I'm about half way through this new Libba Bray book, and so far it is wonderful! The story is told through three different timelines: Northern Germany in 1939 to 1941, West Berlin in 1980, and Brooklyn in 2020.
I'm about half way through this new Libba Bray book, and so far it is wonderful! The story is told through three different timelines: Northern Germany in 1939 to 1941, West Berlin in 1980, and Brooklyn in 2020.
Had a lovely trip to the kid's section of the library and found some great new-to-me board books 💖
I really loved this book! I'm pretty sure this is the first book I've read that was set in Panama. It's historical fiction, set in 1907 during the building of the Panama canal. It interweaves the stories of several people working on and around the canal, including an American doctor who is trying to eradicate malaria. I look forward to reading more by this author.
I finally checked out the Chinook location of Fair's Fair here in Calgary 😁
I loved this book so much! I know there are some doubts as to its' authenticity, but the story is still amazing.
I love this series! This was an excellent sequel and I look forward to reading the next one.
This one was just okay.
I enjoyed this, but I'm not completely confident in my ability to understand Shakespeare.
I listened to this on audio and my mind wandered a lot. I still enjoyed it, but I think I would have liked it more in print.
I enjoyed this conclusion to the Sandman series. There's definitely other volumes that I have liked more, though.
I really enjoyed this! I love Degas and I love historical fiction. This was right up my alley.
This book took me a looong time to get through. It was fascinating, but it seemed like it was meant to debunk earlier stories of Chairman Mao. I haven't read much about him previously, so the effect of the book may have been a bit lost on me.
I listened to this on audio, and as often happens to me, my mind wandered a lot while listening to it. I liked the parts of it that I absorbed, though. I am always interested in learning more about medieval times, whether through fiction or nonfiction.
This book was weirder than I expected. I had heard about the whole “tilting at windmills“ thing, so I figured the main character became disturbed throughout the story. I was surprised to learn that he was basically delusional from the start.
I listened to this on audio. I think that's what made the fatphobia (mainly in the first part of the story) particularly jarring to me. I enjoyed it otherwise, though.
I've had this on my TBR for years. I'm so happy I finally got to it! I loved the artwork and the story was creepy and engrossing.
I got this from a used bookstore and I think it was a pretty cheap edition in the first place. I managed to finish reading it before it completely fell apart 🤣
I liked it for the most part. I was surprised at how much Lawrence seemed to understand women.
I got this as an e-book from the library. It was supposed to be illustrated, but apparently that did not apply to the e-book version, so that was pretty disappointing. I already felt pretty familiar with the poem, but I find it difficult not to just imagine Homer reading it from The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror.
I read this as an e-book from the library. It was over 5000 pages long. I mainly just skimmed it, but I still had to renew it twice to get through it. I wanted to read it because I was curious to find out what Plato's ideal society was. It seems to include a whole lot of eugenics.
Somehow this was the first book I've read by John Green, but it certainly won't be the last. I really enjoyed this! It's a contemporary young adult novel with elements of mystery. I look forward to recommending it to my nieces :)
Oh, how I love Thomas King! This was a wonderful collection of short stories!
This was a fascinating read. It was written in Germany in the 13th Century, around the same time as when the first Arthurian stories were written. It also takes place around the 6th century. There were a lot of similarities to the legend of King Arthur. I would be interested to read most recent adaptations and to see a movie based on the story.
I listened to this on audio and it was about 50 hours long, so it took me a while to get through it. I mostly enjoyed, but - like most of Michener's epic novels - it dragged a bit at times. I feel like I learned a lot about Alaska.
This was a fun story. I'm looking forward to watching the adaptation.
I love the Hernandez brothers and especially their Love and Rockets stories!
I listened to this on audio. It was performed by a full cast, including Richard Dreyfuss and Kelsey Grammer.
This was a fast-paced, exciting book. I look forward to reading the rest of the series!
I listened to this on audio which, for me, means that my mind wandered a lot. I definitely plan on reading the next book in the series in print.
I'd never read a novel about Alexander the Great before this. I quite enjoyed it. This is the first in a trilogy, so it mainly dealt with his early life. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.
I enjoyed this on the whole, but I'm not sure if I'll read the rest of the series.
I mostly enjoyed this. Like much of Stephen King's books there was some weirdness in the depiction of women. Parts of it got quite spooky, but it's not my favourite of his books.
I loved this book and I can't wait to read the next in the series! So far there's only the two books, but hopefully it will be at least a trilogy.
I really liked this second installment of the Wheel of Time series. I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series. I'm curious about the adaptation, but I think I want to read at least one more of the books before I watch it.
This book was very disturbing much of the time, but it was so good! It is a chilling story of domestic violence.
I think this was a pretty abridged version of Arabian Nights. I liked it, but I definitely would like to read a more extensive version.
I listened to this on audio, which for me means that my mind wandered a lot while I was listening to it. I still quite liked it, as I always enjoy Bernard Cornwell.
I first heard of this book when the author's daughter, Korama Danquah, was on the Ethnically Ambiguous podcast. She mentioned that her mother had written a book, and it sounded fascinating. I'm so glad I read it! It was intense but just so damned good!
This was a really moving and interesting graphic novel about World War I.
I'm not completely sure how I feel about this book. I watched the movie years ago, and I remember liking it. It's told from the point of view of neighbourhood boys observing the five sisters, so it has a kind of distance from the girls themselves. I guess I found myself wondering what this story would have looked like from the perspective of the sisters.
As always with Kate Morton, I really enjoyed this. In her typical style, it moved back and forth through time, uncovering family secrets.
This was a really great book! It was somewhat painful to read at times, but so wonderful.
This was a very fun and sweet middle-grade fantasy! I look forward to reading the next in the series :)
I listened to this on audio, and I found my mind wandered a lot. I will have to reread it in print.