Lots of fun facts to learn about the evolution and destruction of dinosaurs. The description of the world in the immediate aftermath of the asteroid strike was fascinating.
Lots of fun facts to learn about the evolution and destruction of dinosaurs. The description of the world in the immediate aftermath of the asteroid strike was fascinating.
First book in a mystery series set in Paris. I quite enjoyed the World War II background to the crime in the story which is always a plus for me.
I have read John Harvey‘s other series (Charlie Resnick) and always enjoyed it. This is the first book featuring Frank Elder and was another suspenseful and well-written novel from a master of the mystery genre.
My first time reading a Barbara Pym novel and I loved it. Will definitely carry on with her writings.
A bit longer than I would have preferred but despite that I found myself engaging with the characters - getting angry at some, worrying about others. An enjoyable read.
I got a little nervous when I realized this was written in the early 1960s and was set in apartheid era South Africa. Relaxed when the heroine‘s sympathies became more obvious - and the crime revolves around diamond smuggling. It doesn‘t hide the racism of the state though and the main characters resistance to those ideas saved the book for me.
A beautifully written historical fiction story set in early 19th century Newfoundland. Eye-opening portrait of a world where the First Nations are in a fight to survive the encroachment on their lands by British soldiers and colonists.
A beautiful fable with charming illustrations and life lessons for readers of all ages.
Really enjoyed this Italy-set mystery by Magdalen Nabb. Has kind of a Georges Simenon feel in the tone and writing style which is a good thing.
I really enjoyed this entire young adult fantasy series - it is epistolary which is always a positive thing for my reading experience. Fun characters and adventures...
I have read Georges Simenon before but don‘t think I have read any Maigret mysteries before this one. Will definitely be reading more- I really like Simenon‘s writing style in all the books I have so far read. This was a slow moving (in a good way) mystery with a great setting and a strong lead character in Inspector Maigret.
A comfort read for these times we are going through. Familiar characters and cozy mysteries. Nice escape.
My first Karin Slaughter thriller - very well written. Intense scenes of action. The back and forth timeline was well constructed as well. Recommended and I will be looking for more books by the author.
Finally got back to this series - and loved book 2 as much as its predecessor. Brilliant world building. It completely deserved all the acclaim it received... highly recommended
A beautiful coming of age story with a delightful narrator. And great character development for both the major and secondary roles. Highly recommended.
I think I was expecting more from this graphic novel based on some of the reviews I had read. It didn‘t work as strongly for me - found the main character very distant. That being said, I will read the sequel coming later in the year. That might bring the whole story into focus and give me a new perspective to reassess this first book.
I wanted this one to be better than it turned out to be... Not bad but not a top read for me either.
A fast paced read that could have used an editor‘s touch to get things more focused. Just too much going on so that it only comes across as muddled.
A good survival story of 4 people lost on a mountain with little hope of a rescue. The book revolves around learning about the individuals and their backstories more than the actual attempts to escape the habitat they are trapped in. Probably a good thing as those moments of ‘action‘ became really repetitive for me.
I could tell this was Georgette Heyer‘s first novel - she hasn‘t quite fine tuned her writing style and storytelling expertise in this one. Still a fun read though!
Wow this graphic collection of 10 First Nations history stories in Canada is a powerful read. I knew some of the stories and characters but others were a revelation. Great idea to have a timeline running throughout the book. Bravo!
This novel about the life of E M Forster and his coming to terms with his sexuality was a bit slow moving for my taste.
I am not the target audience for this graphic novel but I can definitely see the merit for middle graders struggling with their mental health.
An audiobook reread of the first book in the Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes series. I need to refresh my memory so I can start getting caught up on the later books in the series. Recommend this different approach to the world of Sherlock Holmes.
I loved this classic noir told from the POV of the killer. My first Dorothy B Hughes mystery and definitely not my last. (I also remember watching and enjoying the film version of this story on TCM)
A powerful and moving graphic memoir of George Takei‘s childhood years in the internment camps during World War II. A man to be admired...
A classic off of my TBR list. And I loved it. West would have known many that were changed irrevocably by World War I and this story features a soldier with PTSD as well as the effects his condition has on the family he has left behind. Highly recommended.
I don‘t think I have read a Graham Greene novel since high school- a long time ago for the record. Found this one quite beautifully written although it is not a “happy” read by any means.
Book 2 in the Joe Gunther mystery series is another enjoyable entry in the series. Have been doing these books in audiobook format and quite enjoy the narrator.
A very moving graphic novel about a grandmother‘s memories of her residential school experience. Great for middle grade and older readers as an introduction to a difficult subject.
The artwork in this graphic novel is extraordinary. A different take on the Snow White story - for older readers only in my opinion.
Another enjoyable British Crime Classics mystery. Quite enjoyed the inspector in this one although I think he suspected every single person possibly involved in the crime until circling back around to the first suspect to get his man...
An intense and very well-written novel. Great character development. Not an easy read but definitely recommended.
Strong and compelling story with some very topical themes.
Another solid and well plotted entry in the enjoyable Inspector Montalbano series.
Quite enjoyed this paranormal mystery - enjoyed the historic flashback arc more than the contemporary one. And enjoyed how the two storylines pulled together at the conclusion. I always enjoy a well written ghost story.
This second book in the middle grade series does not have the joy of meeting all the quirky family members for the first time as the first book did but most of them are back for another enjoyable read. A fun family story
Really enjoyable book about the price of unwanted fame in the wake of a disaster (all while overcoming the trauma of that disaster) I think the ending stumbled a bit but overall the premise and story was strong. And the characterization of the main characters was particularly well done.
Really enjoyable classic mystery - my first by this author. The ending was a bit of a stretch but enjoyed it nonetheless.
Good but not even close to the quality of the first adventure...
An interesting satire that imagines a teenage Adolf Hitler visiting his older brother in England.
Not as good as the earlier books by this author but I did enjoy it - and never quite understanding what was going on just kept me reading (all becomes clear at the end)
Loved this book and the writing approach - transcripts, interviews etc - used to roll out the exciting story. Highly recommend
Became a huge fan of Leif Enger after reading Peace Like a River. His second book was not quite as good In my opinion but this book (his third I believe) is another delight. Great characterizations and portrait of small town life. Highly recommended
Really enjoyed this character driven novel about a woman who does not fit in with society - people, feelings, relationships, emotions et al - and feels most at ease when at her job in the structured world of the convenience store where she works.
Good World War II historical fiction about the Dutch population in Java and a family‘s internment in a Japanese prison camp...I can‘t remember reading a novel set in this world of WWII history before.