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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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I was a little worried about the Octavia Butler prompt for the #52bookclub challenge. I'd previously read Parable of the Sower, and was not a fan. But I'm so glad I chose this book! While it can obviously be difficult to read (it does address horrors of slavery, after all), it was incredibly well-written and engaging -- I didn't want to put it down. Definitely worth picking up!

GondorGirl This book was STUNNING (and also what I re-read for that exact challenge prompt)! 7mo
Librarybelle I think this is the one I would like to read for this prompt - hopefully I can get to it by the end of the year! 7mo
BarbaraBB Such a good book 7mo
squirrelbrain Well done! 7mo
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It's been a LONG time since I've posted one of my #the52bookclub23 prompts, but I'm trying to do better!

This book was well-written and well-researched; I'd definitely recommend this to history buffs or anyone interested in learning about the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Unfortunately, my interest was marginal -- since my grandfather was born there, I feel like I should know more about “where I came from“ -- so it started to drag near the end.

BarbaraBB Love your graphic 😍 9mo
jenniferw88 @BarbaraBB they're downloadable from the website. 9mo
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squirrelbrain Great choice for the prompt! 9mo
BarbaraBB @jenniferw88 I didn‘t know! Will remember for next year! Thanks! 9mo
Librarybelle I‘ve heard a lot of good things about this one! 9mo
Cinfhen I‘ve been meaning to read this one for ages!‘ It‘s sitting on my shelf staring at me 😁 9mo
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Wow! This book had so many threads and I was completely entangled and wrapped up in each one. Silvia shares her journey from young girl to being one of the few women to scale Everest. In between those years Silvia recalls all the traumas & obstacles that led her to face the mother of all summits. This works for multiple prompts #ReadingTheAmericas23 #Peru
#52Books23 #survivorStory #Booked2023 #SetInMountainRegion
5 star memoir

Cinfhen Also works for #BeginsWithLetterI 14mo
Librarybelle Stacking! 14mo
ShelleyBooksie Beautiful flowers 14mo
Cinfhen Thanks @ShelleyBooksie 💐 it‘s a really happy bouquet 💜 I loved this book @Librarybelle although at first I was unsure of the author‘s writing style - im glad I gave myself more time to settle into the story 14mo
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#UnpopularOpinion Ive seen many glowing reviews for this memoir but I never fully warmed to Keri. As a competitive pairs skater her life was full of discipline and determination yet the minute she was presented with a setback she did a complete 180. I had a difficult time understanding her decisions & mindset. I applaud her honesty and the ability to come back from the brink of hell and once again turn her life around.👇🏼

Cinfhen Kudos for using her privilege and knowledge to speak up and represent those who are still struggling with addiction and incarceration. #ScriptOnTheSpine

@Deblovestoread @ashleyhoss820 @barbarabb @jenniferw88 @squirrelbrain @karenuk @leerharry @carolynm @azulaco @Lizpixie
Librarybelle At least it‘s another prompt completed 1y
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Cinfhen Hahaha 🤣 that‘s true @Librarybelle 🤗🤗 1y
Bluebird Congrats on completing the prompt! 1y
squirrelbrain I really liked this one, but listened to it so maybe that made a difference? 1y
Cinfhen It was definitely me @squirrelbrain I think I read so many memoirs that I was holding up this one against others which isn‘t really fair 1y
Megabooks Sorry this wasn‘t a win for you! 1y
Megabooks I was definitely over memoirs for the second half of 2022. #burnoutISreal 1y
Cinfhen It‘s always weird to review a memoir @Megabooks especially when it doesn‘t resonate with you 😟 1y
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Unfortunately there is so much negative stigma around abortion and those who chose to undergo the procedure that most never share or speak of the experience. Dr. Meera Shah, a physician who provides female healthcare including performing abortions shares personal stories from women and men who have gone through the process. The stories are often difficult as many are facing terrible medical situations. This book sheds light on the importance👇🏼

Cinfhen of self autonomy - making it CLEAR that the right to have an abortion is 💯 a woman‘s right and no government, family member or religious belief should be in the equation. I‘ve always been pro-choice but this book strengthened my belief.
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Librarybelle Once again, such beautiful flowers! I love seeing your bouquets! ❤️ 1y
KarenUK This sounds excellent…. I think I might steal this idea for the #booked2023 prompt…. Stacked! 1y
sarahbarnes Amazing review. ♥️♥️ This sounds like an incredible book. 1y
BarbaraBB Well said. Totally agree! And it works good for the various prompts! 1y
LaraReads This looks very good! 1y
Cinfhen The level of shame and judgment these individuals face is heartbreaking @KarenUK @sarahbarnes @BarbaraBB @LaraReads even from within the medical community was really appalling- im not sure how we are still having this discussion in 2023!!!! 1y
Cinfhen Thanks @Librarybelle I love antique roses but their shelf life is too short 😣 1y
sarahbarnes Seriously how is it possible?!! 😔 1y
dabbe @Cinfhen Well said! 👏❣️🙌 1y
Deblovestoread 💯! Once abortion became a political tool for the right everything changed. Stacked. 1y
Megabooks Great review Cindy!! #stacked!! 👍🏻👍🏻 1y
Cinfhen @dabbe @Deblovestoread @Megabooks I appreciate that the author chose to focus on the woman‘s stories and leave politics mostly out of the discussion. She made the book about protecting the rights of women and not about calling out the right or left. 1y
marleed Oh stacked! 1y
Hooked_on_books This was such a good book. It‘s so important for abortion stories to be told to take back the narrative from those who want it to be something other than it is. For every abortion, there‘s a slightly different story, I truly believe. 1y
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Reef Road: A Novel | Deborah Goodrich Royce
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This started out really strong and even though I was able to put together big pieces of the puzzle early on, I was really invested in how the story would conclude. I was hoping for a more dynamic second half but I still enjoyed this story of a writer obsessed with a long ago unsolved murder. The inclusion of Covid added to the intensity and made for interesting plot twists. Really entertaining.

Cinfhen @RobES I‘d say it‘s a #BorrowNotBuy but still worth your time to seek it out 😄 1y
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squirrelbrain Good news! Ooh, I like the @alliteration prompt too…. I‘ve already done #argentina and thought I had something in mind for #sunshinenoir but this might do the trick instead. 1y
Librarybelle Great review! 1y
Cinfhen It‘s a great borrow and an easy listen 🎧 @squirrelbrain @Librarybelle the author can write and the book has literary merit instead of being a straight up psychological thriller - 1y
Megabooks I haven‘t heard of this one. 🤔 1y
Cinfhen I think you‘d enjoy it @Megabooks #GoodNotGreat 1y
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Hurray!! I found my #FirstWordInBookIsThe #52Books23

jenniferw88 😂😂😂 1y
Cinfhen @jenniferw88 Thanks, Jenny!!! Kind of pathetic how excited this discovery was 😄 1y
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squirrelbrain Love this, I was stupidly excited as well when I checked a recent read to discover it started with ‘the‘! Book sounds intriguing, let me know what you think. 1y
Cinfhen I‘m hooked @squirrelbrain It‘s such a crazzzy true crime story and one I really was not familiar with 1y
Librarybelle Definitely interested in your thoughts - this sounds like a wacky true crime! 1y
BarbaraBB Ha! I still need that one! 1y
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Layover | Lacie Waldon
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This book was freakin adorable 🥰 Though I tend to shy away from #RomCom and #EnemiesToLovers tropes, this book managed to capture my heart with its fun, flirty banter and romantic sizzle. Set on the sexy island of #Belize two flight attendants are stuck having to partner up on an unscheduled layover despite their frosty friendship.The author is a flight attendant so this book felt authentic in regards to aviation rules & policies.

Librarybelle Stacking…sometimes you just need the fluff! 1y
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Cinfhen @Librarybelle 💯 and the audio was great 😊 I hope you get a chance to pick it up ♥️ 1y
Lynnsoprano Sounds like fun! 1y
BarbaraBB Sounds like one I could need sometime too! 1y
Cinfhen It was sort of wholesome too @Lynnsoprano @BarbaraBB so when you‘re craving something light this should work 💗 1y
squirrelbrain Sounds cute, but of course not available here…. 🙄 1y
Cinfhen It really was cute ☺️ @squirrelbrain but it‘s a #BorrowNotBuy or #99pDeal 😊 1y
LaraReads Fun! 1y
Kimberlone Sounds cute! Will keep an eye out to borrow from the library :) 1y
KarenUK Sounds fun💕 1y
Cinfhen It was a great mid week pick me up @LaraReads @Kimberlone @KarenUK soooo predictable but sooo satisfying 😜 1y
CarolynM Sounds delightful 😊 Stacked 1y
Cinfhen It‘s fun @CarolynM 🤩 1y
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Brother, I'm Dying | Edwidge Danticat
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A powerful personal story of author Edwidge Danticat‘s two fathers - her beloved biological father and his older brother, her Uncle Joseph, who raised her while her parents were earning a living in America.
Danticat weaves between the past & present as she shares the lives of her father & brother growing up during Haiti‘s colonial days to the present (2002) as she learns her father is battling a pulmonary disease. Moving and sorrowful.

batsy I need to read this. I really liked 1y
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Cinfhen Thanks for the recommendation @batsy I enjoy interconnected stories….and this collection sounds wonderful 1y
squirrelbrain I have one by this author on my list to read…I just can‘t remember which one! 🤦‍♀️ 1y
Librarybelle Sounds like a very powerful read 1y
LaraReads Definitely stacking! 1y
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#ToB23 #shortlisted This was an interesting study of a family dealing/living with grief/loss.
It‘s short on action but long on character study. While this book was good, I‘m not sure why it made the shortlist🤷🏼‍♀️
This was my last book from the shortlist - looking forward to discussing with the tournament crew.
#52Books23 #AboutSiblings #DoubleSpin February @TheAromaofBooks

Cinfhen Heads up friends…. @britt_brooke is no longer participating in the #52booksChallenge so kindly remove her name from the tag list 😁 (edited) 1y
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Cinfhen @Deblovestoread @BookBelle84 not sure if you received the first tag….xx 1y
Ruthiella I really liked this after I got used to the format/style. It‘s definitely something I normally would not read were it not for the TOB. 1y
Chelsea.Poole I just checked this out from the library. I‘ll get it in a few days. Based on reviews I think this one will work for me because I‘m good with character studies 😊 1y
Librarybelle I‘ve seen lots of mixed reviews about this one. I‘m on the fence about it… #somanybookssolittletime 1y
squirrelbrain I‘m still wavering about this one. It‘s expensive over here and isn‘t yet available on any ‘free‘ apps. 🤷‍♀️ 1y
Cinfhen This was a borrow from #Scribd @squirrelbrain and I‘m glad..,it‘s not a book I‘d re-read @Librarybelle @Chelsea.Poole but it had some merit, I just didn‘t love it. 1y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1y
sarahbarnes I actually just returned this to the library yesterday without reading it…I just wasn‘t feeling it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
Cinfhen It‘s a slow burn @sarahbarnes - maybe you‘ll try again before the tournament begins 1y
Cinfhen Thanks,Sarah 😁I‘ve manage to read both my #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin for February @TheAromaofBooks 🙌🏻💗 1y
BarbaraBB So good you‘ve read them all! I just started Mercury but find it sooo boring. And I have Seven Moons still calling out. Not sure if I‘m going to give in 😉 1y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen Sorry, y‘all - challenges are just not for me. 😚😚 1y
Cinfhen I bailed on both Mercury & Seven Moons @BarbaraBB AND The passenger and (edited) 1y
Cinfhen So I REALLY haven‘t read them all 🙈 1y
Cinfhen At least you considered it @britt_brooke but better to know your limitations 😍 1y
TheAromaofBooks Nice!!! Only a week into the month, too!!! 1y
Cinfhen I‘m pretty impressed with myself @TheAromaofBooks I‘m not gonna lie 😜😂😂 1y
Hooked_on_books Hey, nice job on completing! I have 2 left, so I‘m in good shape. 1y
BkClubCare @Ruthiella 👍 Always a top reason I follow the TOB 1y
BkClubCare @Cinfhen 👏 My TOB philosophy is IF I had it in my hands and read some of it (and then read a million contrarion reviews 🤣) I am likely to count it! 1y
Cinfhen Which two @Hooked_on_books ??? 1y
Hooked_on_books Olga and Goose 1y
Cinfhen I think you‘ll enjoy both @Hooked_on_books ♥️🤞🏼 1y
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