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Apologies | Plato, Xenophon
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Plato and Xenophon: Apologies compares two key dialogues on the death of Socrates. Socrates was accused of impiety and corrupting the youth of ancient Athens and was tried, convicted, imprisoned, and executed. Both Plato and Xenophon make clear that the charges were not brought forward in the spirit of true piety, and that Socrates was a man of real virtue and beneficence. To this day, his trial and execution remain a mark upon the democracy that put him to death. These dialogues underscore the limitations of democratic relativism and emphasize the nature of philosophy or the free mind. Platos Apology of Socrates is both poetry and an act of reformation, justifying the life of philosophy, challenging the authority of the pagan gods and heroes, and introducing Socrates as a heroic and even divine figure. In contrast, Xenophons Socrates is not dialectical and otherworldly, but makes a different appeal for philosophy. From Xenophon emerges the heroic tradition of Plutarch with its reflections on the virtues and vices of great historical men. Focus Philosophical Library translations are close to and are non-interpretative of the original text, with the notes and a glossary intending to provide the reader with some sense of the terms and the concepts as they were understood by Plato and Xenophons immediate audience.
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Apologies | Plato, Xenophon
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Oh, losers club. How I have failed you! I completely forgot about the discussion posts for this month. It‘s financial close week for me this week and then Thanksgiving. I promise I will get the posts up this weekend. Sorry. 😔

Bookishgal71 Can I join please? 4y
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Bklover Oh my goodness! I forgot too! Don‘t worry about it- enjoy your Thanksgiving ! 4y
DGRachel @Bookishgal71 I have added you to the tag list! @Bklover Thank you! You, too! 4y
TheNeverendingTBR I'd like to be a part of this! 🙋‍♂️ 4y
Karkar @DGRachel it‘s all good I am still working on finishing this month 🤪 4y
JulAnna No worries, I have gotten behind on my reading too! Thanks for your continued efforts, Happy Thanksgiving! 4y
DGRachel @TheNeverendingTBR I‘ve added you to the list. 🥰 4y
DGRachel @Karkar @JulAnna Thank you for being so understanding! Happy Thanksgiving! 4y
Bcox129 Thank you @DGRachel for keeping this going! No apologies necessary! I‘ve fallen way behind, but I appreciate the reminders (just finished Dolores Claiborne today 😉) 4y
TheNeverendingTBR I'll start the readalong next year as I've read the titles for this year and I'll be joining the discussions on them, I've not yet read The Tommyknockers! 😊 4y
44 likes13 comments
Apologies | Plato, Xenophon

Sorry I've been MIA again lately. Life has just been busy and when I have a chance to get on my phone I usually forget I have this app on here. 🤦‍♀️ I've been reading lots though, hence the barrage of posts tonight. Whoops!

Hope everyone is doing well and Happy Reading!

Apologies | Plato, Xenophon
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#24B4Monday Readers, I want to apologize to everyone, this has been a very busy month and this is going to be the pinnacle of the month. If I do not comment on your posts I apologize but they may have gotten lost in the shuffle of my news feed. I am getting well over 200 notifications per day and it is very hard to track them all. So I apologize. But I am here and I am rooting everyone on!!! 😘😘😘🎉🎉🎉
@Andrew65 @jb72

ShananigansReads That‘s a ton to juggle. I‘m always so impressed that you and your cohosts can keep up. I hope you can slow down enough to relax and read a little this weekend. 5y
BeansPage @Bookjunkie57 oh don't worry sweetheart I pace myself. I only check Litsy periodically but like I said some notifications get lost in the jungle. I try not to let that happen though. Thanks for your support! Love your heart ❤️ 5y
Andrew65 You always do a fantastic jpb! 😍🥰 5y
BeansPage @Andrew65 😘😘😘 5y
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Apologies | Plato, Xenophon

Sorry, for being so Infrequent in Litsy, these days!!!🙏
I've been caught with my Exams & a terrible reading slump.
Have not been able to read much, and is mainly focused into books in bengali (My Mothertongue)...So, I haven't read any English books recently (& that's a shame).
Hoping to be back soon enough and be more frequent in Litsy.
Missing those great conversations with fellow readers, like @Bookwomble, @sudi,to name a few

Tiyas7 @TheReadingMermaid I'm really trying hard to complete 'Salem's Lot' for our 3King BuddyRead in July, but I really can't guarantee 😳 6y
BeansPage Don't worry about it sweetheart. It's just something to do for fun but if you can't do it there's no stress. Also don't forget there's two more months and two more books 😉 6y
Tiyas7 @TheReadingMermaid Thanks for understanding☺ I'll try nonetheless 😉 6y
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sudi We miss you too @Tiyas7 ,hope you're able to get over the reading slump and finish all your exams, good luck and hope you do well. 🙋😊👍 6y
Tiyas7 @sudi Thanks a lot😊 6y
Bookwomble Oops! That tag slipped past me - better late than never ☺ I imagine your exams agree over, and I hope they went well. I look forests to more interesting blurbs, quotes and conversations 😁 6y
Tiyas7 @Bookwomble Haha! That was 2 Months ago!! And, I am midst of another exam now. But, I am out of that reading slump and feel much more positive. And, I always enjoy your blurbs, quotes and reviews, so I'll look forward to that😁 6y
39 likes7 comments
Apologies | Plato, Xenophon

I need to send out an apology to the international members of our #JB group. I have been driving your postcards around in my car for over a week. My area is very rural and the PO is only open 8-12 week when I am at work. I went Saturday to buy international stamps and they don't carry them so I have to go a town (or 2) over to their post office. I promise they are coming!

Bronte_Chintz Benefits of the #jb group. No deadlines! Don‘t worry yourself ducky! Most of mine at international to me so I‘m doing a few at a time. 6y
JoScho I usually order my stamps online because it is just so much easier than going to the PO. The lines are always so bad at mine. 😊 6y
amb @JoScho I had no idea you could do that! Off to the internets 🏃 6y
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knittedgnome Don't feel bad! I'm still trying to write to the US members! I'm on top of replies but only get out one or two new ones a week. 6y
Kaye No stress guys. Everyone goes at their own pace when sending and how many new ones, etc. Only area that‘s a big one is replies. As long as we keep that going the group will thrive. It‘s going along at a good pace now so the system must be working. 👍🏼 6y
tracey38 I was going to say, buy them online from the post office. That's what I do, too. I still need to get international stamps as well. I am sending out cards, a few new ones every week, plus replies. I haven't gotten to everyone yet either. 6y
CouronneDhiver Don‘t worry... I don‘t know about everyone else but I have been receiving a few international cards. It‘s a big group! 6y
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Apologies | Plato, Xenophon
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Also, sorry if I've not responded to you and/or just for generally being largely absent this week... I'm hoping to get caught up this weekend... but, well, see image.

cobwebmoth *hugs* 6y
Christine11 💜💙💜 6y
AmyG Hope things ease up soon. 6y
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tammysue 💗🤗 6y
DarcysMom 💞🤗💞🤗💞 6y
TrishB Know that feeling 😔 6y
DoodlesDistractions I was there last year, and still have been crazy busy you‘ll be ok ♥️ 6y
DoodlesDistractions Now the litsy group is here for you 6y
DoodlesDistractions *Know 🤦‍♀️ 6y
Cathythoughts All will be well ! Keep Heart! We get knocked down...... and we get up again ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️sending good wishes 6y
Branwen Hang in there! We love you and are here for you! ♡ 6y
Ddzmini Awe keep your head up 🙃 6y
Eggs Take some (serene) time for your self 💕 6y
tournevis 😘😘😘 6y
Scurvygirl Hugs! You can do it!! (Even with a squished head) 6y
LibrarianRyan You can do it. We all have those moments. 6y
minkyb Hang on! 6y
rwmg Hope things take a turn for the better soon 6y
Jas16 Hope things get better soon 6y
TricksyTails {{HUGS}} ♥️♥️♥️ 6y
Purrfectpages I can so relate. Hope things get better soon! 6y
SamHeartCoffee You got this! ❤️💜❤️😘😘 6y
JenlovesJT47 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Hugs!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 6y
alisiakae I can relate, we‘ve all been there. ❣️❣️❣️ 6y
Tanisha_A Feel better soonly soon! 💌 6y
GlassAsDiamonds Oh man, I can so relate! Hope it‘s getting better! 😊 6y
JenP 😢 Thinking of you! 6y
Avanders @GlassAsDiamonds @JenP thank you both!! 😘😘 It is a little better today. 🙂 6y
114 likes29 comments
Apologies | Plato, Xenophon

Argh @EllieDottie and @JenlovesJT47 this hasn‘t been my week/life for mail. The new office manager at work just texted me that she never sent out your packages........ which I packaged three weeks ago. @EllieDottie I‘m 0/2 with you and I promise this is not normal ... Jen you more than anyone deserve to have your package today. I am so, so very sorry to both of you. They will go out tomorrow.

JenlovesJT47 No worries, I'm just glad they're not lost! 6y
EllieDottie Hi! I‘m so sorry I didn‘t respond earlier! I was traveling when I checked my Litsy and I forgot to come back and comment!! I‘m really sorry I hope it didn‘t cause you stress!! But please don‘t worry at all! I‘m not stressed and I started my copy of the book today! I am traveling so I won‘t be able to know if I get it until I get back but I‘m so excited to read this! I‘m loving this group!! 6y
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Apologies | Plato, Xenophon
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#Rocktober #day17 #YouOughtaKnow Yeah, you oughta know by now I always fall behind on prompts (and maybe other things, sorry @Robothugs ) because I bite off more than I can chew. But because I'm fabulous like that, I always catch back up. Eventually. Usually. Well I try....mostly.🤣🤣 Love you all😘😘😘

Cinfhen Your #BitMoji is too cute😍😍😍 7y
Kalalalatja 😂😂 7y
LeahBergen 😂😂 7y
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