“I‘m starting to suspect that werewolves can‘t get drunk, which just might be the most unfortunate part about all of this.”
“I‘m starting to suspect that werewolves can‘t get drunk, which just might be the most unfortunate part about all of this.”
Failed at being an ARC reviewer because I‘m just too punk…
Hot tip: If you want a better review, write a better book. Or maybe edit the fucking thing before handing it out to reviewers.
This Melbourne bookshop though: absolute heaven. Bringing an extra suitcase next time!
#bookstagram #booksbooksbooks #books #punklife #punkbooks #punkbookstagramers #punkbookshop
How to ruin something you enjoy 101:
#ipreview via @preview.app
Take something you enjoy casually and don‘t overthink, then use it as the basis of an assignment.
Bonus points if you don‘t quite get the assignment and it‘s a video presentation.
That is all.
#bookstagram #thelordoftherings #tolkien #university #literature #books #curtinuniversity #openuniversity #fantasy #classics #fantasyclassics #samwisegamgee #samwisegamgeeismyhero
I‘m really excited to get tucked into this one that I picked up at @fictionandfrictionbookseller. Besides from being a local business to me, they specialise in independently published books, particularly in the Romance genre. Even if that isn‘t your thing, they have the cutest accessories, like my new adorable Lehabah pin!
Last minute joining the #whiskyandperseverance read along of War and Peace. Hopefully, I‘ll be caught up by the end of the week.
I‘ve always wanted to read this Russian classic, and a chapter a day is the perfect way. Plus I have a whiskey cast, so it‘s almost the law I join in!
#whiskeyandperseverance #whiskyandperseverance #Tolstoy #leotolstoy #russianliterature #russianliteratureclassic #warandpeace2023 #warandpeace
This was my second year of not setting a reading goal, and while I know I haven‘t hit the impressive numbers I see on here and BookTok, I‘m still pretty happy with the number I‘ve read.
I‘m a slow reader, with a lot going on and am currently in a massive slump. Hopefully, I‘ll be able to get out of my slump soon, but if I don‘t then that‘s ok too.
I hope that in the new year books bring you joy like they do me, whether you read 1 or 100!
Some shameless self promotion:
I‘m slowly shifting my writing into my blog - most of it is about books, reading and writing.
Please take the time to check it out as I slowly add pieces!
I‘m having so much trouble getting my images to show up, all I get is a black box!
So I stole this, as it has been my complete vibe this week.
Given my latest read, when I saw this in the rundown, usually filled with terrible books “little free library” near my work, I immediately picked it up.
Opened it up and ooooffff… the brutality! Poor Sophie! It was so heartfelt!
Maybe I‘m just too sentimental?
#margaretatwood #maddaddam #littlefreelibrary #bookstagram #books
Had to pause my own reading to read this for uni, and all I can say is get on it!
I‘ve never read Atwood before and found her writing clever and humorous. I‘ll be working through her back catalogue asap!
#margaretatwood #burningquestions #bookstagram #book #books #essaycollection #reading
So much for not adding to the TBR…
Also, any suggestions for good book blogs? I‘m thinking of starting one, but would like to research first.
Every now and then then you find a place that makes you fall in love with bookstores again… and leaves you broke! Completely worth the trip to visit, and I‘ll be back asap.
I can‘t wait to get stuck in!
#margaretatwood #donwatson #edithhamiltonmythology #jeanpaulsarte #bookstagram #books #bookstagrammer #bookstack #bookworm #bookaddict #booknerd #bookphotography
Thought it was time to check out what all the fuss is about…
#acourtofthornsandroses #acotar #sarahjmaas #theilluminatedtarot #bookstagram #books #taylorsofharrogate #propperstrong #yorkshiretea
Stacks on stacks!
Also I don‘t want to do my assignments at all today, I just want to finish my book club read: A Court of Thorns and Roses.
I first picked up Jane Eyre for a uni course, and I wish we had to read this book as part of it too.
It gave me so much to think about, and while it is a different style and tone to Brontë, I think it helps make the story and the characters of Rochester and “Bertha” that much more interesting.
Finished in a day too, so that‘s a bonus!
#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #penguin #widesargassosea #brontë #jeanrhys #janeeyre #readinaday
Nothing like a moody boy. Also my notes from my last attempt at reading this are hilarious.
Coincidentally, I‘m also starting to research an article on reading in times of crisis. Does it matter what we read? Should we be so hard on ourselves during these less than fun times? Does loving a trashy read every now and then take away from the act of reading? So many questions and thoughts about this!
#bookstagram #ilovebooks #bookstagrammer
Bill Bryson is a near perfect companion to a glass of wine by the campfire…
#billbryson #bookstagram #mtcrawford #rockypaddockcampground #carbook #escapefromreality
And now for something completely different…
While the cover is a bit much, and I‘m not all into the more necromancy elements, this book is actually really good.
Basically, a bunch of different writers have written reports, articles, and diaries collated after the zombie apocalypse, and it‘s come together really well. The writing is top notch. I should have read it much sooner.
#bookstagram #zombieapocalypse #tbr #stephenjones #guiltypleasure
The perfect start to a Sunday morning!
Really needing a break from American Psycho as I‘m finding it a bit full on. Who knew being in the mind of a psychopath would be so draining!
Also, please take the time to check out my Insta. I‘m much better at posting there! @ misslucyirene
#constantreader #hardcoreliterature #chekhov #bookstagram #hardwaresociete #chailife #journalling
The perfect combo (not pictured: amazing tunes, immediately spilt tea).
#bookstagram #constantreader #jonesbo
I am the queen of reading too many things at once… but I just need this long weekend comfort read!
Reading a bit of the master while I‘m in isolation…
I‘ve definitely had the same thought as Bill Denbrough during class…
Sometimes I write about books on Medium. Check out my writing and follow along! https://baos.pub/setting-yourself-a-reading-goal-can-be-the-worst-thing-you-do-b...
Since my book club no longer exists thanks to Covid, I'm forcing you all to book club with me. Taking on this chonker as part of my top 100 book challenge! #wishicouldreadallday
Follow along on insta @misslucyirene
What's that? World's most dangerous assassin at only 18? Sure buddy... and two men in love with you? I'm sure you aren't a stand in for the author at all 🙄
But I couldn't put the stupid thing down!
Also pictured, my tiniest and most danderous plant - Edna.
Surprisingly good for a story about a man with a golden dick. Geralt as a character developed surprisingly well through out the story, it's just a shame that the other characters felt a little lacking in comparison. I'm hoping that they are further developed in subsequent books.
Seriously, the apocalypse couldn‘t have happened to a nicer, more boring group of people. Little to no conflict, easy resolutions, barely any swearing, and no sexual tension. To top it off, it was unbearably long. I found myself thinking if this happened to me, I hope I die ASAP to never be stuck with these people.
Or maybe I am just a bad person....
I can live with that.
Feel free to add me on Goodreads! I want to see even more of what everyone is reading and what they think of it :)
Sometimes it's dangerous to visit a book sale! Where should I start?
Just some light weekend reading... who else is studying a literature based course?
Find me on insta at miss_lucy_irene :)
Who else has a TBR pile like this? #readinggoals #booknook
“This is not what happens to a man. Except now it is.”
This utterly brutal speculative tale begins with young girls developing “The Power” - the ability to deliver painful and deadly electrical shocks with a simple touch. Immediately, the balance of power shifts as men find themselves in the position of women. Alderman crafts her story with a raw truth and left me feeling uncomfortable and challenged. I was left enthralled to the very end.
Friday night sorted!! Much more taken in by this book than I thought I would be, worth a read and definitely thought provoking.