In hindsight, maybe the *months* of UNOPENED bookmail was a sign that I have not been well? Haha. Kind of excited to open them and remind myself of what I picked though 😬
PS: Olive says hi! She's my social butterfly and can't resist a photo op 😹
In hindsight, maybe the *months* of UNOPENED bookmail was a sign that I have not been well? Haha. Kind of excited to open them and remind myself of what I picked though 😬
PS: Olive says hi! She's my social butterfly and can't resist a photo op 😹
🧠 If I am overwhelmed, I need a space, a moment of silence, solitude to calm myself to control my breath rhythm and thoughts. A very important step. No talk. But also I like to exercise, walk and look the nurture, the beach, the trees. I like to listen music to calm my soul and of course, I loved to read.
🧠I practiced the steps mentioned above 🙌
Thanks for tagging me @Amiable & Ddzmini 🥰
Hello again Littens! Check out something else for #NewYear_NewYou day.
Here is an article for mental health quizzes. I know quizzes are usually supposed to be fun but this could really help shine a light on how you are feeling day to day. #SocialDistancingMay #SocialDistancingParty
We are going to be checking in with each other on a daily basis to make sure we're doing okay and have the support we all need from one another. ❤
Check in is at 3pm EST : 2pm CST : 1pm PST : 7pm UK
PLEASE SHARE and tag anyone who would like to join in! #DailyCheckIn Thanks to @Andrew65 and @SumisBooks for caring so much about our community! ❤💜
What do I do on my first day of summer break?? Go to a professional development of course! 🤓
Special parcel going out today to @Libby1! Hopefully it'll arrive by the end of the week! 🤞🤞
#whodunnituk #mhroundrobin
Hi @Libby1 @youneverarrived @jhod @TCLinrow @RachelO!
I've just sent you all an email but also just wanted to send along my apologies here too! I am very behind on this Round Robin due to life derailing quite a bit for me last year.
Finally feeling secure again though so I'll be caught up in no time, I promise xxx
P.s. I hope you are all well and had a lovely holiday season! :) xxx
I really struggled to make it through the night last night and I know I'm not the only one. I hope your today is better! 💖 Be gentle with yourself, you matter.
Happy #WorldMentalHealthDay !
How are you celebrating? 😃
These beauties make it possible for me to live. It took a loooooong time to find the right cocktail and I will be forever grateful to my psychiatrist. Also, with insurance and coupons, I still pay almost $200 a month for my meds, which is ridiculous. We need better healthcare. #worldmentalhealthday #nostigmanoshame #depression #anxiety #notbookrelated
It was VERY LATE but I have just sent out an email about this to those who signed up!
If you haven't but are intrigued, I'm giving the current sign ups until June to say if they still want to join so you're more than welcome to join us! Here's the form:
#LitsySwaps #MHRoundRobin #MentalHealth #MentalHealthBooks #LitsyHappenings #MentalHealthAwareness
May is Mental Health Awareness Month y'all! But seriously, this is something that affects one out of every five people in the world. I know for me, as a person diagnosed with BPD, Bipolar Disorder II and Panic Disorder, I struggle with my mental health every day. It's hard but I get through it. Reading is one of my crutches💚 I wanted to share this article with you guys:
✨May is Mental Health Awareness Month. 1 in 5.
✨A semicolon. A pause. An indication of connection between sentences. Often causing confusion yet important to empathize relationships. A pause to let the reader know there is more to the story.
✨The left is my tattoo, because I am one of the five people that are affected any given day. The beautiful woman on the right is my aunt, who decided to end her story May 21st, 2014.
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If you live in the UK, check out @daydreamin_star ‘s page to sign up for the new traveling book club.
The books we‘ll select will be fiction or non, with the theme of mental health.
I just signed up.
Join us!
Hi All!
I am going to attempt a new Litsy Round Robin! I love the idea of them but some of the conditions books have arrived in from a previous robin really put me off. So my idea is to use notebooks for notes and to only send good condition books!
Interested? Sign up now! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqNPMqAEw3yPIcAbvVpTLT8S3IOI2isPWn3t0h...
#MHRoundRobin #LitsySwaps
(Shares appreciated!)