Beautiful written book, loved the storyline, Kept me captivated from start to finish 😍5/5
1. The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord (so so pretty!) The Litsy cover is different to the cover that I like 😂
2. Nothing 💁♀️
3. Khaki green (eww 😝)
4. I don't know... 🤔
5. Will do ❤
I just finished this and am a bawling mess. This book was everything for me... at times it was funny, it was scared, it was dark, it was hopeful and at times it was even sad... but this book shows how even when your world is flipped upside down your friends (both old and new) will carry you. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wow... this hit close to home considering some of the kiddos I work with...
What a beautiful cover!!!
Onto the next one... #ya #ireadya #youngadult #yafic #contemporary
This was totally what I needed after a sad DNF and a could-barely-even-start. What a lovely and important book this is. On a personal level, it‘s really nice to read about a religious teen who isn‘t a caricature and who doesn‘t become an atheist because bad stuff happens. And I loved watching Lucy grow and learn and make friends, and even though the ending leaves you sad, there‘s also a beautiful message of faith and hope. Very good read. 4/5 ⭐️
Of all the things that can unhinge a person, seeing your mother cry has to be the quickest.
OKAY SO after a very saddening DNF and an annoying immediate rage-quit, pleeeeeease book gods, let this one get me back on the right path! Have heard so many good things... fingers crossed! #nowreading
✨I need to read #thenamestheygaveus by #emerylord sometime soon! I just loved her book When We Collided. Have you read any of her books yet? If so, what did you think?✨
✨I‘m finally getting around to posting a pic of my #bookhaul from Book Outlet from a couple of weeks ago! I‘m reading Jane Steele now. I can‘t wait to read the books here that I haven‘t read yet. I‘ve read Behind Closed Doors, Behind Her Eyes, and The Star Touched Queen before and I LOVED them! Have you read any of these books? What did you think?😀✨
Mother and daughter train reading. On way to London for some theatre going. HP and the Cursed Child and Hamilton 😁
First time we‘ve left Sansa 🐶 with others though,so we‘re a bit sad at the moment 😔
My most tenuously linked #bestoflists2017 is now up at #trishtalkstexts https://trishtalkstexts.wordpress.com/2017/12/17/lists-best-of-2017-names/ I loved them all. #bestbooks2017 #namesinbooktitles #yaliterature
I did not have huge expectations of this novel, so was absolutely blown away. Lucy's journey of questioning her faith resonated strongly in my heart. Lots to enjoy in this one - be prepared to need a few kleenex to make it to the end!
Tonight's book & music combo.
I'm not crying; you're crying.
HA! I was a very specific kid who was, for a while, VERY CLEAR that my favourite colour wasn't "blue," it was CERULEAN, the best blue. A pleasure to find a kindred spirit!
"The purpose of literature is to turn blood to ink" -- T.S. Eliot
I woke up to a gentle but steady rain ☔️ that will hopefully usher in the cooler temperatures of Fall & I couldn't be more excited! Frizzy hair will be a small prize to pay for sweatshirts ??, cups of hot chocolate ? & the first fire ? of the season!
#booknerd #bookish #librarybooks #ya #yabooks #cozyreads
How pretty are these covers! 😍 Been super slack posting 😩 I just finished The names they gave us, it was a slow start but oh my gosh I was in love by the end 👌🏻
#backtoreading #anditsaugust #family Day 31.
Five 2017 Young Adult novels that include family as a significant, positive and integral element of the plot. A diverse representation of parents, siblings, aunties, uncles and cousins... also a couple of sassy grandmas.
Thanks for hosting this August challenge @Tiffy_Reads and @JoeStalksBeck I really enjoyed participating.
4 ⭐️ "It is not the type of love that ends"
Such a good story! I wasn't sure what to expect when the book opened heavy with God, church, and prayer. But it turned out to be such an amazing story of love, coping, family, and friends. Some parts were a bit cliche and I felt like not all fights end so easily. Still a great book, but subpar ending for me. I hate not knowing definitively what happens. Otherwise, a very good read!
I really enjoyed The Names They Gave Us. While I am a spiritual person, I usually struggle when religion is heavily involved in a story. I didn't feel like this one had "too much" and in this case it added to the story for me. I did have issues with the ending, that alone gave me a totally different view of this book and lowered my rating.
One of the queens of contemporary does it again!!!!
This book was heart wrenching and honest, it was real and beautiful. I cried throughout the whole thing 😭 if you aren't one for books that talk about faith and God, don't let the synopsis fool you. Give it a chance, you never know, it may just change your life ✨💜
#bookworm #bibliophile
Beautiful. Beautiful and powerful and respectful and swoony and heart-wrenching and every possible glowing adjective imaginable. I'm a hard sell when it comes to YA Contemporary, but I trust Emery completely and this is hands down her best book yet.
Emery Lord never fails to make me cry. This book is about love and how it doesn't end. I can't go into anymore details because I will cry.
I just love Emery Lord. Here, a teen girl's faith is shaken when her mother's cancer returns. At her mother's request, she becomes a counselor at a nearby camp and embarks on a journey of self discovery. Beautifully written, with tears and smiles.
I've heard such good things about this book. Has anyone finished it yet? It's raining in Arkansas today so this is all I will be doing ☕️🍩 #whatimreading #thenamestheygaveus #reader #books
A blurb is any moment, thought, picture, or general comment related to your book. What's yours? #beautifulbook
#thenamestheygaveus by @emerylord
#bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelves #bookcase #shelfie #whenwecollided #book #books #bookish #bookstagram #instabook #instabooks #igreads #igbooks #bookworm #booknerd #booknerdigans #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookaholic #bookaddict #bookporn #bookphotography #read #reading #bibliophile #novel
☕️☕️☕️☕️.5/5: The Names They Gave Us is a beautifully written story with flawed yet wonderful characters that warm your heart. It truly is an emotional roller coaster, but it‘s a ride you won‘t want to get out of.
"Maybe I can pick faith even though it doesn't feel effortless anymore." Fantastic book, full 5⭐️ review on Goodreads (link in bio).
When I heard about this book's release, I was beyond excited. Finally, a Christian coming of age novel that wasn't cheesy and didn't shy away from struggle. Unfortunately, I guess I expected too much from this novel. This is not a Christian coming of age novel- it's barely even about Christianity. In fact, a lot of the Christian aspects are inaccurate. Because of this, I found the story unrealistic, and I was really disappointed with the story.
Emery Lord has done it again. I just want to take a moment and thank her for writing such an incredible story. This book was very dear to my heart in many aspects. As you have probably heard, this story is more than a book about cancer and religion. The Names They Gave Us tells the story of Lucy Hansson learning to grow up while still dealing with her pain and worry.
To read more visit www.yabooksociety.com
I'm currently reading this while waiting for DHL to ship my fairyloot. I'm a little disappointed at how Christianity is being represented, but I will continue so that I can give a full review.
“Who we are is written in the stars.”
A beautiful and heart-felt story.
The aspect that I love most about this novel is the loveliest thing called friendship. This book makes me want an awesome friendship group like this one too. Read this book if you love hilarious friendship groups.
Emotions are written beautifully. Raw human psyche brilliantly portrayed. It's a solid 4 stars read for me!
*Big thanks to NetGalley for the eARC*
Oh woow this book is just lovely!! 💜 better than i expected! I cried at the end of the story cause it was heartbreaking but also beautiful and thoughtful
I related so much with the MC about some issues including my faith
So yeah i guess i give this book 5/5 star 😊
#contemporary #bookworm
Book 56. Well written, the religious aspect was woven in nicely. I felt kind of left hanging though. What happened next?!
A lovely coming of age novel examining faith, family, loss, and just growing up. A thoughtful and emotionally resonant summer read.
There really aren't words for the ways this book resonates in my very soul.
There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen
Good YA novel🙂
Oh my god. This book, you guys. YA lit is seriously bringing it with the quality. This is absolutely fan-freaking-tasting, heart-wrenching perfection. Lucy's plans for her summer go sideways and she ends up working at a camp for kids who, as one character says, "have some serious checked baggage". This is a beautiful book about finding yourself and letting go of a lot of stuff. I don't want to give it all away, just. Please read it.
Did 4 hard hours of storm cleanup in the yard today. Now I'm showered and in my favorite Winnie the Pooh pajamas, I've got ice on my back, and I'm ready to read something light while watching my Rockies at the Reds. Looking for our rookie pitcher to get his seventh win on the season.
My mother-in-law finally got the call!! They found a liver and kidney for her! She is in surgery now. It will take 8 hours. Trying to read in waiting room but it's so hard to concentrate.