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London | Edward Rutherfurd
London presents the sweeping saga of one of the greatest cities on earth - from the days of the Romans through two thousand years of history - as seen through the eyes of generations of the same six families. London is both a unique narrative exploration of the city's development from humble trading post to the hub of a mighty empire, and the very human story of the men and women who made it great. Through the compelling lives and adventures of memorable characters - Julius, the small-time Roman coin forger, risking his life to find buried treasure; Dame Barnikel, who runs the tavern where Chaucer and his pilgrims carouse; Geoffrey Ducket, the founder of a dynasty whose members one day become peers of England; Edmund Meredith and the actors in Shakespeare's Globe Theatre; and little Lucy, living by Dickens's muddy Thames - we watch London grow from its first beginnings and become part of the wonderful pageant that flows on still today.
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Went to a used book sale spur of the moment today and got quite a haul. This is one of them

London | Edward Rutherfurd
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I finished my final tome for #ChunksterChallenge2023 just under the wire: late on New Year‘s Eve! This has been waiting on my TBR since a long-ago library book sale in grad school days, & I‘m glad I finally read it.

It follows the history of London (naturally), beginning in pre-Roman times and finishing with a brief epilogue set in 1997 (the year the book was published). Rutherfurd follows several fictional families through each subsequent era.⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) It was fascinating to see their fortunes rise and fall against the backdrop of familiar and not-so-familiar historical events—and to root for or against certain individuals based on grudges built over generations. One of the things I enjoy about Rutherfurd's vast narrative is the way he incorporates little Easter eggs: objects or character traits or events that pop up in early chapters and are then referred back to later in the narrative. 8mo
Aimeesue Great review! 8mo
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Librarybelle Congratulations!! 8mo
Amiable Yay! Great job! I read that book a number of years ago — Rutherfurd does a good job with the sweeping epics that span centuries. I have this one of his still in my pile: (edited) 8mo
BarbaraJean @Amiable Yes, I'm so impressed by the amount of research that must go into each of his historical epics--and he makes it so engaging. I have another one of his in my pile still (tagged), but I'm going to take a little chunkster break for a couple months! 8mo
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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“If perhaps there had been moments when she felt like screaming with boredom and frustration, those moments had passed. Marriage was about not screaming; and the rewards of marriage—the comfort, the children—had been blessings indeed.”

Marriage was about not screaming…😂😂🤣

Tamra That is funny! 😆 9mo
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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The question for today: will I finish the last 100 pages of this 829-page tome before midnight? I think yes. Stay tuned. #ChunksterChallenge2023

AnnR Good luck! 9mo
Amiable Not sure what time zone you‘re in but my money is on “yes!” 😀 9mo
Ruthiella You can do it! 👍 9mo
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BarbaraJean @AnnR @Amiable @Ruthiella And I finished it! With plenty of time before midnight to watch the two movies my husband had cued up... 😄 9mo
Amiable Yay! 9mo
AnnR Wow! 👏👍 9mo
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Three books I haven‘t read but should all have one thing in common: a very high page count!


Chab256 I've actually read War and Peace, but I liked Anna Karenina better! 4y
MallenNC @Chab256 I‘ve tried to read War & Peace several times but never all the way through. Maybe I‘ll try Anna Karenina instead! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Chunksters!!! 4y
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OriginalCyn620 I feel like I should read War and Peace but most likely I never will! 4y
MallenNC @OriginalCyn620 I thought you read it! What super long book did you read? Middlemarch? 4y
OriginalCyn620 Yes, it was Middlemarch! Which I did like a lot. Not sure if I‘d even like War and Peace! 4y
MallenNC @OriginalCyn620 The parts I‘ve read I didn‘t really like, but I watched the War & Peace miniseries. That‘s probably enough. 4y
OriginalCyn620 @MallenNC I think it is! I‘d definitely watch a movie version and call it a day, especially if it‘s the Audrey Hepburn one, because you know I love her! 4y
MallenNC @OriginalCyn620 I do know that! 😄 4y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚👍🏻 4y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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So, not just a 2020 problem...

Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira Yes. This supports my beleif, that as individuals and societies, we evolve in spirals. Live, learn some, evolve, 🌀repeat, learn some more, 🌀etc., evolve 🙏🏻 4y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Well, that‘s one way to introduce a flock of new characters.😜

MayJasper Love it and I enjoyed the book. 4y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Starting another book, so #firstlinefridays part 2. ;)

London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Finished about 50 hours of history of London. Superinteresting, and I enjoy his storytelling. It reminded me a bit of James Michener's style, and I have thoroughly enjoyed his books as well. I struggle with concentrating on reading these days so Audible is a great way of escaping ❤

London | Edward Rutherfurd
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#audiostitching on my niece's national costume.

lukulamppu That looks so cool! 5y
Erofan Beautiful 😍 4y
HannaPolkadots Thank you @RosaS og @Erofan 😍 4y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Am listening to London on audible while enjoying a spring day in my own hometown, and suddenly I got this extreme confusion "where am I?" moment...? London 1066 or Ålesund 2020?? No matter where, I am thoroughly enjoying NOT wearing winter shoes.

julesG Probably both places at once. Isn't it great. Armchair time travelling. 😁 5y
lukulamppu The best kind of confusion😄 5y
HannaPolkadots @julesG - right? Love armchair travels, very much Greta Thunberg approved 😉 5y
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HannaPolkadots @RosaS , word 😁 5y
LauraBrook I‘m reading this book right now! Admittedly, though, your view is 1000 times better. 5y
HannaPolkadots @LauraBrook what's the view like where you're reading from? 5y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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I‘m doing a year-long buddy read of this with my new bookish friend from YouTube. I started last night and was underwhelmed by the first chapter. Has anyone read this? Does it get more readable and like less of a slog as we move through time? I want to at least partially enjoy this 1,100 page book.

BarbaraJean I haven‘t read this one yet, but I‘ve read Sarum by the same author. With Sarum, each section followed new characters in a new era of history. I‘m guessing that London follows a similar pattern, and if you don‘t like the first section, later sections may be more interesting. I enjoyed following the small linkages that he wove in between the different eras. 5y
LauraBrook @BarbaraJean Yes, it‘s the same set-up. Each chapter jumps forward in time, following some linking people. I‘m glad to hear that you liked Sarum, that makes me feel better about not only this book but reading his other books moving forward. Thank you for the info and support! 🥰 5y
BarbaraJean Oh, you‘re welcome! I liked Sarum enough that I bought both London and The Forest, though as yet I haven‘t read either. 😬 I‘m interested to follow your reading progress and see how you like this one! 5y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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It has been over 8 months since I posted on Litsy!! I guess having a baby will do that 😂

I finished this nearly 50 hour audiobook this past Friday!! It was okay - I only stuck with it because I tried to read the physical book twice and each time didn‘t get more than 150 pages in, so I was determined to finish this time. I found my mind drifting a lot - the story was good but didn‘t hold my attention like the New York and Paris books did.

Megabooks Impressive!! Glad to have you back! 5y
JulAnna I read Sarum first and really liked that! I also liked New York. I struggled with Russka, though. 5y
Lcsmcat I read Sarum when I had an infant. I‘d pick it up while she nursed, and hope she fell asleep on me so I could keep reading. 😀 5y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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#wanderlust #letstraveljuly @OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

I know #Broadchurch and #Dibley don‘t exist, but the shows make me want to go there so bad. I suppose I could‘ve included #Narnia and #Fantastica/#Fantasia, too.

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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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(Day 15 - #LondonCalling)

*Okay, so no points for originality here, but the book is good, and hey—how many times can I be expected to come up with an original idea for this song? Seems loads of Littens love The Clash....😂🥰♥️

Crazeedi Nicely done! (edited) 5y
BarbaraBB Well I think your image is highly original! 5y
Cinfhen 💯‼️‼️‼️ well done 5y
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gradcat @BarbaraBB Thank you very much...I‘m laughing out loud right now because I wonder if you‘ve seen any of my previous posts using this prompt? But you‘re very nice to me, always! I love that you always have such lovely compliments & comments. 🥰 5y
gradcat @Crazeedi & @Cinfhen Thank you, ladies—you‘re both such great cheerleaders for a Saturday morning! ♥️ 5y
Cinfhen It still looks fresh & new ❣️ 5y
gradcat @Cinfhen Why thank you! You‘re the best!! ♥️ 5y
BarbaraBB @gradcat No I haven‘t seen you post this image before! I like the way you made this picture! Really! 5y
gradcat @BarbaraBB Well, it‘s not exactly the same collage...but I have used some of those same images before—those iconic London pictures. But I like very much that you like it, and I thank you very much for your kind words. ♥️ 5y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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This book, London, has been calling me for some time. I really enjoyed the first 100 pages awhile ago but again intimidated by 859 pages. I do want to finish it though.

#LondonCalling #Marchintothe70s

Cinfhen I know that feeling!!! #pagecountphobia is real unless your @TrishB 😛 6y
Desha I have this book too and I feel the same way! But I really want to read it! 📚❤️ 6y
Lizpixie 👍❤️ 6y
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TrishB @Cinfhen Rutherfurd‘s books are great and BIG 😁 (edited) 6y
Crazeedi @TrishB @Cinfhen @Desha bring on the big books! Rutherford is just one author who writes big books that I kove 6y
Desha @Crazeedi I like big books too lol but right now I‘m stalled on War and Peace 🤪No Rutherfurd books for me right now 😂🤣😂 (edited) 6y
Crazeedi @Desha O boy you have a challenge there! I get it, I'd want a break after that one!!😉 6y
Desha @Crazeedi ☺️ 6y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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I'd consider London to be my #CityOfDreams. I love books set in London. I can follow the characters around without checking a map.

#septemberdanes @Cinfhen @Kalalalatja

Heideschrampf Have you read the rivers of london series? 6y
julesG @Heideschrampf Yes! Just didn't think of it. Have you read Felix Castor? 6y
Heideschrampf Nope! Put it on the TBR, thanks! 6y
Kalalalatja London really is an amazing city! 6y
Mdargusch I agree with you! 6y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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I will start reading this one tomorrow, so that I‘ll finish it before my next trip to London. If anyone in London would like to meet up, Litzy style, let me know! I‘ll be there September 4-9. Will visit as many second hand bookstores as possible! ❤️📚

TrishB I‘m moving my son to York then !! 6y
Tove_Reads @TrishB Should I take this personally? 🤣 6y
Andrew65 Enjoy London! 6y
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Tove_Reads @Andrew65 Thanks! It‘ll be all about books, beers and musicals! 6y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads What more is there! 😂 6y
Tove_Reads @andrew65 Friends, food and dogs 😛 6y
Tove_Reads @andrew65 Heading there for Beavertown Extravaganza 6y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads 😂😂😂 6y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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"Rutherfurd brings this vibrant city's long and noble history alive through the ever-shifting fortunes, fates, and intrigues of half-a-dozen families, from the age of Julius Caesar to the twentieth century.
Generation after generation, these families embody the passion, struggle, wealth, and verve of the greatest city in the world."

Very good. Been on my TBR for years and I'm glad I finally got to it.

London | Edward Rutherfurd
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Summer reading ☀️

London | Edward Rutherfurd
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My next listen! Loved Princes of Ireland, I‘m sure to love this too!

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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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What a surprise! Thank you @jhod for the super cool postcard, I love it!

London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Two kitties ready to help me read 1126 pages of London. #kittiensoflitsy #cats #kitties #london# historicalfiction

London | Edward Rutherfurd
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#MelodiousMusicals #MaryPoppins #Feedthebirds With this musical, and particularly this song there are two key elements - 1. The Birds 2. London. I've chosen to go with London and the book that tells London's story by Edward Rutherfurd. Obviously London has been around for a long time so this is not a short story, and is therefore not for the feint-hearted at over 1300 pages. I have yet to read this but do want to do so. I lived in London 1965 - 86

Sarah83 Hope you will like it. 😉 7y
Andrew65 Me too at that length. @sarah_83 7y
Melissa_J This is one of my favourite Rutherford books 😊 7y
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Andrew65 @Melissa_J That just pushed it up the TBR! 7y
Bluebird I love this book! 7y
Andrew65 @Bluebird Okay it's now gone even higher, so much so I can almost see and feel it! 😊 7y
CrowCAH That is A LOT of pages! So jealous; I really want to visit London and Bath, England! 7y
Andrew65 @CrowCAH I would add York to your virtual itinerary too. 😊 7y
Bluebird @Andrew65 I'm so surprised you haven't read this one yet! It's time! @CrowCAH I'm with you! I've never been to York. I visited London and Bath years ago but would love to visit them again. 7y
Andrew65 @Bluebird I definitely need to address this oversight. York is a great place to visit and outside England I'd also say Edinburgh which I think is my favourite city. City, sea, castle - what more could you want! 7y
Bluebird I hope to visit Scotland one day!!! 7y
Andrew65 @Bluebird Well worth a visit. 7y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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_London_ by Rutherford is pretty high on my #tbr list...really, anything having to do with London or its history is. I‘m obsessed. Normally, crowds of people stress me out, but this place...

I‘m too lazy to go get a picture of the book, so you get an upside-down picture of my blanket instead.

#acityinthetitle #cityinthetitle #london #uncannyoctober

Libby1 Have you been there often? I love it, too. ❤️ 7y
mydearwatson I‘ve only been a few times (once on a short layover, once on an overnight layover, once for my honeymoon), but I‘m not sure I can ever get enough 😊. 7y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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My collection is complete. All of Edward Rutherfurd novels in first edition hard cover.
#edwardrutherfurd #london
#read #wordsarepowerful #imagine #escape #bibliophile #bookworm #books

London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Just finished London. All 1124 pages of it. Rutherford has quite a talent for both giving the big sweeps of history and personalizing it. He breaks the time into manageable chunks, following a few families through the millennium. I also read Sarum quite a few years ago and enjoyed that as well. I was entertained to see a large display of new editions of his work in Costco yesterday. Apparently he's trendy.

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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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I'm looking for a long audiobook about London to get me in the mood for our upcoming trip to London. I've read this one and Sarum. Anyone have suggestions of an awesome well-narrated story that will last while I'm on the road a lot next week for work and then the plane ride? Thanks in advance y'all!!

Texreader I'm thinking a series may be perfect (I've already read Bernard Cornell) but several shorter books will work too 7y
ReadingEnvy Have you read the Hillary Mantel books starting with 7y
Texreader @ReadingEnvy I've read Wolf Hall and unfortunately wasn't a fan of Mantel's writing style. 7y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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My first two prizes from the library's #SummerReadingProgram ????????!!! Level 1, after reading 600 pages, is a book of your choice. Level 2, after reading 1,200 pages, is a book light and raffle ticket for the grand prize, which is a $50 Amazon gift card. We already have "New York" and "Paris", so I figured that we might as well at "London" to the growing collection. ??? #LitsyLovesLibraries

Lcsmcat I read Sarum back in 1993 and loved it. I'll have to check this one out. 7y
Melissa_J I loved this one ❤️ 7y
My_novel_obsession I keep 'almost' picking up one of his every time I'm at the library but they are so long!! Have you read any and would you recommend? 7y
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DreesReads I scored this at a rotary book sale--but haven't read it yet!! 7y
Moonpa Loved this one! 7y
Hooked_on_books I read this one a number of years ago and really enjoyed it. I liked the author's reveal of the city over time. 7y
Smarkies I bought New York on a whim. Will have to pick that up sometime. 😁 7y
Texreader Sarum was good. This is on my tbr list. 7y
Sarah83 This is such a great story. I read it years ago and was hooked up. 😍 7y
PirateJenny OH MY GOD. I am sorry but my dad had that exact pattern sofa for about 35 years. Well it started off as the family sofa till my parents split. You kust brought back some great memories 7y
MrBook @PirateJenny Aww, glad I did a good deed with this post 😁👏🏻👏🏻! 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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My sister got me this amazing bag of famous London sites at Harrods this past spring. And I do have this book lurking in my apartment somewhere. One can never enough bags.

Karkar This is too cute! 😍 7y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd

Oh my goodness! Worth every page! I didn't get bored once during the 1100 pages! Recommend to anybody! I'd recommend ANY of Edward Rutherfurd's books--and I haven't even read them a yet!

MicheleinPhilly I have had New York for YEARS. I really should get around to it. 7y
Jesskathkarl @MicheleinPhilly Yes! He is an excellent author. I loved his books Sarum and Princes of Ireland too. My mother reads them as well and we've gotten some family friends interested! 7y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Thought for #LondonCalling I would go for a historical fiction book about the history of London which is simply called London. I liked the one Edward Rutherford book I have read about Dublin/Ireland and keep meaning to get to this book, and I have heard positive things about it, although it is long at 1328 pages! I'm planing to get to this at my break in the Summer. Has anyone read it?

TrishB Not read this one - have read Sarum and The Forest and enjoyed them - they're always a huge committment! 7y
Cinfhen Total #pageCountPhobia can't do it, although I'm sure it's brilliant 7y
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Andrew65 @Cinfhen what amount of pages brings this into play? 7y
Cinfhen Anything over 550 and the sweats and shakes start!!! 7y
Cinfhen It started in the past few years, back in the day I was all about the chunky read!!! 7y
Cinfhen That's why I'm freaking over #GWTWreadalong 7y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen I can see why, that is definitely a big book. I also find I need to read big books when loads of time to read without interruption so I feel I am progressing through the book quickly enough. 7y
Cinfhen I promised @Reviewsbylola I would tackle GWTW this summer and she broke it down over a few weeks so it should be fun! I think the buddy aspect will definitely help get me through 😊 7y
Reviewsbylola This looks really good but I agree, the page length has me like 😱😵 @Cinfhen 7y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen I would imagine that would help a lot. 😊 Best of luck with that challenge. 7y
Andrew65 @Reviewsbylola 😂All his books are big. 7y
Melissa_J Love that book, which was going to my pick for the prompt! 7y
Andrew65 @Melissa_J Lol! Did wonder if you would have read it. Obviously the Princes of Ireland book was read when we did the Group Read in the historical fiction group on. Shelfari all those years ago! Where does time go! 7y
Melissa_J @Andrew65 I know, right? I've read most of Rutherfurd's books, just not his more recent ones (yet) 7y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Today's #RockinMay, not #RochinMay, is #LondonCalling

While I put together this little collage, the song was playing in my head.

Let me just say, I could come up with quite a lot of books on the topic London. There are so many #romance novels set in London - well, think of a genre and you'll certainly find a book set in London.


Sarah83 I also thought about this song 😉 7y
arlenefinnigan Love your inadvertent tribute to Rochdale with the hashtag 😉🌹 7y
Cinfhen Great collage & #SorryNotSorry #Earworm 🐛 7y
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julesG @arlenefinnigan oh, you pay attention to details. Will have to change this. Apart from that, Rochdale is the partner city of my current hometown. 7y
Cinfhen Ha, I didn't notice either 😂nice spot @arlenefinnigan 7y
arlenefinnigan @julesG ooh really? Where do you live? I'm down the road from Rochdale in Oldham, we got married at Rochdale town hall. 7y
julesG @arlenefinnigan I live in Bielefeld, Germany. We have a Rochdale park (in its centre is an old linnen factory building that was mail ordered from Britain in the 19th century) and Rochdale barracks (lots of British army still here). I'm quite sure there is a Rochdale street as well. 😉 7y
arlenefinnigan @julesG wow. That's really cool. I'll have to look out for Bielefeld references next time I'm out in Rochdale. ☺ 7y
Andrew65 I really enjoyed 7y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Another epic history of a city by Rutherfurd. It made me want to visit London.

London | Edward Rutherfurd
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I'm enjoying today's #booktober posts of #greatfirstlines for #day16. I'm probably going to post a few more today.

London | Edward Rutherfurd
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1302 pages. Start this epic saga and you will commit quite some time. But that is the only way to adequately, colorfully, and sometimes poetically describe the evolving history of London from 54 BC to 1997, along with it's cast of ever-growing characters. So many historical monuments and world events so vividly brought to life. A remarkable used book sale find. 5/5 💙📚⏳

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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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"First came the tip of his nose." ???

London | Edward Rutherfurd
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It's a giant novel! About London! For $5! #impulsebuy #augustphotochallenge

Texreader Nice!! 8y
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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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Took a 9-mile guided stair walk in downtown LA--and took a detour to The Last Bookstore. Here are our $18 in purchases, woot! We had to carry this pile 2.5 miles to the end, which curtailed our choices. Living Downtown is the husband's. Outcasts United is the adult version--and signed!

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London | Edward Rutherfurd
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So I didn't get to take part in #ibw2016 but I thought my good book with a view was worth it!
Loved this book- it was a wonderful way to look at the whole history of London. It is written in a linear fashion (unlike Paris) and was easy to follow the families. Excellent.