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Domina: The stunning new thriller from the bestselling author of Maestra | LS Hilton
Everything you thought you knew about Maestra . . . You don't. Judith Rashleigh returns in the stunning new thriller from the author of the Worldwide No.1 Bestseller, Maestra. PRAISE FOR MAESTRA 'Funny and clever, entertaining and well written . . . Destined for the bestseller charts' The Times 'A first-class thriller . . . Read it now before the entire world does.' Glamour 'A rip-roaring read . . . Sharp and extremely well written' Daily Mail 'Brimming with scandal, intrigue and mystery, this is a book that everyone is talking about' Heat 'Deliciously decadent . . . a glamorous and racy adventure' Sunday Mirror 'Set in a world of oligarchs, Mafiosi and dodgy art dealers, it also has in Judith Rashleigh a heroine you'll either love or loathe, at least two jaw-on-the-floor moments and sex scenes that would make Christian Grey blush' Red magazine 'A psychological thriller set on the French Riviera, rather like Patricia Highsmith crossed with Gone Girl, unsurprisingly, there's a film deal in the works' Harpers Bazaar - '10 Best Books for 2016'
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Domina | L S Hilton
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Didn‘t like it as much as the first one, but maybe just not in the right mood... still, first book done for #24in48 @24in48

Domina | L S Hilton
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Signing off for the night! Was hoping to finish this one tonight but I guess I‘ll finish it up in the morning instead. #24in48 @24in48

Domina | L S Hilton
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And off we go! Really enjoyed Maestra when I read it a while back, hope the sequel makes for a good start to #24in48! @24in48

Domina | L S Hilton
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Initial #tbr for #24in48. Not gonna get through all of these but I like to have options! Of course I might change it up later too... @24in48

Domina | L S Hilton
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I saw this at the library today and thought of you and your epic hate read of the first book @Yossarian

Domina | L S Hilton
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3 ⭐️ - I much preferred the first book whose plot was easier to follow. This seemed to be unnecessarily complex and dare I say pointless by the time you get to the end. But I do want to read the next book to see what becomes of our jet setting, art loving, ruthless sociopath, Judith.

Domina | L S Hilton
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Thank you @LibrarianRyan for the #bookmail . I love The Wonder pouch and the book sounds like a great thriller!

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Not even "so bad it's good" like Meastra was -- this sort of meandered boringly through sex and murder, sometimes half-heartedly stopping halfway through to blandly discuss Caravaggio. The plot revolved too highly around half-remembered poorly-reiterated minor characters from the first book, to the extend that the Whodunit reveal wasn't even a character I remembered.

If you want literary porn, look at this picture instead.

MegD511 That bad? 7y
Hollie Cool image, it is too bad the book sucked! 7y
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KathyWheeler Was Caravaggio in any way connected to the plot or was the discussion random? 7y
WarpedSweetness That's a great eye catching image! 7y
Yossarian @KathyWheeler A forged Caravaggio was the MacGuffin, but all of the art history infodump led me to believe there was going to be a twist (it's not a forgery after all! It was forged by another old master!) But sometimes a maguffin is just a McGuffin. 7y
Robothugs She's going to bend that page, forever ruining it. 😩 7y
Yossarian @Robothugs A person has an inviolable First Amendment right to control her own library. You cannot impose on others your own religious worldview that speech inheres to the embryonic page at the date of publication -- not at the later date when the speech is consumed by a consenting reader. (edited) 7y
Kappadeemom I bailed on it too. 7y
Crystalblu Ha! I saved that picture awhile back! ❤ 7y
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Domina was a highly satisfactory read for me. If you love your occasional indulgences in thriller and psychological mind games then pick the book up for a quick read this summer.

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Domina | L S Hilton
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Meanwhile, all is exactly as expected in Domina -- approximately one word that is exactly wrong in every sentence.

"It's not every night you get to swoop down the Champs-Elysées with a tranny on a moped and the warm wind in your hair."

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Domina | L S Hilton
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#bookmail from Yesterday. I already have a friend clamoring for the Lee child.

MrBook Ooh! Matching! 7y
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Domina | L S Hilton
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Physical Therapy = reading time, although I hate reading on the Aldiko app #smallfont

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In the first third of the book, Hilton has described a corpse's skin as disgustingly "puffed out like new bread" and her lover's belly deliciously "puffed out like new bread."

So do we like new puffy bread or not?

Lizpixie 🤔🍞🙅🏻 7y
emilyhaldi 😂 7y
julesG 😂😂😂 7y
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josie281 🤢 7y
Alfoster Well, at least I know I don't have to read it now!😂😂😂😳 7y
tournevis Editor, where art thou? 7y
brilliantglow Yikes. 7y
MicheleinPhilly "her neat lozenge of pubic hair" ??‍♀️ 7y
howjessicareads @MicheleinPhilly Haha. Same reaction to same sentence. 🤦🏼‍♀️ 7y
wintercherry I bailed on this book, and I rarely do that 😕 7y
Suet624 Very good question:) 7y
AnnaDesourdy It would appear that those two "thoughts" were a page apart. Am I seeing that right?! Where was the editor?! 7y
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You can try to distract me with an orgasmic, menstrual, lesbian cunnilingus sex scene, but you can't pull the wool over my eyes.

"Nidoric" isn't a word.

#LitsyAfterDark #ButLightEnoughToCheckTheDictionary

OhNoMersault 😝 7y
JoRead 😂😂 I wonder what the author was trying to say 🤔 7y
Yossarian @JoRead My first guess was "Ferric" because blood is often described as tasting like iron, but I can't quite trace how she would have gotten from there to here. 7y
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JoRead @Yossarian Perhaps it's part of the story, something she made up. 7y
Leniverse Closest I can think of is Nidoran, which is a Poison Pokemon. Perhaps their poison can be described as nidoric... 🤔😝😂 7y
StephanieMarie I'm sorry but.... crucified??? Disturbing word choice all around 7y
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"The tarts were directing operations with all the conviction and enthusiasm of motivational dancers at Hieronymus Bosch's Bar-Mitzvah. . ."


drokka Not having been at Heironymous Bosch's Bar-Mitzvah, I can't tell if that's sarcasm, or if it's meant to describe a superior type of motivational dancer. Either way, I'm not sure Mr. Bosch would be pleased that his dancers are being compared to (is this the busload?) of tarts. 7y
mjdowens I really need to get this one😂😂 7y
Chrys Please keep these gems coming, they are amazing 😂 🤣😂 7y
AmyG Hahahaha. I have been to some wild Bar Mitzvah's in my time, but nothing like that. 7y
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The plot has taken an unfortunately expected turn.

8little_paws 😂😂😂😨😨😨 7y
Soubhiville 🤣🍆🤷‍♀️ 7y
Leniverse 😝 7y
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Gezemice Subtle. 7y
Laalaleighh Like, what even is this book?! 7y
Yossarian @Laalaleighh "The international thriller that took the world by storm. A brutal murder in the streets of Venice. An impossible heist of a priceless work of art. A dark past she can't outrun. A relentless foe she can't outfight. After Maestra, she's back with a vengeance." 7y
nomadreader How does to compare to Maestra? I liked that on audio, where I often have a higher tolerance for such shenanigans when delivered wwll 7y
nomadreader *well 7y
Yossarian @nomadreader It picks up right where the other one left off. People having sexy and getting killed (or both) for no apparent reason. 7y
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Domina | L S Hilton
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Love this #booksleeve and still not sure about this book, enjoyed the first book but this one not so much so far. This sleeve is available in small and large http://etsy.me/2qEZ8GV #bookgogo

BookGoGo Thank you @Anovelobsession ❤😘👍🏻 7y
My_novel_obsession @bookgogo - you're welcome! Excited for it to arrive! 7y
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Exactly how does butter's colour change as it ages?

Cinfhen Oh god! You're actually reading this one? After 7y
tournevis New butter is pale yellow and slightly wet. Old butter is darker and waxy. 7y
tournevis Of all the things I know... I don't believe myself sometimes... 7y
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julesG @tournevis I second that! 7y
tournevis @julesG Butter or that I know useless stuff? 😋 7y
julesG @tournevis Probably both things. I'm considering myself "a walking encyclopedia of trivia". 7y
tournevis @julesG I hear you! 👊 7y
Anescapewithinthepages Butter that sits out is more of a bold yellow while 'new butter' is a pale yellow #whydoiknowthis 7y
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Last thoughts for Chapter One:

Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 non-sequitur false starts before you can finally settle down and decide what your paragraph is actually going to be about.

Also, "gaping prole." You keep saying "gaping." I do not think it means what you think it means. /inigomontoya

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Google gives me about a dozen hits for the metaphor "burning coal of shame."

"Domina" is the sole source, however, of the metaphorically dyslexic "freezing coal of shame." Maybe coal works differently in England?

alisonrose Maybe the coal is ashamed because it's cold? Like, "I'm such a failure, I had one job and just look at me..." ? 7y
Yossarian @alisonrose I think that would be a "shameful coal of frost." 7y
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Leelee.reads I don't think this author understands coal. 7y
BookMusings I find that writers often take a cliche and slightly change it so it's familiar but not a total cliche. The goal is to keep the meaning though. This misses the mark. Lol 7y
Dorianna Oh that is just a freezing fireplace of embarrassment. 7y
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Domina | L S Hilton
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Ok- I was trying to wait until closer to pub date to share, it today's prompt is making forget that! #sobaditsgood #maybookflowers

mllemay Ugh 🙄 thank you for this public service 😂 7y
Megabooks Wow! 😳😳😳 7y
Hooked_on_books Ew 🤢 7y
Reese_Pearly.Pages I'll be starting this next weekish. Got an arc, didn't make the mistake of pre-ordering on Nook again 7y
Hobbinol I would expect nothing less of a bar mitzvah for Bosch! 7y
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Finally have the time I need to devote to a close reading of "Domina." By page 5, I have already settled into the perfect mix of bad sex, inexplicable murder, and horrible writing that the author mastered in "Maestra." I think this quote fully encapsulates all three elements. #litsyafterdark

Megabooks I will definitely have to follow your reading of this! You did an impeccable job with Maestra! (edited) 7y
zsuzsanna_reads Why are you reading this??? This quote is just bizarrely bad. Or is it a "so bad it's good" thing? 7y
Tonton Must be so bad it's 😂 7y
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Yossarian @zsuzsanna_reads @Tonton I'm future generations, she will be studied for her ability to chose the perfectly wrong simile for any occasion! Note how, in the next sentence, the pink slimy corpse is described as "puffed out like new bread." Yum! (edited) 7y
Vanessa "Gaping"?! Is she catching flies with that thing? It's like you would have to try to write that badly. 7y
tournevis Ugh 7y
CherylDeFranceschi This one is much worse than Maestra that it was the best! Just wait... 7y
ReadingEnvy Ugh not for me, I couldn't even finish Maestra. 7y
Bibliogirl @LeeRHarry Seems the verdict on Maestra and the follow-up is universally 👎🏻 7y
LeeRHarry @Bibliogirl definitely 👎👎 7y
Laalaleighh How did maestra get a sequel? 7y
Yossarian @Laalaleighh It's billed as Book 2 of a Trilogy! 7y
Laalaleighh Wow. All those people who can't get published and this gets a three book deal. 7y
AnnaDesourdy Ah yes I'm so glad I found you again and you've found Hilton again 😂 7y
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Domina | L S Hilton
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And I got happy mail today?! 🤗🤗🤗🤗

MonicaAltman So how do you get on these lists? 7y
LinaLovesLit I love your Litsy feed! 7y
Jenni_Capps @Attila thank you!!! ♥️♥️ 7y
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Domina | L S Hilton
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Looks like I have a steamy crazy night ahead of me.

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It's here! I couldn't wait for the U.S. version to come out this summer, so I ordered it from Amazon.uk. The slow boat from London has finally arrived!

Betty How FUNNY --- I'm waiting for a program to start. The gal next to me is named Domina 7y
LeahBergen Nooooo!!! 😂😂😂 7y
RanaElizabeth This is exciting! I know that Maestra wasn't too highly rated but I loved its trashiness. 7y
Megabooks Oh dear!!! 😳😳😳 7y
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Ok- so you know when you're a kid and you get a gigantic mosquito bite and it itches like the devil? And you scratch it and scratch it and scratch it to smithereens? And then you get a scab, and you just can't help but pick at it until you bleed. Yeah. God have mercy on my soul- I've gone in. Can I explain this? Hangs head, sighs, thinks of all the amazing things she could be reading but nope, she is an idiot. 😔🤔😫😱

Zelma It's like eating Doritos; sometimes I want fake, processed crap. 😜 7y
CherylDeFranceschi @Zelma I know- but this is kind of worse than Dorito's- and I can't stop! 😫 7y
Zelma @CherylDeFranceschi like bag of Doritos topped by a pint of ice cream? 😂 7y
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CherylDeFranceschi @Zelma Exactly! 🤣😔🤣 7y
mllemay Bahaha!! Please rage-post your way through it so others (me) don't have to read it 🙏🏻 7y
CherylDeFranceschi @mllemay Will do! Although hopefully none of you will be so willingly dopey as I am! I try SO hard to never trash anything, but sometimes a girl just has to cut loose! 7y
mllemay @CherylDeFranceschi yay! And we all have our version of trash reading so no judgment from me 😉 7y
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Domina | L S Hilton
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Not sure when I'll be able to get Domina. It seems to have different release dates in different countries. Anyone going to Europe want to sneak in a copy through customs for me?

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Hahaha! Just can't wait for it can you? 8y
Yossarian It looks like it's coming out April 6 in the U.K., but not until July in America. I'm feeling discriminated against @Riveted_Reader_Melissa ! 8y
Cinfhen I totally remember your reading Maestra last summer. Those posts were hysterical 😂can't believe there's a sequel 😜if I spot the book I'll send u a copy 8y
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Yossarian @Cinfhen It's being described as the 2nd book in a trilogy, so the fun's going to keep coming! 8y
Cinfhen 🤣🤣🤣 8y
Christy2318 After reading that article, I kind of want to read this now. Sometimes train wrecks are interesting... 8y
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