Love this author and this book so far! Super interested to see where this is going. 🧠🤔📚#bookquotes
Love this author and this book so far! Super interested to see where this is going. 🧠🤔📚#bookquotes
I‘m reading The Fact of a Body just after finishing episode 6 of Unbelievable... I‘m on a serious true crime kick this week. Has anyone else watched Unbelievable? I‘m absolutely loving it, and this book, so far! 🔎🔪👣
I‘m starting off 2020 fresh and honest, y‘all.
This year, I‘m lowering my expectations and keeping myself accountable. It has truthfully been a very long time since I loved reading, and I desperately want that to change. So in 2020, I‘m going to read one really good book a month, and at least 20 pages a day, in the hopes that it isn‘t too late for me to hop back onto the reading bandwagon. Wish me luck! 📚😊❤️
This book was honestly so good. Adiche does a wonderful job of tying themes of religious fanaticism and intolerance, familial abuse, and political unrest into this coming of age story. Kambili, at the center of it all, is simply trying to figure out where she fits in and how to cope. It really is beautiful and heartbreaking, and I highly recommend this book if you haven‘t read it.
The New York Times has a new challenge for those of us who want to become better readers. I dunno about you guys, but I definitely struggle sometimes with getting into the books I want to read and staying interested.😅 So I thought I would give it a whirl and see if there might be something in here to help me get back into the reading groove. Here‘s hoping they‘ll have some good advice for me! 🤷🏻♀️
One trip to #McKays, one #Nashvillemeetup book swap, and a few ARCs make for one seriously large book haul. It‘s been a good weekend. 😊📚
Anyone else have this problem?? 😂 it‘s not like I was trying to read or anything.
Anyone else like to read the acknowledgments at the end of a book? These were particularly entertaining.
Another from Vandermeer that I thoroughly enjoyed. Definitely recommend if you like crazy fantasy worlds with larger than life monsters/people.
On a side note, this book has led me to reprimand my cats by telling them they/the things they‘re doing are ‘Not Nice‘. 😂
Wow! It‘s really been a while since I posted. This book is so strange, but in a good way! We‘re in New Orleans for the weekend, so reading it now to pass the time until we leave to explore more of the French Quarter!
I‘m taking a writing class and our assignment this week is to subtly retell a classic fairy tale or myth. You can bet I was excited to pull these bad boys out. Can you say over prepared?? 😂😂😂
Soo... confession time (I‘m fond of those lately, aren‘t I?) I‘ve never read Outlander. I tend to stay away from the really popular series like that, just because I‘m slightly oppositionally defiant, but I feel like it‘s time. My mom loves the books and the show, and I watched an episode with her the other day and it was so good that I was finally convinced. So starting this one today! Wish me luck!
Just a quick and easy read from one of my go-to‘s. Romance novels have always been my guilty pleasure, and this one was everything a good romance/mystery should be. Cheesy and cute with a good little twist at the end. Not my favorite of her books, but still very enjoyable!
So I have a confession to make.... I‘m really bad at libraries. I have a terrible habit of taking books out and never returning them, and as a consequence I haven‘t been back to my library in YEARS. Well, recently I‘ve moved to a new county where they don‘t know my reputation, and GUESS WHAT? They have a library card specifically for ebooks. Which is like, HELLO, perfect for me because I can‘t steal them. I‘m totally stoked, guys!
Okay... why did I wait so long to read this?? Though I am glad I was able to read it as part of an #LMPBC group and get everyone‘s feedback. This book could be pretty disturbing, but ultimately had a good ending and some beautifully written passages that I felt more than made up for the horrors. This was right up my alley and had me hooked from the very beginning. Thanks @whippoorwill815 for the awesome pick! ❤️🦋
Thin Mints and a good book... what else could I possibly need for a perfect evening of reading? Oh, and did I mention the cat on my lap? Like I said, perfect.😻
So I‘m finally starting to make my way through this one and get back into the reading groove. I feel like I‘ve been away from Litsy for like ten years, and I miss you guys! All I can say is life is crazy and I seriously need to learn how to make time to read.🙄 @callielafleur I‘ll be sending this one out to you very soon, and then it‘ll be on to your book! Sorry for being a hoarder!😅
@Amanda61 hello again! I‘m sorry it‘s been so much longer than you were probably expecting, but I did finally get the next book sent out today! I also realized belatedly that I wrote LMPBC on the outside of the package. Lol 🤦🏻♀️ please just ignore my scatterbrained self! Anyway, it should be there on Thursday. I hope you enjoy it!
Wow it‘s been forever since I posted anything on Litsy, but with a move and a trip overseas life has been seriously hectic. @aschermetz I just wanted to let you know that I did receive your book the other day! I really need to get back into the reading groove and finish these #lmpbc reads. Like, for real, I‘m pretty sure the rest of the world has moved onto round 4 without me.😅 Anyway here‘s a little bit of puppy love and a promise to catch up!
So I actually finished all three books in this series over the course of my 2 1/2 week vacation and they were SO GOOD. This was the perfect conclusion to the story and I didn‘t find myself disappointed at all. I still think the 1st book was the best out of the three, and my favorite, but I didn‘t lose interesting while reading any of them. Definitely a good and entertaining choice! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Well... that‘s number two down. And I though I read the first one fast! This series is addicting and I highly recommend it to anyone who has not yet read these. Especially if you‘re a giant fantasy nerd like myself, or looking for a story that feels like Narnia or Harry Potter while being something entirely more grown up. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
For all my fellow Shakespeare nerds... tonight I‘m living the dream and seeing a play at The Globe Theatre. I‘m so excited!!
Five books and a wee Nessie bookmark... and I haven‘t even been to England yet.😅 (Also, fun fact, everyone in Scotland uses ‘wee‘ like Americans use the word ‘like‘, it‘s my favorite thing)
You guys... I absolutely blew through this book. Why did I wait so long to read it again? It‘s weird and hilarious and sad, and I couldn‘t put it down. Now on to the second and the third and then the TV series!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I‘m sure some of my other Litten friends have been to Scotland before, but if not, I highly, highly recommend it. This is just one of a hundred spectacular views on the drive up from Loch Lomond to Loch Ness. I brought The Magicians with me to read, but how can I focus with this view? I am SO amazed by this place.
So I just wanted to give everyone a bit of an update. Barring any (further) flight delays, I‘m going to be out of the country until Oct 14. So @Amanda61 and @callielafleur your next books will likely be a little delayed as well, but I‘ll get them out to you as soon as I can! #lmpbc #genreswappbc #airportdrinks
1. Cats, cats, CATS
2. Sphinxes are pretty freaking cool. Anything from Greek mythology, though.
3. Lol Snakes alllll day. I am not about it
4. Well my patronus is a doe, so I‘ll go with that.
5. Definitely a house cat
Wow, these book swap picks have been phenomenal lately! I could not put this YA novel down, and read it almost entirely in one sitting. Slightly psychological, a lot creepy, and super inventive, this book gets a 4/5 from me! Thanks for the pick @MommyOfTwo ! #genreswappbc #styleexchange
So I bought some cookies and read about 3/4 of this book, because I really just can‘t put it down, and I do not regret any decisions made today. #styleexchange #genreswappbc #macarons
What can I say except for wow! This book was great and I‘m so glad you introduced me to Paris @aschermetz ! I only figured out the twist completely in the last few chapters (which is really impressive to me) and the lead up to it was still awesome. I can‘t wait to hear all of your thoughts! Batman also approves.👍🏻📚
#lmpbc #round3
So I‘m obviously very behind with the #styleexchange swap, due to a bit of struggling on my part to keep up with all my reading, but I finally finished The Mothers and got it sent out. I liked this novel a lot, and really appreciated the compassionate way Bennett dealt with a lot of important issues. The characters were very real, and the story very touching. @Amanda61 sorry this is so late, but you should have it by next week! I hope you like it!
Alright, I finally finished it! I really enjoyed this weird, sweet book. Her writing is a little all over the place but her characters and their stories, I think, more than make up for any of the difficulties I had with it. @callielafleur it‘s on its way to you and will hopefully arrive in a few days. I forgot to take a picture before I sent it out, so here is my sunbather instead.😂 #lmpbc
Okay... just wanted to let you guys know that I haven‘t abandoned you! I may just be a little in over my head with all of my swaps.😅 @callielafleur I‘m planning to finish my book this weekend and get it out on Monday. Sorry for the hold up!
My recently arrived #bookhaul from Book Depository has got a little bit of everything! I‘m loving the Ravenclaw version of the special edition HP novels, and I‘m looking forward to getting some mythological reading in before my trip to the UK in September!
On that note, do any of the UK littens out there have any recommendations for things to see (or not to see)? We‘re planning to spend time all over and we‘re open to anything!
I have to admit that I‘m feeling a little underwhelmed after finishing this. I very much enjoyed the story and Tudor‘s writing, but after seeing so much hype for this novel, I was unimpressed by the ending. My opinion might not be so harsh if I hadn‘t read Final Girls previously, which kind of wipes the floor with a lot of other thrillers, including this one. Still I found it a solid 4/5, which makes it a pick!
#genreswappbc #styleexchange
I have got a serious stack of books to get through in the coming weeks! Between work and a real disinterest in pretty much every book I‘ve tried lately, I haven‘t read as much as I would have liked to this summer. I‘m sincerely hoping that #LMPBC round 3 and #genreswappbc are going to pull me out of my lull.
Hey guys! I‘m super excited to get started on round 3 of #lmpbc and I think our group is going to be a lot of fun.
These are the two books I‘m considering, though I think I‘m leaning towards Mr. Splitfoot. Let me know if there‘s one you‘re more interested in than the other! Do you guys have any books in mind, yet?
Also, @aschermetz it looks like I accidentally mistyped my zip code. It‘s 28269 instead of 28268.😊
I finished this a few days ago and totally forgot to post! This was super cute for a children‘s book, although I do wish that maybe the ending hadn‘t happened so rapidly? I feel like we spent a ton of time with her family (which is great!) but didn‘t get to see a whole lot of her bonding with beast. Otherwise, I had fun with this read!
Hey guys! So I know it‘s been a while, and that I skipped a couple of posts, but I haven‘t had much time for Litsy recently so I decided to just make one final post to discuss Only Human and the whole series.
So for those of you who have finished it, did you like the way everything ended? Were you satisfied? Or do you still want to see more?
Let me know what you think and if you have any questions of your own, please post them!
1. Amanda Quick/ Jayne Ann Krentz‘s books in general, but especially her Arcane Society series. Supernatural + Romance always sucks me right in.
2. I suppose I‘ll say the first Avengers movie. I in no way feel guilty for my love of it, but maybe only slightly for the sheer number of times I‘ve watched it.😄
3. Chocolate, chocolate, CHOCOLATE 🍫
Wow, sorry I‘m so behind you guys! I started a new job the week before last and haven‘t been able to spend as much time on Litsy as usual.
So I think we‘re all at pretty different points in the book, but how are you all feeling? Has the narration on the audiobook improved any? Is anyone okay with the absence of certain characters who shall not be named (in the main post) to avoid spoilers? Because I‘m totally not.😭
Sorry guys, my weekend has been crazy! So we‘re back! How is everyone doing with the book so far? Has anyone finished it completely yet?
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Obi-Wan Kenobi, though Aayla Secura gets an honorable mention because she was the only female Jedi on battlefront 😂 (I forgot about Captain Phasma, but she also gets an honorable mention).
3. I‘ve never actually read any 🤷🏻♀️
Hey guys! So here is the planned schedule for Only Human. The book releases on Tuesday, as I‘m sure you all know, but I want everyone to have time to get a copy in their preferred format. So our first week will officially be 5/6 - 5/12, but I totally don‘t expect anyone to wait that long, myself included.😅
I think @GarthRanzz ‘s Saturday may have gotten a little busy (and with my track record I totally can‘t blame you lol), so, since I actually remembered for once, I wanted to go ahead and post something before I totally pass out for the night.
I think most of us finished the book early, because it really is hard to stop with this series, and I really want to hear your final thoughts! How did you feel about that ending?
This is a fantastic continuation of this series, in my opinion. I felt like the characterization was a little weaker than the first novel, and I have to say I‘m still pretty distraught over the turn events took, but I totally wouldn‘t have it any other way. I‘m really looking forward to Only Human‘s release on the 1st, and especially since I already pre-ordered the ebook! 😏😻📚
This novel was just okay for me. I found it a little depressing, as Perrotta‘s take on suburban adulthood is bleak at the best of times. His whole perspective is very negative, though I believe he was simply trying to be realistic. Fortunately, not everything in life is shrouded in dishonesty and disappointment, so I had a bit of difficulty connecting with the story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Apparently I‘m just really, really bad at remembering to do things on Saturday. ☹️ Sorry I‘m having so many issues with this guys, but my memory really is awful.
Anyway, how do you guys feel about Eva and her relationship with Vincent? And what about not having the interviewer anymore?
Did Dr. Franklin‘s revelation at the end of the chapter shock you as much as it did me?
So excited that my hold finally came through for this book! I feel like I‘ve been waiting ffoorreevverrr to read it. 😂😮📚
Hey guys! So I‘ve realized that it‘s probably going to take everyone a couple days to get ahold of Only Human, so I was thinking we might take a week off after we finish Waking Gods. This would mean that we would start the third installment on May 6th, giving everyone some time to find a copy! How do you guys feel about possibly taking a short break?