I made the mistake of reading Lucy Worsley's biography of Christie before I read this. #spoileralert #oops
#springskies #surpriseending
I made the mistake of reading Lucy Worsley's biography of Christie before I read this. #spoileralert #oops
#springskies #surpriseending
Ch 9.6: searching Ds clothes for the rest of the money #spoileralert #theydidntfindit #obsessedwiththeopendoor #DblamesSmerdy #hmmmmm #theyarentbuyingit #showmethemoney #Disabouttosaywherehegotit #staytuned #ps #dontsearchstripsearchmemes #thatsarabbitholeiwasnotpreparedfor #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 33-34: y‘all. I have so much to say. #lilpittsucksuptomisscrawley #misscrawleylovesjane #obviouslybutemustsendherownson #jimisafavorite #until #pittmakeshimlooklikeanalcoholic #soproud #thepipedidnthelp #peaceoutjim ✌️ #beckyisthetoastofparis #alsoamom #thatsterrifying #misscrawleylosesher 💩 #pittmarriesjane #theyhavetolivewithcrawley #janesmomrulesthemall #didimissanything #whew #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
This book was freakin adorable 🥰 Though I tend to shy away from #RomCom and #EnemiesToLovers tropes, this book managed to capture my heart with its fun, flirty banter and romantic sizzle. Set on the sexy island of #Belize two flight attendants are stuck having to partner up on an unscheduled layover despite their frosty friendship.The author is a flight attendant so this book felt authentic in regards to aviation rules & policies.
"#JohnGalt is Prometheus who changed his mind. After centuries of being torn by vultures in payment for having brought to men the fire of the gods, he broke his chains - and he withdrew his fire - until the day when men withdrew their vultures."
#Greek #greekmyth
#SpoilerAlert woah! 😳 did not see that coming. Svidrigaïlov committing suicide?? Woah.
#SpoilerAlert #StephenKing #PlotTwist
The unassuming, soft-spoken Holly Gibney to the rescue. She kills El Cuco (The Outsider) inside the Marysville Hole by using a sock with ball bearings. El Cuco is filled with these nasty little red worms that spew out of him when he dies.
Of course the Outsider is hiding in a dark cave where 8 people died. And of course he's waiting with lots of dead animals around. And of course it looks like a human.
#StephenKing #SpoilerAlert
Are you kidding me?? #StephenKing killing off Howie & Alec!! Are you kidding??
#PlotTwist #SpoilerAlert
#SpoilerAlert 🚨☠
The Outsider is definitely a supernatural creature who feeds on children and bad feelings.