Oh, losers club. How I have failed you! I completely forgot about the discussion posts for this month. It‘s financial close week for me this week and then Thanksgiving. I promise I will get the posts up this weekend. Sorry. 😔
Oh, losers club. How I have failed you! I completely forgot about the discussion posts for this month. It‘s financial close week for me this week and then Thanksgiving. I promise I will get the posts up this weekend. Sorry. 😔
Sorry I've been MIA again lately. Life has just been busy and when I have a chance to get on my phone I usually forget I have this app on here. 🤦♀️ I've been reading lots though, hence the barrage of posts tonight. Whoops!
Hope everyone is doing well and Happy Reading!
#24B4Monday Readers, I want to apologize to everyone, this has been a very busy month and this is going to be the pinnacle of the month. If I do not comment on your posts I apologize but they may have gotten lost in the shuffle of my news feed. I am getting well over 200 notifications per day and it is very hard to track them all. So I apologize. But I am here and I am rooting everyone on!!! 😘😘😘🎉🎉🎉
@Andrew65 @jb72
Sorry, for being so Infrequent in Litsy, these days!!!🙏
I've been caught with my Exams & a terrible reading slump.
Have not been able to read much, and is mainly focused into books in bengali (My Mothertongue)...So, I haven't read any English books recently (& that's a shame).
Hoping to be back soon enough and be more frequent in Litsy.
Missing those great conversations with fellow readers, like @Bookwomble, @sudi,to name a few
I need to send out an apology to the international members of our #JB group. I have been driving your postcards around in my car for over a week. My area is very rural and the PO is only open 8-12 week when I am at work. I went Saturday to buy international stamps and they don't carry them so I have to go a town (or 2) over to their post office. I promise they are coming!
Also, sorry if I've not responded to you and/or just for generally being largely absent this week... I'm hoping to get caught up this weekend... but, well, see image.
Argh @EllieDottie and @JenlovesJT47 this hasn‘t been my week/life for mail. The new office manager at work just texted me that she never sent out your packages........ which I packaged three weeks ago. @EllieDottie I‘m 0/2 with you and I promise this is not normal ... Jen you more than anyone deserve to have your package today. I am so, so very sorry to both of you. They will go out tomorrow.
#Rocktober #day17 #YouOughtaKnow Yeah, you oughta know by now I always fall behind on prompts (and maybe other things, sorry @Robothugs ) because I bite off more than I can chew. But because I'm fabulous like that, I always catch back up. Eventually. Usually. Well I try....mostly.🤣🤣 Love you all😘😘😘