Cryptofauna by Patrick Canning is a weird out of this world novel that has hints of David Wong & Douglas Adams.
Cryptofauna by Patrick Canning is a weird out of this world novel that has hints of David Wong & Douglas Adams.
The romance was charming though I would have liked less of the drama.
I wish I loved this book as much as I loved the description.
One of the most emotionally draining books I ever read was Columbine by Dave Cullen. It was brutal, heartwrenching, and important to read. Today is the anniversary of the Parkland school shooting. Today is also the day I start his new book Parkland. It's important to never forget what happened. #ParklandStrong
Currently listening to Rock Chick. Honestly, I‘m struggling a bit. I love the story and the characters are awesome/outrageous but the writing is so repetitive.
This is honestly my favorite romance that I have read. If you haven't read Samantha Young, you're truly missing out. She quickly became one of my favorite authors and has yet to disappoint me. The characters, the plot, literally everything about this book is beautiful.
This book was phenomenal. The research that Michelle & her editors put into this was simply impressive. I was constantly in awe while reading this book. This is probably one of the top true crime novel that I have read. Michelle has a way to pull you into the story and leave you wanting to continue on her hunt (which thankfully we don't have to do now that he is caught).
Well... who needs a good nights rest anyway. So far this is fascinating and completely horrifying.
I finally finished this book & boy was it a ride. I felt like it dragged a bit but all in all I liked it.
I‘m so sad that this book is over! Sylvain Neuvel, you are a master at creating engaging characters & plots! I really didn‘t want this book to end.
Time to finally read this book. I hope it is as good as everyone says. I‘m always hesitant when it comes to mysteries. I can only hope it is a true psychological thriller!
I just finished my 39th book this year! Falling for Mr. Slater by Kendall Day (Grey) is hilarious, steamy & touching. This earn 4 1/2 Caffeinated Stars! If you like hilarious characters & an interesting plot line you should give it a read when it is released on May 25th!
I have to say, I am definitely enjoying this ARC.
I am loving this book so much I can‘t bring myself to finish it!
I‘ve only listened to 9 chapters & I am completely hooked! I am loving it so far!
I really enjoyed this though I wish there was more of a conclusion after each story.
This book really is powerful. I‘ve cried too many times throughout this book.
I‘m enjoying this so far! It isn‘t my normal genre though.
I really wanted to love this book. It basically had everything that I could have possibly wanted, a hot and outrageous male lead and a sassy spitfire woman but unfortunately this book just didn't jive with me. I never felt connected to the characters and for me that is a must. It felt very over the top and not realistic or even plausible. The chemistry seemed forced and I just wasn't that impressed. I wasn't impressed but it wasn't awful
I‘m only 2 minutes into this audiobook & I already know I‘m going to love it!
So I officially finished this book. I listened to the audiobook and I have to say, I‘m not that impressed. The book dragged on & honestly I felt like John Berendt went on random tangents throughout the book. I enjoyed the parts relating to the true crime aspect of the novel but I felt like I was reading an armchair travel novel most of the time.
I‘m not sure what I think of this. It‘s a book club book & I‘m still not sure if what the point of this book is.
This book just kept getting worse and worse. I had to bail.
I am loving this dark & gritty romance!
This book was amazing! The artwork was beautiful and it enhanced the simplicity of the story. #Netgalley #AnneofGreenGables
I truly thought that I would be bored with this book but it is amazing to hear what Scott Kelly has gone through. It is inspirational in a “I will never be that motivated” way.
Have you ever read a book that speaks to you on so many levels you cannot help but smile and cry that it is over? I just had that experience. I am a broken ball of emotions right now simply because I am no longer in that world.
The characters though young, were interesting to read about and I think that many people will be able to relate in some sort of way with one of the Wiggins kids.
For those of you who are on the fence with this book, I will say to give it a shot. Sometimes you really can separate the art from the artist.
Well, I officially have the eBook version of this book too. Got to love requesting on Netgalley with the description alone and getting a book you already have.
The best part about reading a physical boon is the fact that I finally get to use my homemade bookmark!
I am surprised with how much I am enjoying this book. I tend to find most of the dystopian novels annoying in the fact that they borrow so many elements from other books but this is pretty good. I admit, I am struggling with how young Ender is.
I am absolutely loving the ARC! I am only 30 pages in and I don‘t want to put it down!
Keep in mind you're annoying to those uninitiated in the jargon.
As someone who used to work at Barnes & Noble, we too hate the movie tie in covers. We want you to find your next favorite book or author. We love books. Don't judge us as cookie cutter employees because we work at a bookstore chain.
Honestly, I wasn't a huge fan. I wish that it didn't read like a text book.
I just finished the running the midnight release party. I cannot believe how many people came. I am just so excited. I think I might cry.
Honestly, how do you even put into words how much a series means to you? This was the best I could do.
9 years later and I still cry when a character dies. #DeathlyHallows #HarryPotter @24in48 #24in48 #HarryPotter #DeathlyHallows
I am currently doing a rereading of the Harry Potter books. Honestly, I struggle with the later books. I struggle not because I hate them but because I hate all of my emotions. Damn you J.K. Rowling for making these characters so amazing & lovable. #HarryPotter #DamnTheseEmotions
9 years ago today I crossed state lines to buy Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I miss midnight releases. This is still one of my favorite books!
It is really hard to imagine how much a book can transform you until it already has.
Well, this book confirms that I just cannot stand mysteries. The narrators were fantastic but I was not a huge fan of the plot.
@Liberty these are some of my favorite bookmarks. I made them while I was a manager at Barnes & Noble. We played "Romance book vs. SciFi book." I still use mine when ever I read a physical book.