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Running with Scissors: A Memoir
Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
"Running with Scissors" is the true story of a boy whose mother (a poet with delusions of Anne Sexton) gave him away to be raised by her psychiatrist, a dead-ringer for Santa and a lunatic in the bargain. Suddenly, at age twelve, Augusten Burroughs found himself living in a dilapidated Victorian in perfect squalor. The doctor's bizarre family, a few patients, and a pedophile living in the backyard shed completed the tableau. Here, there were no rules, there was no school. The Christmas tree stayed up until summer, and Valium was eaten like Pez. And when things got dull, there was always the vintage electroshock therapy machine under the stairs.... "Running with Scissors" is at turns foul and harrowing, compelling and maniacally funny. But above all, it chronicles an ordinary boy's survival under the most extraordinary circumstances. Running with Scissors AcknowledgmentsGratitude doesn't begin to describe it: Jennifer Enderlin, Christopher Schelling, John Murphy, Gregg Sullivan, Kim Cardascia, Michael Storrings, and everyone at St. Martin's Press. Thank you: Lawrence David, Suzanne Finnamore, Robert Rodi, Bret Easton Ellis, Jon Pepoon, Lee Lodes, Jeff Soares, Kevin Weidenbacher, Lynda Pearson, Lona Walburn, Lori Greenburg, John DePretis, and Sheila Cobb. I would also like to express my appreciation to my mother and father for, no matter how inadvertently, giving me such a memorable childhood. Additionally, I would like to thank the real-life members of the family portrayed in this book for taking me into their home and accepting me as one of their own. I recognize that their memories of the events described in this book are different than my own. They are each fine, decent, and hard-working people. The book was not intended to hurt the family. Both my publisher and I regret any unintentional harm resulting from the publishing and marketing of Running with Scissors. Most of all, I would like to thank my brother for demonstrating, by example, the importance of being wholly unique.
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 6mo
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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This is a difficult book because it's packed full of trauma, serious mental illness, and horrifying malpractice. It seems a little weird to me that this book is classified as humor. Nothing about the writing style is funny. It's just matter-of-fact, which is how my husband talks about his trauma, so I'm used to people talking about trauma like that. It makes me feel like this implies that serious mental illness is funny.

Kenyazero I almost forgot, this was one of my #roll100 picks 2y
mandarchy I have to agree with you. I steer clear of the author for fear I'll suffer secondary trauma from reading this stuff. I read this years ago and still hoping it will get out of my head. 2y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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🍂August was ROUGH.

🍂Family situations are TOUGH.

🍁But the leaves are about to show us how lovely it is to let things go…..

#GoodbyeAugust #HelloBERmonths #IamanAutumnSoul

Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Homeward bound!

I brought 4 books with me this trip and only finished one. I normally read so much when I travel 🧳 but this work trip had long days and nights! So little reading time 📖🕰.

So airport and plan reading it is!

Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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It‘s been a busy few days on my work trip , but finally able to have a little bit of time to myself tonight to curl up in my Jammies and read. Starting #lmpbc book tonight. Last one for this round. @Tianarose @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @TheKidUpstairs @suvata

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I just got the last one you sent me. 3y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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3.5 / 5 for this memoir. Lots of difficult stuff. Was going to post a different chapter title, but this one is less offensive.

Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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What a crazy memoir. I do not understand how this psychiatrist kept his license for so long. I guess I have to watch the movie now!

Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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I finished my pick for #lmpbc . Wasn't expecting it to be such a quick read. Looking forward to seeing what my group thinks of it. @Tianarose @TheKidUpstairs @DinoMom

DinoMom I finished mine as well and it is in the mail❤️ 3y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @DinoMom Nice! Looking forward to it. 3y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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It is unbelievable how some people grow up. This wasn‘t an easy book to read, but I enjoyed it as much as you can “enjoy” memoirs about difficult life experiences. This was my #DoubleSpin pick for May. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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I....don't even know what I just read.

It's raw and edgy but also horrific and completely nonsensical. I have to wonder... who the hell gave this Dr a degree and what kind of people live like this? Normalizing teenaged adulthood, free living at any age and blatant pedophilia just freezes my blood. Dark humour is by design but I really don't get it. The cult following for this book is unreal and I have to wonder if there is something I'm missing?

Clwojick I think I tried watching the movie years ago, and was utterly confused by it. It sure is a popular one though 4y
runswithscissors007 Same. Dnf for me. 4y
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TheAromaofBooks Doesn't sound like my style, that's for sure. 4y
mandarchy I can't imagine watching the movie. I loved his brother's book, Look me in the eye 4y
Lizpixie Yeah, both this book and Angela‘s Ashes I had to DNF out of fury & sadness. I don‘t understand their high regard either.🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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HATE is a strong wrong, so here are #3Books ....I panned 😜Although the tagged book and middle book DROVE ME NUTS
I bailed on Liar....it‘s TERRIBLE😖

OriginalCyn620 📚👎🏻📚 4y
MidnightBookGirl I didn't like Running with Scissors either. I forced myself to finish it because I used to not dnf books. 4y
Cinfhen I had SUCH a HARD TIME accepting ANY parts of that book @MidnightBookGirl it was REALLY disturbing 😖 (edited) 4y
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thebluestocking I‘m with you I‘m Running with Scissors! 💙 4y
Cinfhen Ughhhh, that was a painful read @thebluestocking especially because two of my favorite Littens loved it!!!! So expectations were high😉 4y
Reviewsbylola The Liar is absolute trash. I feel guilty saying that about any book but I‘m keeping it real. 4y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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@FantasyChick sent me magnetic bookmarks and I have used them to solve the problem of wanting to comment in the #LPMBC book but also not wanting to stop reading to do it!

I just stick one of those book marks in the spot pointing to the paragraph or word and move on! Later I go back and put the comments in.

Many thanks!

Got a start on the book yesterday. No comment here....just huh.

@BookishTrish @Andrea4 @ShelleyBooksie

Andrea4 😂I did this by dog-earring my pages yesterday!🙈 shameful I know, but we are already writing in them... 4y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Do not be deceived, this is NOT hilarious, or funny as indicated by the back cover. This is a wry but well told accounting (if true?) of the author's teenage dysfunctional life. I chuckled once, and was just overall surprised at the horrid situation the author survived. The writing was entertaining, he certainly keeps the pace but I'm skeptical of it's truth; it's just too nuts. Know going in this is a fast read but certainly not for humor sake.

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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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This book was half fascinating and half deeply disturbing. Book 3 of 5 for #MarchUnshelfing @Clwojick

Clwojick I vaguely remember feeling the same way when I read this in highschool.... though I couldn‘t tell you a single thing about the book now 😂 5y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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I can‘t believe I haven‘t read this memoir before or that there are families this crazy amongst us. Then again, after having read books like, ‘The Glass Castle‘ and ‘Educated‘ I shouldn‘t be entirely surprised. Despite the harrowing circumstances of his youth, Burroughs tells his story with humor. Out of curiosity I added the memoir by his older brother (‘Look Me in the Eye‘) to my tbr.

Suet624 I liked Look Me in the Eye a great deal. 5y
rachelk @Suet624 I‘m really looking forward to it 5y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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What a bizarre, wild ride this book was!
I guess that‘s kind of the point?
There were cringeworthy moments.
There were raised eyebrows moments.
For at least 3/4 of it I was scratching my head & wondering if it was going to be a “bail” book for me,I just couldn‘t see where it was headed.
But the character development (especially listening to the audiobook companion) is what kept me going until the end.
I would say it was worth it.

Victoriahoperose The movie is actually really good if you haven‘t seen it! 5y
Scochrane26 Personally, I liked his memoir Dry better than this book. 5y
Chelseabillups30 @Victoriahoperose, I have not seen the movie! I started to look it up last night to see if there was anywhere I could stream it. I was hoping I could get it for free on one of the major platforms, but I might have to bite the bullet on it w/ Amazon Prime for a few bucks...maybe soon! I‘ve got some other reading material I need to get through first! 5y
Chelseabillups30 @Scochrane26, I have some of his other works on my kindle. This one was so odd to me that it almost makes it more intriguing to sit down with his other works and see what I can take from them. Will loop back around to “Dry” eventually once some others are checked off the TBR! 5y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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I don‘t think I‘ve ever experienced waiting throughout almost the entirety of a book to understand what the title is all about...anyone else ever have this happen and feel a tad bitter about it?

Crazeedi This book was a bail for me 5y
Chelseabillups30 @Crazeedi, I was SO close to that most of the way through it, I bought it at a mini bargain bookshop inside my library for a few bucks and I‘m glad I didn‘t spend more on finding it to read. SO weird. And especially with books and reading, I just hate not finishing what I start! 5y
Crazeedi @Chelseabillups30 too many books, so little time is my motto😉🥰 5y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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#santathing thank you very much @Kelican17 I love my gift!!

Kelican17 I hope you like them!! 5y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs has been on my TBR for three years, I found it at our library. I can see how things may be considered funny but to me the story was about a boy with a delusional mother, abusive father, and a quack of a doctor with a predator in his fold.Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs was interesting, and I finished it quickly. It‘s not a book I‘ll re-read, and not one I‘d be comfortable recommending.

Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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This quote popped up on my IG feed (as an ad for a jumper - which is hilariously off base for me) but I really liked the quote - and wanted to know where it came from... google to the rescue!

Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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woke up dried out and grumpy 😾 terrible sleep. made the tea extra sweet this morning and had a urge to revisit this memoir and i‘m glad i did, i forgot how funny and campy this book is and a bit unbelievable at times

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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Funny, I bought this at a little bookstore near Amherst... I didn't realize until I started it that it's set in that area!

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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Trying to keep the brain on vacation awhile.

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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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This will be book 6 of my year. I remember reading his book Magical Thinking and absolutely adoring the crap out of how honest a writer he is. So I definitely think I will enjoy this one.

Caffeinated_Reader If he could get through that...he can get through anything. He‘s definitely got a PhD in survival. His story was so sad and real and tragically terrifying yet hilarious and full of so much questionable shit. I am so happy he became a writer and balanced out his life. What a shit start he had. I can absolutely relate to that. 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Still working away at this one. Very interesting, but sometimes have to set it down when I get overwhelmed by the fact it is a memoir and not fiction. Some truly bizarre things happening - and that is in *addition* to the downright abusive elements.

Enjoying my coffee with it this morning though. And FYI, Margaret Atwood has her own bird friendly coffee that supports the Pelee Island Bird Observatory in Ontario (Canada, not California 😅)

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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Some honeycrisp apple tea is a perfect compliment to a drizzly afternoon spent reading. And seriously, rain and not snow for New Year's Eve?!! I thought I lived in Canada - this is just unacceptable

tpixie I love honey crisp apples I bet the tea is delicious!! 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Nothing reminds me more of the holidays/New Year's than snowflakes, glitter, and dysfunctional families. This should be a good one to read over the next few days #holidaydysfunction #familytradition 🤣

LiteraryNonsense One of my absolute favorite books! I read it once a year now 6y
Reviewsbylola Love this book! 6y
CuriousG @LiteraryNonsense @Reviewsbylola I'm so glad to hear this - I have such high hopes for this one 😊 6y
all_4_kb Was a good read! 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs

I give this book and this author a 5 star rating. It was a super book and it was hilarious. It has actually inspired me to write my own memoir because if his book was that funny then mine would be hilarious!🤣 I have no idea what it was about this book but it really brough4 me back and it reminded me a lot of my child hood in ways. I read this book the first time when I went to prison for the first time.

RaimeyGallant Nice review! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. 6y
Mitch Welcome to the wonderful world of Litsy! 🎉🎉 6y
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Purrfectpages Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Librarybelle Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Chelleo Welcome 🤗 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗📚 6y
AlwaysForeverReading Welcome to Litsy!!! 😀 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs

The best book I have read in a really long time.

Megabooks Welcome to Litsy!! 👋🏻📚 6y
DarcysMom Welcome to Litsy! 🤗 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Tonight‘s read

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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Nobody got it, so, explanatory signs on #bannedbooksweek #costume #librariansoflitsy

LeahBergen 😂😂😂 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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How in world have I never read this before?

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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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I HATED this book. But it's been to long to remember the details. Haha

#crimesagainstcovers @ErinSueG

Samplergal Loved it. 6y
Suet624 Loved it. 😁 6y
Erinsuereads Dang! Seems like it‘s unpopular opinion time! Now I‘m curious enough about it I might h e to read it! 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Coincidence? I think not.

Just one of my lovely finds walking around Portland. They are so in your face pro-read I love it here! Not nearly as much time to read on vacay but I squeezed it in on busses and street cars. 🚋🚌

#MemoirMonday!! What's your favorite memoir and why should everyone read it?? 📖📚 Mine is #AugustenBurroughs #RunningwithScissors

Finish anything amazing over the weekend? ✔️
#memoirmonday #manicmonday #mondaymadness

Stacy_31 Oooh I have this one in my pile to take camping next week. I can‘t wait to start it! 6y
Whimsical.Curiosity @Stacy_31 it's such a great read! Let me know what you think. Happy camping! 6y
MargaretPinardAuthor This is where I work--yayyyy! Glad you love our sign 🙌🏽😍 we also have an online shop for any who want to check out 💖😁 6y
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Whimsical.Curiosity @MargaretPinardAuthor that's so awesome!! I'm already planning some Christmas gifts from your site!! 6y
MargaretPinardAuthor Awww, that's amazing! Thank you! 💖💪🏽✨ 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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The books arrived, beautiful @Cinfhen - you are the absolute best! You made my week!! :)

Cinfhen Woohoo🎉🎉🎉🎉im so excited!!!!! Enjoy 😘😘😘 6y
Cinfhen I can‘t wait to read your reviews whenever u get to the books 😁 6y
BookishMe Awesomeness! 6y
Reviewsbylola Hopefully you like Running With Scissors more than @Cinfhen did! 😂😂 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Running With Scissors is a memoir that is Elequal parts horrifying and hysterical! Reading this book is a little bit like driving by an accident that you don't want to see but can't help staring at! #3 of #13Books13Weeks & #mountTBRchallenge

Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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The amazing @Cinfhen is having a #ShelfSpaceGiveaway - look at these gorgeous titles - open to everyone! I am hoping to win #5 fingers crossed.

Cinfhen Best of luck!! ☘️💕😘 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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PenguinInFlight I love Augusten Burroughs. Magical Thinking is my favorite. 😍😍😍 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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I disliked this book intensely. In my opinion there was nothing humorous here only criminal. Regardless if this was 100% authentic or even 1% true it was beyond deplorable. I‘m not easily offended or scandalized but this story was so outrageous , I received zero entertainment from it. I‘m sickened that the author had such a traumatic childhood (real or imagined)**The “Finch‘s” filed a law suit for defamation & a settlement was reached**

Reviewsbylola Nooooooo. I‘m sorry this was such a miss for you. I totally get what you‘re saying. 6y
Cinfhen It‘s been on my TBR for such a long time so I‘m glad I finally knocked it off, but it was jut TOO much @Reviewsbylola (edited) 6y
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LauraBeth This is a book that you either really love or really hate. At least you knocked it off! 6y
MidnightBookGirl I DNFed years ago. 6y
heidisreads @Cinfhen People either love or hate this book. I was on the love side, but I may have a different perspective 10+ years later 6y
jdiehr I am with you! This is the only book I ever threw away in the trash. Didn't even donate it - a first for me. 6y
MelissaSue81 I found this in my closet this week and considered picking it up. Maybe I won‘t. I think I read a few pages years ago but I know I didn‘t get far. 6y
emilyhaldi I hated this one too! We agree 🙅🏻‍♀️ 6y
britt_brooke At least you gave it a try! 6y
BookNerd9906 @Cinfhen I think you are my literary spirit animal. We are reading several of the same books at the same times and have the same picks and pans. And you articulated my thoughts so exactly in this review it‘s like you‘re in my head. 6y
alisiakae I‘m with you on this one! 6y
TrishB I‘ll give it a miss I think! 6y
mklong Totally with you. Gosh, I hated this book! 6y
Cinfhen @BookNerd9906 That might be my favorite comment ever 😘😘 6y
Cinfhen I totally get that @LauraBeth @britt_brooke @heidifk it just wasn‘t for me!! 6y
2BR02B I've never read this, and never will. I'm familiar with the backstory, and Burroughs seems like the worst sort of charlatan, similar to James Frey. 6y
Cinfhen Glad to see I‘m not the only one with strong opinions about this book @4thhouseontheleft @mklong @emilyhaldi @MelissaSue81 @jdiehr @MidnightBookGirl 😖 6y
Cinfhen I wish Burroughs just wrote this as fiction @2BR02B because than I could of read it as such and accepted it as such!! I felt like I was in on the ruse just by reading this under the premise of a memoir !!! 6y
TorieStorieS I couldn‘t agree more with you! I‘m a huge David Sedaris fan, and this was recommended to me based on that... and wow... I can‘t see the comparison at all! Totally not for me either!! 6y
Cinfhen I love a good memoir, too @TorieStorieS Like 6y
Dragon I couldn‘t finish this book his parents and psychiatrist were reprehensible, it was too sad. 6y
Mdargusch That‘s exactly why I haven‘t read it. ☹️ 6y
Cinfhen Definitely skip it @Mdargusch there are MUCH better books out there (IMHO) I‘m really sickened by the whole thing @Dragon What‘s wrong with people!?!?? And why was this made into a film 😩 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Started this awhile ago but wasn‘t feeling it however it caught my eye, so here I go #RoundTwo! Has this been proven to be all true or is it embellished???

Karkar I have a hard time believing it is all true. Some of this book is so out there....would be interested to know if anyone knows how much is real and how much is made up. 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola and I both love this book, so good luck @Cinfhen ! 😜 As with any memoir, I take it simply as the way he remembers he it. This was the very first memoir I ever read and from there it became one of my favorite genres. Hope you enjoy! 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘m with @britt_brooke I try not to get bogged down with what is true or not. But def check out the Vanity Fair article when you finish the book. It‘s fun getting the perspective of the other side! 6y
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LauraBeth I‘m with @Reviewsbylola and @britt_brooke on this one! I love it and never doubted for once that it wasn‘t true - primarily because I know of two women whose fathers were psychiatrists who both had a similar growing up experience and they told me their stories prior to when this book was released - so I believe every word of it! 6y
britt_brooke @LauraBeth 🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
Cinfhen @LauraBeth I believe author believes this story is all true and I don‘t doubt that evil exists in this world but I 100% believe LARGE parts of this story were embellished and I did NOT enjoy ANY parts of this memoir, be it true or false‼️I HATED this read, I‘m still trying to figure out what left me with such a bad taste. Will review later, after this marinates (edited) 6y
LauraBeth @Cinfhen I‘ll look forward to your review! After I read this, I read Dry and loved that one too! 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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#funhouse makes me think of one of my favorite memoirs, RWS. Although I wouldn‘t really classify the Turcotte home as “fun”.

I‘ve loved Burroughs ever since I read this book. He has such a dry but witty voice and He is at the top of my list of authors I would love to meet. On the flip side, the Turcotte family was devastated by the publication of this book. If you haven‘t read the Vanity Fair article about them, do it! #getmovin

CathyJ I just picked this book up at a library book sale recently. Can't wait to read it. 6y
emilyhaldi I didn‘t really care for the book 😏 6y
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Cinfhen I know @britt_brooke loves this book/author but I still haven‘t read it...will check out article 6y
Reggie This family was bonkers. 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola Perfect choice! He‘s at the top of my must-meet list, too. 💚 He‘s the reason for my love of memoir and I love his dark, dry humor. @Cinfhen (edited) 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola Do you follow him on fb? He recently posted a photo of himself when he was 14 and in the midst of this craziness. He was a gorgeous young man. He‘s so bald now, it‘s weird to see him with hair. 😆 6y
Reviewsbylola I didn‘t but i will now!! @britt_brooke My husband is bald too and I swear pictures of him with hair look nothing like him!!! 6y
Cinfhen Wow!!! Long article!! I hated this book and now I hate it even more @britt_brooke ...not too surprising 😂seeing you & Steph loved it! 6y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen I‘m not at all surprised! 😆 6y
Cinfhen I almost wish it was written as fiction @britt_brooke because that might have altered my feelings in some way 6y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen I can completely understand that. 6y
Reviewsbylola You‘ve got to try more of his books and see what you think. He has such a witty way about him. @Cinfhen 6y
Cinfhen Nope!!! I‘m done with him, Steph 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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I‘ve had this on my shelf for ages. I think it‘s time to move it up on the tbr list. I‘ve read loads of good reviews, I‘m eager to read!
#books #tbr #reading #shelfie #memoir #nonfiction #litsy

Leftcoastzen I remember it fondly, cringe worthy at times, yet funny. 6y
somebooksaround @Leftcoastzen interesting mix, looking forward to seeing what it‘s about! 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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I scanned the male faces, looking for a potential boyfriend. My standards were high: anyone who looked back at me. Nobody did.

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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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I can't properly describe my feelings about this book. I can't say if I liked it or if I found it too all over the place for my taste. I can't say if I found it hilarious or extremely sad. All I can say for sure is this: if this is indeed a true story, this is one f***ed-up world we live in.

Swe_Eva Heavily modified true story, as I understand it. 😉 6y
Scarlett_ohara @Swe_Eva I hope it was heavily modified 🙈 6y
Swe_Eva @Scarlett_ohara I have a memory of him going on Oprah to fess up to making stuff up. 😳 6y
Scarlett_ohara @Swe_Eva ok so the world isn't that f***ed-up then 🤷‍♀️ 6y
Swe_Eva @Scarlett_ohara Well... I can't vouch for the entire world... 😂 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Spotted on Twitter: “LOVING this story...and the writing is so sleek and gorgeous. Reading slowly because this is a Master Class in fiction.” Color me gobsmacked and grateful. I love the work of Augusten Burrroughs so his tweet about THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT will have me smiling a long, long time. Thank you, Augusten. Truly honored. @doubledaybooks @PRHLibrary #russia #thriller #tequila (much)

RadicalReader @ChrisBohjalian cannot wait to read The Flight Attendant anticipation doesn‘t even begin to hit the tip of the iceberg of my excitement 6y
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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She always wore lipstick, even if she was only cleaning turkey off the ceiling - something that needed to be done on a frequent basis.

🤣This book is full of funny, quirky quotes 🤣

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Running with Scissors: A Memoir | Augusten Burroughs
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He had the loving, affectionate and outgoing personality of petrified wood.