What are you reading today? 🌞
I'm curled up with Endure, a book about human performance, sports, and how we can learn healthy ways to push ourselves. I'm in the beginning stages of my new workout plan and I need motivation. I'm SORE!
What are you reading today? 🌞
I'm curled up with Endure, a book about human performance, sports, and how we can learn healthy ways to push ourselves. I'm in the beginning stages of my new workout plan and I need motivation. I'm SORE!
Yes kids, all the library holds came in at once. Again. 😊 I've got a bit to improve my networking and data skills. I'll let you know what I think since most of these are #newreleases. 🎉
This is also my chance to remind you to let us know what books you love on bookthinkers.com! Yay for#nonfiction!
What was the last book you picked up from your local library?
When all your library holds come in at once...
A friend at work was wondering what books i think everyone should read. I said these two are a start but that's a looooong list.
Which books are at the top of your 'everyone needs to read this' pile?
is Mental Health awareness month. Wanted to share a bookstack of some of my most frequently reached for titles. 📚 🙏
Sometimes the only comfort we have access to at the time is a book that really helps. What are your favorite books you reach for when you have had it with adulting already?
Every single person who speaks about their struggles makes it that much easier for someone else to feel heard and in good company.🏠 *
Seriously. Don't feed your monkey mind!
Check out Jennifer Shannon's book Don't Feed The Monkey Mind for help with the endless cycle of social anxiety, fear, and worry.🌕 Shannon covers how to deal with feeling anxious yet still live a life you love. She focuses on how to move forward and not deny your feelings and teaches you short and long term strategies.
Also check out Daniel Smith's Monkey Mind: A Memoir of Anxiety
Remember- you are whole, complete, and enough! 💖
Read more in chapter 14 of Anxiety Happens 📖
With all of these new releases, I've had to update anti-anxiety #bookstack. Haven't started The Hope Circuit yet but give me an hour! 🤸
📖 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖
#nonfiction #shelfcareisselfcare
WOW! This is one of those books that you should be handing out to friends and random people you meet. Kate Swoboda is not yet a household name but will be after you read her book, The Courage Habit! ????? One criteria I use to evaluate a book is "Great! But now what do I do?" factor. Swoboda exceeds my high standards of being both inspiring and practical. She approaches the idea of courage from the physical, mental, and emotional aspects.
#newrelease Just picked up this book by John Forsyth today! "Anxiety Happens: 52 Ways to Find Peace Of Mind" Forsyth's book had simple tools you can use to help equip you to work with #anxiety. ? You could read a chapter a week! * * *
I'll be sharing some pages from his book over the next few days to help you feel calmer and more at peace.
Pick it up today- available from your favorite book pusher location! ?
#shelfcaresunday tip for you from Pema Chodren's book How To Meditate.? ?
Take a few minutes tonite to practice mindfulness. Feel what you feel now and it won't wake you at 3:00 a.m. trying to get your attention. Unless you really like that Monday morning "pot of coffee to stay awake" kind of feeling...?
If you don't know how to meditate, let Pena guide you in the short, easy-to-understand book!?
Finally got a chance to open my #nextbigideaclub box. Love the books selected and can't wait to go watch the author videos! I wanted to take a deeper dive into interesting #nonfiction books and meet others who also feel the #nonfictionlove!
Tag a nonfiction reader who might be interested!
Look, whatever you're doing, stop right now and pre-order "Resilient" tonite! I read the #ARC and I can't stop thinking about it.
He breaks the concepts behind resilience down into twelve ready to understand chapters. My favorites were #calm, #compassion, #mindfulness, #learning, #grit, and #aspiration.
He has a real talent for packing a ton of sciencey knowledge into a few sentences that anyone can understand. A mark of a truly skilled writer!
This is an amazing book! ⭐🌟🌟🌟 Ever wonder why the increase in swear words online, especially in female-to-female marketing? 🤔
Research is showing that strong language can form stronger social bonds. In certain scenarios (office environment) it can help unify teams.😲 I'm loving the breakdown of the social cues and in what contexts cussing is used effectively. Check it out! 📚
How I feel about Litsy and the community I've gotten to know. From the responses in the Litsy fb group, it sounds like the new owners would agree with this quote from Walt Disney.
" You don't build it for yourself. You know what the people want and you build it for them."
That's it - I have failed as a non fiction lover. HOW did I miss this #selfloveexperimentbook by #shannonkaiser ?!?! I just received it in my #inspiredbookclub box this month. I am so excited to read this - I love her books! I saw that she's on a worldwide tour and can't wait to read what ideas grow during her travels. 💜💛💚❤
Back home from vacay and back to my books! 📚😍 Disney reminded me that curiosity is like fuel for reading: we can find infinite ideas and inspiration in a beloved book! 💡
Without the desire to grow and learn, you'll never open a book. That's like...like not having any! Horrors! 😱
little late with the air plane reading post but I really loved this book! Perfect vacation read, especially if you want to stop time and never go back to work! 😆 I really don't see the problem with a long life: it gives me more time to knock down my TBR pile.
I *may* have just watched the #awrinkleintime movie preview at #disneyhollywoodstudios ! Of course, it's fantastic and I'm even more excited about #openingnight next Thursday.
I tried to give them my money but they don't have any merchandise yet! 🤤 Special thanks to Book Riot for having this t shirt available in the meantime!
#disneyhereicome I was having a hard time picking what I was going to read on the plane. Then #bookmark saved me! I love new books!
Anyone else reading this one?
1. Driving, painting, relaxing, trying to wake up, trying to go to sleep, breathing.
2. Yes (all three)
3. Usually original pace.
4. I love it when an author reads their own work.
5. Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue by Prof John McWharter is my latest fav!
#audiobookinquiry @Chellow
"There are two types of beings in the universe. Those who dance, and those who do not."
"I get it, yes. I'm a dancer, Gamora is not."
"You just need to find a woman who is pathetic, like you."
"Thanks, buddy."
Drax and Starlord stand by their favorite books for #riotgrams #music theme. Personally, I'm with Drax on this one...
My contribution for #riotgrams pink, 'read', and white prompt. 😂
Hubby found this perfect magnet for me at 2nd and Charlie's this weekend. Does he love me or what?
#riotgrams theme today is #punctuation . Time for comma wars! Starlord and Gamora will fight it out for us. I am forever on #teamoxfordcomma !😀
Ash and I went to listen to kids read to him today at the library. He was excited to be there and ready to listen! We had a few breaks so we had time for pictures. Listening can be exhausting so he's now napping.
A little bit of music and whiskey with my book-enabling husband tonite in honor of #riotgrams#booksandbeverages. Nirvana on vinyl playing through the speakers and good discussion, as always! ❤
We loved the book Everybody Lies not only for the fascinating data revelations but how frequently we refer to it as we find new examples. What's a book you and your significant other have read together and discussed?
#riotgrams theme for the day is beloved series. I used to devour Encyclopedia Brown books. These books were like Sherlock Holmes for youth: everything from backwards writing to subtle clues to brain puzzles, I ate these books up. I have no idea why they are not as popular nowadays, except that I doubt that kids know what an encyclopedia is. Lol! I always wanted to write the female-led version ... Anyone else love this series?
'Mistakes Were Made But Not By Me' was published in 2015. Oh honey, if you only knew what was to come... Should be required reading in 2018, as well as 'Everybody Lies'.
A little #spinepoetry for #riotgrams , as inspired by my friend Shelley.
"Dear Life, We Have No Idea, Acts of God, This Is How You Die"
BTW, This Is How You Die is one of my all time favorite short story collections. I want it at my wake just so people know they are at the right place. ????
We interrupt today to present #bookmail ! Yay for these #newreleases ! Which one should I dive into first?! Emoji poll in comments.
✅ #howtogetshitdone
👩❤️💋👩 #thekindnesscure
🎁 #bigpotential
Inspiring and helpful book with plenty of real-world examples. Ama and Stephanie are smart and engaging as they explain what resilience means in daily life. I love the use of personal stories to explain proven psychological concepts.
I love the emphasis on personal choice and living a purposeful life. This is the book I wish I had in the past during difficult transitions and I hope it finds its way into the hands of the people who need it most.
Here's a question for publishers: why are there so few #purple books? Today's #riotgrams theme is purple. Here's my purple/pink book stack from my #rainbowshelves . How is this is all I have? I have purple walls, purple blankets, purple #candles, but very few purple books
Please recommend some purple book titles to me!
I want to go cuddle up someplace warm with my book but nooooooooo... My Golden does not seem to care it's 11:30 and below freezing out! I swear he'd prefer to be living at the North pole!
Hello, my name is: Leann
My #litsyhandle is: CatchMyBookBreath
I remember my husband saying I read so much and so fast. I replied "Yeah, I should be really out of breath, eh?" ??
So when I'm posting on here or bookstagram, I get a chance to catch my book breath. ??
#riotgrams day 3 is #nakedhardcovers. Sleeping Beauties by father and son King is also one of my my picks for the BR Insider #readbiggerbooks challenge. I mean, if you can't count on a Stephen King book to be one of the largest books on your shelf, who can you turn to?
What's the biggest book on your shelf - and yes, your TBR pile counts!
For #riotgrams day 2, my #currentread is actually FICTION. I know, I'm surprised too. So far I'm liking it. I love how pretty this cover is! I am not usually this impressed with the design of book covers but this one is really pretty!
Picked this one up on sale. Kinda interesting so far. Does it pick up the pace any? Hoping so!
So happy to get my hands on this #newrelease - "Advice Not Given. A Guide to Getting Over Yourself". I love the title and cover image! I'm starting it tonite and will post a review. ?
I am a longtime fan of @markepsteinmd: he is on my list of #mustbuy authors. He's consistently educational, inspirational, and comforting. He reads his own books on #audible so yes, I bought that version too ?
Thank you, Dr Epstein, for your words of wisdom!
Now this is the kind of book I love to read! ?? From the book: "A non-obvious trend is a unique curated observation about the accelerating present."
Rohit Bhargava describe what he sees for this year (more about his perception skills in his other book obviously titled just "Non Obvious) but really like how the spotlight is focused on today in this book.?
Great read if you're looking for a change of pace to set the tone this year!
An inspirational book every writer should have! Check out the latest by Bryan Robinson. His book has inspirational prompts arranged by month that can be used to spark daily writing ideas. This book is appropriate for anyone who expresses themselves with words, from your sporadic journaler to acclaimed author.
Great book to read if you're in the middle of a writer's slump! I know many friends who will receive a copy of this in the coming year.
What a comforting book on mindfulness! Many times books on dharma, meditation, or MBSR can be a bit dry. This book by Beth Ann Mulligan was such a solace to read. She combines science & inquiry with MBSR techniques and the heart of Buddhism. Her voice is wise and caring.
If you have had a hard time getting interested in mindfulness because you "didn't see how it could help" this is a wonderful book to gain not only knowledge but wisdom as well.
Happy Late Christmas present to me! My @kellycreates book came from Amazon today.! I flipped thru it and am looking forward to learning the next level of detail shown in this book. 📖
I am impatiently waiting for my Michael's store to get her journals in...
If you're looking for a book to guide you through writing down what was important to you in 2017, there's a wonderful book title The Forever Letters. I love how this book talks about writing a letter to those you love that captures how you see the world and what's important to you.
It's not too late to express how you feel to those you love.💞
Shivering under a blanket with a heating pad. Might as well read this "dot journaling" book to get some ideas for my planner! Also inhaling the scent of reindeer poop (peppermint and chocolate).
This book will kill every excuse you can think of to not meditate. Period.✋ If you have for one second been curious about all the meditation hype, this is your gateway to start. You get instruction within the first ten pages THEN he goes into the why and ways to keep going. 💯🏃 He tells the story of his 18 states in 11 days meditation tour -complete with tour bus.
Available now!
I have been taking a break over the holidays and got hooked on a fiction book, Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore. I'm on chapter 9 but all I dream of is hammers and the sound of eggs breaking. Argh! #creepy! 😱😱😱
My trip to the #bookstore today was a strange one. I don't know who arranged these books like this but there are a bunch of them.🆘 I couldn't help but giggle.😂
Oh, and there was a teenage couple sitting on the floor untangling a ball of yarn debating the origins of a candle lit church service. 🔥 I think I fell into the upside down except without all the slime! 😄
Ever feel like you walked into a place at an odd time?
Did you all see the new #bookclub from Susan Cain? I'm so there! 😍