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The Women of Brewster Place
The Women of Brewster Place | Gloria Naylor
Once the home of poor Irish and Italian immigrants, Brewster Place, a rotting tenement on a dead-end street, now shelters black families. This novel portrays the courage, the fear, and the anguish of some of the women there who hold their families together, trying to make a home. Among them are: Mattie Michael, the matriarch who loses her son to prison; Etta Mae Johnson who tries to trade the 'high life' for marriage with a local preacher; Kiswana Browne who leaves her middle-class family to organize a tenant's union.
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I just love a book of connected short stories. And I remember watching the mini-series of this way back when.

TheBookgeekFrau I love Gloria Naylor's books 1y
quietjenn @TheBookgeekFrau I've only read Bailey's Cafe but loved that one. So far, this is terrific! 1y
TheBookgeekFrau @quietjenn My absolute favorite was Mama Day. Sobbed like a baby; it was great 1y
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Centique @TheBookgeekFrau me too! I love that book so hard! 1y
Centique This one is so good too. Brutal in parts but so brilliantly done. It was one of my top 10 reads a few years ago 1y
quietjenn @Centique @TheBookgeekFrau I will definitely be adding that one to the tbr pile. 1y
jlhammar Really enjoyed this one. I also loved Bailey‘s Cafe and Mama Day. Naylor is so good! 1y
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Women of Brewster Place | Gloria Naylor
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"hard-edged, soft-centered, brutally demanding, and easily pleased" ?
Finally reading this book.

Liz_M G. Naylor is a phenomenal writer. 2y
merelybookish @Leftcoastzen Have you read it? Writing is beautiful! 2y
merelybookish @Liz_M Have you read any of her other books? 2y
Leftcoastzen @merelybookish I haven‘t and I should 2y
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Women of Brewster Place | Gloria Naylor
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Thank you Mindi! You've spoiled me! A whole box of Godiva chocolates plus a book! Best kind of present!Thank you!! Thank you!! And thanks again @MaleficentBookDragon

LeahBergen Lovely! 😍 2y
erzascarletbookgasm A whole box?! 🤤 Merry Christmas! 🎄 2y
Bookishgal71 My pleasure!! Enjoy your book and chocolates. 💗 2y
Cathythoughts Beautiful 🤩 2y
Liz_M Fantastic book! Have a happy Christmas 🕯️ 🎄 🕯️ 2y
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Thinking of the #19822022 challenge hosted by @Librarybelle (I'll start it the first day after my 39th birthday which is on the 29th of Dec) I might pick this book as the first one...

Librarybelle Looks like a great choice! 2y
Dodi @Librarybelle Thanks! I must admit it took a while to choose as I don't know any of the books of that period, this is why this challenge is so much fun! ? I Googled "books published in 1982". How will you choose yours? 2y
Librarybelle Probably the same way as you did! Especially for those published in the 1980s and the 1990s. I have a lot of books on my shelves from the 2000s up to this year, so I think that‘ll be easier to just pull from what I have for the more recent years. 2y
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Dodi @Librarybelle Yes, that makes sense! 2y
kspenmoll I read your choice ages ago! This is going to be a fun challenge! 2y
Dodi @kspenmoll hope you liked it, it's very difficult to choose for the 1980s - 1990s, after that too much choice instead 😂 yes, I think this is going to be so much fun! (edited) 2y
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#GratefulHarvest - Porch: The Women of Brewster Place. Inner-city tenement housing. A dead-end street. A group of black women trying to hold on to life or at least a resemblance to ordinary living. Fighting to survive the crap that rolls downhill and lands in the laps of the poor and the disenfranchised and more often than not, women.👇🏽

Nute Strengthening against hard times, stifling times, men coming and men going and men trampling on hearts, sorrow, brokenness, emptiness, frustrations, faces of corruption, and deliberately maneuvered stagnation.
Snatching small bits of joy and laughter. Bravely fostering hope, perseverance, resiliency, strength and friendship in the face of nothingness.👇🏽
Nute When the effort of living diminishes strength, shatters the spirit and flattens dignity, they gather like sisters, like a village of wise women, like a tribe of healers. They gather in small rooms, at kitchen tables and on front porches to put back together that which has broken. To discuss, to debate, to rant, to talk through troubles and pass around vulnerabilities. To rebuild, renew and redirect their gaze to a brighter tomorrow.👇🏽 3y
Nute This book is well-done, every aspect…well-written, well-developed and well-told.
Highly Recommended!

This is another author gone-too-soon.
RIP Gloria Naylor.

Photo Credit: Pinterest
(edited) 3y
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TrishB Great review ❤️ 3y
batsy Yes, what a lovely review! And I love that image. I see I already have it stacked! 3y
Eggs Great choice❣️Naylor is a favorite - RIP 3y
Chelleo Love this image....I need to read this book...saw the movies years ago but don't recall much of the story. 3y
Nute @TrishB Thank you, Ms. Trish!💕 2y
Nute @batsy Thank you! Glad to know that you have it stacked. Can‘t wait to hear your thoughts when you get around to it. 2y
Nute @Eggs 💕 2y
Nute @Chelleo I really like this image as well. I was about to choose a still of Oprah Winfrey as Mattie Michael when I finally came across this one. It was a hands-down selection.🙂 2y
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Naylor weaves together the stories of seven women living in Brewster Place, a bleak-inner city sanctuary, creating a powerful, moving portrait of the strengths, struggles, and hopes of black women in America. Vulnerable and resilient, openhanded and openhearted, these women forge their lives in a place that in turn threatens and protects—a common prison and a shared home. Unforgettable!

Blueberry I saw the miniseries years ago with Oprah Winfrey in it. I think it was well recommended. 3y
suvata @Blueberry I will definitely have to go back and try to find the miniseries. The book was so good. 3y
Ruthiella I also loved this and have meant ever since to read more from Naylor. 3y
suvata @Ruthiella I put another one of hers on my TBR. I love how she writes. 3y
andrew61 Great review. Loved this book. 3y
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The penultimate chapter of this remarkable bk has left me devastated. The storytelling about 7 women's lives in a new York housing block is wonderfully written, capturing the humour,frustration,and relationships of the individuals, giving voice to their experiences which are varied and unique. The prose also was wonderful, it is not often that I stop my reading at a sentence but I did in this book which I feel want to reread straight away.

youneverarrived Great review. I‘ve wanted to read this for a while. 4y
andrew61 @youneverarrived id really recommend it , short but compelling. If you get to it will look forward to your comments. 4y
Centique Oh totally agree! This book tore my heart out. It was so well done though. 4y
andrew61 @Centique yes I think this beloved and americanah will be highlights of this years reading and inspiring me for more of their books in 2021. 4y
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I picked this up tonight and have just put down the first story about Mattie Michael. I know I am going to love this book and it will be one I want to keep reading but also savour. I just can't remember where I heard about it, I think it was referenced by a guest on either the women's prize podcast or the virago podcast.

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I just bought this for kindle for $3.99 I wanted to buy the paper copy but my mom told me not to which was great advice because now #Stormy is sick. I can‘t take her to the vet until tomorrow please pray and send good vibes or do whatever you do. Thanks. I love you all!!! ❤️❤️❤️😊😊😊

Texreader Awww, lots of prayers 🙏🏻 coming your way. Poor baby 4y
xicanti Good luck, Stormy. We‘re all thinking of you. 4y
Jas16 Hope Stormy feels better soon 4y
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#ReadSoulLit - Black Love: There was all matter of love in this book: good love, bad love, lousy love, decaying love, hoped for love, betrayed love, community love, I-Got-You love, sistah love, mama love and most importantly love of self.
What makes love vulnerable? What makes love resilient? What allows love a second & even third chance? When should love say goodbye and good riddance? Why doesn‘t love fight to stay? When can love come back?👇🏽

Nute These interconnected stories told it all through a myriad of struggles, hardships, complexities and heart breaks and then triumphant overcoming with a woven thread of strength, friendship, compassion, kindness and forgiveness.
This book focuses on a group of African-American women living in an inner city tenement and at first seems to be addressing love in brown-hues, but the author raises the story‘s impact beyond the initial premises.👇🏽
Nute This is every woman‘s story. This is every person‘s love telling. This is every human‘s hope. We want that sweet love, patient love, kind love, strong love, endearing love in all our relationships. Highly recommended!
(edited) 4y
TheBookHippie Oh I‘d read this again !!! I forgot about it! Such a beautiful one. 4y
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Geenie Nice review 👍 4y
Nute @TheBookHippie Yes! This is why I like doing the book photo challenges...sometimes you are prompted to revisit a book that you haven‘t thought about in years. This book is a showcase for stories of women finding their inner strength and discovering the uplift of beautiful and loyal friendships. 4y
Nute @Yoshi-and-a-book Thank you!💕 4y
TheBookHippie @Nute seriously digging in my library to find it back!! 4y
tracey38 Great review! 4y
readordierachel Lovely review! 4y
Nute @tracey38 Thank you!💕 4y
Nute @readordierachel Thank you, Rachel!💕 4y
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This...all of this. The characters not only jump off the page but grab you and pull you back into the story with them.

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I struggle with books labeled "women's stories" that are stories of abusive men and how they destroy women. Dehumanizes men (are all men monsters?) and women (women's stories are about men) at the same time.

Brewster's Place does not do this. It has the gendered abuser/victim dichotomy, but also very movingly writes about sisterhood and the women themselves.

Also addressing abuse is important.

Settings Focusing on this because after the 1st story I had this at "pan" because of this issue. Book redeemed itself. 5y
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Loved this interconnected set of stories. Heartbreaking stories - of abuse, violence, neglect & poverty, coupled with resilience, wisdom, strength & moral character - women as fighters and survivors. There's a feeling of hidden mysticism around the women and their effect on the universe. Written with compassion, lyrical eye for detail these glimpses into the life of these characters leaves you wanting to spend much more time with them all.

readordierachel Lovely review. Sounds great. 5y
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Sounds amazing and looks pretty! Perfect combination!

jploves2read I LOVE this book. I wish I could read it again for the first time. 🙂 5y
Mitch @jploves2read that‘s so good to hear. Can‘t wait to read it. 5y
asympteug N mon 4y
asympteug Jmgn mémé u mi 4y
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I gave this a so-so because the end wasn‘t satisfying. There wasn‘t really a resolution. The book was about the women and their lives, the courage they showed and what brought them to that place. The end was like, “well, who mourns streets when they die?” I understand that part of this book was to see the underlying issues, it could even be about gentrification in the end, but it could‘ve been handled better.


Gorgeous writing! Powerful, enriching, heartbreaking stories. Gloria Naylor is another "better late than never" writer introduced to me since joining the bookstagram community.

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Third book of #24in48 is done.

The writing in the book is beautiful. The stories are heartbreaking.

goodbyefrancie That looks like a well-loved book! It's a recommendation all by itself. 6y
Sace @goodbyefrancie it is a library book. I think it will be retired when I turn it in. When I checked it out we looked and saw that the library acquired it in 1995. 6y
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I'm done for the day. Clearly I get up too much because I felt like I spent all day reading and I didn't even clock in 8 hours. And I accidently reset the stopwatch after taking this picture. At this point I'm just hoping I can get 10 hours when all is said and done tomorrow. I have a new-found respect for all the folks who make #24in48.

Soubhiville Something to consider for next time- have an audiobook on your phone that you can listen to while doing everything not-sitting-down, like preparing meals. That‘s how I‘ve managed to make the full time before, it helps a lot! 6y
Sace @Soubhiville I will do that! 6y
Mollyanna You‘re doing great! I agree audiobooks save me for getting to 24. I also like to read novellas during readathons. They are quick and give you a feeling of accomplishment. 6y
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Sace @Mollyanna I should have put more manga and graphic novels on my list! 6y
Sace @Soubhiville @Mollyanna Omigosh! I abandoned my TBR plans today and did some audiobook chores. What a huge difference it's been! 6y
Soubhiville Yay! 6y
Mollyanna Woohoo! Audiobooks are my saving grace for readathons! 6y
Sace @Mollyanna I've definitely learned to use them more next time! 6y
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#24in48 #catsoflitsy

I've got the books. I've got the cat companion. I've got the timer. What I don't have is focus. I keep getting up every hour! Ugh! Only 4 hours??

CoffeeNBooks Lovely cat! My cat Whiskers looks just like that. 6y
Sace @CoffeeNBooks thank you! He's a little annoyed I keep getting up. 6y
cariashley I‘m right there with you at the 4 hour mark!! 😬 6y
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Sace @cariashley it's crushing my sooouuuullll.... 6y
WhatThePuck @RestlessFickleBookHoarder @cariashley I'm at the 2.5 hour mark. My family isn't onboard with the reading challenge. They keep asking me for things!!!!! 👿👿 🤣 6y
Sace @WhatThePuck my husband is staying out of my hair, but it's still slow going. *sigh* 6y
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Switching out my book for #24in48 #readathon!

Libby1 This one is so good. 6y
Sace @Libby1 Good to hear! 6y
KFinster I had the movie but havent read the book 6y
Sace @KFinster the writing is beautiful! 6y
Blaire This book is wonderful! One of my favorites that I read last year. 6y
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Just picked up my holds from the library. The librarian was kind enough to note the damage so I won't be charged when I turn it in. I'm just sad that for whatever reason this book hasn't been allowed to retire. I wonder if libraries accept donations for their collections.

LeahBergen 😮😮 6y
DivineDiana Very good observation! Maybe one of the Litsy librarians will answer that question. 6y
Sace @DivineDiana I hope so.. Is there a #librarians or #librariansoflitsy tag? 6y
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writerlibrarian There is no valid reason to keep a book in this condition in the collection, if it's not available to buy anymore that's what ILL is for. Books in this condition in the collection only project that you don't have to be careful with library books which I loathe as a librarian. 6y
DivineDiana @writerlibrarian Thank you. Good to know and hope this book gets rewarded for its service. 6y
RealLifeReading Poor book 6y
Sace @writerlibrarian thanks for the info. The librarian said it would probably be taken out of circulation when I return it. It probably hadn't been checked out in a while. 😕 6y
writerlibrarian @RestlessFickleBookHoarder if the book is not circulating it's normal that its condition can be a mystery. We have books on the shelves we have found with major damage and we found them through luck. When staff are made aware of the condition they usually put them out of circulation. 😁 6y
Sace @writerlibrarian maybe I should start requesting holds for older harder to find books. Maybe it will help with finding 😂 6y
Sace @writerlibrarian honestly I'm glad they still let me check it out instead of telling me they had to take it out of circulation! 6y
writerlibrarian @RestlessFickleBookHoarder we let the book go for one last time unless it's you know, totally not safe aka black stains, bacteria like stuff.. we've found things like that, people who put back wet books on the shelves are the worst. We found one with 🍄 that was so so gross in the return trap. 😱 6y
Sace @writerlibrarian eeeewwww! 🤢🤮 6y
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Another day, another brilliant collection of connected short stories surrounding a common place and theme.

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Black writers, women edition. ❤️

bookloo 👍🏽♥️ 6y
Gezemice Love it! Binti 😍😍 6y
JPeterson @bookloo 😊 @Gezemice Thanks! I can‘t wait to get my hands on the new Binti out! ❤️ 6y
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I had an English prof who compared certain types of stories to pounding on your thumb with a hammer—because it feels so good when you stop. He meant it in a good way. This book is like that. Gloria Naylor generally rips my heart out & dances on top of it, and then I thank her for it. These seven interconnected stories were beautiful and wrenching and so well-done. Recommended. If you‘re OK with the aforementioned hammering on your thumb.

BarbaraJean #LitsyAtoZ letter N is complete... 3 more to go! 6y
Libby1 Perfect review. I read this earlier this year and I agree. 6y
BarbaraJean @Libby1 Thank you! 6y
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Ain‘t nothing to be shamed of. Havin‘ a baby is the most natural thing there is. The Good Book call children a gift from the Lord. And there ain‘t no place in that Bible of his that say babies is sinful. The sin is the fornicatin‘, and that‘s over and done with. God done forgave you of that a long time ago, and what‘s going on in your belly now ain‘t nothin‘ to hang your head about—you remember that.

SassyBookworm Love this!! 6y
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Sick day plans. This would look like a glorious day... if I weren‘t sick! 🤒📚☕️

Tamra Beautiful teapot! Feel better! (edited) 6y
BarbaraJean @Tamra Thank you! 6y
LiteraryinLawrence Feel better soon! 6y
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Bklover I have that same teapot! Hope you feel better! 6y
Nuwanda Feel better soon! 6y
BarbaraJean @LiteraryinLititz @Nuwanda Thank you! @Bklover It‘s a great teapot! 😊 6y
Tamra @Bklover where did you find it? 6y
BarbaraJean @Tamra Mine is from Cost Plus/World Market, but I‘m not sure if they still have them. It was a gift from my husband a couple of Christmases ago. 6y
Tamra @BarbaraJean such a pretty color & design. 😃 6y
Bklover @Tamra I got it at World Market. Still had them when I was there recently. 😉 6y
Tamra @Bklover 👍🏾👍🏾 6y
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Lindy Two of these are 5 star reads for me also. The third is on my TBR, thanks to our conversation earlier this month. 👍 7y
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I fell in love with the recently-departed Gloria Naylor through these interconnected stories. Lesser writers leave clichés leaden and unexplored on the page; here, the stereotypes of African-American women's lives are transfigured into fresh truths—joyous and tragic—about race, gender, class, and sexuality: story-truths that go deep, speak volumes.

Libby1 This book is amazing. 7y
SharonSmith I read Mama Day many years ago and loved it - so i will add this to the list to be read. 7y
ReadingEnvy When I was in library school, I learned of Gloria Naylor from my friend Kristen. I read only dead white guys in high school and she read only people of color and women at her Quaker boarding school. So she'd never read Dickens or Steinbeck but I had never read the fabulous authors she knew. She sent me home first with 7y
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"Hush your fussing"—that went right inside me and just watch me insert it into conversation whenever appropriate from here on in! ?


LauraBeth ? you may want to amend it to "hush your fussin'" 7y
shawnmooney @LauraBeth Indeed! 😂 That's how it was uttered on the audio, so I was surprised it was not spelled that way in the text. 😻 7y
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Suet624 I remember eating cane and this brought all of those memories back in technicolor. And he's right. 7y
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I was incredibly moved by these interconnecting stories of women who have ended up in Brewster Place. The final story brought me to tears. It covers a wide range of black women's experiences - featuring women of different generations, sexual orientations, regions, classes. She is able to cover decades of experiences in each story and smoothly shifts time periods from one paragraph to the next. Highly recommend. #womenslit #diversebooks

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At the beach so using the same book two days in a row. Plus, Mattie and Etta's friendship is perfect for #girlfriends. These two women have each other's backs through it all. #anditsaugust #littenonvacation

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This book, which was my pick for book club this month is #mostanticipated #augustsmostanticipated. I'm a third of the way through and it is meeting my expectations so far. #backtoreading #anditsaugust.

JoeStalksBeck 👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️‼️ 7y
Blaire @JoeStalksBeck 😊. It's a heart-wrenching and powerful read. 7y
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Proud supporter of We Need Diverse Books!!

#24in48 #readathon #wndb

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This is the best book I've read this year. Every woman's story stopped my heart.

It's the story of seven women living in a run down block and how they each came to that point in their lives. With tragedy and joy and friendship and betrayal.

If you love Toni Morrison you really should try this in my opinion. Not the same - but the power to put you very quickly inside another life is there. A lot packed in to 198 pages.

rachellayown I love this one! It's one of my all time favorite books. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! 7y
Centique @rachellayown I was so surprised I hadn't heard more about this book (although I am on The Other Side of the world!) and then I read that Gloria Naylor died last year 😔😥 7y
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This is unbelievably good. 50 pages in and I'm 😳😳😳 this is heart wrenching and beautiful and Naylor uses narrative techniques I haven't seen before and I'm floored.

Had to stop and remind myself to breathe!

shawnmooney I really want/need to finally read this! 7y
JazzFeathers What a strage, inspiring cover. I inagin a fantastic story behind it 7y
batsy Yeah @JazzFeathers I keep coming back to look at this cover. 7y
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Centique @shawnmooney oh you'll love it I think! And it's quite short, 192 pages this edition, so easy to fit it in to the TBR. 👍 7y
Centique @JazzFeathers @batsy it's the story of a group of black women who live in a rundown building and how each of them got to that point in their lives. Just beautifully written, sadness and joy both in there. 7y
Libby1 @shawnmooney , @JazzFeathers , @batsy - I agree with @Centique . This one is well worth your time. I read it earlier this year. 7y
Blaire Going to keep this in mind for my feminist book club. 7y
batsy @Libby1 @Centique Definitely sounds like a must read. 7y
Mariposa_Bookworm I read this years ago and then watched the TV movie. Both are excellent! 7y
Centique @Blaire that would be perfect. Lots to talk about! 7y
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Such a beautiful passage. Why haven't I read her before?

Bookladylinda Love her!!! 7y
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She's taken to warming my feet while the hubs is nearby playing D&D over skype. 🐉💙 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #LoonyLuna

Megabooks 💜💜 7y
Zelma So sweet! 😻 7y
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Trying to start a new adventure this morning, but someone wants to snuggle #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #LoonyLuna

LindsayReads 😹😹😹😹😹 7y
Libby1 ❤❤❤ Lovely Luna looks like my Lola! The book is great, too. 7y
Faibka 😻😻😻 7y
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I really loved this "novel in stories" about women who love, lose, learn, and try their best to keep it together in a lower income neighborhood in an unnamed city. So well written, too. I don't think Naylor always gets the recognition she definitely deserves. #Blackhistoryreads

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"Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over. " ~The Women of Brewster Place

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This book is beautiful and brutal. Sharp and intimate. I feel as though I've been rubbed a little bit raw in the reading of it. Maybe it's affecting me so much tonight because we are living in unjust times. Being an amateur historian, I know that ALL times are unjust times.

Enough of my waffling.

Just read the book.



Notafraidofwords "All times are unjust times" - I needed to hear that. 7y
kspenmoll Felt the same when I read it years ago- your response makes me want to revisit the book. 7y
Libby1 Excellent, @kspenmoll . 💜 7y
Libby1 @Notafraidofwords - I hope your day has been hopeful. 🌈 7y
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Finished 8 out of 14 📚 from January's TBR stack plus 15 more. Still working on a couple in this stack.

BookishMarginalia Nice! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 7y
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The late Gloria Naylor's debut novel is So. Damn. Good. These stories, of seven different women, are so stark and beautiful and heartbreakingly real. Can't believe I haven't read this before now. Can't wait to read more of her work!!

celtichik Also if you can find it, Oprah put out a miniseries based on the book. I remember Robin Givens was in it, it was what started me on Naylor. 7y
specklife Yes! I watched it about 100 years ago when it was first televised. I think Oprah herself was in it, too, wasn't she? 7y
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Libby1 Just bought this one yesterday! 7y
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I've got planned reading and then I run into "I've got to read everything this author wrote sometime this year." I think Gloria Naylor is taking me down path B right now. I love finding an author who interrupts my reading plans.

rachellayown ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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#LitsyQuiz Selection #3! So far, you're 2/2 Litsyans! Some among you knew the first 2 books. Now, how about this third title? Have you read/owned/heard of this one? 😊👍🏻

Alfoster Yup! This one I've read! 7y
PatriciaU Oh, I know this one! It was TV miniseries, too, with Oprah in one of the lead roles. 7y
merelybookish Haven't read it but mean to. Naylor died this past year. 7y
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Bookzombie This is on my list for the Litsy Reading Challenge. I will be my first Naylor. 7y
RobinW Yep. I read this one last year. 7y
megnews I have this checked out of the library now for my January tbr. One of my #litsyatoz challenge reads. 7y
SaturnDoo Yep, I own this one ☺ 7y
TNbooklover66 Yes. I've read this one! 7y
BarbaraJean You stumped me with the first two, but this one I know! It's on my TBR, but I read Mama Day for a college class and loved it (also the sort-of prequel to it, Bailey's Cafe). 7y
RealLifeReading Heard of but not read it 7y
suvata You got me on all three. 7y
BookNAround Read this one way back in high school for a Literary Outcasts class. 7y
Scurvygirl Yea!! One I have heard of and even have an idea what it's about. Haven't read it nor is it on my to read stack, it's just not one that's up my alley! 😂 7y
Peddler410 I'm sorry, i don't know this one either 😳 7y
SaraBeagle Yep! 7y
Kaylamburson Yes! Loveddd this one. Read it in high school for my Modern Novel class. The Men of Brewster place was also good, but not as good as this one! 7y
LeahBergen Yep! 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 I've definitely heard of it bc I already had it stacked. Lol Now if I can only get to all of these books!! 7y
prowlix Definitely heard about it and Gloria Naylor has been moved up my TBR since she passed away in 2016 😥 7y
Erynecki It's been awhile, but I have read it! 7y
Mamashep Heard if it. It was made into a movie (for tv?) starring Oprah Winfrey. 7y
Suetara Yup! 7y
ultrabookgeek I've been recommended this book many times - I hear it's fantastic! 7y
Tanner I've heard of it but didn't know it was a book. So whoot-woo, I have a big 0 on the quiz! 😆 7y
CherylDeFranceschi Such a great book! 7y
BeckyRoy Looks good! 7y
azulaco This is the only one I knew. 1 for 3! 7y
RebeccaLHoward Heard of it. 7y
rjsthumbelina I LOVED Mama Day by Gloria Naylor. My favorite read from my women and witchcraft class in my undergrad days! Always wanted to read the rest of her stuff, too 7y
OneLitChick Great collection! I read it YEARS ago! 7y
AAdamson Heard of it, but haven't read it. 7y
quirkyreader Yes I have heard of this book. And I remember all the excitement when the film came out. 7y
Abby2 Heard of but not read 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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Hauntingly beautiful. A work of art.

post image

One more #creepycovers...

I love this book and own several copies, but this edition's cover is slightly creepy. The white eyes make her look like a zombie woman. Anyone agree?

badnorthern Creepy 👀 8y
Kimzey Great photo! It makes the cover even creepier. ☠ 8y
Linsy Yes!! So creepy. 8y
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