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Frederica: A funny and brilliant clean Regency romance | Georgette Heyer
38 posts | 34 read | 23 to read
"Heyer was one of the great protagonists of the historical novel in the post-war golden age..." Philippa GregoryCelebrate the 80th birthday of Regency Romance with great books from Sourcebooks Casablanca! Frederica only wants what's best for her family, even if it means sacrificing her own happiness. When she brings her younger siblings to London, she may find the chance to give them everything-and find love along the way. Determined to secure a brilliant marriage for her beautiful sister, Frederica seeks out their distant cousin the Marquis of Alverstoke. Lovely, competent, and refreshingly straightforward, Frederica makes such a strong impression that to his own amazement, the Marquis agrees to help launch them all into society. Normally wary of his family, which includes two overbearing sisters and innumerable favor-seekers, Lord Alverstoke does his best to keep his distance. But with his enterprising and altogether entertaining country cousins getting into one scrape after another right on his doorstep, before he knows it the Marquis finds himself dangerously embroiled. Charming characters and flawless proses make Frederica a fan favorite from the Queen of Regency Romance. Fans of Jane Austen, Tessa Dare, and Theresa Romain will delight in the entertaining story of a woman seeking security for her family but finding love where and when she least expected it. More Regency Romances from Georgette Heyer: The Grand Sophy When the incomparable Sophy arrives in London to stay with her aunt she takes the house, and the ton, by storm. Sylvester-She meets none of his requirements for a wife. He is the chief villain in her novel. Cotillion- A sham betrothal isn't the only thing that gets Kitty and Freddy into trouble, but it's definitely the beginning. What readers are saying about Frederica "It was so clever, brilliant, touching, entertaining and plain good FUN!" "Has all of Heyer's best features: humor, wit, and irony; an exquisite sense of time and place." "Perfection! ...Witty, sparkling, and heart-wrenching." What reviewers are saying about Frederica "Humorous, light-hearted...a nice, comfortable way to get your Austen-fix."-Love Romance Passion "This is a great book that explores both the relationships of the characters, and the Regency era itself. Fun, entertaining, enthralling!"-Wendi's Book Corner "[A] fun, charming book... Frederica is a keeper, going on my bookshelf."-Lesa's Book Critiques "There was a playful, light-hearted feel to this book that, along with the engaging characters, totally charmed me."-Genre Reviews "The novel ends on a most satisfying note, and I can think of no better way of spending a chilly winter evening wrapped in a down comforter with my pooch sleeping by my side- than reading this gem of a book."-Jane Austen's World "Overflowing with fun and family, this warm, joyful 1965 Regency is one of Heyer's later novels and another popular title."-Library Journal What everyone has to say about the Queen of Regency Romance Georgette Heyer "Reading Georgette Heyer is the next best thing to reading Jane Austen." Publishers Weekly "[Heyer's] characters are witty and beyond charming, her prose is flawless and lighthearted, and her historical detail is immaculate."-Read All Over Reviews "Georgette Heyer is unbeatable." -Sunday Telegraph
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Everything I read in September minus Hi Honey, I‘m Homo by Matt Baume (cover not findable by the app and where would I have placed it?!) 17 books YOWZA

Frederica is my favorite with The Husbands a close second. I gave Tiger Eyes lots of stars, too but just couldn‘t get into the movie 🎥 😢

October is going a tad slower. #Sep2024 Litflu 43k

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Strong pick! Love Heyer‘s characters, always fun. Tho, the endings always feel abrupt and of course, a foregone conclusion, but she has to end it sometime. So many words to look up, too. Fun, fun, fun 🤩

#Sep2024 Book85 #AsheCoNCReadingChallenge category pub‘d 1965

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3w
AvidReader25 I read Grand Sophy by this author and loved it! Maybe this one should be next. 2w
BkClubCare @AvidReader25 - yes! This one 2w
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Bookwomble I often say "fudge" as a euphemised expletive (though I'm not shy of the f-bomb, either!). According to this article, perhaps it would be more healthy to entirely disregard etiquette: https://theworld.org/stories/2020/06/15/when-oh-fudge-won-t-do-researchers-find-... 4w
BkClubCare @Bookwomble - I was mostly amused that this is set in Regency England; author wrote this in 1965. I prefer to say “fudgecicle” 😊 TY for your comment 🥰 (edited) 4w
BkClubCare “Am I all about in my head?” 3w
BkClubCare “I daresay no female ever reaches her last prayers” 3w
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What a jaunty little read that was. My first Georgette Heyer. Love discovering #newtomeauthors. An enjoyable #palatecleanser ❤️

marleed What a lovely view from which to read! 7mo
LeslieO That‘s a great cover! 7mo
Rissreads That cover is gorgeous! ♥️ 6mo
LeahBergen Yay!! 👏👏 6mo
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Just look what my lovely colleague, who first alerted me to Georgette Heyer, gifted me today. She bought this 1965 edition online. It had no dust cover and has some slight damage (a name cut out of the title page). She photocopied the dust cover from her own rare edition and put it on this one! So thoughtful 🥰. Book people are the best. 📚🙏❤️

Balibee146 That's so cool 7mo
LeahBergen Lovely! 🥰 7mo
CarolynM How lovely! This is one of the Heyer‘s my friend leant to me. I WILL get around to it one day…😆 7mo
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I read this in one day! (A few weeks ago, I‘m pokey on my review 🙃)
I loved the beginning half, and enjoyed the whole book! The Marquis as a fatherly figure stole my heart ❤️ I loved Frederica, too, though I got rather put out with her in the latter portion with her uncomprehending treatment of Charis.

#LMPBC #GroupH

AlaMich Fun cover! 2y
TheAromaofBooks I loved this one!! 2y
mabell @AlaMich They came out with a few of these, and they are all so pretty! 2y
mabell @TheAromaofBooks Another great one! Such a fun family ❤️ 2y
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Quite pleased with my challenge progress this month. Obviously several books covered multiple challenges! 😂 Also I apparently got carried away and put MtTBR on here twice, whoops! Numbers in parentheses were my goals for that challenge this month. 27 books read & I should hit 6800pgs by the end of the day. January is always a strong challenge month since there are so many blanks to be filled, but I am hoping to continue focusing on the backlog⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) books.

Side note: I want to read my entire Roll100 list by the end of the year, so several of those books are up for other challenges, hence the two categories, one for the actual rolled numbers and one for total number off that list.

Thanks for hosting some great challenges!! @PuddleJumper @aperfectmjk @Clwojick @Librarybelle @AsYouWish
Librarybelle Great progress indeed!! 2y
AsYouWish Yay!!! Good job!!!💙💙💙 2y
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Clwojick Great job! Your organization speaks to mine 😊❤️ I‘m doing the same with my #roll100 lists. Hopefully I can read em all! 2y
TheAromaofBooks @Clwojick - A few years ago @kimmypete1 shared her book tracking spreadsheet. Since then, I've modified and edited it quite a bit, but it's an absolutely super fun way to track my stats both month to month and year to year. For instance, in January 22% of my reads were romance and 59% were books from my own shelves! 2y
Clwojick Love it!!!! I‘m much more of a paper and pen kinda gal, but I do love all the charts and tracking 2y
TheAromaofBooks @Clwojick - I do use my physical notebooks for the majority of my tracking, but the spreadsheet is so fun for stats since it does the math for me 😂 2y
kimmypete1 Love it!! I modify my spreadsheet some every year, always looking for fun and interesting stats! 2y
TheAromaofBooks @kimmypete1 - My biggest update last year was creating tabs for each month that pull in stats. Do I really need to know how many books I read in January that took place in North Carolina? Actually yes, yes I do 😂 2y
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It‘s here @TheAromaofBooks ! And the Reese‘s isn‘t going to make it to the next stop 🤣

#LMPBC #GroupH

TheAromaofBooks LOL That part is a special treat just for you. 😂 Some things just can't be passed on! 2y
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How can we already be heading into the last full week of January?? My #WeeklyForecast is to finish Frederica for #LMPBC and Not That Kind of Guy for the #TackleYourTBRbyColor challenge on StoryGraph. Then the next Cleo Fox mystery for a buddy read with my sister, and a graphic novel that came in for me from the library. We'll see how far I get as I have been a weird gaming-instead-of-reading mood!

Cinfhen Still collecting hearts & avoiding those critters😉 2y
Cinfhen I think I‘m gonna post my Feb bookspin list before I leave on Tuesday…. 2y
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Here's a surprise; this week's reading didn't go exactly to plan 😂 #BookReport this week - I did complete 2/3 of my #BacklistReadathon books and am currently reading the tagged book for #LMPBC. I also finished two of my chapter-a-day reads, Murder at the Vicarage and The Jane Austen Project, and read a random MG book from the 60s that wasn't on my windowsill at all, Indian Island Mystery. So a good week, just not a focused one!! @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Focused weeks are often over rated 😂♥️ 2y
PittsburghFemme Hello there! Will you please add me to Bookspin? Thanks 2y
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen - I thought you might feel that way 😂 #looseygooseyforthewin 2y
TheAromaofBooks @PittsburghFemme - Absolutely!!! Let me know if you have any questions about the challenge!! 2y
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Time to stack some readathons!!

My #BacklistReadathon goal is to read the next three Leaphorn & Chee books. For #JoyousJanuary I am hoping to read 7 books total, including the Hillerman books and the tagged book for #LMPBC . And of course, this all ties back into my goal to average 250pgs/day for #JumpStart2023 - I am currently ahead of schedule!!

@Clwojick @Andrew65 @Lizpixie

Andrew65 Best of luck with both readathons. Brilliant start to the year. 👏👏👏 2y
Clwojick Great job on your daily page count! 🥳💗 Let‘s do this!! 🙌🏻 2y
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I love this book so much. As in 10/10 for me. Frederica is a new favorite character. I love the story- it reminded me of a version of The Five Little Peppers all grown up and having romances …. If you‘re curious about Heyer this is my favorite and a great place to start (I think) #lmpbc

LeahBergen This is such a good Heyer! I‘m currently reading Sylvester and thoroughly enjoying it. 😊 2y
TheAromaofBooks I'm so excited about rereading this one!!! 2y
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Chrissyreadit @LeahBergen @Dragon thank you for recommendations! I‘m really glad Heyer was a prolific writer. I also would have never discovered her if it hadn‘t been for litsy 🥳🎉💕🙌 2y
mabell Wow high praise!! I‘m looking forward to it! 2y
julieclair Oh wow! Can't wait to read it! 2y
Dragon 💚🐉 2y
julieclair It arrived! 😃 2y
Chrissyreadit Yay!!!! 2y
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Would Frederica work for you? I‘m okay searching out more options- I just have not read this one yet. I‘m ok getting a Heyer or Wodehouse book or other in genre too.

julieclair Looks great! 👍 2y
TheAromaofBooks Oh I love this one!!! It's been several years since I've read it, so I would totally be into a revisit!! 2y
mabell Sounds like a good pick! 2y
Vansa I love Frederica. Super fun Heyer 2y
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An excellent recommendation from @indiaro and my first georgette heyer! One of my biggest pet peeves is when romances have really rubbish one dimensional side characters and this one had such well developed, fun and interesting side characters. I loved the yearning and the gentle humour. I‘ll definitely be reading more by the author!

TheAromaofBooks I love Georgette Heyer so much and Frederica is one of my favorites. I just really love how her characters bring the sass! 😂 2y
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I‘m finally embarking on one of @indiaro ‘s favourite books and loving it so much 🥰 I‘ve never read a georgette heyer before and I‘m enjoying it a lot.

Moray_Reads It's a good one! Recommend Venetia (my favourite) and Arabella too 2y
Emilymdxn @Moray_Reads thank you!! I‘ll add these to my list. I‘ve heard good things about arabella 2y
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Up to 3 Bingos @jenniferw88 #Jennyis30

I love Georgette Heyer and this did not disappoint. The humor was fantastic, both main characters were likeable. I think someone should create a trope bingo for Heyer: a dedicated bachelor, young protege, nobility... There was no cross-dressing in this one. I missed that.

@Reviewsbylola #classicschallenge2020

Geenie 👍👏💖 5y
Crazeedi Great job!! 5y
Butterfinger Thanks @Crazeedi and @Yoshi-and-a-book 😊 5y
Reviewsbylola Heyer is so good! 5y
TheAromaofBooks Oh Frederica is one of my favorites!! 5y
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I‘m up, had breakfast (poached eggs on toast) & now raring to go with the final day of the #MrBook1inaMilliom #24B4Monday Readathon.
With reading after midnight I‘m currently at 17 hrs 24 mins, Today I‘ll be finishing the audiobook of Frederica, & starting the audiobook of Rebecca. Then I will be reading the next section of my Group Read of The Bone Garden, as well as Starting Where Eagles Dare. A classical reading weekend. #litsyPartyofOne

Texreader I used to read Rebecca over and over again. It‘s been decades now. I should reread it. Enjoy! 5y
Andrew65 @Texreader Not one I‘ve read before, looking forward to it. 5y
night_shift Rebecca has been on my TBR list forever! I've heard it's very good. 5y
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Andrew65 @UnidragonFrag 🤞 Definitely one of the true classics. 5y
EadieB I love poached eggs! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Can‘t beat a poached egg and no added fat! 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 That‘s the best part! 5y
MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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At 3 hrs 50 mins for #MrBook1inaMillion #24B4Monday I started a new audiobook with a classic from Georgette Heyer. #LitsyPartyofOne

Rachel.Rencher I've never heard of this one! 5y
Andrew65 @Rachel.Rencher Has a rating of 4.17 on Goodreads. Enjoyable so far. 5y
MrBook Oooh, classics! ☺️😎🙌🏻 5y
Andrew65 @MrBook Currently trying to complete a challenge where I read a book published every year from 1920 - 2019 #CenturyofBooksChallenge 5y
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Today‘s been absolutely wonderful! A lie in this morning, breakfast with this charming novel, and then I spent the afternoon practicing watercolour painting. I‘ve been meaning to pick this back up again, and finally did it. I‘m quite rusty, (please don‘t judge my poor attempt, at free hand 🙈), but I know after a few tutorials, my technique (and confidence) will return. 🖼 I‘m in desperate need of new brushes too!

#artsandcrafts #georgetteheyer

LiteraryinPA How beautiful and what a nice way to spend the day! 5y
Julsmarshall What a lovely day, and a lovely painting! 5y
catebutler @LiteraryinLititz Thanks, Allison! It was a wonderful day. I was so hesitant to share, so thank you for your kind comment. 💓 5y
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catebutler @Julsmarshall Thank you, Julie! You‘re so kind. 🧡 5y
RvnclawWhovian Looks beautiful!! 5y
catebutler @RvnclawWhovian Thank you! 🥰 5y
MaGoose Looks marvelous! 5y
Tamra Better than I could ever do! (edited) 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Looks pretty 👍 5y
batsy Looks lovely! I have zero artistic talent and admire all of you who do 🙌🏽 5y
catebutler @MaGoose Thank you!! 💓 5y
catebutler @Tamra Ha! I felt like a little kid, I definitely need some practice. ☺️ 5y
catebutler @erzascarletbookgasm Thank you! 🧡 5y
catebutler @batsy I just wish I would have been better about keeping up with it, it really does go away if you don‘t work at it. 5y
LeahBergen Oh, how lovely (I‘m the worst artist ever). This was such a fun Heyer! 5y
Theaelizabet Oh, that‘s lovely! I wish I could do so well. 5y
catebutler @LeahBergen Ha! This is definitely rough, but I have new supplies coming and I‘ll be practicing like crazy! I just finished the Heyer and loved it, it was such a fun read. ☺️ 5y
catebutler @Theaelizabet Thank you, you‘re so sweet! Definitely need more practice, but it‘s been so fun picking up a brush and paints again. 5y
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1. Basically anything by Georgette Heyer.
2. Nope.
3. It‘s about the last spring-y day. 70 today, 80 tomorrow, 90 by Tuesday. 😭
4. Peas in tacos. 🤷🏼‍♀️😋
5. Heyyyyy (in my best Joey voice)

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Reader, I sporfled.

A Pick, with the caveat the heroine's love announcement was horrifically weak (a lot of this book is from the hero's pov, so we see him actively falling in love. The heroine, not as much). I'll try Heyer's Cotillion next.

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My book likes: romances that make use of the phrase 'unholy amusement.'

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Oh, I understand now, that m/m fiction I've been finding is just other readers having read Heyer and thinking, 'That romance is all very nice, but those two characters are obviously fucking.'

jpmcwisemorgan Clearly I‘ve been missing out. 6y
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@erista , thank you! I picked these up at my post office this morning. I look forward to reading these!

erista You're welcome. There should be one more book, but tracking shows it will arrive Monday. 6y
Librarybelle @erista ❤️❤️❤️ I‘m very excited to read them! 6y
LeahBergen Heyer! 💕 6y
CindyMyLifeIsLit Georgette Heyer is my comfort read author. I can pick up any of her regencies and be immersed in the world that she captured so much better than anyone else ever has. On top of that, her prose and humor are flawless! 6y
Librarybelle @LeahBergen @CindyMyLifeIsLit This will be my first time reading Heyer! 6y
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I decided to reread another favorite...

Frederica manages to take care of her family very well, but when she wants to introduce her sister into society, she knows she needs help. She appeals to her distant connection, the Marquis of Alverstoke, who finds himself entertained by the family and so agrees to sponsor a ball. Soon the bored cynic finds himself falling in love...

Another strong, clever, competent heroine and engaging minor characters.

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...need your five year old to hold the stack up. I LOVE #GeorgetteHeyer. And I‘ve already gotten two people to try her this year!! So who‘s next? I‘ve got 5 reasons why you should!! http://quirkybookworm.blogspot.com/2015/10/31-days-of-book-pics-favorite-author.... #bookstack #nicestack

Reviewsbylola Haha love this! 7y
emily_m_tubb 😂 I have 5 georgette heyer books just waiting on my shelves! I need to read them! 7y
mabell Yes! So awesome you're spreading the word! I ❤️ her books! 7y
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RadicalReader @jesshowbooks you can tell beyond a shadow of a doubt that the love for books is hereditary 7y
Alicia Omg I still haven‘t read the one you gave to me 🙈 I think I‘ll have to add it to the 2018 TBR! 7y
TaylorMay Ok you may have a 3rd. Where do I start? Are they all individual novels? 7y
kezzlou85 I picked up a bundle of these but not read yet. Have heard they're really good. 7y
AlaMich I am one of the two @jesshowbooks mentions (I think?) and I am so glad I tried GH. I started with The Grand Sophy on audio, and the narrator was awesome!! So if audio is your jam, I highly recommend getting your hands on that. 7y
Nessavamusic I actually have Frederica on my too read list as part of my #readharder challenge are there any others you recommend to start with? 7y
howjessicareads @Nessavamusic @TaylorMay about 50 of them are standalones, and then a few are loosely related, but still could be read out of order. Start with Frederica, Grand Sophy, Reluctant Widow, or False Colours. I love all of those! 7y
howjessicareads @AlaMich you aren‘t actually!! I converted you in 2017. LOLOL. 7y
AlaMich @jesshowbooks Ha!! You‘re a fast worker; you nabbed two people in the last two weeks?? 7y
howjessicareads @AlaMich Yep!! 😍📚 7y
LeahBergen There‘s the stack you were telling me about! ❤️❤️ 7y
Lreads I second @AlaMich on The Grand Sophy on audio. It's a wonderful story with a spirited heroine and a stuffy hero. I got a kick out of Sophy's father! 7y
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Fourteen books by one of my all-time favorite authors. #novemberbythenumbers

@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck

rubyslippersreads 😍📚😍 7y
merelybookish Beautiful stack! 7y
LeahBergen Love it! 💕 7y
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1. 4️⃣th Pic - Even though she hates when I do this, I screenshotted my daughter's (r) Snapchat story because she's away at Davidson College & I miss her
2. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas 🙏🏿
3. Drizzly & warm 🌦
4. Frederica by Georgette Heyer because news was getting me down so I needed a little historical romance 💕
5. Labor Day plans - Tailgating & cheering on the University of Georgia Bulldogs with friends & family! ❤️🏈🖤

Cinfhen Great pic 💟I'd totally do the same thing😊 7y
LauraBeth UGA 🙌🙌 also - Davidson is a GREAT school (but you know that already)! 7y
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Who am I kidding? I can't pick a #favorite book! But my #favoriteauthor is Georgette Heyer. I wrote a whole post a few years ago about why YOU should read her too! http://www.quirkybookworm.blogspot.com/2015/10/31-days-of-book-pics-favorite-aut... // #springflingreading

Melissa_J Wow! I didn't realize she'd written so many books. 8y
GypsyKat Wow, I've sadly never even heard of her. I'll have to check her out! 8y
smilingshelves Yes!! Your collection is something to aspire to, too. 😊 8y
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#springflingreading #startswithF

I thought there would be more books that started with F on my shelves, but I found a few good ones!


howjessicareads Yaaaay Frederica! That might be my pick too. 🙂 8y
BucklingBookshelves Kate Morton is one of my faves! Forgotten Garden was great :) 8y
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Fun - Frederica is so focused on her family she forgets about herself. Alverstock is, he would assure you, utterly selfish and uninterested in other people. And they cross, in a simple request for help...the HEA is quite reasonable and convincing. I like Felix, too - wish we could see more of him.

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