investing in a copy! 8y
heatherspoetlife I love the idea of this list and all the suggestions I've seen for it. I've had this one on my TBR, but haven't read it yet. 8y
RealLifeReading Not sure if this has been mentioned. 8y
mischa The Geek Feminist Revolution. 8y
mischa Love Wins. Between The World And Me. Black Girl Dangerous on Race, Queerness, Class, and Gender. Sister Citizen. The Good Girl's Revolt. Women, Race, and Class. Whipping Girl. Lumberjanes. Wonder Woman. 8y
JPeterson I love, love that you are doing this. And can't wait to see the final list. ❤️ 8y
JPeterson Empathy and written in a way that puts you in the thoughts of the narrator as she experiences different things in her life 8y
BookishFeminist @Ambrosia @kmdartist @StoredFeminism @RealLifeReading @mischa @JPeterson You guys rock. Thank you all for the additions to the list. Keep em coming if you think of more! 8y
BookishFeminist @DeborahSmall It is. Thanks for the love & sending some back. 💖💖 Utterly disgusted & still processing. I wouldn't want to move here any more. Time will tell how bad it will be. Plan for the worst, hope for the best. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Good, and also a lot of fun on audio... 8y
BookishFeminist @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I am not adding How to Be a Woman. There are lots of micro aggressions and racist rhetoric in it. The others are fantastic though. 8y
BookishFeminist @kmdartist Listening to that on audio right now! So GOOD. Def adding to list. Thanks. 😀 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I haven't gotten to this one yet, but the reviews are good and it got nominated in the Goodreads Choice Awards this year too. Plus I think that being more educated about the system we are in and how it works might be really useful going forward...also any books about getting involved, volunteering, etc, sort of how-to's to get started might be useful for this list. 8y
BookishFeminist @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Oh I've been curious about that one. Def will add it and find other books on economic equality as well. Also maybe this might fit with that volunteering topic 8y
BookishFeminist @kmdartist Awesome recs! Keep em coming! Making note of them all. 8y
moranadatter It's old and I don't remember how well it handles race, but it really challenges the progressive narrative of the public library. 8y
BookishFeminist @kmdartist I'll add it anyway. :) I'll screen the ones I know and keep weeding if I find problems along the way, so def keep suggesting stuff if you think it may be old! That book looks fascinating. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Another one I've heard of, but haven't gotten to yet.. 8y
BookishFeminist @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Ooh that's on my reading list too. I love the cover too but it looks like a great read. 8y
moranadatter @BookishFeminist Yep. It's fascinating whether or not it fits this list. There's a lot there worth the read. 8y
Theresa So many good books suggested so far & I second all of those?? 😆 How about 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Have any of you tried Post Traumatic Slave syndrome? I added it to my TBR after some others I've read, because it sounded good, but I haven't tried it yet. It's supposed to delve into America's collective PTSD from decades & generations of slavery for both sides of the population. It could be great, but I don't know anyone personally who has read it yet. So for now, until somebody dives in, it's a maybe. 8y
Erin01 Necessary Trouble & The Great Suppression were both great books that I've read recently 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Erin01 I'm adding that other one to my list TBR list too, it looks good. Thank you 8y
Erin01 I also have This is an Uprising on my TBR list - I think I first heard of it from a book review/interview on Truthout but other than that I haven't heard much about it but it 8y
Bibliogeekery I just added a bunch of #transbooks to @Broke_Girl_Reads list 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Erin01 that one does look good! 8y
SuperPunkNinja I can't think of any recommendations right now but I can't wait for the list to come out. 8y
DeborahSmall Few books already recommended that I've read, really looking forward to the list!! Just belatedly realised that all this crazy shit is another 9/11, literally for us in Ireland anyway. Was signing and dating my daughters homework before coming to bed and writing 9/11 gave me chills. If that's not an omen I don't know what is! 8y
Theresa In the vein of trying to understand those who voted differently than I did... 8y
Lola Between the World and Me, Citizen and Just Mercy are my recs. All narrated by their author's if you want to do an audio. This is one that's still in my TBR: 8y
Moray_Reads Not a book *gasp* but am interesting article about a Pakistani artist who paints what it means to be a woman in public spaces http://ow.ly/eluO3063936 8y
BookishFeminist @Moray_Reads Send me articles too! I want a syllabus damnit. I am going to put documentaries and everything on it. I am so ticked and this is the way I will fight for now. Educate & not back down. Keep em coming if you have more!! 8y
BookishFeminist @DeborahSmall Oh god you're right. Ugh what an omen. I fucking hate this. I have moved from grieving to furious today. 8y
BookishFeminist @Theresa @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Erin01 @Bibliogeekery @Lola @Simona Thank you all SO MUCH for these recs. What a fantastic list and group of people you are. Please keep em coming if you have more! I want a syllabus. Books fiction and nonfiction, articles, documentaries and lectures online, whatever you can think of that will build empathy and knowledge. Going to get some education up in here to fight this. 💪🏼 8y
Moray_Reads @BookishFeminist Do you have access to BBC iPlayer? They did an excellent doc recently on the origins of the publisher Virago and their goal to publish women 8y
BookishFeminist @Moray_Reads I don't but other folks using this list hopefully will, drop me links or doc titles. I'll find em. My partner is a student at a major university in DC so we have a lot of internet access and I know adjuncts to get things. 8y
Theresa @BookishFeminist If there's anything I can do to help you pull this together just holler. 😄📚 8y
Moray_Reads @BookishFeminist It's on sale in the BBC store here http://ow.ly/w3Qq3063ioy but it's not clear if it's UK only 8y
BookishFeminist @Moray_Reads I'll find out when I get to a computer I guess 😬 8y
BookishFeminist @Theresa You bet! For now just recs for anything. I've got help to organize it but I will totally let you know if I need more help! I really appreciate your offer 😀 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I picked this one up right before the election..it might even still be on sale. I hope it's as good as it looked, but it sounded like it's looking at history through the long lens...we may face setbacks, but over the long arc of history things tend to change more liberal than conservatives.. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Also picked up this one recently, it's about making college affordable to all. And considering how the demographics work out for many issues, be them empathy or climate change... a more educated society should help the whole country, economically and socially. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Also lighter fare that I've enjoyed as somewhat inspiring this past week. Milk and Honey, poetry book, but also about self care, and finding your own strengths....which might be a much needed inspiration as time moves forward 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa And the Trouble With Women, short book, drawings with 'facts', but it made me laugh even at darker times this week for its dark humor. Plus for me, as bad as it is.... it's nice to remember how far we've come, how much we've been overlooked in the past. Yes, we have far to go, but we have also come far too 8y
WordWaller I missed this! Haven't been active on Litsy due to be overwhelmed by my phone in general. But I started a list like this myself at work last night!! Are you going to post the finished syllabus? 8y
BookishFeminist @WordWaller You bet! I'm going to distribute the shit out of this list & put it on Goodreads 8y
WordWaller @BookishFeminist yaaaass. And I will share the mf shit out of this list as well. 8y
BookishFeminist @WordWaller YES THANK YOU. This will be amazing. I was talking with Claire ( @lemonlime799 ) earlier since she's compiling them off Litsy and got tears in my eyes for how many we have! Ppl are wonderful. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I was just going to say... add it to a Listopia on GR, but I see you thought of that too. There are other (nonLitsy groups) looking for a list right now and I'd love to be able to refer them to it. 8y
BookishFeminist @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I'll do it on Listopia too! Rebecca Traister's def already on the list. 😊 Going to put Scapegoat on too. 8y
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Hug Me | Simona Ciraolo
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I made this meme and posted it on Facebook this morning. Out of 350+ friends, only 2 "liked" it. There is so much hate and bickering and unfriending going on. Today is a perfect day to escape in a good book. I am glad I have this community. You all are a light in the darkness. ??✌?️

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Last night after my daughters had gone to bed, my 11 year old daughter snuck back downstairs, sat in my lap, and started crying. She couldn't understand how the American people chose hate and fear over love and acceptance. I had no answer for her and just held her as we cried together. Today I took the morning off work and am going to spend some time with Harry - where love eventually did trump hate.

ReadingSusan This breaks my heart😢 I can't imagine having kids right now. 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled My daughter didnt want to go to school because she knows she's going to encounter hate-speak as a Hillary supporter. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa #ImWithYou and #IStandWithYou and tell your kids we may have lost, but we won't stop fighting for what's right, because we are #StrongerTogether 8y
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SeeJulieRead @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled.com 💔 this is a scary time for kids (and adults). At least the adults have the option to vote - the kids just feel helpless. 8y
Julsmarshall I'm so sorry. I think the hardest thing for to was to explain this to my kids. They'll understand eventually but a part of their optimism for the good in others is gone and I don't know how to get that back. 8y
Stephykitten @SeeJulieRead soo many hugs and kisses to you and your daughter. I love that you both turned to Harry Potter in these truly dark times ❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️ 8y
nixons1989 @SeeJulieRead @Stephykitten25 I am comforted by Harry too right now, and the best advice I've used to console myself is from Dumbledore himself "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." 8y
Moray_Reads So sorry your daughter had to go through that, and so young. But maybe we should be encouraged, hopefully children like her will make better choices and see the world with better eyes ❤ 8y
kspenmoll My son is older( 22) but still struggling with emotions tonight. So sorry for your daughter but her sensitivity & caring gives me hope. Thanks. 8y
Mimi28 My mom calmed me down too. She's 72 and a woman of color. She's been through a ton of f'ed up political stuff. It's just a shame that people still have that way of thinking. 8y
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