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Conclave | Robert Harris
The Pope is dead. Behind the locked doors of the Sistine Chapel, one hundred and eighteen cardinals from all over the globe will cast their votes in the worlde(tm)s most secretive election. They are holy men. But they have ambition. And they have rivals. Over the next seventy-two hours one of them will become the most powerful spiritual figure on earth.
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Conclave | Robert Harris
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Read in 2020. Robert Harris is becoming a favorite of mine. I've read three of his novels now. Each is completely different from the other. I would rate them in this order: 1) Pompeii, 2) Conclave, 3) The Fear Index.

Conclave | Robert Harris
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#gratefulreads - day 16 - a book you though you wouldn't like but did. Mainly because not that interested in reading about popes and stuff like that.
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻📚 5y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😊 5y
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Conclave | Robert Harris

An interesting read and mystery to unpick. Another win by Harris

Conclave | Robert Harris
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This was much more interesting to me than I expected it to be (I am not Catholic, nor even religious). Because I listened to the audio, it did take a bit at the start to get “into” it, but once it got going, it was pretty good. There is quite the twist at the end!

Conclave | Robert Harris
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Great political thriller based around the pope

Conclave | Robert Harris

Such a sensitive examination of leadership, vocation, faith and ambition.

Conclave | Robert Harris
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Running then reading. That's my Saturday covered

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Conclave | Robert Harris
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Conclave by its nature is not action packed in a traditional sense. Much of the book is quiet dialogue between elderly men sitting in a room, locked away from the world. What it is however is a fascinating view of how the conclave process works and an interesting take on power, honesty and faith. It was well paced for an easy read that was quick to consume yet thought provoking read.

Andrew65 I loved this. 6y
Itchyfeetreader @Andrew65 it was great wasn‘t it. Could have been so dull with a lesser writer but so good with Harris. 6y
Andrew65 @Itchyfeetreader I love his books, especially 6y
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Conclave | Robert Harris

Although the book was interesting from the position of how Conclave works when choosing a new Pope, I wouldn‘t classify it as a thriller. Nothing really happens. I was expecting murder, intrigue, skulduggery. Where are the Borgias when you need them? Rating: 2 ⭐️

Conclave | Robert Harris
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Was not expecting that ending. Very good listen.

Conclave | Robert Harris

Really enjoyed this thriller set in the Vatican - the machinations that go on in Conclave when a new Pope is to be chosen were fascinating. And the finale was very cleverly done.

Conclave | Robert Harris

A Vatican thriller, Conclave purports to play out a papal election in the college of cardinals. Since this reader knows basically nothing about the inner workings of the Catholic Church it might be very accurate, or not. What it is is a well-crafted tale with the requisite plot twists that kept me involved once I connected with the main character and sorted everyone else out. Most fans of the political thriller genre will like this. Enjoy!

Conclave | Robert Harris
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Book number 2 of 2018. Lovely early nights curled up in bed while away from home. #imaginationtakemetoRome

Conclave | Robert Harris
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Last morning to read in bed for the foreseeable future. Soon it's back to school drop offs and 7:30am outdoor soccer games #raincouver

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Conclave | Robert Harris
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Pre #Baileysnbook NYE celebration

CoverToCoverGirl Looks delicious! Happy New Year! 🎊 7y
BookishTrish @CoverToCoverGirl Happy New Year to you too! 7y
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Conclave | Robert Harris
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Woo hoo! Litfluence has passed 2000, I know it‘s not a lot compared to some Litens but I‘m proud! 🙌 #2017goal #litfluence #milestone

TrishB 🎉🎉🎉 7y
Smrloomis 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🎉🎉🎉 7y
[DELETED] 3666765805 Congratulations!🎊🎉🎉 7y
Jess7 🎉🎉 7y
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Conclave | Robert Harris
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This is a fast-moving, super-interesting story set in the secretive world of the conclave to pick the next pope. I was captivated by the protagonist‘s take on faith.

nickimags Loved it too! 😊 7y
MallenNC I liked that one too! I‘m fascinated by the conclave anyway. 7y
Andrew65 I loved this one too. 7y
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Conclave | Robert Harris

Liked the subject and the story was gripping that I needed to finish it as soon as possible to find out. Disappointed in the end as it felt a bit rushed but overall enjoyed it.

Conclave | Robert Harris
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When the plans of God are truly too inscrutable for human understanding. I almost wish this novel was true...
Will humility one day likewise unite and unify our own very real church? #24in48

Curious1 Great read. Robert HARRIS is awesome. 7y
mcorneli @Curious1 I really need to read more of his! This was my first--and I shall certainly re-visit it again. So good. 7y
Curious1 Currently in France, when I return to the UK I will review his other books. The depth of his research and story telling abilities are unbelievable. 7y
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Conclave | Robert Harris
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This was a good read albeit I had to brush up on my catholicism terminology. I loved the intrigue and the plotting within with conclave. The drawback is there was just too much in the latter part of the book. It was one thing after another and even some explosive action. By the end, you just wanted someone to be pope already. At least worth a read. I wanted more intrigue though.

Conclave | Robert Harris
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Excellent read. Harris is always good but this was exceptional. We follow The twists and turns of a tense, claustrophobic tale of the election of a new pope. A religious "12 angry men" but with 118 cardinals instead of a dozen jurors. The pressure and the prize is immense. Is there a candidate without a history or prejudice? Is there someone who can unite the whole Catholic Church? Eventually a new Pope emerges but is there a sting in the tail?

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Conclave | Robert Harris

"The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but time and chance happen to all."

Conclave | Robert Harris

"The only guide to a person's actions can ever be their conscience, for it is in our conscience that we most clearly hear the voice of God"

Conclave | Robert Harris

"The basest sins are often committed for the highest motives"

Conclave | Robert Harris
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I got this as book mail yesterday. Thought I would just read a couple pages this afternoon and ended up reading the entire book. Excuse the language but, Holy shit is the most accurate description I can give. I was so sucked into the process of electing a new Pope that I could not stop reading it. The ending....WOW!

Conclave | Robert Harris
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Words cannot describe how much I loved reading this book! It somehow manages to balance a fast paced plot that has plenty of surprises and developments, with a truly insightful look at some of the issues facing both the Catholic Church and the wider world today, such as the pitfalls of ambition, secrecy, morality, and the conflict between fundamentalism and liberalism!

underthebelljar Nice review! Sounds like an interesting read! 7y
Andrew65 I loved this book too. 7y
mjdowens Yay! I should be getting my copy this week. 7y
SusanInTiburon Robert Harris can tell a story!! 7y
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Conclave | Robert Harris
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My #fridayreads for this time.

Conclave | Robert Harris
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I am so addicted to this book! There seems to be a new revelation and twist to the story on every page, I love the political drama of it! This is the first book I've read by Robert Harris, but it certainly won't be the last! #eveningsorted #latteart

Lcsmcat I just heard him speak to the U.K. election on the radio and thought to myself "I wonder what kind of novels he writes." Thanks for answering my question. 7y
Laalaleighh My bf red this and literally every few minutes he was just like "whatttt" "oh my god" "mind blown" " did that really just happen?" Also I have his Cicero trilogy on my tbr shelf and I'm really excited to read it. 7y
Susanita This is on my library's summer reading list. It sounds interesting! 7y
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Embellembell @Lcsmcat it's definitely a great read! Which radio station was it on? I'll be interested to know what he had to say! 7y
Embellembell @Laalaleighh I'm really excited to read them as well! 7y
Embellembell @Susanita I'm sure you'll love it! 7y
Lcsmcat @Embellembell It was on NPR. My local station is WUNC but I believe it was on the national program Morning Edition. 7y
Chelsey I love the eveningsorted hashtag! 😂💜 7y
emmaturi Looking forward to read it! 7y
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Conclave | Robert Harris
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A coffee is usually a key component of my reading! This was a Brazilian espresso, which isn't usually my preferred type of coffee, but I absolutely loved it alongside a brilliant book! @sarahrushtxn I'll see if I can get you into these now! #howiread #bellfamilycoffeetour #explodingbakeryexeter #riotgram

Zelma Looks delicious! ☕️ 7y
sarahrushtxn I'm sure that won't be too difficult! 7y
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Conclave | Robert Harris
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I picked this book up yesterday, and I am loving the politics and drama of it! I was a little nervous of carrying it around a (beautiful) Catholic abbey, but was quickly put at ease when I saw they were also selling it in their shop! #buckfastabbey #bellfamilycoffeetour

Andrew65 I really enjoyed this book. 7y
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Conclave | Robert Harris
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My reaction to this scene 😇 Favourite scene in the book tbh; if this was a movie it'd make for a great moment. If I wasn't on break at work I think I would've actually shrieked a little 😳

Conclave | Robert Harris

An excellent read. Quite a different book and very interesting to find out more about the process to select a Pope. I did guess the ending, but despite this quite a big twist right at the end that I certainly didn't predict. Not sure what I think about this twist. Once again Robert Harris writes an excellent book which holds your attention throughout. I do recommend this.

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Conclave | Robert Harris

Just heading off to Vatican City with Conclave by Robert Harris, one of my favourite authors. I hear the Pope has just died, and the battle lines are being drawn!

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Conclave | Robert Harris
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#TBRtemptation post! Cardinal Jacopo Lomeli has been asked by the Pope to stay at the Vatican as a manager rather than retire. Then the Pope dies, & Loneli finds himself in charge of the sequestered enclave assigned to vote for the next pope. The egos are huge, the politics are intricate, the consequences world-changing. During the long process, does Lomeli want this as his last assignment, or does he want to be Pope? #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

StaceyKondla I liked this one - it's a slow burn, but also so compelling 8y
Laalaleighh My boyfriend is reading this. 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 8y
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Conclave | Robert Harris

Engaging story with a complete surprise at the end!

Conclave | Robert Harris
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This book is a slow burn, but so compelling! It is not an action thriller, but rather a fictionalized close look at the process of electing a new Pope with interesting personalities and personal agendas and secrets within the Conclave. I'm not religious, but really enjoyed this look into such a private and important part of Catholicism. I also REALLY liked what Robert Harris did with the end. I absolutely recommend this book 😊

Conclave | Robert Harris
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After reading a bunch of YA all in a row, I decided to read this grown up book next 😊

Pruzy What's it about?? 8y
StaceyKondla @Pruzy Here is the blurb about the book: The Pope is dead. Behind the locked doors of the Sistine Chapel, one hundred and eighteen cardinals from all over the globe will cast their votes in the world s most secretive election. They are holy men. But they have ambition. And they have rivals. Over the next seventy-two hours one of them will become the most powerful spiritual figure on earth. (edited) 8y
Pruzy @StaceyKondla Is it more to the thriller or literary side of the spectrum? 8y
StaceyKondla @Pruzy - I just started it so I'm not sure yet - I'll let you know when I'm done. I've never read Robert Harris before so I don't know what to expect 😊 8y
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Conclave | Robert Harris
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A kid just looked at this book and said, frustrated "THAT'S NOT HARRY POTTER!"

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Conclave | Robert Harris
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I have always been fascinated by how a new pope is chosen. I watched extensive news coverage of the two most recent conclaves. While I don't imagine the real ones are quite as dramatic as this fictional one, it was fascinating to get a glimpse of this secretive process.

Conclave | Robert Harris
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I read print books and Ebooks on my iPad using the Kindle app, but my favorite #ReadingEquipment is my reading buddy, pictured here! #ReadJanuary

OriginalCyn620 His little face is so cute! 🐱 8y
MallenNC @CynthiaF.Buck He always looks just a little bit grumpy, which I think is cute! 8y
Dolly Awww so cute😻 8y
Karen_V Kitteh! 😻 8y
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Conclave | Robert Harris
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The Pope is dead. A snowy day is perfect for a mystery by a new author (for me).

Conclave | Robert Harris
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This was very fascinating and quite edge-of-your-seat in parts. Although that ending may raise a few eyebrows, I thoroughly enjoyed this one! This is also my "C" in #LitsyAtoZ.

BookishMarginalia 👍🏼 8y
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Conclave | Robert Harris
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These are all books I've read at least a few pages in already, and three of them are library books, so this is probably my #JanuaryTBR #ReadJanuary

Reviewsbylola Loved The Trespasser so much and I want to read Victoria. 8y
MallenNC @Reviewsbylola What I've read of Victoria so far is really good. I want to finish it before the show comes on PBS later this month. 8y
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Conclave | Robert Harris
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this has been so interesting so far. Have been looking up Swiss Guards and the Vatican police - did you know you also have to remain unmarried to serve (and be Swiss for Swiss Guard) ?

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Conclave | Robert Harris

The Da Vinci Code meets 12 Angry Men and The Little Engine That Could. Good fun 😜

drokka I've not read any of this series, but I do enjoy Harris's writing style. Your descriptions made me snort. 😂 8y
Cinfhen My first "stacked" of 2017 ❤️ 8y
Ksvz One of my last of 2016 - really good! I believe you're book year is off to a great start :) 8y
Dragon You've convinced me, added to the stack 😀 8y
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