Not the best brain book I‘ve read recently. Not the best book about dreams I‘ve read. I feel like the author might be trying to dumb down the info and the writing is boring.
Not the best brain book I‘ve read recently. Not the best book about dreams I‘ve read. I feel like the author might be trying to dumb down the info and the writing is boring.
I keep going back and forth on this one. I get kind of bored of the journal entries but the authors writing is so fluid and beautiful that it sucks me back in. Am I alone? Will it be worth the finish?
The medical nerd in me loved this book. If you like medical science and history, this is a well written book with some great stories of head trauma in history🤣
Was really wanting to enjoy this, but using interviews to create a story just makes it clunky and hard to read.
Hot take, I hope we do close the border so big corporations can stop treating these humans like garbage. And I wonder if the mass deportations will start with the employees of these companies? Probably not because America is awful….
I wasn‘t sure how I would feel about a white author sharing this story but wow, I blinked and I was over 100 pages. Apparently I don‘t care as long as the writing is good and it‘s not about white lady tears. So good!
I‘m trying so hard, but I‘m finding myself really pushing to stay with this one. Read because it‘s small and may be worth the ending or bail?
So glad I have a book friend at work now. She lent this one to me and I‘m obsessed. Can‘t put it down!
Even though this isn‘t typically my kind of fiction, I loved how fun it was. It was the easy read that I needed.
I‘m only 100 pages in and I already recommend this book, like I do all Moreno-Garcia‘s books. AND she drops Hedda Hopper in there, come on!
I gave this book 100 pages and I just gave up. I guess it‘s a little too dry for me. I‘ve read most of David Nicholls biblio and have enjoyed it. But this one, not so much.
Is it possible to really like a book but have no idea what was going on?!
What am I reading right now?! I don‘t even know, yet I can‘t stop. I‘m so uncomfortable!
Another big summer read and another bail for me. I guess I‘m just not the nostalgia obsessed person like my peers.
I‘m such a sucker for a journalistic true crime. But if I have to read another story about how our judicial system is just so damn broken, I might just cry.
It is a happy thing that time quells there longings of vengeance and hushes the promptings of rage and aversion.
I tried. I powered through 100 pages. I think it might be generational or the fact that I‘m an only child, I‘m not sure, but I was so bored reading this book.
I‘m a sucker for Paul Newman and I‘m a sucker for this movie. I finally convinced myself to read it. Although the jokes are still solid, I have to say, the movie was better.
Hot take, I didn‘t really love or even enjoy this book….
I‘m a sucker for a non fiction graphic novel.
This was a tough one for a book club, but as usual Hanya‘s writing is so beautiful you let the 700+ page thing go.
I loved this book, but I don‘t understand the running away from home story and it‘s significance. Other than that, another success from Patrick Dewitt.
Spending the New Year in Nashville and found a great book store in East Nashville. I describe it as small but mighty. Might hit Parnassus today because, obvi……
I know this book is on all the lists, but I just couldn‘t get into it. I loved the cover though.
I‘m basically a book a day with this post op situation. Stupid gallbladder! But I‘m loving the fact that the stack of books next to my bed is significantly less than it was. And what I can say about this book, I‘m so glad that this girl married a guy who was not part of the fundamental church group like her parents. They seem to be great partners for each other and I hope it works out for them.
Guilty pleasure celeb memoirs. Get me every time and of course I‘m enjoying it.
I mean, who doesn‘t love Jimmy Dugan. This book was so fun!
As if I wasn‘t jaded enough from working in healthcare, reading this didn‘t help….
I was enjoying this book but by the last 60 pages, I started to not care how it ended. But I wouldn‘t say that I wouldn‘t recommend it.
This book was fun. Just some light fare that cleanses the reading palate. It was a debut & I look forward to reading more from the author. Full disclosure, these are 100% not my nails 🤣
I started this book because the author is a fellow Ohio native, and it was so good. Giving voices to a generation/race of people who were misunderstood and unjustly labeled.
As always, late to the party but nothing better than an audio celebrity memoir.
Well, it‘s finally happened. Arthritis in my book holding hand. Anyone have any tricks to being able to hold books without causing pain. I thought 40 was supposed to be the new 30?! It doesn‘t feel like it!😡
I hate to say that this book wasn‘t great. The story is so interesting, but I found myself dragging and pushing to keep reading. I think maybe it could‘ve been my reading mood, so I am not discouraging anyone to read it. If anyone else felt this way, let me know what you thought.
Sunday porch reading. This book is just delightful. It‘s predictable but I don‘t care, it‘s been a perfect summer read and I can‘t wait to immerse myself in all of Klune‘s fun worlds.
Sometimes you just have to take a break from podcasts. I know it‘s still audio, but it‘s still a break!
Last book finished before camping is over. I don‘t find this book super heart wrenching, but I do think it‘s so brave when people tell their stories. My husband is 10 years sober and I never stop reading these stories, it helps me understand his journey better.
The rain might have kept me in this tiny camper all evening, but I‘m not complaining. Finished this one and I don‘t regret it. Darker than his other works but I love Cosby‘s characters and I will continue to read everything he puts out.
I still can‘t believe that when I rush home from work, this is where I get to read…
I think Christopher Palmer is more interesting in person. I wasn‘t blown away with this book but I think his research is very interesting.
This was a heartbreaking but wonderful read. I love the perspective this book takes and it‘s so important to the story. I chose to edit the adoptive parents because like most of these stories, the victims shouldn‘t be overshadowed.
I bailed on this one. It‘s not bad, I just don‘t think I‘m in the mood for such a long and deep book. This is not a reflection of the author but a reflection of my current reading mood. I will return to it when I‘m feeling a good nonfiction because the research and writing are good.
I don‘t mean to keep doing this to myself but here we go. #depressing
This book had me hooked in the first few chapters. A great dissection into the failure of the mental health system and also a good page turner even though you know the outcome.
This book has been great so far. It‘s been a little challenging because my best friend is going through a pretty challenging mental health crisis right now, so it‘s a little triggering for me. But overall, I love the joyful stories about being kids and growing up. Def reminds me to be happy about the time I‘ve had and not dwell on the future I may not be able to control.
This had everything I would love about a memoir but I just never got into it. I would love to read a fiction book if he ever wrote one. I like his writing but it was lost on me for the tone of a memoir.
Old dog fell asleep on my book and I don‘t have the heart to wake her