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Signora della mezzanotte
Signora della mezzanotte | Cassandra Clare
Los Angeles 2012. Sono passati cinque anni da quando Emma Carstairs ha perso i genitori, barbaramente assassinati. Dopo il sangue e la violenza a cui ha assistito da bambina, la ragazza ha dedicato la sua vita alla lotta contro i demoni ed diventata la Shadowhunter pi talentuosa della sua generazione. Non ha per mai smesso di cercare coloro che hanno distrutto la sua famiglia e, quando si rende conto che l'unico modo per arrivare ai colpevoli quello di allearsi con le fate, da anni in lotta con gli Shadowhunters, non si tira indietro. una partita molto pericolosa, ma Emma, insieme a Julian, suo migliore amico e parabatai, ha tutte le intenzioni di giocarla fino in fondo. Non solo la ragazza potrebbe finalmente vendicarsi, ma per Julian si apre la possibilit di riabbracciare il fratello Mark, che anni prima era stato costretto a unirsi al Popolo Fatato. Inizia cos una corsa contro il tempo, un'indagine ricca di colpi di scena, dove i bluff e i doppi giochi non mancano e i sentimenti pi profondi sono messi a dura prova. Compreso quello che lega Emma e Julian, forse di natura diversa rispetto a quel legame puro, unico e indissolubile che dovrebbe unire due parabatai.
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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“Okay, you sound like Julian on drugs.”

not_gremlin MARKKKKK 1mo
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Just finished this and I really enjoyed it… the ending was not want I wanted but that seems to@happen with these books so I‘m optimistic and moving on too the next book 📖

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Here is Group 5 of my #Book2book options. I can either do one of these or all. Open to everyone who signed up for #Book2book. If more than one person wants a book, then I will do a drawing on the 20th for it.
@AllDebooks @Bookish_Gal @Chrissyreadit @LiteraryinLawrence @Clwojick @Cuilin @bcncookbookclub @Tineke @julieclair @Catsandbooks @TheAromaofBooks @Soubhiville @Lizpixie @KateReadsYA @TheBookHippie @dabbe @CSeydel

AllDebooks It's great seeing these, brilliant selection of books x 12mo
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Cassandra Clare has been my favorite author since I was a teenager. I‘m FINALLY getting to this series after years of starting it and then putting it down for other books. Lady Midnight definitely didn‘t disappoint. As usual in Clare‘s writing you fall in love with the characters immediately and her beautiful world. And she sure knows how to write forbidden love arcs 😂 Can‘t wait to read the next book!

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Doing a reread of Lady Midnight so I can finally finish this trilogy, so I can start The Last Hours series (I know they‘re not a series together, but in my mind I need to do this😅). Hopefully I can have all 5 books finished by the time Chain of Thorns comes out! 🙌🏼

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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#alphabetgame #letterL @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

I loved the dark artifices series so I‘m going with Cassandra Clare for this one! I‘m loving seeing everyone‘s choices! So many books added to my TBR!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤📚🖤 2y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Since Julian is an artist thought he would appreciate my choice of Monet water lillies tea cup for today's Instagram #ShadowhunterSunday Prompt - Julian Blackthorn.

"Because I‘m an artist, Emma. These pictures are my heart. And if my heart was a canvas, every square inch of it would be painted over with you.” - Julian Blackthorn ➰️??


Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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For publishing year 2016 I selected this title. I find her reads to be for the most part guilty pleasure reads. Really creative and with a large cast of characters that engage the reader. #19822022 #readingchallenge2022 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle I remember liking City of Bones but have not read any of her other books. Good choice! 3y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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It's been five years since last binge reading TID and TMI so I thought its tone to go back into the shadowhunters world. This wasn't my favourite one, I found the first half slow and I didn't like Emma too much, though I did like the other characters and really enjoyed seeing the old characters come back. The plot was good, different to the other books and I will read the rest to find out what happens, plus that massive cliffhanger at the end...

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Recently finished this first of the Dark Artifices series. Emma Carstairs is in search of those who are responsible for her parents‘ deaths in the Dark War. Lots of love, betrayal, and shadowhuntery sorts of things. A must read if you‘re a fan.

Drawing credit to artzzofkae On IG

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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I‘m a big fan of Cassandra Clare and now that I‘m commuting again, I can listen to her again.

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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#QuotsyJul21 #Strawberry

It has been many years since I have eaten freely at my choice, fair one, and a plate of strawberries is all that I desire." - Mark Blackthorn
Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices, #1)

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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Finally broke down and decided to purchase the Clockwork trilogy. I‘ve read them, but don‘t own them. Grabbed all three at B&N where I was visiting from out of town, then found a box set for 15% off. No brainer, right? Just got home and it‘s the wrong box set. I already own all of these! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Sleep deprivation is real, y‘all.

Smrloomis Oh darn! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 3y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Takes places years after the war with Valentine & deals with some of the aftermath of that

Our main protagonist Emma's all encompassing focus is on finding her parent's murderer. This is full of secrets & lies all in the name of protecting those they love.

I really enjoyed being introduced to some new characters in the shadowhunter world. I just love Clare's style in writing; her mix of character development, mystery, magic and dark intent.

LazyOwl I can't wait to dive into Lord of Shadows. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ (edited) 3y
LazyOwl This was my first finished book for April and #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Don't you feel like in a sepia picture sometimes? I've been feeling like that the last couple of weeks, so I chose this book to cheer me up, maybe I can concentrate a little, since I really love #CassandraClare 's books, and try so many books before this one.

I'm sending love, strength and faith to all the Litsypians that need it. Make sure to stay safe. I really hope this coming week is better than the last one.
Happy reading everyone! 💙📖💙

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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5/5 for this fantasy! I love the Shadowhunter world so much. I loved this book. Emma is such a wonderful character. Her and Julian have grown so much. It was awesome to see characters from the other books. I miss them. I cannot wait to read the next book!

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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This was an easy read with some of my favourite tropes.
My January wrap up and my February TBR will be up on my blog at 6pm UK time on ellanathornton-wheybrew.weebly.com

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Hi Litsy! I can‘t possibly fill you in on all the things that have happened the past few months. Let‘s just say it has been a lot. Life got really overwhelming. I needed to walk away from some things to make room for other things. But I think everything is under control and I‘m back. I have missed you all. I have still been reading. Maybe not as much as usual, but books, as always, helped me get through.

Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
rachelm ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 4y
Karkar Welcome back! 4y
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wanderinglynn Welcome back! 💚💚💚 4y
LeahBergen I‘m so glad to see you back! 💙 4y
Trashcanman I was an honest man..I don't see it that way. 4y
Trashcanman Welcome back you 4y
merelybookish Noticed you were gone. Glad you're back! Hope all is well. 4y
EadieB Glad you are back. Missed you! 4y
Hooked_on_books Welcome back! I‘m glad things are looking up for you. ☺️ 4y
MicheleinPhilly ❤️ 4y
JacqMac @Librarybelle @rachelm @Karkar @wanderinglynn @LeahBergen @Trashcanman @merelybookish @EadieB @Hooked_on_books @MicheleinPhilly Thanks everyone. You‘re still the most supportive people. I really missed that. My hubby had lots of medical issues. Amnesia and now an aneurysm, among other things. And in the midst of it all, our middle kid graduated high school and moved out. It was a lot, but I think we are coming out of the other side. I hope. (edited) 4y
merelybookish @JacqMac Wow. You have had a lot going on! 4y
Nute Welcome back! You were missed! {{{HUGS}}} and many prayers for you and your family!💕 4y
JacqMac @Nute Thanks. I appreciate it. 4y
Eggs @JacqMac Welcome back 💕 Sorry to hear of your family‘s struggles. I‘m praying for you and hope things resolve satisfactorily 💕 hugs 🙏🏻 4y
JacqMac @Eggs Thank you. 💕 4y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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I honestly can't get enough of this author. I absolutely loved this book and I am looking forward to number 2 in the series. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Day 6 of #BiblioMAYnia is #SideProfile

I always love the covers for Cassandra Clare‘s books. But this is one of my favourites!
And I know she is lying down but still counts as a side profile right? ☺️

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cool cover!!!! 4y
OriginalCyn620 Definitely counts...cool cover! 4y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Thanks @TheAromaofBooks for tagging me to find a cover with water.

@CoffeeNBooks @UnRuLee @Cupcake12 do you want to find with a beach on the cover? Tag me so I can see your finds.

TheAromaofBooks Sooo watery! Love it! 4y
BayouGirl85 @TheAromaofBooks Her covers are always so beautiful. 4y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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This was my chunky book for March, just under 670 pages. It is the first book in The Dark Artifices trilogy. This trilogy concerns Emma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn, two shadowhunters. I very much enjoyed it. I have the next two books in the series. #books

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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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1. I can safely say I have more than enough books for a good while.
2. We are not yet on a quarantine. But it may well happen if the amount of people being infected doesn't go down.

@TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday! 5y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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We are bound together, Emma, bound together—I breathe when you breathe, I bleed when you bleed, I‘m yours and you‘re mine, you‘ve always been mine, and I have always, always belonged to you!-Julian blackthorn

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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My reading buddy just can‘t hang 😄

I felt I‘ve put The Dark Artifices series off long enough! I‘m almost half way through and I am loving it! Can‘t believe I held off as long as I did!

Jovy Exactly what I said when I started this series! ❤️🙌🏼 Enjoy!! 5y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Finished this while enjoying and #audiowalk after work today. It looks gross out, but there was sun! These books have so much teen angst and drama, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Crazeedi I love the corner porches!! I can imagine walking out of my bedroom and sitting on rmth one on second floor, outside yet provate 5y
Johanna414 @Crazeedi that is exactly what I do! My husband screened it in this summer, and it‘s soooooo nice to sit out there after the kids go to sleep in the evenings. I can‘t wait for it to warm up enough to start up again! 5y
Crazeedi @Johanna414 excuse my spelling mistakes, btw(see above, lol). I'm very jealous of your cozy porch off your room, I've always dreamed of a place like that, getting me coffee and opening the door from my room and settling in to smell the fresh morning air and read!!❤ enjoy this summer!! 5y
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Johanna414 @Crazeedi I may or may not be considering putting a coffee maker out there so I don‘t even have to go downstairs first 😂😂😂 5y
Crazeedi @Johanna414 oh what an excellent idea, I'd definitely do that! Or do like me, my hubby brings my coffee to me in the morning! 5y
Johanna414 @Crazeedi brilliant! 5y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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I really should be sleeping right now, if my exhaustion this past week is any indication... but I didn‘t get a minute to myself today so I‘m taking a little time for some #audiocrochet
I keep starting new projects - I think I have 5 different things going right now 😂😂😂

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Ok. I please need someone to geek out on me.
I need to talk #CassandraClare reading order.

I know her books are like one big series, but are also broken up into smaller series within that. Should I just read the the Shadowhunter Chronicles all in order, or could I pick and choose? Does it matter? Thinking of starting Dark Artifacts in Feb or March. Should I? Is there anything I didn't ask but should?

Please & Thank you. 💙

jen_the_scribe I've only read The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, and book 1 of The Dark Artifices. Cassandra Clare talked about this on Instagram a while back. She said you don't have to read the series' in any particular order, but you should stick to book order. 5y
SmartSassery @jen_the_scribe thank you very much! 5y
That-Bookish-Hiker I took a break after book 3 of TMI then read the Infernal Devices and went back to TMI after that. That helped me a lot and filled in the story. And I‘ve seen reading orders posted on the owlcrate Facebook page. Here is a link that shows different reading orders. https://rivetedlit.com/2018/08/27/cassandra-clare-books-in-order/ 5y
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InkedBookworm13 I was also confused about what to do. I will be reading this series here in the next month or so. I am going to do all the mortal instruments books first then the bane Chronicles and takes from Shadow Hunter academy. I am then going to do the infernal devices, then the dark artifacts and then finally the last hours series. 5y
InkedBookworm13 @That-Bookish-Hiker I just checked out the link and that's super cool and now I am rethinking my reading order lol 5y
SmartSassery @That-Bookish-Hiker There are so many preferred reading orders! It reminds me of Terry Brooks books. I'm excited, I want to hear all of them. 😉 The old switch-a-roo. I like it. I often have several books going at a time but I had not thought to skip around within the series. 5y
SmartSassery @LokiDokey You've got a solid plan of attack. I like that. That's where I'm trying to be. I didn't mean to make you question your method. 😂 5y
Bookish_Viking I just finished the main Mortal Instruments series, 1-6. I think finishing the original series is a good place to start. After that, me personally I tend to do sequels before prequels, and just in the order they were released for me. 5y
SmartSassery @ReaperOfTerrasen I uses to be like that but I'm now rereading the Shannara books in Brooks suggested order. I'm really digging it. So now I search all the order recommendations before I start a series. lol Thank you very much for your suggestions. 5y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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I enjoyed this shadowhunters story more as it went on - picked up the action towards the end. I enjoyed getting to know Emma and the other characters. Looking forward to the next one in the series.

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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So last time I read two shadowhunter books in a row I got a bit of shadowhunter fatigue. BUT I then discovered James Marsters narrates the next after this in this series, now I need to read this one because I want to listen to SPIKE!!! 😂 Got the audiobook on reserve from the library so have two weeks to get through the first.. p.s. sorry for the shadowhunters spamming - I‘ll read something different soon!

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare

This book left me with mixed feelings. The first half of the book dragged on and on for me and the whole Emma and Jules keeping secrets from each other got annoying really quick. Once the second half got started I was intrigued and had to finish it. Not a bad read and I will pick up the next one soon. :)

Lanisha T
Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Fantasy, Paranormal
Author:Cassandra Clare
September 16 - September 29
I read Cassandra Clare's first series. I decided to read it since I wanted to find out what happened after her first series.
Summary: The main focus is, Emma tries to find out the killer that killed her parents. Julian and Emma try to figure the cases, without getting help/caught by the clave. They go through phases where their family/friendship are at risk for answers.

keirradomingo # love it 5y
halima.yxsf incredible! 5y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Just finished moving into residence. It‘s been a little hectic but finally get a chance to read. 📚

BooknerdsLife Welcome to Litsy and happy reading to you 🤗💗 5y
Oliviavk @BooknerdsLife Thank you 😊 5y
BooknerdsLife @Oliviavk you‘re welcome💗 Hope you enjoyed Lady Midnight 5y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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I love the way that all of the generations that Cassandra Clare has written / writes about all intertwine it draws me in even more! I‘m starting the next one now so i‘ll be reading all day for the next week or so! #ladymidnight #darkartifices #shadowhunters

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Now it‘s finally summer I can read more (even if it is raining at the moment). I started Lady Midnight and it seems really good so far and Julian is one of my new favourite characters. I can‘t wait to start the next one already even though I am getting a bit ahead of myself.

mustakim1 Hello 5y
BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😺 5y
elliex @BookwormAHN thank you 5y
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BookmarkTavern Welcome to Litsy! ❤️📚❤️ (edited) 5y
rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 @LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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+“Laws are meaningless, child,” Malcolm said in a low voice that somehow still carried. “There is nothing more important than love. And no law higher.”



sprainedbrain ❤️ 5y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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+"It was hard to live normally when you were constantly pretending you didn‘t see what was going on in front of your face."




Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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❤️❤️❤️ love the first part of this quote from lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare!
" Everyone is more than one thing... We are more than single actions we undertake, whether they be good or evil."

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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The Dark Artifices welcomes the third Shadowhunter series. The storyline of Mark Blackthorn coming back from the being taken by the faeries and the Hunt after five years brings new blood to the story as well as we learn how characters from prior books are fairing. I would have preferred to not end with the same old longing being thrown in to some forbidden zone, but have come to terms that this is the author‘s formula.

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare

Not my favorite but it poses some good problems

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽 Me today. My poor husband is sick, but that gives me lots of time to read. Definitely a #FridayNightBookClub kind of night!

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @JoScho

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope he feels better!!💙 5y
JoScho Love that photo! 5y
DaveGreen7777 Awww, hope your hubby feels better soon! 😔 5y
bewareofwords @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @DaveGreen7777 Thank you!! He‘s getting better, slowly but surely. 😊 5y
bewareofwords @JoScho Thank you!! 5y
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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I‘ve been seeing Cassandra Clare‘s books pop up on Litsy the past few weeks—I haven‘t read her books in years and I never got to The Dark Artifices—and when I wandered into my local library today they somehow had all three books in the trilogy available! It had to be a sign. Looks like I‘m tackling these big books over the next few weeks! 📚

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Emma and Julian are going to be the death of me. This book made me furious. On to the next one 😂

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Finally starting this series 😀

Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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Okay...I think I‘m going to read this next, since I just bought the first two for my class library! Does anyone know if this is a signed copy?? It looks like it was written in with a sharpie/stamp. I picked it up for five or six dollars used 😱