July was a slow reading month, comparatively speaking, but comparison is the thief of joy, right?
July was a slow reading month, comparatively speaking, but comparison is the thief of joy, right?
While John Boy Walton was my first crush, John Stamos has been my most enduring crush 💞
I enjoyed this memoir despite the cockiness that often came through the pages.
John is sober and happy, and I'm happy for him.
Being on a Memoir kick, this one is ok. I guess for adding a lot of detail to understand each achievement, made this a bit long winded.
Still a great read.
I grew up watching Full House, as many from my generation did. Uncle Jesse is more familiar to me than some of my own family members. Stamos has definitely lived a good life, and has some fun stories to tell, I guess I just have a hard time relating to the life of a super handsome, talented, rich, male celebrity? Decent read.
January 2, 2024 Finished my first book of 2024 as planned. I started it mid December, picked it up, put it back down, picked it up, put it back down. And now, we have finished it - front to back!!! I would give the book 4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. It has funny and sad moments but mostly happy moments ♥️
December 29, 2023 Wowzers!!! Two more days until the end of 2023 (so long 2023) and hello 2024. I am about halfway through the book and have read it page to page without hesitation. John Stamos is very funny but also very vulnerable. He shares a lot of public moments that he had as he reached stardom long with other famius celebrities that he was able to work with in his career 🥹
December 27, 2023 Began reading John Stamos' memoir. Thoroughly enjoying it while eating a slice of pumpkin pie and drinking iced coffee hearing the rain pour down outside... One of my hobbies is reading OBVIOUSLY. Add the rain and you got me sucked in (literally not figuratively) Ok Im going to keep reading now and update when I am more than halfway done :)
Guilty pleasure celeb memoirs. Get me every time and of course I‘m enjoying it.
If you want a deep delve into his emotions and an expose‘ on his personal life or even a conversation regarding the boring day to day life of a celebrity you might want to keep walking.
These are the high points … the connections, stories and people who are & were important to him & have impacted his life positively & negatively.
He comes across funny & genuine.
This is his story the way he wanted to tell it so …
It‘s tough to “review” a memoir so I‘m just going to say that if you want to read a book written by a famous and handsome man and your two choices are Rob Lowe and John Stamos, PICK ROB LOWE.