Book 4/40 of 2025 ✨
This was alright. Not bad, not great. Look up the trigger warnings though. Yeesh 😬 #sandiegosummer
“How much mental illness is acceptable,
And how much is going to be too much?”
So dark. And rich. And vulnerable. Usually, a library audiobook is returned immediately, so others can enjoy it. This time, I‘ll be quietly, numbly thinking about everything I just listened to for the next 6 hours before I have to listen to it all again.
Not… not for the lighthearted. Happy reading.
#nonfiction #mentalillness #broder #shortstories
“Here‘s why I‘m afraid of life after death;
… what if there‘s no nicotine gum?”
This set of essays is definitely for the shadows of the darker side of humor. Trigger warning doesn‘t even begin to cover it, and the sass has me laughing in ways I never thought I could. The stories are very different, but this reminds me of reading Running With Scissors the first time.
#uncomfortable #mentalhealth #shortstories #nonfiction #broder #melissabroder
This was really funny and relatable. A little crazy to listen to at some point. I liked the tone and the fact that the author was so candid about her life, etc. I thought it was a fun and light read.
4🌟These essays are extremely blunt. I appreciated her honesty, really putting it ALL out there. From wants & desires to bodies, infatuations, anxieties, relationships, sadness, fears, marriage, addiction, sexuality, mental health and more.
#bookreview #bookstagram #essays
This collection of essays is just so.....real. That‘s the beat word for it. Relatable, raw, and honest.
Guys I'm having a real hard time today. I'll spare you the details, needless to say my medication has been messed up and I have had a very emotional last couple days. 😭
Is there any way that you can please comment with a quote from your favorite book to cheer me up? ☹️
Even though I just panned this book on my second reading, I do respect Melissa owning up to her #FreakyFreaks-ness. Anyone who can tell the world about her vomit fetish is pretty brave. 🤢🤮
#NoFemmeber #nonfictionNovember @Cinfhen @Billypar
PS I do usually like her Twitter account.
I read this for the second time today. The first time I read it, I thought it was honest, funny, and relatable.
Now, I think it is vulgar, immature, and phony. I think she‘s writing to get a certain reaction, and I‘m not feeling it. 1⭐️
#nonfictionNovember #nonfiction #nonfiction2018
I‘m so grateful that women like Melissa Broder exist. This deeply personal and often uncomfortable essay collection is raw and fearless, unafraid to probe the most primal depths of being human. Even in the times when I couldn‘t relate directly to what Broder was writing about, her presence still made me feel less alone. We‘re all fucked up in our own way and sometimes it‘s liberating to just sit with that for a while.
Sorry in advance for posting a million quotes from this book.
I'm in an essay sort of mood. Checking out this book by Melissa Broder, author of The Pisces!
99.9% of the time I don‘t write bad book reviews. Just because I don‘t like something doesn‘t mean someone else won‘t & I don‘t want to discourage them. BUT...
How the fuck did this woman get a book deal?!
This is one of the worst books I‘ve ever read. The writing is terse & stilted & there‘s little to no substance to speak of. And it‘s nothing like the So Sad Today twitter account.
This is the most pathetic excuse for a book I‘ve ever seen.
Such a sad day for Toronto and Philadelphia baseball fans. 😔
This one felt more exhibitionistic than intimate to me. I feel like after reading I know things about Broder (uncomfortable things...) but not like I know her at all. I wasn't really impressed by the prose either... #threewordtitles #riotgrams
Read this in one sitting though it would be better to take more.
Enjoyed the book, but not my favourite.
Very real.
I picked this one up because of Litsy and as soon as I opened it today, I devoured it in one sitting. Broder courageously expels her pathos onto the page, covering addiction (alcohol, drugs, food, sex, nicotine), mental illness, open marriage, vomit fetishes and more. I don't relate to it at all but appreciate the chance to peek in someone else's windows. The first half is 🍌👖for sure.
Thanks to Gunther for the pic assist. 🐶
I finally finished this book that I started last summer. I honestly struggled through it. I thought it would be an entertaining, relatable collection of essays dealing with anxiety and depression. Boy was I wrong....
"I'm trying to quit getting high on people. It's really fucking hard. I'm a romantic and an addict." ?
"These essays are sad and uncomfortable and their own kind of gorgeous. They reveal so much about what it is to live in this world, right now." a darkly funny and brutally honest collection of essays. With insights as sharp as her humor, both ballsy and beautiful, and achingly poetic, questions most of us are afraid to even acknowledge, let alone answer, in order to discover what it really means to be a person in this modern world.
I really needed this. A raw, poignant and funny collection that's startling in how relatable and honest it is. A one-sitting-er.
So spoiled today #tbtbsanta ps sorry that I haven't been around much guys, just completed the purchase of my first house 😊
I didn't love it all, but the parts that were good were amazing.
Change this to #SoStressedToday? I'm not getting any reading done :/ I tried. I can't even drink wine either (drank way too much last night) so tea and chocolate it is for me. Pretty sure I'm going to get cavities as a result of this election #allthechocolate #Election2016
I am one of many who suffer from depression and anxiety. It's hard for me to talk about it to others so I hope I can make a connection with this book if not other people.
"HOW ARE MY FEELINGS NOT going to kill me?" #textonlycovers #booktober
#booktober text only cover
From my TBR pile. May need to move this up the stack!
Kevin Sampsell (ep 3) of @Powells and @FuturetenseBooks says: I'm not sure if there's anyone as nakedly honest as Melissa Broder this year. The poet has unleashed an essay collection so self-dissecting that it's almost unsettling. But Broder is funny too and a lot of what she unveils about her darkest depths are probably not unlike so many of our secrets. So Sad Today is a stunning game-changer.
I was enthralled by this book, and that is to say I was equal parts moved, appalled, horrified and entertained. The author admits that although she is in her mid 30s she has the heart of a 16 year old and getting inside her mind was like experiencing what it would be like to be emotionally 16 forever, to feel that intensely about crushes the way you did when you were a teenager. It both horrified and enthralled me.
Had to bail on this one. Some of Broder's essays are strong and raw. She just comes off as trite at times. My best advice for future readers: start at the end and read this out of sequence. The first two essays left such a bad taste in my mouth that I nearly closed it forever. The last two selections are the strongest so start there.
Want to read a random someone's unedited diary, filled with ramblings about sex partners, anxieties, and a vomit fetish? Then this may be the book for you. Unfortunately, it was not the book for me. A couple essays nearly moved into intelligent reflection, but I found most basically a waste of time. I was excited to read this because I, like the author, deal with anxiety and depression. But I should have bailed and read something else instead.
Unfortunately, I struggled to relate to Broder's voice. I can say that she has an admirably creative mind and thought process, yet, where I expected a certain humility, I found narcissism...not in a good way. I thought this was an unfulfilling read overall. Maybe I just wasn't sad that day.
Jessica: "I look like a superfan. Last Sext is a collection of poems. So Sad Today is a collection of essays. Melissa Broder is a very interesting person. We used to work together and I didn't expect her writing to be like this. It's intense and I actually relate to a lot of it."
I live in Baton Rouge. This quote is right on point. I'm sad today about all that's going on. But it's not ALL ABOUT ME.
Is fake love better than real love? Real love is responsibility, compromise, selflessness, being present, and all that shit. Fake love is magic, excitement, false hope, infatuation, and getting high off the potential that another person is going to save you from yourself.
Love Like You Are Trying to Fill an Insatiable Spiritual Hole with Another Person Who Will Suffocate in There
Very raw essays about addiction, anxiety, sex and more. As with any book of essays/short stories there were some I liked and could really relate to and others not so much. All in all not the book for me. That being said I still rated it as a pick instead of so-so for the sheer realness of it.