I have a proof copy of this book.
Does anyone want it? Just having a little clear out! Wave if you're intrigued 😘
I have a proof copy of this book.
Does anyone want it? Just having a little clear out! Wave if you're intrigued 😘
I'm 35% through The Devil in the Marshalsea by Antonia Hodgson, narrated by Joseph Kloska on my Audible app.
I will get this read by the end of the week! Sorry it's late again @Libby1!
#whodunituk #whodunnituk
Getting rid of some old proofs!
If you want anything tell! (Also on Twitter so may be gone)
Just asking for postage so £3 for second class 👍
#booksforsale #booksfortrade #booksforpost
Getting rid of some old proofs!
If you want anything tell! (Also on Twitter so may be gone)
Just asking for postage so £3 for second class 👍
#booksforsale #booksfortrade #booksforpost
Getting rid of some old proofs!
If you want anything tell! (Also on Twitter so may be gone)
Just asking for postage so £3 for second class 👍
#booksforsale #booksfortrade #booksforpost
Getting rid of some old proofs!
If you want anything tell! (Also on Twitter so may be gone)
Just asking for postage so £3 for second class 👍
#booksforsale #booksfortrade #booksforpost
Getting rid of some old proofs!
If you want anything tell! (Also on Twitter so may be gone)
Just asking for postage so £3 for second class 👍
#booksforsale #booksfortrade #booksforpost
Getting rid of some old proofs!
If you want anything tell! (Also on Twitter so may be gone)
Just asking for postage so £3 for second class 👍
#booksforsale #booksfortrade #booksforpost
Getting rid of some old proofs!
If you want anything tell! (Also on Twitter so may be gone)
Just asking for postage so £3 for second class 👍
#booksforsale #booksfortrade #booksforpost
Currently at a V. E. Schwab event and I absolutely love hearing her talk, both about her old books and her new books.
I have yet to read this gorgeous book but I am so glad that I finally have it in my hands! This will definitely be a book that I dive into soon!
Have you read any of V. E. Schwab books?
I am having a bad time of it today. I'm going away abroad for the first time in YEARS on Thursday and I am struggling to cope with it all today.
One of the reasons it has been so long since my last trip is because my mental health got really bad and going abroad was just not something I could even let my brain consider.
Now I am three days away and absolutely terrified. Me anxiety is through the roof and I am highly considering not going. 😭
So I started this book today. I am 10% into it and already absolutely love it. It's full of such vivid imagery and I absolutely love Jared 😍
After finishing The Lies and Love of Rukhsana Ali in only two days (fastest I've read a book in AGES), I am re-starting this beauty. I absolutely loved the part of the book I have read so far and am looking forward to finishing it this time around!
What books have you had to restart as you took too long to read all the way through?
I have a copy in my hands!! I am so happy and so excited to read this one! I am meeting Angie Thomas on the 5th March and I cannot wait. Absolutely loved The Hate U Give so looking forward to hopefully being blown away by this book too! 🎉🎉😘😘
Hey all!
Sorry I've been a little MIA Litsy wise! Things took a bit of a turn for the worse last year with lots of different bits of bad news hitting me in close quarters. The final bit of bad news has meant a big lifestyle change and it has been really tough but I'm hoping to sort it out soon.
Turns out I am "pre-diabetic" which means my sugars are high but not quite high enough to be diabetic.
(More in comments)
Thank you @thegirlwiththebookishcandle for this #whodunituk parcel! I'm looking forward to diving in and seeing what I think of this book! :)
Thank you @RachelO for the next #MHRoundRobin book! I got this a while ago but been too busy to share! Very excited to start reading this one :)
Special parcel going out today to @Libby1! Hopefully it'll arrive by the end of the week! 🤞🤞
#whodunnituk #mhroundrobin
My new Bullet Journal for this year has a mini review feature so that I can draft my Litsy reviews! 😊
- Currently Reading Page
- New Books Page (to me)
- Book Releases Page
I'm excited to use it regularly! 😊😊 Do you #bujo?
An addictive, intense read that will have you on the edge of your seat. A very clever, incredible read that you simply won't want to put down! Full of twists that you won't see coming, strong and unique characters, and a plot that will hit you in the gut. This one is a must read, especially for thriller fans!! 👍
Hi @Libby1 @youneverarrived @jhod @TCLinrow @RachelO!
I've just sent you all an email but also just wanted to send along my apologies here too! I am very behind on this Round Robin due to life derailing quite a bit for me last year.
Finally feeling secure again though so I'll be caught up in no time, I promise xxx
P.s. I hope you are all well and had a lovely holiday season! :) xxx
I am posting this very late because there was a mix up at the post office and I almost didn't receive this!! I was a bit grumpy about it all to be honest!!
Thank you @thegirlwiththebookishcandle for the extra book (Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn) and the Haribo!!
Thank you Rachel for sending along this #MHRoundRobin parcel! You're bang on time - and I am behind!! Looking forward to reading this one though. :)
The next #whodunituk has arrived! Thank you so much Elle for the beautiful custom designed notebook too!! @thegirlwiththebookishcandle
Can't wait to dive into this one 👍 (I promise to send it before Sept ends @DeborahSmall)
No picture because I am a fool BUT @DeborahSmall your parcels (yes, there's two!) Are on their way. I am so so so so sorry for the delay and especially as it ruins it for everyone else too.
Yay! The next #whodunituk arrived! (So I am speed reading the last one so I can send on Monday!! Sorry again @DeborahSmall!)
Thank you so much @thegirlwiththebookishcandle for the chocolate surprises! 😍
Is anyone else having issues with tagging people in here? I just got a new phone and can never seem to get the drop down list despite knowing the handle for the person is correct.
If you do, do you know how to sort it?
Thank you so much @squirrelbrain for the surprise package. Sorry I've only just got to it. I've been in limbo between two houses!
Looking forward to reading this and it's so perfect as I am packing the last of my stuff for my move this week!
Just found out the #24in48 readathon starts tonight (or 5am GMT time) and I have decided to join in! I will use the time to at least finish this one and How Do You Like Me Now? And then we'll see! Who else is joining in?
Had a really lovely time at the event tonight! Both Shari Lapena and Linwood Barclay were wonderful to listen to. They made us laugh and reminicise too. It was just a fab event that I am very glad I went to.
Just waiting for Linwood Barclay and Shari Lapena to arrive to this event. I'm so excited to hear from both these excellent crime thriller authors. 🙌🙌
So as mentioned earlier, I went to Thorpe Park today and was hoping I would have a lovely day but sadly that wasn't the case. It came to my attention on the second ride of the day that I am now too fat for rollercoaster rides and this plagued me for the rest of the day.
I was absolutely horrified when I was told the security measure wouldn't click in after the guy had practically killed my stomach pushing as hard as he could. (Cont in comments).
So today I am at Thorpe Park and my friend agreed to let me read in the queues which was very kind of her! The book I chose is a light paperback and so far it is very good! Very interested in seeing where it ends up! :)
It is time to start this and I am so excited!! 😊
I was very excited to receive this parcel today! It is Anna James's debut book and it sounds and looks incredible. I can never get over getting books before release due to my blog! I will be diving into this book ASAP!
What book(s) are you most excited for at the moment?
#newbook #bookpost #upcomingreads
Many thanks to @RachelO for sending me this lovely parcel (except the chocolate, that was from @thegirlwiththebookishcandle but I got confused!). I am so ready to read this book for #MHRoundRobin!
I had not heard of it before so it'll be a really interesting read for me :)
Thank you @thegirlwiththebookishcandle for this lovely package! (Not pictured: The chocolate which I ate 😉)
I cannot wait to dive into this one. It looks very good! #whodunituk
I'm finally sending this on to you today @DeborahSmall !
I hope you enjoy it. I am so sorry to have cut your reading time short a bit. I hope you can forgive me. I promise to be super fast with the next one and actually hope to send it next week!
Life has not been good lately and I feel like I am behind on everything but I am glad to finally put this book in the post today - @Libby1 !
I started #MHRoundRobin because of my own MH but two weeks ago someone I knew committed suicide and it's really sunk in how important it is that people know MH is not a weakness. I want to raise as much awareness as I can and this is just one small step towards that.
Hope you enjoy the book Libby!
I am so behind on the #whodunituk read! I am so sorry! I am starting it now and will have it sent out by the end of this week!
Many apologises @DeborahSmall and @ScorpioBookDreams !
@thegirlwiththebookishcandle Yay! The book and notebook arrived safely Elle. I cannot wait to dive and I absolutely love the notebook! 🙌
Have had such a lovely day in York with fellow Littens today! 😁
@mitch @miralunasbooknook @squirrelbrain @Oryx
Thank you so much @TCLinrow for this lovely package! It is so cute and I cannot wait to use the things you sent - especially the toffees which look very yum! I have been blown away by your generosity xx thank you so so so much.
(P.s. I hope I tagged the right person! I'm doing it from memory as I'm away from home right now! I am so sorry if it's wrong!)
#FunintheSunBookExchange @BookaholicNatty
Thank you so much @TrishB for this wonderful package. I was honestly blown away. The genorosity of Littens is overwhelming! I absolutely love everything!!
I do already have If I Was Your Girl so I'm taking the book to the #YorkLitsyMeetUp today to see if I can find someone who hasn't read it and would love it! But honestly, thank you so so so much!!
😍😍 #FunintheSunSummerExchange @BookaholicNatty
Got some new Library books today!! I have heard such good things about both these series so cannot wait to dive in! 😊
Feeling like I'm having a really bad MH day today. I feel uncomfortable and nothing is going to plan and I just want to curl up and stay in bed forever.
Instead I am meeting a friend and then I have work and then I'm driving to my mums (2hour trip).
Can someone send virtual hugs to help me get through it. 😭