Sharing some of my person favourite books that deal with mental health for #WorldMentalHealthDay
Sharing some of my person favourite books that deal with mental health for #WorldMentalHealthDay
Great quote for #WorldMentalHealthDay
“... tips for helping depressive people.
what to say:
I‘m sorry that you‘re in so much pain. I am not going to leave you. I am going to take care of myself, so you don‘t need to worry that your pain might hurt me.
What not to say:
have you tried chamomile tea?”
To everyone having this human experience ❤️
My read for #worldmentalhealthday
This book has helped me to get through so much!
Happy #WorldMentalHealthDay !
How are you celebrating? 😃
As someone living with an anxiety disorder, I think this is a message everyone needs to hear.
These beauties make it possible for me to live. It took a loooooong time to find the right cocktail and I will be forever grateful to my psychiatrist. Also, with insurance and coupons, I still pay almost $200 a month for my meds, which is ridiculous. We need better healthcare. #worldmentalhealthday #nostigmanoshame #depression #anxiety #notbookrelated
On #worldmentalhealthday I am wearing my green ribbon in support of every person who is surviving or has survived a mental health illness. Reading helps my mental health & is a great way to relax, unwind & put the day behind you. I recommend the tagged book as a tool for looking at what does & can make yoy Happy. What do you do to look after your mental health?
#InMyMatesCorner #MeTime #RelaxingRead #TalkItOut #HereForYou #nojudgement #BookNerd