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Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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repost for @AllDebooks

#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

This is a reminder of our 2 #buddyreads for June. This is a relaxed, own pace buddyread, so please join in as much or as little as you please.

All welcome to join us. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

This is a reminder of our 2 #buddyreads for June. This is a relaxed, own pace buddyread, so please join in as much or as little as you please.

All welcome to join us. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

PageShifter I have to see if I can find We are the ARK, but another one I found and I am planning to join 2d
TheBookHippie Both on hold at library. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 2d
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AllDebooks @TheBookHippie ❤ 🙏 ❤ 1d
DebinHawaii The Ark is coming as a hold/transfer for me at the library. & I found a copy of Prodigal Summer at the library bookstore for $1.00! 🤗 (edited) 16h
peaKnit @DebinHawaii $1! That‘s awesome!! I‘ve been meaning to read this. (edited) 7h
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A warm welcome to June and the start of our 2nd #MidsummerSolace event. I'm so ready for relaxing, hanging out, chatting books, buddyreads, all things hygge and summer fun with you.

Let's start with a 'how are you and what you have been up to' thread. 🌞😊💚💐🌞

All are welcome to join us. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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Lizpixie I‘m still working through the worst reading slump I‘ve ever had, my health is in a downward peak on the spreadsheet of life & my daughter & grandson have moved out and I‘m missing my little man like crazy. But I have a smutty werewolf romance so alls good👍 2d
Bookwormjillk I have to get up and work but I am trapped in bed by cats so that might not happen. I‘m looking forward to the calmer days of summer. 2d
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm June is a busy month for us. This is our only weekend where there isn‘t something planned for every day. 😅 I‘m hoping to get some things done around the house but also to try and fit in as much reading as I can. Might lean more towards reading, I could use some downtime. 2d
Librarybelle It‘s my birthday weekend, so there will be lots of cake and fun! 😂 For the rest of June, my big focus is finishing my coursework in proofreading and laying the groundwork to market myself as a freelance proofreader. Exciting, yet scary. It‘s my first summer in decades that I‘ve not had to plan a library summer reading program, and it feels so weird. But, this gives me more time to read and enjoy life! 2d
Julsmarshall Work has been busy for me but not unreasonably so and I‘m looking forward to a relaxing weekend full of reading. It is great to catch up with everyone, Happy Birthday @Librarybelle ! 2d
Librarybelle Thanks, @Julsmarshall ! ❤️ 2d
TheDaysGoBy I‘m gonna jump in to this! Hopefully life doesn‘t get in the way too much lol. June should be fairly quiet which is a bit unusual in my family but I know summer will fly regardless 2d
TheDaysGoBy @Lizpixie Sorry to hear about your health! I‘ve had a rough patch recently too but doing what I can to make sure it doesn‘t slow me down. Hope you rest as much as you can and get to feeling better soon! 2d
mcctrish We have all of June left in school and the contract teachers are frantically writing report cards ( I‘m a sub) so it‘s busy busy work wise, June always flys by. Happy Birthday @Librarybelle and @Lizpixie I do hope June has you feeling better 2d
Librarybelle Thank you, @mcctrish ! ❤️ 2d
Avanders Hi all! Happy birthday @Librarybelle !! And so sorry to hear about your updates @Lizpixie , but happy about that book for you 😈 This sounds glorious @AllDebooks : “relaxing, hanging out, chatting books, buddyreads, all things hygge and summer fun”… trying to get some of that myself this weekend! 🌈🌳🌞🪼 2d
Librarybelle Thank you, @Avanders ! ❤️ 2d
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle Your card is enroute! 🤣😵‍💫🎉💜 Happy Birthday!! 2d
TheBookHippie June. Breathe in Breathe out!!! It‘s been a long few weeks. 2d
TheBookHippie @Lizpixie oh I‘ve had that! Sending love & light!!!! 2d
Librarybelle Thank you, @TheBookHippie ! ❤️ 2d
Chrissyreadit Happy Happy Birthday @Librarybelle I hope all your bday wishes come true 🎂 2d
Chrissyreadit @Lizpixie I hope your book is deliciously distracting and you recover soon. i also hope you get to find new ways to feel connected to your family. 2d
Chrissyreadit I‘m a mixed bag of #chaosasusual - still working on weeds and seeds- based on hand and knee pain - but also have a beautiful new seating space out back. Still trying to work on health work balance and it‘s one heck of a balancing act. (as many of you know). But the season is lovely to be present in. 2d
Librarybelle Thank you @Chrissyreadit ! ❤️ 2d
IndoorDame May left me in a a rough spot both health wise and emotionally, but I‘m finished work so I have time to focus on recovery, and I‘m excited about the start of Pride and the nice weather! 🏳️‍🌈🌞🏳️‍⚧️ 2d
kspenmoll @Librarybelle Happy birthday! I hope you eat lots of cake!🎂 sending you good vibes regarding proofreading- My guess is that you will find lots of work. 1d
kspenmoll @Lizpixie I am so sorry about the heath challenges you are facing along with the sadness your daughter & grandson moving out brings. Read as many smutty werewolf books as you need to manage all this. 💙❤️🩵 1d
kspenmoll @mcctrish Yippee! 6 more days of instruction, exams then I am out of the HS for the summer 6/17 1d
kspenmoll @Chrissyreadit Take a picture of your outdoor space! 1d
Librarybelle Thank you, @kspenmoll ! ❤️ 1d
kspenmoll @IndoorDame Glad work is done & you can focus on you. 🩵❤️💙 1d
Read4life Happy birthday, @Librarybelle 🎉🤣. @Lizpixie sending good thoughts & hugs to you. 💙💙 1d
Read4life I‘m still recovering from hand surgery. I miss writing!! Spring storms are causing my migraines to rage. But, I‘m focusing on the positives and loving that my daughter is home for the summer. My son will be visiting for a week at the end of June so I have that to look forward to. 1d
TheAromaofBooks So lovely to hear how everyone is doing, both good and bad!! I admire all of you for looking for the sunshine!!! So lovely to be a part of this community - looking forward to reading with all of you!!! 💕 @Lizpixie @Librarybelle @Bookwormjillk @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Julsmarshall @TheDaysGoBy @mcctrish @Avanders @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @IndoorDame @kspenmoll @Read4life 💕 1d
TheAromaofBooks Busy/somewhat stressful May helping with my grandma as we all continue to deal with losing Grandpa and all the changes that has brought to the family. Happy to start summer, windows open and flowers growing, trying to stay positive and focus on the blessings!! 1d
dabbe @Librarybelle HB! 💙🩵💙 1d
dabbe @Lizpixie Sending hugs your way, and I hope that smutty book helps! 💙🩵💙 1d
dabbe @Chrissyreadit Being present is an excellent way to live. Hope you're balanced and that the health starts swinging upwards. 💙🩵💙 1d
dabbe @IndoorDame Sending you 💙🩵💙. And 🤗🤗🤗. And 🌈🌈🌈. 1d
dabbe @kspenmoll @mcctrish Hang in there! 💙🩵💙 1d
dabbe @Read4life Sending 💙🩵💙 and 🤗🤗🤗. 1d
dabbe @TheAromaofBooks Sending 💙🩵💙 and 🤗🤗🤗. 1d
dabbe If the only stress I have right now is to gird my loins for the 115º+ temps that are about to come, I am indeed truly lucky. June reminds me of that. 🌞

“In early June the world of leaf and blade and flowers explodes, and every sunset is different.” ~John Steinbeck
AllDebooks Thank you all so much for this response. ❤ You have made my day !😍 I'm going to grab a drink and work my way through replying to you all. x 1d
AllDebooks @Lizpixie Urgh, I hate reading slumps! I always get out of them by switching to short stories or audiobooks. Hope we can get you out of it. Illness is no fun, wishing you well soon. 🌼 It must be such a wrench, having your family move out. Had they been with you for a long time? I hope they're still local, so it's easy to meet up. Lol, what a way to break your reading slump!! 😅🐺 📙 1d
AllDebooks @Bookwormjillk Lol, sounds like a good place to be! 😻 Me too, looking forward to some sunshine and longer days. x 1d
AllDebooks @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Sounds hectic, but hopefully good fun! Wishing you a relaxing weekend x 1d
AllDebooks @Librarybelle 🌸🎂😍 Yay!! Happy Birthday weekend!! x
Good luck with the rest of your course and marketing. a change is as good as a rest, they say. Wishing you a fun summer now that you have a lighter workload. x
AllDebooks @Julsmarshall It really is great to catch up with everyone. It's put the biggest smile on my face. x 1d
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @TheAromaofBooks I‘m sorry to hear about your grandpa. Sending love to you and your family. ❤️ 1d
AllDebooks @TheDaysGoBy A warm welcome to #LitSolace and our #MidsummerSolace event. Here's to a lovely, relaxing June full of summer fun. x 1d
AllDebooks @mcctrish It is a crazy time of year for teaching staff. At least you're free of writing reports. Here's to a lovely summer. 🍻 1d
AllDebooks @Avanders Here's to a whole month of it. 🍹Wishing you a chilled weekend. x 1d
dabbe @Librarybelle Check your email when you get a chance! 💙🩵💙 1d
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie Sending hugs 🌹❤ 🌹 I'm really looking forward to this event as a time to reflect and relax after a tough few months. I've certainly missed the Litsy community, for sure. x 1d
AllDebooks @Chrissyreadit I feel your frustration. I have similar health problems that impact how much gardening I can do and there is so much to do at this time of year. It's easy to get overwhelmed with it all. Then I sit in it and focus on the plants and wildlife and it makes me so happy. 😍 So glad to have you with us for this event, hope it helps with the stresses of life. x 1d
AllDebooks @IndoorDame Wishing you well. I hope this event helps you rest and relax. Do you have anything fun planned for Pride? ❤🌈 ❤ 1d
TheAromaofBooks Thank you @dabbe !!! 1d
AllDebooks @kspenmoll Woohoo! Enter Alice Cooper's summer anthem. 😅 🎸
AllDebooks @Read4life Yikes, sounds painful. Wishing you well soon. Lots to be grateful for, wishing you a lovely family summer. x 1d
TheAromaofBooks @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm - Thank you!!! He was a week shy of 93 so it doesn't feel like it should have been such a shock, but he literally had a heart attack while grocery shopping, so it was very abrupt for all of us 💔 It has been six months but we are still making a lot of adjustments as Grandma needs a lot of care. She'll be 93 in two weeks!!! They were married 71 years! 1d
AllDebooks @TheAromaofBooks I agree, it is so lovely to catch up with everyone. x 1d
AllDebooks @TheAromaofBooks What a sad time for your family, I'm so sorry for your loss. Grief is such a tangible emotion. I hope you are taking care of yourself too, as well as your family. Sending love and hugs to you, Sarah. x 1d
AllDebooks @dabbe We have to take our blessings where we can. Love the Steinbeck quote. x 1d
AllDebooks I think I'm all caught up!! I'll double-check in the morning.

I've been pretty quiet on Litsy over the last few months. It is so good to be back. I've been dealing with a family bereavement, my teens are all in exam season, there's family drama and honestly, I've had enough of the dramatics. Life is too short and time is too precious for such nonsense! I'm loving tending my garden as a way to relax and have been counting the days down ⬇
(edited) 1d
AllDebooks Until the start of June and #MSS ❤ It seems like it's fallen at an opportune time for a fair few of us. So here's to reconnecting and enjoying each other's company through the summer. xxxx

A big thank you to @TheBookHippie for organising the #MSScardswap and @jenniferw88 for organising the #NaturalitsyMidSummerSwap and to @chrissyreadit for co-hosting, alongside me and @TheBookHippie xxx
(edited) 1d
dabbe @AllDebooks 💙🩵💙 1d
IndoorDame @dabbe 🩵🤗🩵 1d
IndoorDame @AllDebooks thank you! It‘s good to see you back here. Pride is still up in the air, but I have a few exciting possibilities on the horizon this month 😊 1d
TheAromaofBooks Thank you @AllDebooks !!! Being at Grandma's more does give me extra reading time, so there's a silver lining 😂 1d
Julsmarshall I‘m so sorry for your loss, @TheAromaofBooks Glad you are able to be there with your Grandma. 1d
Julsmarshall @dabbe I feel you. It was only 90 degrees today but next week looks tough and I‘m not ready! 1d
dabbe @Julsmarshall I keep telling myself that I'm lucky to have an outdoor sauna that is HUGE! 🤩😂😀 1d
Catsandbooks Unfortunately I've been struggling with my mental health and some health issues, so I haven't been super active on Litsy. I'm doing a bit better but most things feel exhausting. I don't know how active I'll be for the events but I'll still be around. 1d
julieclair I am so thankful that #MidSummerSolace is coming at a time when so many of us really need a calming, supportive, relaxing event. I love that you asked this question, @AllDebooks , and I really admired everyone‘s honest answers. And I love how everyone is focusing on positive things. Who would have guessed that werewolf romances could be so restorative?🤣😂 @Lizpixie @TheDaysGoBy @Chrissyreadit @IndoorDame @Read4life @TheAromaofBooks @catsandbooks 23h
TheAromaofBooks @Julsmarshall - Thank you so much 💕 💕 16h
TheAromaofBooks @julieclair @Lizpixie - Werewolf romances for the win 😂 16h
DebinHawaii Hi everyone, as usual I am late to the party. Thank you @AllDebooks for this event & the question. TBH I am vacillating between being okay & not okay both mentally & physically & most of May, I have spent feeling drained & exhausted. A lot of it is work. I left a really toxic environment last April that knocked out all my confidence & it was a slow climb back in a new company this year. Then changes happened & I find myself struggling again ⬇️ 15h
DebinHawaii …although without the toxicity.. My asthma flares with it & that keeps me from excercising & I‘m not happy with my health & weight right now & really, I just feel old & tired & overwhelmed & sad most of the time. Trying to dig out & find my happy place again. I started #5JoysFriday to help focus on the positives in life & it helps me along with journaling & daily gratitude practice but I feel like I‘m on the edge of a slippery slope of life.⬇️ (edited) 15h
DebinHawaii …But I am grateful for Litsy & this group & the card swap & #LitsyLove & it helps to not feel alone. So thank you everyone. 💛💛💛 15h
DebinHawaii Happy Birthday/Birthday Weekend @Librarybelle !!! 🎉🎂🎈I hope you are enjoying it! 15h
DebinHawaii @Lizpixie I think I need to try a smutty werewolf book! 😉 Hoping things get on the upswing for you health wise & reading wise. 💛💛💛 15h
DebinHawaii @TheAromaofBooks Sending you love & strength for you & your grandma. I‘m so sorry for your loss. 💜 15h
Librarybelle Thank you, @DebinHawaii ! ❤️ 13h
julieclair @DebinHawaii #5JoysFriday is helping ALL of us focus on life‘s positive. And the weeks when we don‘t feel like participating are the weeks when we really need to. 💙 Sending you love and light. ☀️ 11h
peaKnit So glad to be here among all the honesty. It‘s hard to be vulnerable but deepens life so much. 🩷 7h
Chrissyreadit @IndoorDame I hope you feel better!!! Also HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! 2h
Chrissyreadit @TheAromaofBooks I hope you are all able to enjoy beautiful moments to help ease your grief. I know it can be hard but what a beautiful testement of how he was loved to be so missed. 2h
Chrissyreadit @Catsandbooks sending you love and I hope you are able to feel better. I know that litsy friends have really and truly helped me feel better emotionally when i‘ve had some struggles due to life and you are a loved part of this community so i hope you can reach out if you need some emotional virtual hugging and hand holding. you have my number if you need a friend 💛 2h
Chrissyreadit @DebinHawaii I am so grateful for you and your participation in so many fun activities- I love #5joysFriday and i‘m sometimes not in a great place myself- but i think i will put more effort in because @julieclair is right about needing it. I wish i could hang out with you and share space lounging and eating soup and reading good books. I hope you are able to feel better and regain your confidence. 2h
IndoorDame @Chrissyreadit thanks! Good luck finding more balance! It‘s a constant struggle for me as well, but some stretches definitely seem harder than others. 1h
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Repost from @rubyslippersreads Come join us!
Any Littens with fond memories of Dark Shadows? We are starting a #buddyread of the tagged book, and we‘d be thrilled to have you join us for our journey back to Collinwood.

We‘re starting today with the Foreword by DS actress Kathryn Leigh Scott and Introduction by the author. A chapter a day after that, but please feel free to jump in at any time. 🦇

#hometoshadows #TheresNoPlaceLikeCollinwood

CatLass007 I loved Dark Shadows!! I‘m not sure if I can get the book in order to join the buddy read. But if you‘re doing daily posts please include me in your tags. 2w
CatLass007 … and, oh my goodness, it‘s streaming on FreeVee! 2w
tpixie @CatLass007 oh my! And it ison Kindle unlimited. I may need to join in on the buddy read (edited) 2w
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rubyslippersreads @CatLass007 @tpixie Join in whenever you can, and I‘ll be sure to tag you both. 🦇❤️ 2w
CatLass007 @rubyslippersreads Thank you. @tpixie I can‘t read ebooks because of eye strain. 2w
tpixie @CatLass007 🩷 I hope you can find the audio or book 📕 (edited) 2w
CatLass007 @tpixie It‘s not available in audio and my book funds for the month are exhausted. I can‘t decide which is more precious the money I have to spend on books or the time to read all the books I already have. 2w
UwannaPublishme Yay! Love meeting fellow Dark Shadows fans! @tpixie @CatLass007 Oh, I‘m tempted now to rewatch the show too. 2w
rubyslippersreads @CatLass007 Even if you can‘t read the book, I think you should join us anyway. It‘s always fun to talk about DS. 😊 2w
tpixie @CatLass007 Luckily, there certainly are plenty of other books to read also!!! I‘m working on going through my bookshelves to save money. Good luck finding your next read!! (edited) 2w
rubyslippersreads @CatLass007 Even if you can‘t read the book, I think you should join us anyway. It‘s always fun to talk about DS. 😊 2w
rubyslippersreads @CatLass007 This looks possibly helpful: How to Turn Any Ebook Into an Audiobook https://youtu.be/OQLunr8-gCU?si=_HzhTI9rllw37dNx 2w
UwannaPublishme @CatLass007 I‘m also trying to read all the TBRs gathering dust on my many bookshelves. I hope you‘ll still join in and share your DS stories. Us DS fans have a special bond. 2w
UwannaPublishme @tpixie Hope you can join us! I have quite a few DS books on my shelves. This may be the start of several DS #buddyreads 😊🦇 2w
tpixie @rubyslippersreads that was an interesting video! Thanks for sharing! 2w
tpixie @UwannaPublishme I did download the e-book. I‘m going to try to fit it in. It sounds like fun. 2w
rubyslippersreads @UwannaPublishme mentioned other DS books. If anyone has Hoopla, quite a few of the Marilyn Ross novels are available as audiobooks, read by Kathryn Leigh Scott. 2w
rubyslippersreads @UwannaPublishme @tpixie @CatLass007 I‘m running a bit behind. I‘ll try to catch up tomorrow. 😊 2w
UwannaPublishme @rubyslippersreads No worries! I‘m a little behind too. 2w
41 likes20 comments
Aprilly | Jane Abbott
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Here is my April TBR list. Lots of #buddyreads for #SundayBuddyRead #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent #ChildrensClassicRead NancyDrewBR (& Trixie Belden too!) #Naturalitsy #SheSaid #Roll100 #SeasonalCozies ##AuldLangSpine #TravelingStars & virtual foodie book club & a few for #SeriesLove2024

Several of these are shorter reads so I think I can make most of it hapoen, however, my reading is moody so you never know what else might come up! 📚🤷🏻‍♀️📚

Librarybelle Lots of great books!! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
Chrissyreadit 🎉🎉🎉🎉 2mo
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TheSpineView Lookin' good! 2mo
StayCurious Wow good for you! 2mo
julieclair You have a great reading month ahead! 2mo
60 likes6 comments
Crocodile on the Sandbank | Elizabeth Peters
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April 1 #SpringSkies BkClubRead the only book club I Do is #BuddyReads this one is for April reads #BakerStreetIrregulars with @StayCurious and @CatLass007 @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 2mo
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Joining in the #MarvelousMarch #Readathon & my goals are to finish as many of the pictured books as possible. It‘s unlikely I‘ll get all of them done, but I have #buddyreads & others in progress already, so I think I can knock out a lot of these. 📚📚📚📚📚

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Finished this one on the way home from work. I got this one on Audible/free and I enjoyed it. The Author narrates it (I love it when they do that), and it felt so “real“ and so “brave“ for her to discuss her struggles with Mental Health and how nature helped her through these depressive episodes.

I plan on re-reading when I purchase the physical copy.

#NaturalLitsy #LitSolace

Texreader Lovely!! 2mo
TheBookHippie 💚💚💚💚💚 2mo
AllDebooks The audio is good. 2mo
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dabbe Daffies! 💚🌼💚 2mo
ElizaMarie @dabbe that was taken on St Patrick‘s Day, and then today it snows! 2mo
dabbe @ElizaMarie That's plain crazy! 🤩💚🤩 2mo
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Initially intended as an #AudioCommute book for work, but now I feel like I need a physical copy. The book's descriptions of nature are so soothing and inspiring that they make me want to go for a nature walk.

#NaturalLitsy #LitSolace

AllDebooks So glad you're enjoying it. X 2mo
TheBookHippie It‘s just amazing. Hard copy is a must. 2mo
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Repost for @AllDebooks

#Naturalitsy #LitSolace

Are you joining us in our #SpringEquinox event, celebrating the return of a new season? It is running from the 15th - 24th March. The #buddyreads will continue until the end of April.

All welcome to join in. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

AllDebooks Thank you for the share x 3mo
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