Shirley Jackson's writing - just like her characters - is perfect and eerie and deranged and so so entertaining. I adore all her books, and this one is no exception.
Shirley Jackson's writing - just like her characters - is perfect and eerie and deranged and so so entertaining. I adore all her books, and this one is no exception.
I absolutely loved this book. It seamlessly blends history, horror, Inuit lore, the supernatural, and human conflict into a really compelling read. It's a long book to wade into but I got through it quickly since I couldn't put it down
When you're trying to read a scary story but then you feel something creeping up behind you... Happy Halloween, everyone! 🎃
A friend gifted this to me and it's full of recipes that sound so so delicious! Is it weird that I wish it had more pictures, though? 😂
Yesterday we made the gnocchi mac & cheese and loved it!
Hey. You like my Poetrait? 😂
I'm a lifelong horror movie fanatic, but I prefer to watch them with my entire Wolfpack so I can feel brave about it. Who else is way too excited for this scary season?!
Raided the used bookstore by my office. What's it called when you're basically like a vampire but instead of an insatiable appetite for blood, it's books? I think I'm whatever that thing is.
I love love love this author's style and the way he uses the smallest but most vivid details to bring his characters to life. This is a story about stories, about a kid coming of age, about complex family relationships, and about werewolves.
And in honor of that, here's a photo of one of my Mongrels, trying to look innocent after he scraped his head being wild. Looks like his horns are finally growing in.
13 fave scary stories, for anyone else who loves horror!
1. The Yellow Wallpaper, Perkins Gilman
2. The Shining, King
3. Ghost Story, Straub
4. House of Leaves, Danielewski
5. World War Z, Brooks
6. Sleepy Hollow, Irving
7. The Call of Cthulhu, Lovecraft
8. The Raven, Poe
9. Slade House, Mitchell
10. The Grownup, Flynn
11. Broken Monsters, Beukes
12. Bird Box, Malerman
13. A Head Full of Ghosts, Tremblay
I'm obsessed with Louise Erdrich's writing. She can weave a beautifully crafted tale like no other. This novel is much different than the ones she's written before, and not my favorite, but the characters and their relationships are just as striking and memorable. There were a few aspects that reminded me a bit too much of Handmaid's Tale, and the ending left me a little frustrated, but overall I thought it was worth reading.
Me: I'm gonna read for awhile
Dogs: k we're all gonna stand on you while you do that cuz that will be fun for us for some reason
I've been super picky and judgey about books lately, but I loved this one. Even though it broke my heart. The end is beautiful, and not what I expected at all. Now excuse me while I wake up my passed-out dog so he can comfort me 💔
Happy Derby Day!
No idea where to start with this mess. The narrator's "charming" underdog-esque insistence that he's dumb and not a good writer doesn't work because it's actually bad writing and he never becomes all that likeable. The pacing is a mess and while there's an attempt at some sort of sentimental grand finale it just doesn't pan out. What is this book even about? I thought of bailing many times and now I kind of wish I had.
Just relocated to a new city and finally got some of my books unpacked so it feels more like home 😊
I'm gonna need a LOT more shelves, though...
I wasn't going to read this until news broke that Trump's lawyer sent a cease & desist to the publisher, so then of course I pre-ordered 3 copies. Wolff's writing can be witty and engaging, and much of this book reads like delicious gossip, with some very interesting insights thrown in. Personally, I thought it was worth reading.
Decided to go purple. One of my colleagues said I look like a teacher from Harry Potter. Another said I either look like a super villain or a character from Hunger Games. I've never been so flattered 😂
The bad dog and the bad cat are suddenly allies. Please pray for me.
Novel was jealous that he didn't get a picture too, so
To my fellow northerners, stay warm out there!
Couldn't find the cat for almost 20 minutes...
My husband knows the way to my heart 😍 He gave me books for my birthday yesterday!
Fun fact: yesterday was also Kurt Vonnegut and Dostoyevsky's birthdays!
Staying at a hotel where F. Scott Fitzgerald used to hang out! It's apparently also super haunted 😱
#roadtrip #louisville #seelbachhotel
You guys. I'm so mean 😂
Ok Litsyans. Which one do I read next? Ichabod is here to model them for you
Hands down #alltimefavescare
It's one of the best books I've ever read. The writing is beautiful and brilliant, and the plot is chilling. I loved reading this one. This tranquil little scene from my neighborhood reminds me of their quiet, pleasant little town right before all hell breaks loose. #hallowreads
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
He's not distracting at all... 🙄
This is on my library shelf but I haven't been able to convince myself to read it yet. Considering the movie gave me nightmares as a kid, and the book is supposedly way scarier, I'm counting this as #tooterrifyingtofinish #hallowreads
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
So I failed to post a photo for #bloodbath but here's our costumes for tonight! #hallowreads
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
Went to the Denver Museum of Science & Nature a couple days ago and it totally reminded me of one of my favourite children's books!
Ok I'm really failing at the photo challenge. I've been traveling for work a ton this month so it's been difficult. Here's a picture of a cool spider from our garden a few weeks ago that has nothing to do with this book. The book, however, is absolutely mind-bending and bizarre.
#fantasyfriday #hallowreads
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
There are strange and horrifying creatures all around, but whoever looks at them meets a terrible end. This book gave me panic attacks, in the best way.
#creaturefeature #hallowreads
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
Next on my national tour of bookstores: if you're in Denver, go to the Tattered Cover. It's an old converted opera house packed full of books! This is where I found a signed copy of a book that's been on my list for a while!
The book scared the hell out of me and it's one of the best horror movies ever made. Love this one!
#scarybooktomovie #hallowreads
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
When you're reading and then look over to see this 😍
#dogsoflitsy #blackcatsoflitsy
The best part about this story, aside from the fact that it was written by a 19 year old woman, is that Frankenstein's monster wasn't half as scary as the cruelty in human nature. Makes you think. #classicscare #hallowreads
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
Camping and reading for what could be our last weekend of nice weather for the year. Novel is not impressed with the whole tent thing 😂
What's scarier than an angry headless man throwing pumpkins at people? And of course I had to include the story that Ichabod the cat got his name from 😺
#pumpkins #hallowreads #blackcatsoflitsy
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
My Halloween costume a few years ago! The colored contacts were really fun. #fangsoutfriday #hallowreads #costume
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
Because I love Jackson so very much, her last published book is my pick for #creepykids
Merricat is a seriously strange, creepy girl in this story about two sisters and their uncle living in total isolation from the village after their entire family is murdered. Something unsettling is happening and the tension mounts until everything is revealed at the end.
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
A childhood favourite!
#witchybrews #hallowreads
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads