Beautiful but heart wrenching story.
Start my new reading. Lookin' forward to dig in.
Finnished my reading.
Love the history of the Tudor. A story full of intrigue and conspiracy. An excellent description of the glittering castle on the one side and the smell of death on the other. Such was life at the Tudor castle.
My new reding. Love it. Love historic novels, especially when it comes about Tudors.
I managed to read the book to the end. The book is full of action until the very end, but still I was not too impressed by the story itself.
Now it is time for book 3.
"Lanac je pričvršćen za moj ovratnik. Povodac. Ja sam pas."
"The chain is attached to my collar. Leash. I'm a dog."
Finished the book 2. It took me so long to read it. But I didn't give up.
Now it is time to dig in the book 3.
"Nitko se ne rađa zloban, baš kao što nitko ne rađa samoga sebe."
"No one is born evil, just as no one is born himself."
I am almost done with book 2, finally.
"Crvena krv se tako teško čisti."
"Red blood is so hard to clean."
I'm so slow in reading this book.
I think I have been reading it for months and no way to finish it. I'm so slow. But I do not give up.
"Svi smo mi samo zviždači na vjetru."
"We are all just whistlers in the wind."
Ako sam ja mač, tad sam mač od stakla - i bojim se da se već polako razbijam.
If I'm a sword, then I'm a sword of glass - and I'm afraid I'm slowly breaking.
"Pokušavala sam ne pamtiti lica umrlih.
Neke gubitke ne možeš zaboraviti."
"I tried not to remember the faces of the dead.
You can't forget some losses."
"Novac ljude čini očajnima. Trgovci ga žele dobiti, kupci zadržati - i sve ih zasljepljuje."
"Money makes people desperate. Retailers want to get it, customers want to keep it - and it blinds them all."
"Onda se nadam da si spremna učiniti ono što moraš. Jesam. Laganje mi ide sve bolje i bolje."
"Then I hope you are ready to do what you have to. Yes I am. Lying to me is getting better and better."
"Dokle god smo zajedno, više me nitko nikada neće zatvoriti."
"As long as we are together, no one will ever detain me again."
Now I'm on book two. I wonder what the story will be like next.
Finally read the first book. I liked that book, but I was expecting a bit more of the story. The story is a little loose, it simply requires more, more action. Not actions but more detailed stories. Even though I liked one phrase in it. It says: "Anyone can betray anyone".
"Uz djecu se osjećamo sami. Njih ne zanima od čega se sastoji naš svijet. Slute da je surov, mračan, ali ne žele znati ništa o tome."
"We are feeling alone with the kids. They don't care what our world is about. They suspect it's cruel, dark, but they don't want to know anything about it."
Finally in my hands.
"Bilo tko može izdati bilo koga."
"Anyone can betray anyone."
"Jednoga dana će shvatiti da sam mu neprijatelj, a ovo će biti tek sjećanje. Jednoga dana. To nije danas."
"One day he will realize that I am his enemy, and this will only be a memory. One day. This is not today."
"Bilo tko može izdati bilo koga."
"Anyone can betray anyone."
"Na cesti, pod okriljem tame, jednome sam strancu ispričala koliko sam zapravo grozna."
"On the road, under the cover of darkness, I told one stranger how awful I really was."
My new reading. I'm just curious how i'll like it.
"Skinula je ogrlicu s vrata i namjestila je oko Marcusova . >Dobro došao kući. Welcome home."
"Moja bi baka znala reći: >Slijepac nas ne zove luđacima zato što vidimo.The blind man doesn't call us crazy because we see.
"Želim napustiti obitelj a da oni ne znaju da sam ih napustio, rekao je."
"I want to leave the family without them knowing i left them, he said."
"Aelin Ashryver Galathynius finally returned home."
I just finished the book four and really love that series of books. Queen of shadows is her best book.
Ended with my course and doing all of those homeworks. Now I need to take the main exam and after those long two and a half months, will took my favourite readings back in hands. Can' t wait. Had enough of bookkeepeng.
Reading my son's book for his book report. Trying to keep in track with him, so I could help him to done his book report. Didn't have this book in my time for school.
"Nije ga ni pogledala tijekom plesa, ali on nije skidao oči s nje."
"She did not even look at him during the dance, but he did not remove his eyes from her."
"U bračnoj slikovnici bili su savršen par. To je bila priča namijenjena publici."
"They were the perfect couple in the 'marriage picture book'. It was a story intended for the audience."
Few pages of light reading, before go to sleep. Relaxing.
Start to read this book. Love Tudor history.
I could read this book unceasingly.
Something ruffled in me, ghosts of the past are awaken..
Excellent book.
"...I tried to be kind but distant."
"...Pokušala sam biti ljubazna, ali distancirana."
"Postala bih nervozna još dok je vlak ulazio na kolodvor."
"I'd be nervous as the train came to the station."
I remember the same feeling I had when I came home from university.
"Since childhood we have watched our fathers beat our mothers.
We grew up with the idea that the stranger should not touch us, but that our parent, boyfriend or husband can slap us whenever he wants, because of love, to raise us, to re-educate us."
What marriage makes to the young, immature women (wife) who are still nothing but girls?
Lila is so mean, still, but why?
What makes it so, why is she that like?
I read the book surprisingly fast. This book has drawn me into it's story.
I had a friend like Lila, but I quickly discovered who she really was and forever told her goodbye.
"Dobro, dođite svi: pit ćemo pjenušac, plesati, nova godina, novi život."
"All right, come everyone: we'll have a champagne, dance, a new year, a new life."
I started reading this stunning book. I like it very much. I can not drop it out of my hand. I have a feeling like I'm in the book, side by side, with Lila. I'm looking for her approval for everyone.
And she is such a mean girl.
I have to leave this book for a while. I can not read it anymore. It's too soft for me. I will continue on another occasion. I need a break. I need something more interesting.
So I start another, stunning book.
I'll return to this book on another occasion :)
"Znatiželja je ubila mačku. Znatiželja je ubila mačku. Prokleta znatiželja je ubila jebenu mačku."
"Curiosity killed a cat. Curiosity killed a cat. Damn curiosity killed a fucking cat."