This series was good but book 3 upped the ante to great! A lot of action. Also, Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson meets…Christian Grey?
This series was good but book 3 upped the ante to great! A lot of action. Also, Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson meets…Christian Grey?
Good follow up to Year 1. The story lines developing are well done and cliffhanger at the end of Year 2 makes you want to jump right into the next one.
Short and quick read. Good story telling and introduction to a series. Billed as Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson. Good read but not on their level. Good enough and short enough to continue the series.
Very good ending to another fantastic series by Rick Riordan. This series is almost on the same level as Harry Potter for me.
Been on a Greek mythology kick and decided to read this series over. Very good continuation of the Percy Jackson series.
GREAT BOOK!!! Think ready player one but better. Emika Chen, a straggler virtual bounty hunter, finds herself at the center of the biggest competition in the virtual world. As big as the competition is (think Super Bowl) there‘s something even bigger going on. Does she have what it takes to hold her own and get the job done? RECOMMEND HIGHLY!
This was a great book. Anyone who has ever read and enjoyed The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe owes it to themselves to read the origin story of Narnia. I listened to it and I also recommend any story narrated by Sir Kenneth Branagh.
I really like this mystery series. It‘s an easy read, doesn‘t necessarily follow a formula and characters work really well and light hearted at times. You get a great mystery while laughing at times. Great mixture.
Another quality read. The way this man tells a story does not leave you wanting for anything. He is a masterclass story teller.
It‘s not life altering revelations but reminders of little things to remind yourself during the day of how to be better with little things which will put you in a position for bigger things. Easy and quick read.
Amazing read in a language that was easy to comprehend. What starts out as a financial autobiography turns into a human rights tale that everyone needs to know about. 1,000,000% worth the read.
A light read but oh so rewarding. You get way more than you think you‘re gonna get out of this book. If you think I‘m kidding then look at the pic.
It was a very good read. Description of the scenes were very well worded. This book had a lot of hype and comparisons. I think it‘s definitely worth the read but not sure if it‘s fair to compare to prior greats.
Damn...I haven‘t read a mystery that good with that strong of a cast in a while. I had high expectations but they were exceeded.
The writing in this series is intoxicating. The way it‘s told and how these characters become a part of your life is something I‘ve never seen. This book makes you reflect on their actions and along the way stop to think about moments in your own life. It‘s incredible.
I was skeptical reading this book because it was novel about a well known super hero with so much history already. I chose it because the Goodreads rating was good and saw it in an article. Plus, I like the authors style from other books. This book was GREAT! The characters were well written, the action and humor was so well balanced and well placed and the twists were very good. Reads like a good fiction novel not a comic book trying to be more.
First off let me say that I thought this was the first book in the series. I was wrong. That‘s a my bad. However, it was still a FANTASTIC book. I can‘t wait to dive into the rest of the series. The book is so well written. The character Lisbeth Salander should be everyone‘s favorite anti hero. This book was so well written that I would think of the scenes my mind created while I was trying to watch tv and had to get back to the book.
I like to keep an open mind and try new genres. There was a documentary on Netflix on the business of romance novels that was very surprising so I gave one a try. Dialogue was very well written and flowed nicely but descriptive parts became repetitive. Nothing major happened and became predictable but you do enjoy the characters enough to keep going.
Great art crime mystery. Beautifully narrated with very endearing characters. The story is good, mystery keeps you constantly engaged. The author makes sure you know what‘s going on along the way so the reader is not lost and wrapped up nicely.
Every once in a while I like to get back to pure imagination. This book starts out a little slow and too simple but definitely picks up. It‘s no Harry Potter or Percy Jackson but it is a quick, easy and immaginative read in the wheelhouse of the genre. I‘ll read the next but the good parts could of been extended a bit longer.
Read this over so I could quiz my nephew on it. Easy read for those who love Harry Potter type books. Very good series. Not minding reading them over.
I‘ve been meaning to get to this book for a while. I won‘t wait this long again. The author paints such a picture with her words. You imagine you‘re there. You see everything described. You feel like you fall into this book and are in the story.
Great book! Season 1 of the show stays very close to this book. The names take a while to get in the book but otherwise fantastic.
I admit I read this series haha. I can‘t get behind how it ended. I will not spoil anything but the build up with the end result was just not well done.
I know this is a book many hold dear and maybe I just read it to late in life but while the book was good it didn‘t wow me.
Six short tales told in the language of fairy tales. The imagination, the description and the lessons taught make this book a must for any fiction lover. This author has a talent for describing worlds. Easy read but very satisfying.
Great series. Reads just like an episode of castle for anyone who liked the show. Great mystery plots with well developed characters with just the right amount of comic relief paired with well described action sequences.
I didn‘t think the second one could be more addictive than the first. I was mistaken. This series gets better with each paragraph.
I don‘t usually read biographies or non fiction on my spare time but this is a must read. To read his story and his process for getting things done is admirable. The goals he sets for his team and the motivation and expectations he sets are unrealistic and...it gets done. In accomplishing those goals him and his team are changing the world in big ways.
For anyone who has read the Harry Potter series this is a must read if only to find out where the characters are at. However, while a good story, it doesn‘t have the same feel as the original series (not counting its written in a play format).
First edition at bauman rare books.
Started reading this. So far just as good as the first.
Good book but out of all the dan brown novels this was my least favorite.
Great sci-fi thriller set in the 1920‘s. The description of the time period let‘s your imagination believe you are actually there. The villain is formidable and I‘m looking forward to eventually getting my hands on the sequel. Also, what makes this book better was that it was one of those books you just take a chance on without knowing anything besides the description in the book jacket.
Very good book in the series. The character development is very well done.
Out of the whole series this was my least favorite one but still good and of course required since you need it to go forward in the series.
Great series if you loved Harry Potter. Starts off with a strong first book.
Do I need to say anything about this?
Read this a long time ago but the vivid memories it created have stayed with me. Beautifully written. Never saw the movie because I didn‘t want to ruin the world that was created by the book.
Good sequel to the Templar legacy. Steve berry does a good job of expanding on the characters we meet in the Templar legacy. Similar format with different subject matter. If you liked the first one then you can feel comfortable the sequel holds up.
I tried out this series as it is a very popular mystery series in Italy. This mystery was ok and kept my attention just enough to finish it but wasn‘t enough to make me want to read another.
For anyone that wants to dive into the world of Greek mythology this is your first book. A collection of tales that you will read over and over again.
Very good in the genre of historical fiction. Very similar to dan brown type novel. Short chapters that move quickly. High paced action with a good set of characters. Based around religious subject matter with a good twist. If you like dan brown type novels and jonesing for a new series then you‘ve found it.
Set in Naples in the 50‘s-60‘s Elena brings to life how life was in those times. She paints the landscape of the area perfectly. The characters grow into people you genuinely have to know about as if they were real.