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Appointment with Death (Poirot)
Appointment with Death (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
79 posts | 87 read | 29 to read
A repugnant Amercian widow is killed during a trip to Petra...
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I‘m torn between Agatha Christie novels placed in small English villages or the ones with the settings at world heritages sites. I loved this one because the murder happened at Petra. 🏛️

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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 4mo
CaramelLunacy Ooh, didn't know this was set in Petra! 4mo
Yuki_Onna @CaramelLunacy It's set in Israel at the very beginning (Jerusalem, me thinks), but then they go on to Jordan and visit Petra. Don't know how long they stay there, it's been so long since I read it, but the desert setting is still vivid in my mind. I enjoyed this one very much when I read it. 4mo
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Appointment With Death | Agatha Christie
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On his first night in Jerusalem, Poirot overhears a man telling someone that she has to be killed. Then Poirot travels to Petra along with several others, among them the Boynton family. While there, Mrs Boynton is found dead and Poirot decides to find out if it was murder and if so, who did it?

Once again, Christie had me fooled, because I didn‘t see that ending coming. Even if I have seen the TV dramatization

Hugh Fraser is an amazing narrator

Librarybelle Wonderful! This is one I have yet to read by Christie! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
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Appointment With Death | Agatha Christie
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I‘ve just started My Men and want to continue that

I started Babysitter yesterday and want to finish that

I also hope to finish my audio, Appointment with Death

On November 1st I‘ll start The Christmas Chronicles and A Glass of Blessings

I also want to get a good stat on the 2nd book in Marklund‘s new crime series

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I finished Jagua Nana and Anne of Green Gables.
I‘ve read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

I did get in some more listening of Appointment with Death

I‘m currently reading the 11th book of the Hanne Wilhelmsen series

Still thinking about you and your family, Cindy

Appointment With Death | Agatha Christie
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I want to finish Jagua Nana, and start Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

I want to continue listening to Appointment with Death

I want to finish Anne of Green Gables and start on the 11th book in the Hanne Wilhelmsen series

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I finished The Garden Party and All the Little Bird-Hearts

I read Heartstopper 1-4 and The Moth Keeper

I listened a little to Appointment with Death

I‘m currently reading Jagua Nana and Anne of Green Gables

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Always good!

Soubhiville Wow that‘s a beautiful spot! 11mo
Yuki_Onna Iceland? 11mo
Jen2 Yes! It was an amazing trip! 11mo
SamAnne Oh, we were there this summer. Spectacular. 11mo
Jen2 Yes!!!! It was so beautiful!!! 10mo
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I want to finish The Garden Party and start Jagua Nana

I want to continue with my audio, Appointment with Death

I want to finish All the Little Bird-Hearts

I want to reread Heartstopper 1 - 4, read The Moth Keeper and start my rereading of Anne of Green Gables

Cinfhen Hope you‘re able to get to all your books😊 (edited) 11mo
AnneCecilie @Cinfhen It looks more impressive than it is, Heartstopper and The Moth Keeper are graphic novels. Even if I did forget that I actually have plans after work a couple of days this week. Still think of you and your family, especially as the news keeps coming in 11mo
Cinfhen Thank you @AnneCecilie the news is really heartbreaking 💔 the families of the hostages just held a press conference - I can‘t even begin to absorb their pain 11mo
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Appointment With Death | Agatha Christie
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#PhotoChallenge #Death

I was sure more of Christie‘s works had death in the title, but I could only find these three. And I have almost all of them. 😂

#Scarathlon2023 #HHC @dabbe, @Clwojick, @Liatrek, @JessClark78, @Chrissyreadit, @StayCurious, @TheDaysGoBy, @vonnie862, @LadyCait84, @Sresendez12, @Nessavamusic, @kelli7990, @JessieKB

Sresendez12 I‘ve been really wanting to read some of her books, but I have a feeling that once I start, I won‘t stop! 11mo
dabbe 🧡🎃🧡 11mo
rabbitprincess Sparkling Cyanide was also published as Remembered Death (that‘s the title I have it in) 😄 11mo
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BookmarkTavern @Sresendez12 Listen, I totally get that it would be a huge undertaking! But it would also be worth it. In any case, there are some not Poirot or Miss Marple stories that you could try! Or one of her collections of short stories! 11mo
BookmarkTavern @rabbitprincess Was it really?! How neat! I wonder when it changed. 11mo
Clwojick Stunning! 🖤 11mo
willaful Her books were often renamed for the American market. 11mo
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Clwojick Fantastic! 11mo
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Old lady who was over controlling to her family is murdered, and nobody seems upset. Sounds like quite a mystery, and I wasn‘t inclined to think otherwise. Kept getting underfoot how these tourists would talk about their Arab guides. And for some reason Jews. The mystery itself started fine, but by the end I do no understand where it comes to. M. Poirot is as offbeat as usual.

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What I enjoyed of this story was the psychological analysis made for almost every single main characters. How well those dysfunctional personalities were described by that time. They were analyzing each other😂 Also I liked that Poirot analyzed the “suspects” from different angles to support or discard his involvement in the crime. I still think the end was a little rushed. But how arrogant, narcissistic Poirot is, what a character☺️3.8⭐️

Gissy I will be late in all the Readathons I‘m participating but I will read the books, I‘m a slow reader🤷🏽‍♀️
#AgathaChristieClubR2 (January book) @Ferskner
#Buzzword (January-death) YouTuber @Booksandlala
GR #ATY2023 prompt #15
February 2033 #BookSpinBingo (#6) @TheAromaOfBooks
ferskner This picture is so great! 2y
Ruthiella I really liked this one too for the psychological aspect and the setting! 2y
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Gissy @ferskner Thank you🤗 2y
Gissy @Ruthiella Yes, everyone was competing in their analysis☺️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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3. Appointment with Death tackles the abusive behaviors of a parent. How sensitively did you think this was handled? What would you keep and what would you change?

(Bonus question: why on earth is this Southeast Asian diety on the cover of a book set in Jordan?)


bthegood During the time period in which she wrote it was handled appropriately. 2y
Gissy In terms of the story, well I would not change anything because it was so interesting to see all this intrigue, mystery and dysfunctional characters. You can see some degree of dysfunctional families in real life. In terms of how this woman was with her daughters and sons, well in reality, I will change everything. But as a story, nothing. It represents this author‘s writing style. 2y
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TheAromaofBooks I think she did a good job shedding a light on this emotional/psychological abuse, at a time when outsiders would only see her as being a “good mother“ who takes care of her children and makes sure their physical needs are being met, but Christie shows that there are other ways to be a terrible parent besides physical abuse and neglect. @bthegood @Gissy 2y
TheAromaofBooks As for the cover, I swear half the time they are just pulling random clipart and sticking them with random titles! 😂 (edited) 2y
ferskner @bthegood @Gissy @TheAromaofBooks it was hard to read a lot of the terrible things she does to her kids! And also really hard to see how much they didn't stand up to her, but I think that was a smart choice because it shows how much an outsider can see vs someone who is suffering the abuse. I'm a huge sucker for dysfunctional rich family stories, but usually they don't rely on full-scale abuse like this. The adaptation turns it into ⬇️ 2y
ferskner physical abuse and while that was also horrifying, I thought that the emotional and mental abuse angle was more chilling to read. The way they're all hollow shells of people....I wish I'd liked the ending better because I think this could have been one of her most interesting psychological novels. 2y
bthegood @ferskner @Gissy @TheAromaofBooks for the times I think she wrote what she thought she knew, I have a hard time believing, understanding better today how lasting physical and psychological abuse is, that the family would all recover so quickly and lead such normal lives. 2y
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2. Christie famously wrote in the introduction to the serialized version of this book, "There have been moments when I have felt: 'Why-why-why did I ever invent this detestable, bombastic, tiresome little creature!" Why do you think she felt this way?


bthegood Is she writing this about Poirot? If so, maybe she tired of her popular characters 🤔 2y
Gissy About Mrs. Boynton? Maybe because it represents the worst, dark side of the humane being? Control, psychological abuse, nothing physical but how powerful and destructive you can be only with words and control🤔🤷🏽‍♀️ 2y
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TheAromaofBooks I think she is referring to Poirot... I've read that she never expected him to become popular/that she would write multiple books with him as a character. So I think some of the silly little foibles that were fun as a one-off would become tiresome book after book. It would be hard to keep Poirot from becoming a caricature of himself, I think! @bthegood @Gissy 2y
ferskner @bthegood @Gissy @TheAromaofBooks LOL this why I shouldn't be trying to do this at 1:30am 🤣. Yes, she wrote this about Poirot. 2y
ferskner @bthegood @TheAromaofBooks @Gissy I think Sarah is right that character traits that seemed fun to write about at first could easily become annoying, especially since Christie had to basically be in his head. I'm so glad she didn't stop writing him, though! 2y
bthegood @ferskner @Gissy @TheAromaofBooks Poirot is fine occasionally but not my favorite sleuth - I can see why she may have written that comment. 2y
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YIPES! Apologies #agathachristieclubR2 friends: it took a really long time for my hold to come in (and I can't figure out why - was there a run on this book in Nashville?), and then a weirdly long time for me to finish reading it. The month is almost over and I'm just now done. On to questions!

As always, please tag all previous commenters to keep the conversation flowing.

1. Did you enjoy this book? Why or why not?

bthegood Overall, I enjoyed this book. I enjoyed getting to know the characters and the family. Felt the twist at end was okay but stretching it. 2y
Gissy Yes! I haven‘t post my review yet in Litsy but I really enjoyed it. I liked those psychological analysis made by Gerard, Sarah and Poirot. Also I forgot how narcissistic and arrogant Poirot could be but I like him☺️ 2y
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TheAromaofBooks I did enjoy this one. Christie always does such a good job making you not feel too bad about the person who has gotten themselves murdered 😂 @bthegood @Gissy 2y
Gissy @TheAromaofBooks Yes☺️ 2y
ferskner @bthegood @Gissy @TheAromaofBooks haha those are all good points! Mrs. Boynton really is one of the worst victims. This one was okay for me, I think because of Ellie's point that the ending kind of comes out of left field. It doesn't play unfair, but the whole book is essentially red herrings and I didn't feel quite as satisfied with the solution as I normally do. But I loved the characters! 2y
bthegood @ferskner @Gissy @TheAromaofBooks your comments made me realize that yes, Christie does allow us to not feel too bad about the victim 🙂 2y
bthegood @ferskner @Gissy @TheAromaofBooks your comments made me realize that yes, Christie does allow us to not feel too bad about the victim 🙂 2y
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I felt like this one fell a little flat compared to some of her other ingenious plots. Most of her mysteries are character driven - it‘s all about the psychology with Agatha! - but this one seemed so preoccupied with the psychology that the plot suffered a little. Or maybe it just me 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Todays #joyousjanuary reading:
2 installments of Christmas Carol on Serial Reader
Part I of Appointment With Death #serieslove2023

Andrew65 That‘s great, well done 👏👏👏 2y
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I made this graphic for Hercule Poirot books because even though they can be considered a series, they largely stands alone and I‘m not reading them in order. So I X‘d the ones I‘ve already read and we will see how many I get to this year!

BookmarkTavern That looks like so much fun! 2y
Ruthiella Love Poirot! ❤️ 2y
batsy A fun reading adventure! 2y
BarbaraJean Love this! I‘ve been slowly reading through Poirot books over the past few years and am planning to include a few more in my #SeriesLove2023 reading as well! 2y
CSeydel @BarbaraJean Awesome! 2y
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I will wait to discuss with #AgathaChristieClubR2 @ferskner in January -
Overall, enjoyed this read .
#WinterReadathon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

Make a great day everyone 🎉

Andrew65 Well done ☃️☃️☃️ 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
bthegood @Andrew65 @DieAReader thank you for hosting, it made December even more fun - Happy New Year - 2y
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Andrew65 @bthegood It‘s been great fun, Happy New Year, and thanks for playing along. 2y
ferskner Oooo good cover! 2y
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Appointment With Death | Agatha Christie
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This book was given to me a while back, and I enjoyed it so much. I love Agatha Christie books so much. I loved the characters in the book. I rated this book a 5 out of 5 stars

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• Litsy Group Read for September 2022

#StoryGraph: fiction classics crime mystery mysterious slow-paced
304 pages | first published 1938

A repugnant Amercian widow is killed during a trip to Petra...

Mrs. Boynton is found with a tiny puncture mark on her wrist was the only sign of the fatal injection that had killed her. Hercule Poirot has just 24 hours to solve this mystery.

mabell Repugnant - a perfect word for her! 2y
suvata @mabell She truly was. LOL 2y
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A highly entertaining read, filled with fascinating psychology, and a solution that is so clever and so simple—after Poirot explained it to me that is. One of my favorites. #agathachristieclubr2

Ruthiella Also one of my favorites…so atmospheric! 2y
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Appointment With Death | Agatha Christie
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My very wonky #bookspinbingo! My #bookspin (tagged above) is for #agathachristieclub2 and #doublespin (tagged below) is a #fantasticstrangelings pick. Can't wait to get started!! I'm at least going to get one bingo this month, hopefully more, for #scarathlon2022. Go #teamslaughter! 🔮📚🍄

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The ending of this one took me completely by surprise! Christie creates a fascinating character study of the Boynton family. The manipulative matriarch is found dead in Petra and Poirot has 24 hours to prove how a death assumed as heart failure is actually murder.

MrsK One of my favorite Christie‘s ❤️❤️ 2y
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This audiobook left me surprisingly emotional, which I think says more about my current emotional state than it does about the novel, which is a fairly typical post-Orient Express Poirot mystery. Hugh Fraser's American accents are quite good in this one, which is lovely because there are a lot of American characters. Kind of makes me want to visit Petra, but I suspect traveling in that region now is quite different than it was in the 1930s.

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Another good, clever mistery. I like that the murder only takes place halfway through the book, it gives us time to know the people involved (and absolutely despise the victim, tbh.)

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"You see, don‘t you, that she‘s got to be killed?"

(An excellent way to start a murder mistery. )

#firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl

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Finished my reread of this one. I am still trying to read them all in order. I skipped the one before this because it was a different narrator and I didn‘t like him 🤷🏻‍♀️.

If I‘m listening to a Poirot novel, it needs to be read by Hugh Fraser.

When I started reading, some things came back to me, but I never remember the endings, so it was still an enjoyable read.

DGRachel I love Hugh Fraser‘s narrations of Agatha Christie‘s books! 2y
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Bk9 of August is done. Been #audiocrafting all afternoon, making beaded stitch markers for my knitting. Remembered I had my jewelry making kit with plenty of pretty beads & charms so figured rather than buying online & waiting for delivery, I can just make a couple of dozen & save time & money. God knows I got nothing else to do. Listened to a Dame Agatha I‘ve only read once before about the poisoning death of an awful old woman in Petra. 4⭐️

slategreyskies I love beads so much! I got hooked on them years ago when I started making jewelry, and I always tend to pick up more than I need, so now I have this treasure trove of leftover beads. Digging through them never fails to make me smile. :) 3y
CarolynM That sounds like a good way to pass the time🤗💕 3y
kaysworld1 Hello there just a random question do you sell you scarfs anywhere? 🥰 3y
Lizpixie @kaysworld1 sorry lovely, I just noticed your question! No I don‘t, that‘s actually the first scarf I‘ve ever completed! My mum taught me how to knit when I was 10 but I haven‘t managed to actually complete a project since. But I‘m very happy with how this turned out and am currently not just knitting a baby blanket for my pregnant daughter but am attempting a rib knit scarf in the chunky wool in two blues & an ecru. Thank you for the compliment! 3y
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#ReadingAsia21 ( a weak pick as I learnt almost nothing of #Jordan) but I really ENJOYED this Poirot mystery. A domineering matriarch reaches her end on a family excursion to the ancient city of Petra. Was it murder, or a heart condition? Could it be a member of her family, or someone she‘s crossed paths with (as her temperament was unfriendly and combative)!?! I adore Hugh Fraser‘s narration and this one didn‘t disappoint #Hoopla

Cinfhen Thanks to @DGRachel and @Simona for putting this Poirot on my #ReadersRadar 😄💕 3y
Librarybelle Glad you liked it! 3y
DGRachel Yay! Hugh Fraser is one of my favorite narrators and definitely my go-to for Christie novels. 3y
Cinfhen Absolutely @DGRachel I‘m a sucker for his accents 😁 thanks @Librarybelle I‘ve said this before I‘m LOVING this challenge so much more of a variety of books compared to Europe ( which felt like EVERY book revolved around some aspect of WWII) (edited) 3y
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Continuing my love affair with Agatha Christie and narrator Hugh Fraser but man...the casual racism is jarring 🤬
#ReadingAsia21 #Jordan (weak but there is a death {{murder☠️}}that takes place there)

squirrelbrain We watched a TV documentary recently about Poirot and hubby decided he might want to read some. I read them all but as a child / teen, so I‘ve got the first 3 Poirots out of the library last week. 3y
Laughterhp Oh I was going to use this one as my Jordan prompt too. 3y
Librarybelle I adore Agatha Christie, but yes, the racism is very hard to swallow... 3y
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KarenUK Hugh Fraser is a doll, but yes, some of the writing from another time, definitely jars! 😳 3y
KathyWheeler The casual racism, the casual anti Semitism, the casual xenophobia, and the casual sexism are all very jarring — especially the first time you read one of her books. 3y
Cinfhen I know it was the times but the casualness is so disturbing @KathyWheeler @KarenUK @Librarybelle that being said... I‘m still a fan of these short but clever mysteries @squirrelbrain Agatha writes them so well!! I think/ hope your hubby will enjoy 😊 3y
Cinfhen It‘s not a great way to learn about the country @Laughterhp but it still counts as a book set in #Jordan 😉 3y
KathyWheeler @Cinfhen I like her books too. 3y
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I actually enjoyed this Poirot story. The “victim” is a terrible person whose death you almost have to celebrate. 😂 Poirot is off-stage for at least a third of the book, which was a relief for me, but I did enjoy the solution. It feels a little like cheating, but since most of the book takes place in Petra, I‘m counting this as #jordan for #readingasia2021. 😆

Librarybelle Poirot can get on my nerves too sometimes. I haven‘t read this one yet! 3y
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I‘ve read both of these during the past week. Neither are going to be my favorite Christie, but they‘re still good. Christie played with the format a bit in both of these, which was interesting. Appointment with Death deals with emotional abuse within a family. Sad Cypress centers around a trial after a young woman is murdered.

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Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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Andrew65 Wow great! 👏👏👏 4y
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kspenmoll Great walking!!!! 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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I‘m not proud, but this is my pick for #ReadingAsia #Jordan I like Agatha Christie and the book also fits #Booked2021 prompt - author‘s first name starts with A, B or C. It‘s not Christie‘s best work - twist is predictable, the clue is very transparent, but I did have a fun reading it.🤷‍♀️

Cinfhen Cool!!! I might go this route too 😉👍🏽🎉 4y
Librarybelle Nothing wrong with that! Good choice! 4y
BarbaraBB Very clever, so many countries to cover! 4y
Simona @cinfhen @librarybelle @barbaraBB Thank you for your understanding 😘 4y
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This was actually the first Agatha Christie I ever read, I enjoyed returning to it 16 years later. I felt now, as I did when first reading, that the old woman had it coming. She was such an unlikeable person that I would‘ve been shocked if she wasn‘t killed. #AuthorAMonth #LittenListen #BookSpinBingo #WinterGames2020 #TeamReadNosedReindeer +16 pts

TheAromaofBooks I love the way Christie usually goes out of her way to make the victim pretty unlikable! 4y
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Sadistic matriarch dies of what appears to be a heart attack at Petra. But there is the mark of a syringe in her wrist and some medicine missing. Poirot happens to be in the vicinity when the death is reported to the authorities.

Was A C running out of steam when she wrote this? Lots of remarks about “if this was a detective novel“ and all of the characters seem quite oblivious to the ruins at Petra, which is surely what tourists go there for.

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Sarah sighed.

‘They turned me out of one place today because I had on a sleeveless dress,‘ she said ruefully. ‘Apparently the Almighty doesn‘t like my arms in spite of having made them.‘

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Had such a hard time getting motivated to read today. This made me feel less guilty....

eeclayton I love the SYSK podcast ❤️ 4y
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Thriller time
Monday Reading

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It still happens! I found these oldies at a thrift store today.1940s paperbacks ,one Bantam ,one Pocket Book and two Dells. The inset upper left are the backs of the Dells,they are called mapbacks for obvious reasons.Happy, Happy, Joy,Joy!

Freespirit ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
cathipink What great finds!! 5y
Leftcoastzen @cathipink Thx! It‘s the simple things sometimes.😃 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Mapbacks are so cool! Love these covers! 5y
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